Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


bwh pkir Bvjlu insqwirE ]2] (1185-1)
baah pakar bhavjal nistaari-o. ||2||
Taking me by the arm, He saves me and carries me across the terrifying world-ocean. ||2||

pRiB kwit mYlu inrml kry ] (1185-1)
parabh kaat mail nirmal karay.
God has rid me of my filth, and made me stainless and pure.

gur pUry kI srxI pry ]3] (1185-1)
gur pooray kee sarnee paray. ||3||
I have sought the Sanctuary of the Perfect Guru. ||3||

Awip krih Awip krxYhwry ] (1185-2)
aap karahi aap karnaihaaray.
He Himself does, and causes everything to be done.

kir ikrpw nwnk auDwry ]4]4]17] (1185-2)
kar kirpaa naanak uDhaaray. ||4||4||17||
By His Grace, O Nanak, He saves us. ||4||4||17||

bsMqu mhlw 5 (1185-3)
basant mehlaa 5
Basant, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1185-3)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

dyKu PUl PUl PUly ] (1185-4)
daykh fool fool foolay.
Behold the flowers flowering, and the blossoms blossoming forth!

AhM iqAwig iqAwgy ] (1185-4)
ahaN ti-aag ti-aagay.
Renounce and abandon your egotism.

crn kml pwgy ] (1185-4)
charan kamal paagay.
Grasp hold of His Lotus Feet.

qum imlhu pRB sBwgy ] (1185-4)
tum milhu parabh sabhaagay.
Meet with God, O blessed one.

hir cyiq mn myry ] rhwau ] (1185-4)
har chayt man mayray. rahaa-o.
O my mind, remain conscious of the Lord. ||Pause||

sGn bwsu kUly ] (1185-5)
saghan baas koolay.
The tender young plants smell so good,

ieik rhy sUik kTUly ] (1185-5)
ik rahay sook kathoolay.
while others remain like dry wood.

bsMq ruiq AweI ] (1185-5)
basant rut aa-ee.
The season of spring has come;

prPUlqw rhy ]1] (1185-5)
parfooltaa rahay. ||1||
it blossoms forth luxuriantly. ||1||

Ab klU AwieE ry ] (1185-6)
ab kaloo aa-i-o ray.
Now, the Dark Age of Kali Yuga has come.

ieku nwmu bovhu bovhu ] (1185-6)
ik naam bovhu bovhu.
Plant the Naam, the Name of the One Lord.

An rUiq nwhI nwhI ] (1185-6)
an root naahee naahee.
It is not the season to plant other seeds.

mqu Brim BUlhu BUlhu ] (1185-6)
mat bharam bhoolahu bhoolahu.
Do not wander lost in doubt and delusion.

gur imly hir pwey ] ijsu msqik hY lyKw ] (1185-7)
gur milay har paa-ay. jis mastak hai laykhaa.
One who has such destiny written on his forehead, shall meet with the Guru and find the Lord.

mn ruiq nwm ry ] (1185-7)
man rut naam ray.
O mortal, this is the season of the Naam.

gun khy nwnk hir hry hir hry ]2]18] (1185-7)
gun kahay naanak har haray har haray. ||2||18||
Nanak utters the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har. ||2||18||

bsMqu mhlw 5 Gru 2 ihMfol (1185-9)
basant mehlaa 5 ghar 2 hindol
Basant, Fifth Mehl, Second House, Hindol:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1185-9)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

hoie iekqR imlhu myry BweI duibDw dUir krhu ilv lwie ] (1185-10)
ho-ay ikatar milhu mayray bhaa-ee dubiDhaa door karahu liv laa-ay.
Come and join together, O my Siblings of Destiny; dispel your sense of duality and let yourselves be lovingly absorbed in the Lord.

hir nwmY ky hovhu joVI gurmuiK bYshu sPw ivCwie ]1] (1185-10)
har naamai kay hovhu jorhee gurmukh baishu safaa vichhaa-ay. ||1||
Let yourselves be joined to the Name of the Lord; become Gurmukh, spread out your mat, and sit down. ||1||

ien@ ibiD pwsw Fwlhu bIr ] (1185-11)
inH biDh paasaa dhaalahu beer.
In this way, throw the dice, O brothers.

gurmuiK nwmu jphu idnu rwqI AMq kwil nh lwgY pIr ]1] rhwau ] (1185-11)
gurmukh naam japahu din raatee ant kaal nah laagai peer. ||1|| rahaa-o.
As Gurmukh, chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, day and night. At the very last moment, you shall not have to suffer in pain. ||1||Pause||

krm Drm qum@ caupiV swjhu squ krhu qum@ swrI ] (1185-12)
karam Dharam tumH cha-uparh saajahu sat karahu tumH saaree.
Let righteous actions be your gameboard, and let the truth be your dice.

kwmu k®oDu loBu mohu jIqhu AYsI Kyl hir ipAwrI ]2] (1185-12)
kaam kroDh lobh moh jeetahu aisee khayl har pi-aaree. ||2||
Conquer sexual desire, anger, greed and worldly attachment; only such a game as this is dear to the Lord. ||2||

auiT iesnwnu krhu prBwqy soey hir AwrwDy ] (1185-13)
uth isnaan karahu parbhaatay so-ay har aaraaDhay.
Rise in the early hours of the morning, and take your cleansing bath. Before you go to bed at night, remember to worship the Lord.

ibKVy dwau lµGwvY myrw siqguru suK shj syqI Gir jwqy ]3] (1185-13)
bikh-rhay daa-o langhaavai mayraa satgur sukh sahj saytee ghar jaatay. ||3||
My True Guru will assist you, even on your most difficult moves; you shall reach your true home in celestial peace and poise. ||3||

hir Awpy KylY Awpy dyKY hir Awpy rcnu rcwieAw ] (1185-14)
har aapay khaylai aapay daykhai har aapay rachan rachaa-i-aa.
The Lord Himself plays, and He Himself watches; the Lord Himself created the creation.

jn nwnk gurmuiK jo nru KylY so ijix bwjI Gir AwieAw ]4]1]19] (1185-15)
jan naanak gurmukh jo nar khaylai so jin baajee ghar aa-i-aa. ||4||1||19||
O servant Nanak, that person who plays this game as Gurmukh, wins the game of life, and returns to his true home. ||4||1||19||

bsMqu mhlw 5 ihMfol ] (1185-16)
basant mehlaa 5 hindol.
Basant, Fifth Mehl, Hindol:

qyrI kudriq qUhY jwxih Aauru n dUjw jwxY ] (1185-16)
tayree kudrat toohai jaaneh a-or na doojaa jaanai.
You alone know Your Creative Power, O Lord; no one else knows it.

ijs no ik®pw krih myry ipAwry soeI quJY pCwxY ]1] (1185-16)
jis no kirpaa karahi mayray pi-aaray so-ee tujhai pachhaanai. ||1||
He alone realizes You, O my Beloved, unto whom You show Your Mercy. ||1||

qyirAw Bgqw kau bilhwrw ] (1185-17)
tayri-aa bhagtaa ka-o balihaaraa.
I am a sacrifice to Your devotees.

Qwnu suhwvw sdw pRB qyrw rMg qyry Awpwrw ]1] rhwau ] (1185-17)
thaan suhaavaa sadaa parabh tayraa rang tayray aapaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your place is eternally beautiful, God; Your wonders are infinite. ||1||Pause||

qyrI syvw quJ qy hovY Aauru n dUjw krqw ] (1185-18)
tayree sayvaa tujh tay hovai a-or na doojaa kartaa.
Only You Yourself can perform Your service. No one else can do it.

Bgqu qyrw soeI quDu BwvY ijs no qU rMgu Drqw ]2] (1185-18)
bhagat tayraa so-ee tuDh bhaavai jis no too rang Dhartaa. ||2||
He alone is Your devotee, who is pleasing to You. You bless them with Your Love. ||2||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD