Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


smrQ suAwmI kwrx krx ] (1183-1)
samrath su-aamee kaaran karan.
Our All-powerful Lord and Master is the Doer of all, the Cause of all causes.

moih AnwQ pRB qyrI srx ] (1183-1)
mohi anaath parabh tayree saran.
I am an orphan - I seek Your Sanctuary, God.

jIA jMq qyry AwDwir ] (1183-1)
jee-a jant tayray aaDhaar.
All beings and creatures take Your Support.

kir ikrpw pRB lyih insqwir ]2] (1183-1)
kar kirpaa parabh layhi nistaar. ||2||
Be merciful, God, and save me. ||2||

Bv KMfn duK nws dyv ] (1183-2)
bhav khandan dukh naas dayv.
God is the Destroyer of fear, the Remover of pain and suffering.

suir nr muin jn qw kI syv ] (1183-2)
sur nar mun jan taa kee sayv.
The angelic beings and silent sages serve Him.

Drix Akwsu jw kI klw mwih ] (1183-2)
Dharan akaas jaa kee kalaa maahi.
The earth and the sky are in His Power.

qyrw dIAw siB jMq Kwih ]3] (1183-3)
tayraa dee-aa sabh jant khaahi. ||3||
All beings eat what You give them. ||3||

AMqrjwmI pRB dieAwl ] (1183-3)
antarjaamee parabh da-i-aal.
O Merciful God, O Searcher of hearts,

Apxy dws kau ndir inhwil ] (1183-3)
apnay daas ka-o nadar nihaal.
please bless Your slave with Your Glance of Grace.

kir ikrpw moih dyhu dwnu ] (1183-4)
kar kirpaa mohi dayh daan.
Please be kind and bless me with this gift,

jip jIvY nwnku qyro nwmu ]4]10] (1183-4)
jap jeevai naanak tayro naam. ||4||10||
that Nanak may live in Your Name. ||4||10||

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] (1183-4)
basant mehlaa 5.
Basant, Fifth Mehl:

rwm rMig sB gey pwp ] (1183-5)
raam rang sabh ga-ay paap.
Loving the Lord, one's sins are taken away.

rwm jpq kCu nhI sMqwp ] (1183-5)
raam japat kachh nahee santaap.
Meditating on the Lord, one does not suffer at all.

goibMd jpq siB imty AMDyr ] (1183-5)
gobind japat sabh mitay anDhayr.
Meditating on the Lord of the Universe, all darkness is dispelled.

hir ismrq kCu nwih Pyr ]1] (1183-5)
har simrat kachh naahi fayr. ||1||
Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, the cycle of reincarnation comes to an end. ||1||

bsMqu hmwrY rwm rMgu ] (1183-6)
basant hamaarai raam rang.
The love of the Lord is springtime for me.

sMq jnw isau sdw sMgu ]1] rhwau ] (1183-6)
sant janaa si-o sadaa sang. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am always with the humble Saints. ||1||Pause||

sMq jnI kIAw aupdysu ] (1183-7)
sant janee kee-aa updays.
The Saints have shared the Teachings with me.

jh goibMd Bgqu so DMin dysu ] (1183-7)
jah gobind bhagat so Dhan days.
Blessed is that country where the devotees of the Lord of the Universe dwell.

hir BgiqhIn auidAwn Qwnu ] (1183-7)
har bhagtiheen udi-aan thaan.
But that place where the Lord's devotees are not, is wilderness.

gur pRswid Git Git pCwnu ]2] (1183-8)
gur parsaad ghat ghat pachhaan. ||2||
By Guru's Grace, realize the Lord in each and every heart. ||2||

hir kIrqn rs Bog rMgu ] (1183-8)
har keertan ras bhog rang.
Sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, and enjoy the nectar of His Love.

mn pwp krq qU sdw sMgu ] (1183-8)
man paap karat too sadaa sang.
O mortal, you must always restrain yourself from committing sins.

inkit pyKu pRBu krxhwr ] (1183-9)
nikat paykh parabh karanhaar.
Behold the Creator Lord God near at hand.

eIq aUq pRB kwrj swr ]3] (1183-9)
eet oot parabh kaaraj saar. ||3||
Here and hereafter, God shall resolve your affairs. ||3||

crn kml isau lgo iDAwnu ] (1183-9)
charan kamal si-o lago Dhi-aan.
I focus my meditation on the Lord's Lotus Feet.

kir ikrpw pRiB kIno dwnu ] (1183-10)
kar kirpaa parabh keeno daan.
Granting His Grace, God has blessed me with this Gift.

qyirAw sMq jnw kI bwCau DUir ] (1183-10)
tayri-aa sant janaa kee baachha-o Dhoor.
I yearn for the dust of the feet of Your Saints.

jip nwnk suAwmI sd hjUir ]4]11] (1183-10)
jap naanak su-aamee sad hajoor. ||4||11||
Nanak meditates on his Lord and Master, who is ever-present, near at hand. ||4||11||

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] (1183-11)
basant mehlaa 5.
Basant, Fifth Mehl:

scu prmysru inq nvw ] (1183-11)
sach parmaysar nit navaa.
The True Transcendent Lord is always new, forever fresh.

gur ikrpw qy inq cvw ] (1183-11)
gur kirpaa tay nit chavaa.
By Guru's Grace, I continually chant His Name.

pRB rKvwly mweI bwp ] (1183-11)
parabh rakhvaalay maa-ee baap.
God is my Protector, my Mother and Father.

jw kY ismrix nhI sMqwp ]1] (1183-12)
jaa kai simran nahee santaap. ||1||
Meditating in remembrance on Him, I do not suffer in sorrow. ||1||

Ksmu iDAweI iek min iek Bwie ] (1183-12)
khasam Dhi-aa-ee ik man ik bhaa-ay.
I meditate on my Lord and Master, single-mindedly, with love.

gur pUry kI sdw srxweI swcY swihib riKAw kMiT lwie ]1] rhwau ] (1183-12)
gur pooray kee sadaa sarnaa-ee saachai saahib rakhi-aa kanth laa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I seek the Sanctuary of the Perfect Guru forever. My True Lord and Master hugs me close in His Embrace. ||1||Pause||

Apxy jn pRiB Awip rKy ] (1183-13)
apnay jan parabh aap rakhay.
God Himself protects His humble servants.

dust dUq siB BRim Qky ] (1183-13)
dusat doot sabh bharam thakay.
The demons and wicked enemies have grown weary of struggling against Him.

ibnu gur swcy nhI jwie ] (1183-14)
bin gur saachay nahee jaa-ay.
Without the True Guru, there is no place to go.

duKu dys idsMqir rhy Dwie ]2] (1183-14)
dukh days disantar rahay Dhaa-ay. ||2||
Wandering through the lands and foreign countries, people only grow tired and suffer in pain. ||2||

ikrqu En@w kw imtis nwih ] (1183-14)
kirat onHaa kaa mitas naahi.
The record of their past actions cannot be erased.

Eie Apxw bIijAw Awip Kwih ] (1183-15)
o-ay apnaa beeji-aa aap khaahi.
They harvest and eat what they have planted.

jn kw rKvwlw Awip soie ] (1183-15)
jan kaa rakhvaalaa aap so-ay.
The Lord Himself is the Protector of His humble servants.

jn kau phuic n skis koie ]3] (1183-15)
jan ka-o pahuch na sakas ko-ay. ||3||
No one can rival the humble servant of the Lord. ||3||

pRiB dws rKy kir jqnu Awip ] (1183-16)
parabh daas rakhay kar jatan aap.
By His own efforts, God protects His slave.

AKMf pUrn jw ko pRqwpu ] (1183-16)
akhand pooran jaa ko partaap.
God's Glory is perfect and unbroken.

gux goibMd inq rsn gwie ] (1183-16)
gun gobind nit rasan gaa-ay.
So sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe with your tongue forever.

nwnku jIvY hir crx iDAwie ]4]12] (1183-17)
naanak jeevai har charan Dhi-aa-ay. ||4||12||
Nanak lives by meditating on the Feet of the Lord. ||4||12||

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] (1183-17)
basant mehlaa 5.
Basant, Fifth Mehl:

gur crx sryvq duKu gieAw ] (1183-17)
gur charan sarayvat dukh ga-i-aa.
Dwelling at the Guru's Feet, pain and suffering go away.

pwrbRhim pRiB krI mieAw ] (1183-18)
paarbarahm parabh karee ma-i-aa.
The Supreme Lord God has shown mercy to me.

srb mnorQ pUrn kwm ] (1183-18)
sarab manorath pooran kaam.
All my desires and tasks are fulfilled.

jip jIvY nwnku rwm nwm ]1] (1183-18)
jap jeevai naanak raam naam. ||1||
Chanting the Lord's Name, Nanak lives. ||1||

sw ruiq suhwvI ijqu hir iciq AwvY ] (1183-19)
saa rut suhaavee jit har chit aavai.
How beautiful is that season, when the Lord fills the mind.

ibnu siqgur dIsY ibllWqI swkqu iPir iPir AwvY jwvY ]1] rhwau ] (1183-19)
bin satgur deesai billaaNtee saakat fir fir aavai jaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the True Guru, the world weeps. The faithless cynic comes and goes in reincarnation, over and over again. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD