Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


qU kir giq myrI pRB dieAwr ]1] rhwau ] (1182-1)
too kar gat mayree parabh da-i-aar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Save me, O my Merciful Lord God. ||1||Pause||

jwp n qwp n krm kIiq ] (1182-1)
jaap na taap na karam keet.
I have not practiced meditation, austerities or good actions.

AwvY nwhI kCU rIiq ] (1182-2)
aavai naahee kachhoo reet.
I do not know the way to meet You.

mn mih rwKau Aws eyk ] (1182-2)
man meh raakha-o aas ayk.
Within my mind, I have placed my hopes in the One Lord alone.

nwm qyry kI qrau tyk ]2] (1182-2)
naam tayray kee tara-o tayk. ||2||
The Support of Your Name shall carry me across. ||2||

srb klw pRB qum@ pRbIn ] (1182-2)
sarab kalaa parabh tumH parbeen.
You are the Expert, O God, in all powers.

AMqu n pwvih jlih mIn ] (1182-3)
ant na paavahi jaleh meen.
The fish cannot find the limits of the water.

Agm Agm aUch qy aUc ] (1182-3)
agam agam oochah tay ooch.
You are Inaccessible and Unfathomable, the Highest of the High.

hm Qory qum bhuq mUc ]3] (1182-3)
ham thoray tum bahut mooch. ||3||
I am small, and You are so very Great. ||3||

ijn qU iDAwieAw sy gnI ] (1182-4)
jin too Dhi-aa-i-aa say ganee.
Those who meditate on You are wealthy.

ijn qU pwieAw sy DnI ] (1182-4)
jin too paa-i-aa say Dhanee.
Those who attain You are rich.

ijin qU syivAw suKI sy ] (1182-4)
jin too sayvi-aa sukhee say.
Those who serve You are peaceful.

sMq srix nwnk pry ]4]7] (1182-4)
sant saran naanak paray. ||4||7||
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Saints. ||4||7||

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] (1182-5)
basant mehlaa 5.
Basant, Fifth Mehl:

iqsu qU syiv ijin qU kIAw ] (1182-5)
tis too sayv jin too kee-aa.
Serve the One who created You.

iqsu ArwiD ijin jIau dIAw ] (1182-5)
tis araaDh jin jee-o dee-aa.
Worship the One who gave you life.

iqs kw cwkru hoih iPir fwnu n lwgY ] (1182-6)
tis kaa chaakar hohi fir daan na laagai.
Become His servant, and you shall never again be punished.

iqs kI kir poqdwrI iPir dUKu n lwgY ]1] (1182-6)
tis kee kar potdaaree fir dookh na laagai. ||1||
Become His trustee, and you shall never again suffer sorrow. ||1||

eyvf Bwg hoih ijsu pRwxI ] (1182-6)
ayvad bhaag hohi jis paraanee.
That mortal who is blessed with such great good fortune,

so pwey iehu pdu inrbwxI ]1] rhwau ] (1182-7)
so paa-ay ih pad nirbaanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
attains this state of Nirvaanaa. ||1||Pause||

dUjI syvw jIvnu ibrQw ] (1182-7)
doojee sayvaa jeevan birthaa.
Life is wasted uselessly in the service of duality.

kCU n hoeI hY pUrn ArQw ] (1182-7)
kachhoo na ho-ee hai pooran arthaa.
No efforts shall be rewarded, and no works brought to fruition.

mwxs syvw KrI duhylI ] (1182-8)
maanas sayvaa kharee duhaylee.
It is so painful to serve only mortal beings.

swD kI syvw sdw suhylI ]2] (1182-8)
saaDh kee sayvaa sadaa suhaylee. ||2||
Service to the Holy brings lasting peace and bliss. ||2||

jy loVih sdw suKu BweI ] (1182-8)
jay lorheh sadaa sukh bhaa-ee.
If you long for eternal peace, O Siblings of Destiny,

swDU sMgiq gurih bqweI ] (1182-9)
saaDhoo sangat gureh bataa-ee.
then join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; this is the Guru's advice.

aUhw jpIAY kyvl nwm ] (1182-9)
oohaa japee-ai kayval naam.
There, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is meditated on.

swDU sMgiq pwrgrwm ]3] (1182-9)
saaDhoo sangat paargraam. ||3||
In the Saadh Sangat, you shall be emancipated. ||3||

sgl qq mih qqu igAwnu ] (1182-9)
sagal tat meh tat gi-aan.
Among all essences, this is the essence of spiritual wisdom.

srb iDAwn mih eyku iDAwnu ] (1182-10)
sarab Dhi-aan meh ayk Dhi-aan.
Among all meditations, meditation on the One Lord is the most sublime.

hir kIrqn mih aUqm Dunw ] (1182-10)
har keertan meh ootam Dhunaa.
The Kirtan of the Lord's Praises is the ultimate melody.

nwnk gur imil gwie gunw ]4]8] (1182-10)
naanak gur mil gaa-ay gunaa. ||4||8||
Meeting with the Guru, Nanak sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4||8||

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] (1182-11)
basant mehlaa 5.
Basant, Fifth Mehl:

ijsu bolq muKu pivqu hoie ] (1182-11)
jis bolat mukh pavit ho-ay.
Chanting His Name, one's mouth becomes pure.

ijsu ismrq inrml hY soie ] (1182-11)
jis simrat nirmal hai so-ay.
Meditating in remembrance on Him, one's reputation becomes stainless.

ijsu ArwDy jmu ikCu n khY ] (1182-12)
jis araaDhay jam kichh na kahai.
Worshipping Him in adoration, one is not tortured by the Messenger of Death.

ijs kI syvw sBu ikCu lhY ]1] (1182-12)
jis kee sayvaa sabh kichh lahai. ||1||
Serving Him, everything is obtained. ||1||

rwm rwm boil rwm rwm ] (1182-12)
raam raam bol raam raam.
The Lord's Name - chant the Lord's Name.

iqAwghu mn ky sgl kwm ]1] rhwau ] (1182-13)
ti-aagahu man kay sagal kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Abandon all the desires of your mind. ||1||Pause||

ijs ky Dwry Drix Akwsu ] (1182-13)
jis kay Dhaaray Dharan akaas.
He is the Support of the earth and the sky.

Git Git ijs kw hY pRgwsu ] (1182-13)
ghat ghat jis kaa hai pargaas.
His Light illuminates each and every heart.

ijsu ismrq piqq punIq hoie ] (1182-14)
jis simrat patit puneet ho-ay.
Meditating in remembrance on Him, even fallen sinners are sanctified;

AMq kwil iPir iPir n roie ]2] (1182-14)
ant kaal fir fir na ro-ay. ||2||
in the end, they will not weep and wail over and over again. ||2||

sgl Drm mih aUqm Drm ] (1182-14)
sagal Dharam meh ootam Dharam.
Among all religions, this is the ultimate religion.

krm krqUiq kY aUpir krm ] (1182-15)
karam kartoot kai oopar karam.
Among all rituals and codes of conduct, this is above all.

ijs kau cwhih suir nr dyv ] (1182-15)
jis ka-o chaaheh sur nar dayv.
The angels, mortals and divine beings long for Him.

sMq sBw kI lghu syv ]3] (1182-15)
sant sabhaa kee lagahu sayv. ||3||
To find Him, commit yourself to the service of the Society of the Saints. ||3||

Awid puriK ijsu kIAw dwnu ] (1182-16)
aad purakh jis kee-aa daan.
One whom the Primal Lord God blesses with His bounties,

iqs kau imilAw hir inDwnu ] (1182-16)
tis ka-o mili-aa har niDhaan.
obtains the treasure of the Lord.

iqs kI giq imiq khI n jwie ] (1182-16)
tis kee gat mit kahee na jaa-ay.
His state and extent cannot be described.

nwnk jn hir hir iDAwie ]4]9] (1182-17)
naanak jan har har Dhi-aa-ay. ||4||9||
Servant Nanak meditates on the Lord, Har, Har. ||4||9||

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] (1182-17)
basant mehlaa 5.
Basant, Fifth Mehl:

mn qn BIqir lwgI ipAws ] (1182-17)
man tan bheetar laagee pi-aas.
My mind and body are gripped by thirst and desire.

guir dieAwil pUrI myrI Aws ] (1182-18)
gur da-i-aal pooree mayree aas.
The Merciful Guru has fulfilled my hopes.

iklivK kwty swDsMig ] (1182-18)
kilvikh kaatay saaDhsang.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, all my sins have been taken away.

nwmu jipE hir nwm rMig ]1] (1182-18)
naam japi-o har naam rang. ||1||
I chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord; I am in love with the Name of the Lord. ||1||

gur prswid bsMqu bnw ] (1182-19)
gur parsaad basant banaa.
By Guru's Grace, this spring of the soul has come.

crn kml ihrdY auir Dwry sdw sdw hir jsu sunw ]1] rhwau ] (1182-19)
charan kamal hirdai ur Dhaaray sadaa sadaa har jas sunaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I enshrine the Lord's Lotus Feet within my heart; I listen to the Lord's Praise, forever and ever. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD