Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


bsMqu mhlw 5 ] (1181-1)
basant mehlaa 5.
Basant, Fifth Mehl:

jIA pRwx qum@ ipMf dIn@ ] (1181-1)
jee-a paraan tumH pind deenH.
You gave us our soul, breath of life and body.

mugD suMdr Dwir joiq kIn@ ] (1181-1)
mugaDh sundar Dhaar jot keenH.
I am a fool, but You have made me beautiful, enshrining Your Light within me.

siB jwick pRB qum@ dieAwl ] (1181-1)
sabh jaachik parabh tumH da-i-aal.
We are all beggars, O God; You are merciful to us.

nwmu jpq hovq inhwl ]1] (1181-2)
naam japat hovat nihaal. ||1||
Chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, we are uplifted and exalted. ||1||

myry pRIqm kwrx krx jog ] (1181-2)
mayray pareetam kaaran karan jog.
O my Beloved, only You have the potency to act,

hau pwvau qum qy sgl Qok ]1] rhwau ] (1181-2)
ha-o paava-o tum tay sagal thok. ||1|| rahaa-o.
and cause all to be done. ||1||Pause||

nwmu jpq hovq auDwr ] (1181-3)
naam japat hovat uDhaar.
Chanting the Naam, the mortal is saved.

nwmu jpq suK shj swr ] (1181-3)
naam japat sukh sahj saar.
Chanting the Naam, sublime peace and poise are found.

nwmu jpq piq soBw hoie ] (1181-3)
naam japat pat sobhaa ho-ay.
Chanting the Naam, honor and glory are received.

nwmu jpq ibGnu nwhI koie ]2] (1181-4)
naam japat bighan naahee ko-ay. ||2||
Chanting the Naam, no obstacles shall block your way. ||2||

jw kwrix ieh dulB dyh ] (1181-4)
jaa kaaran ih dulabh dayh.
For this reason, you have been blessed with this body, so difficult to obtain.

so bolu myry pRBU dyih ] (1181-4)
so bol mayray parabhoo deh.
O my Dear God, please bless me to speak the Naam.

swDsMgiq mih iehu ibsRwmu ] (1181-5)
saaDhsangat meh ih bisraam.
This tranquil peace is found in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

sdw irdY jpI pRB qyro nwmu ]3] (1181-5)
sadaa ridai japee parabh tayro naam. ||3||
May I always chant and meditate within my heart on Your Name, O God. ||3||

quJ ibnu dUjw koie nwih ] (1181-5)
tujh bin doojaa ko-ay naahi.
Other than You, there is no one at all.

sBu qyro Kylu quJ mih smwih ] (1181-6)
sabh tayro khayl tujh meh samaahi.
Everything is Your play; it all merges again into You.

ijau BwvY iqau rwiK ly ] (1181-6)
ji-o bhaavai ti-o raakh lay.
As it pleases Your Will, save me, Lord.

suKu nwnk pUrw guru imly ]4]4] (1181-6)
sukh naanak pooraa gur milay. ||4||4||
O Nanak, peace is obtained by meeting with the Perfect Guru. ||4||4||

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] (1181-7)
basant mehlaa 5.
Basant, Fifth Mehl:

pRB pRIqm myrY sMig rwie ] (1181-7)
parabh pareetam mayrai sang raa-ay.
My Beloved God, my King is with me.

ijsih dyiK hau jIvw mwie ] (1181-7)
jisahi daykh ha-o jeevaa maa-ay.
Gazing upon Him, I live, O my mother.

jw kY ismrin duKu n hoie ] (1181-7)
jaa kai simran dukh na ho-ay.
Remembering Him in meditation, there is no pain or suffering.

kir dieAw imlwvhu iqsih moih ]1] (1181-8)
kar da-i-aa milaavhu tiseh mohi. ||1||
Please, take pity on me, and lead me on to meet Him. ||1||

myry pRIqm pRwn ADwr mn ] (1181-8)
mayray pareetam paraan aDhaar man.
My Beloved is the Support of my breath of life and mind.

jIau pRwn sBu qyro Dn ]1] rhwau ] (1181-8)
jee-o paraan sabh tayro Dhan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This soul, breath of life, and wealth are all Yours, O Lord. ||1||Pause||

jw kau Kojih suir nr dyv ] (1181-9)
jaa ka-o khojeh sur nar dayv.
He is sought by the angels, mortals and divine beings.

muin jn syK n lhih Byv ] (1181-9)
mun jan saykh na laheh bhayv.
The silent sages, the humble, and the religious teachers do not understand His mystery.

jw kI giq imiq khI n jwie ] (1181-9)
jaa kee gat mit kahee na jaa-ay.
His state and extent cannot be described.

Git Git Git Git rihAw smwie ]2] (1181-10)
ghat ghat ghat ghat rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||2||
In each and every home of each and every heart, He is permeating and pervading. ||2||

jw ky Bgq Awnµd mY ] (1181-10)
jaa kay bhagat aanand mai.
His devotees are totally in bliss.

jw ky Bgq kau nwhI KY ] (1181-10)
jaa kay bhagat ka-o naahee khai.
His devotees cannot be destroyed.

jw ky Bgq kau nwhI BY ] (1181-11)
jaa kay bhagat ka-o naahee bhai.
His devotees are not afraid.

jw ky Bgq kau sdw jY ]3] (1181-11)
jaa kay bhagat ka-o sadaa jai. ||3||
His devotees are victorious forever. ||3||

kaun aupmw qyrI khI jwie ] (1181-11)
ka-un upmaa tayree kahee jaa-ay.
What Praises of Yours can I utter?

suKdwqw pRBu rihE smwie ] (1181-11)
sukh-daata parabh rahi-o samaa-ay.
God, the Giver of peace, is all-pervading, permeating everywhere.

nwnku jwcY eyku dwnu ] (1181-12)
naanak jaachai ayk daan.
Nanak begs for this one gift.

kir ikrpw moih dyhu nwmu ]4]5] (1181-12)
kar kirpaa mohi dayh naam. ||4||5||
Be merciful, and bless me with Your Name. ||4||5||

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] (1181-12)
basant mehlaa 5.
Basant, Fifth Mehl:

imil pwxI ijau hry bUt ] (1181-13)
mil paanee ji-o haray boot.
As the plant turns green upon receiving water,

swDsMgiq iqau haumY CUt ] (1181-13)
saaDhsangat ti-o ha-umai chhoot.
just so, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, egotism is eradicated.

jYsI dwsy DIr mIr ] (1181-13)
jaisee daasay Dheer meer.
Just as the servant is encouraged by his ruler,

qYsy auDwrn gurh pIr ]1] (1181-13)
taisay uDhaaran gurah peer. ||1||
we are saved by the Guru. ||1||

qum dwqy pRB dynhwr ] (1181-14)
tum daatay parabh daynhaar.
You are the Great Giver, O Generous Lord God.

inmK inmK iqsu nmskwr ]1] rhwau ] (1181-14)
nimakh nimakh tis namaskaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Each and every instant, I humbly bow to You. ||1||Pause||

ijsih prwpiq swDsMgu ] (1181-14)
jisahi paraapat saaDhsang.
Whoever enters the Saadh Sangat

iqsu jn lwgw pwrbRhm rMgu ] (1181-15)
tis jan laagaa paarbarahm rang.
- that humble being is imbued with the Love of the Supreme Lord God.

qy bMDn qy Bey mukiq ] (1181-15)
tay banDhan tay bha-ay mukat.
He is liberated from bondage.

Bgq ArwDih jog jugiq ]2] (1181-15)
bhagat araaDheh jog jugat. ||2||
His devotees worship Him in adoration; they are united in His Union. ||2||

nyqR sMqoKy drsu pyiK ] (1181-16)
naytar santokhay daras paykh.
My eyes are content, gazing upon the Blessed Vision of His Darshan.

rsnw gwey gux Anyk ] (1181-16)
rasnaa gaa-ay gun anayk.
My tongue sings the Infinite Praises of God.

iqRsnw bUJI gur pRswid ] (1181-16)
tarisnaa boojhee gur parsaad.
My thirst is quenched, by Guru's Grace.

mnu AwGwnw hir rsih suAwid ]3] (1181-16)
man aaghaanaa har raseh su-aad. ||3||
My mind is satisfied, with the sublime taste of the Lord's subtle essence. ||3||

syvku lwgo crx syv ] (1181-17)
sayvak laago charan sayv.
Your servant is committed to the service of Your Feet,

Awid purK AprMpr dyv ] (1181-17)
aad purakh aprampar dayv.
O Primal Infinite Divine Being.

sgl auDwrx qyro nwmu ] (1181-17)
sagal uDhaaran tayro naam.
Your Name is the Saving Grace of all.

nwnk pwieE iehu inDwnu ]4]6] (1181-18)
naanak paa-i-o ih niDhaan. ||4||6||
Nanak has received this teasure. ||4||6||

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] (1181-18)
basant mehlaa 5.
Basant, Fifth Mehl:

qum bf dwqy dy rhy ] (1181-18)
tum bad daatay day rahay.
You are the Great Giver; You continue to give.

jIA pRwx mih riv rhy ] (1181-19)
jee-a paraan meh rav rahay.
You permeate and pervade my soul, and my breath of life.

dIny sgly Bojn Kwn ] (1181-19)
deenay saglay bhojan khaan.
You have given me all sorts of foods and dishes.

moih inrgun ieku gunu n jwn ]1] (1181-19)
mohi nirgun ik gun na jaan. ||1||
I am unworthy; I know none of Your Virtues at all. ||1||

hau kCU n jwnau qyrI swr ] (1181-19)
ha-o kachhoo na jaan-o tayree saar.
I do not understand anything of Your Worth.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD