Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


sy DnvMq ijn hir pRBu rwis ] (1184-1)
say Dhanvant jin har parabh raas.
They alone are rich, who have the Wealth of the Lord God.

kwm k®oD gur sbid nwis ] (1184-1)
kaam kroDh gur sabad naas.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, sexual desire and anger are eradicated.

BY ibnsy inrBY pdu pwieAw ] (1184-1)
bhai binsay nirbhai pad paa-i-aa.
Their fear is dispelled, and they attain the state of fearlessness.

gur imil nwnik Ksmu iDAwieAw ]2] (1184-2)
gur mil naanak khasam Dhi-aa-i-aa. ||2||
Meeting with the Guru, Nanak meditates on his Lord and Master. ||2||

swDsMgiq pRiB kIE invws ] (1184-2)
saaDhsangat parabh kee-o nivaas.
God dwells in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

hir jip jip hoeI pUrn Aws ] (1184-2)
har jap jap ho-ee pooran aas.
Chanting and meditating on the Lord, one's hopes are fulfilled.

jil Qil mhIAil riv rihAw ] (1184-3)
jal thal mahee-al rav rahi-aa.
God permeates and pervades the water, the land and the sky.

gur imil nwnik hir hir kihAw ]3] (1184-3)
gur mil naanak har har kahi-aa. ||3||
Meeting with the Guru, Nanak chants the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||

Ast isiD nv iniD eyh ] krim prwpiq ijsu nwmu dyh ] (1184-4)
asat siDh nav niDh ayh. karam paraapat jis naam dayh.
The eight miraculous spiritual powers and the nine treasures are contained in the Naam, the Name of the Lord. This is bestowed when God grants His Grace.

pRB jip jip jIvih qyry dws ] (1184-4)
parabh jap jap jeeveh tayray daas.
Your slaves, O God, live by chanting and meditating on Your Name.

gur imil nwnk kml pRgws ]4]13] (1184-5)
gur mil naanak kamal pargaas. ||4||13||
O Nanak, the heart-lotus of the Gurmukh blossoms forth. ||4||13||

bsMqu mhlw 5 Gru 1 iek quky (1184-6)
basant mehlaa 5 ghar 1 ik tukay
Basant, Fifth Mehl, First House, Ik-Tukay:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1184-6)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

sgl ieCw jip puMnIAw ] (1184-7)
sagal ichhaa jap punnee-aa.
Meditating on the Lord, all desires are fulfilled,

pRiB myly icrI ivCuMinAw ]1] (1184-7)
parabh maylay chiree vichhunni-aa. ||1||
and the mortal is re-united with God, after having been separated for so long. ||1||

qum rvhu goibMdY rvx jogu ] (1184-7)
tum ravhu gobindai ravan jog.
Meditate on the Lord of the Universe, who is worthy of meditation.

ijqu rivAY suK shj Bogu ]1] rhwau ] (1184-7)
jit ravi-ai sukh sahj bhog. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditating on Him, enjoy celestial peace and poise. ||1||Pause||

kir ikrpw ndir inhwilAw ] (1184-8)
kar kirpaa nadar nihaali-aa.
Bestowing His Mercy, He blesses us with His Glance of Grace.

Apxw dwsu Awip sm@wilAw ]2] (1184-8)
apnaa daas aap samHaali-aa. ||2||
God Himself takes care of His slave. ||2||

syj suhwvI ris bnI ] (1184-9)
sayj suhaavee ras banee.
My bed has been beautified by His Love.

Awie imly pRB suK DnI ]3] (1184-9)
aa-ay milay parabh sukh Dhanee. ||3||
God, the Giver of Peace, has come to meet me. ||3||

myrw guxu Avgxu n bIcwirAw ] (1184-9)
mayraa gun avgan na beechaari-aa.
He does not consider my merits and demerits.

pRB nwnk crx pUjwirAw ]4]1]14] (1184-10)
parabh naanak charan poojaaree-aa. ||4||1||14||
Nanak worships at the Feet of God. ||4||1||14||

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] (1184-10)
basant mehlaa 5.
Basant, Fifth Mehl:

iklibK ibnsy gwie gunw ] (1184-10)
kilbikh binsay gaa-ay gunaa.
The sins are erased, singing the Glories of God;

Anidn aupjI shj Dunw ]1] (1184-10)
an-din upjee sahj Dhunaa. ||1||
night and day, celestial joy wells up. ||1||

mnu mauilE hir crn sMig ] (1184-11)
man ma-uli-o har charan sang.
My mind has blossomed forth, by the touch of the Lord's Feet.

kir ikrpw swDU jn Byty inq rwqO hir nwm rMig ]1] rhwau ] (1184-11)
kar kirpaa saaDhoo jan bhaytay nit raatou har naam rang. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By His Grace, He has led me to meet the Holy men, the humble servants of the Lord. I remain continually imbued with the love of the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause||

kir ikrpw pRgty guopwl ] (1184-12)
kar kirpaa pargatay gopaal.
In His Mercy, the Lord of the World has revealed Himself to me.

liV lwie auDwry dIn dieAwl ]2] (1184-12)
larh laa-ay uDhaaray deen da-i-aal. ||2||
The Lord, Merciful to the meek, has attached me to the hem of His robe and saved me. ||2||

iehu mnu hoAw swD DUir ] (1184-12)
ih man ho-aa saaDh Dhoor.
This mind has become the dust of the Holy;

inq dyKY suAwmI hjUir ]3] (1184-13)
nit daykhai su-aamee hajoor. ||3||
I behold my Lord and Master, continually, ever-present. ||3||

kwm k®oD iqRsnw geI ] (1184-13)
kaam kroDh tarisnaa ga-ee.
Sexual desire, anger and desire have vanished.

nwnk pRB ikrpw BeI ]4]2]15] (1184-13)
naanak parabh kirpaa bha-ee. ||4||2||15||
O Nanak, God has become kind to me. ||4||2||15||

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] (1184-14)
basant mehlaa 5.
Basant, Fifth Mehl:

rog imtwey pRBU Awip ] (1184-14)
rog mitaa-ay parabhoo aap.
God Himself has cured the disease.

bwlk rwKy Apny kr Qwip ]1] (1184-14)
baalak raakhay apnay kar thaap. ||1||
He laid on His Hands, and protected His child. ||1||

sWiq shj igRih sd bsMqu ] (1184-15)
saaNt sahj garihi sad basant.
Celestial peace and tranquility fill my home forever, in this springtime of the soul.

gur pUry kI srxI Awey kilAwx rUp jip hir hir mMqu ]1] rhwau ] (1184-15)
gur pooray kee sarnee aa-ay kali-aan roop jap har har mant. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have sought the Sanctuary of the Perfect Guru; I chant the Mantra of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, the Embodiment of emancipation. ||1||Pause||

sog sMqwp kty pRiB Awip ] (1184-16)
sog santaap katay parabh aap.
God Himself has dispelled my sorrow and suffering.

gur Apuny kau inq inq jwip ]2] (1184-16)
gur apunay ka-o nit nit jaap. ||2||
I meditate continually, continuously, on my Guru. ||2||

jo jnu qyrw jpy nwau ] (1184-16)
jo jan tayraa japay naa-o.
That humble being who chants Your Name,

siB Pl pwey inhcl gux gwau ]3] (1184-17)
sabh fal paa-ay nihchal gun gaa-o. ||3||
obtains all fruits and rewards; singing the Glories of God, he becomes steady and stable. ||3||

nwnk Bgqw BlI rIiq ] (1184-17)
naanak bhagtaa bhalee reet.
O Nanak, the way of the devotees is good.

suKdwqw jpdy nIq nIiq ]4]3]16] (1184-17)
sukh-daata japday neet neet. ||4||3||16||
They meditate continually, continuously, on the Lord, the Giver of peace. ||4||3||16||

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] (1184-18)
basant mehlaa 5.
Basant, Fifth Mehl:

hukmu kir kIn@y inhwl ] (1184-18)
hukam kar keenHay nihaal.
By His Will, He makes us happy.

Apny syvk kau BieAw dieAwlu ]1] (1184-18)
apnay sayvak ka-o bha-i-aa da-i-aal. ||1||
He shows Mercy to His servant. ||1||

guir pUrY sBu pUrw kIAw ] (1184-19)
gur poorai sabh pooraa kee-aa.
The Perfect Guru makes everything perfect.

AMimRq nwmu ird mih dIAw ]1] rhwau ] (1184-19)
amrit naam rid meh dee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He implants the Amrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord, in the heart. ||1||Pause||

krmu Drmu myrw kCu n bIcwirE ] (1184-19)
karam Dharam mayraa kachh na beechaari-o.
He does not consider the karma of my actions, or my Dharma, my spiritual practice.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD