Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


bsMqu mhlw 5 Gru 1 duquky (1180-1)
basant mehlaa 5 ghar 1 dutukay
Basant, Fifth Mehl, First House, Du-Tukay:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1180-1)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

guru syvau kir nmskwr ] (1180-2)
gur sayva-o kar namaskaar.
I serve the Guru, and humbly bow to Him.

Awju hmwrY mMglcwr ] (1180-2)
aaj hamaarai mangalchaar.
Today is a day of celebration for me.

Awju hmwrY mhw Anµd ] (1180-2)
aaj hamaarai mahaa anand.
Today I am in supreme bliss.

icMq lQI Byty goibMd ]1] (1180-2)
chint lathee bhaytay gobind. ||1||
My anxiety is dispelled, and I have met the Lord of the Universe. ||1||

Awju hmwrY igRih bsMq ] (1180-3)
aaj hamaarai garihi basant.
Today, it is springtime in my household.

gun gwey pRB qum@ byAMq ]1] rhwau ] (1180-3)
gun gaa-ay parabh tumH bay-ant. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I sing Your Glorious Praises, O Infinite Lord God. ||1||Pause||

Awju hmwrY bny Pwg ] (1180-3)
aaj hamaarai banay faag.
Today, I am celebrating the festival of Phalgun.

pRB sMgI imil Kyln lwg ] (1180-4)
parabh sangee mil khaylan laag.
Joining with God's companions, I have begun to play.

holI kInI sMq syv ] (1180-4)
holee keenee sant sayv.
I celebrate the festival of Holi by serving the Saints.

rMgu lwgw Aiq lwl dyv ]2] (1180-4)
rang laagaa at laal dayv. ||2||
I am imbued with the deep crimson color of the Lord's Divine Love. ||2||

mnu qnu mauilE Aiq AnUp ] (1180-4)
man tan ma-uli-o at anoop.
My mind and body have blossomed forth, in utter, incomparable beauty.

sUkY nwhI Cwv DUp ] (1180-5)
sookai naahee chhaav Dhoop.
They do not dry out in either sunshine or shade;

sglI rUqI hirAw hoie ] (1180-5)
saglee rootee hari-aa ho-ay.
they flourish in all seasons.

sd bsMq gur imly dyv ]3] (1180-5)
sad basant gur milay dayv. ||3||
It is always springtime, when I meet with the Divine Guru. ||3||

ibrKu jimE hY pwrjwq ] (1180-6)
birakh jami-o hai paarjaat.
The wish-fulfilling Elysian Tree has sprouted and grown.

PUl lgy Pl rqn BWiq ] (1180-6)
fool lagay fal ratan bhaaNt.
It bears flowers and fruits, jewels of all sorts.

iqRpiq AGwny hir guxh gwie ] (1180-6)
taripat aghaanay har gunah gaa-ay.
I am satisfied and fulfilled, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

jn nwnk hir hir hir iDAwie ]4]1] (1180-6)
jan naanak har har har Dhi-aa-ay. ||4||1||
Servant Nanak meditates on the Lord, Har, Har, Har. ||4||1||

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] (1180-7)
basant mehlaa 5.
Basant, Fifth Mehl:

htvwxI Dn mwl hwtu kIqu ] (1180-7)
hatvaanee Dhan maal haat keet.
The shopkeeper deals in merchandise for profit.

jUAwrI jUey mwih cIqu ] (1180-7)
joo-aaree joo-ay maahi cheet.
The gambler's consciousness is focused on gambling.

AmlI jIvY Amlu Kwie ] (1180-8)
amlee jeevai amal khaa-ay.
The opium addict lives by consuming opium.

iqau hir jnu jIvY hir iDAwie ]1] (1180-8)
ti-o har jan jeevai har Dhi-aa-ay. ||1||
In the same way, the humble servant of the Lord lives by meditating on the Lord. ||1||

ApnY rMig sBu ko rcY ] (1180-8)
apnai rang sabh ko rachai.
Everyone is absorbed in his own pleasures.

ijqu pRiB lwieAw iqqu iqqu lgY ]1] rhwau ] (1180-9)
jit parabh laa-i-aa tit tit lagai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is attached to whatever God attaches him to. ||1||Pause||

myG smY mor inriqkwr ] (1180-9)
maygh samai mor nirtikaar.
When the clouds and the rain come, the peacocks dance.

cMd dyiK ibgsih kaulwr ] (1180-9)
chand daykh bigsahi ka-ulaar.
Seeing the moon, the lotus blossoms.

mwqw bwirk dyiK Anµd ] (1180-10)
maataa baarik daykh anand.
When the mother sees her infant, she is happy.

iqau hir jn jIvih jip goibMd ]2] (1180-10)
ti-o har jan jeeveh jap gobind. ||2||
In the same way, the humble servant of the Lord lives by meditating on the Lord of the Universe. ||2||

isMG rucY sd Bojnu mws ] (1180-10)
singh ruchai sad bhojan maas.
The tiger always wants to eat meat.

rxu dyiK sUry icq aulws ] (1180-11)
ran daykh sooray chit ulaas.
Gazing upon the battlefield, the warrior's mind is exalted.

ikrpn kau Aiq Dn ipAwru ] (1180-11)
kirpan ka-o at Dhan pi-aar.
The miser is totally in love with his wealth.

hir jn kau hir hir AwDwru ]3] (1180-11)
har jan ka-o har har aaDhaar. ||3||
The humble servant of the Lord leans on the Support of the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||

srb rMg iek rMg mwih ] (1180-12)
sarab rang ik rang maahi.
All love is contained in the Love of the One Lord.

srb suKw suK hir kY nwie ] (1180-12)
sarab sukhaa sukh har kai naa-ay.
All comforts are contained in the Comfort of the Lord's Name.

iqsih prwpiq iehu inDwnu ] (1180-12)
tiseh paraapat ih niDhaan.
He alone receives this treasure,

nwnk guru ijsu kry dwnu ]4]2] (1180-13)
naanak gur jis karay daan. ||4||2||
O Nanak, unto whom the Guru gives His gift. ||4||2||

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] (1180-13)
basant mehlaa 5.
Basant, Fifth Mehl:

iqsu bsMqu ijsu pRBu ik®pwlu ] (1180-13)
tis basant jis parabh kirpaal.
He alone experiences this springtime of the soul, unto whom God grants His Grace.

iqsu bsMqu ijsu guru dieAwlu ] (1180-13)
tis basant jis gur da-i-aal.
He alone experiences this springtime of the soul, unto whom the Guru is merciful.

mMglu iqs kY ijsu eyku kwmu ] (1180-14)
mangal tis kai jis ayk kaam.
He alone is joyful, who works for the One Lord.

iqsu sd bsMqu ijsu irdY nwmu ]1] (1180-14)
tis sad basant jis ridai naam. ||1||
He alone experiences this eternal springtime of the soul, within whose heart the Naam, the Name of the Lord, abides. ||1||

igRih qw ky bsMqu gnI ] (1180-14)
garihi taa kay basant ganee.
This spring comes only to those homes,

jw kY kIrqnu hir DunI ]1] rhwau ] (1180-15)
jaa kai keertan har Dhunee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
in which the melody of the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises resounds. ||1||Pause||

pRIiq pwrbRhm mauil mnw ] (1180-15)
pareet paarbarahm ma-ul manaa.
O mortal, let your love for the Supreme Lord God blossom forth.

igAwnu kmweIAY pUiC jnW ] (1180-15)
gi-aan kamaa-ee-ai poochh janaaN.
Practice spiritual wisdom, and consult the humble servants of the Lord.

so qpsI ijsu swDsMgu ] (1180-16)
so tapsee jis saaDhsang.
He alone is an ascetic, who joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

sd iDAwnI ijsu gurih rMgu ]2] (1180-16)
sad Dhi-aanee jis gureh rang. ||2||
He alone dwells in deep, continual meditation, who loves his Guru. ||2||

sy inrBau ijn@ Bau pieAw ] (1180-16)
say nirbha-o jinH bha-o pa-i-aa.
He alone is fearless, who has the Fear of God.

so suKIAw ijsu BRmu gieAw ] (1180-17)
so sukhee-aa jis bharam ga-i-aa.
He alone is peaceful, whose doubts are dispelled.

so iekWqI ijsu irdw Qwie ] (1180-17)
so ikaaNtee jis ridaa thaa-ay.
He alone is a hermit, who heart is steady and stable.

soeI inhclu swc Twie ]3] (1180-17)
so-ee nihchal saach thaa-ay. ||3||
He alone is steady and unmoving, who has found the true place. ||3||

eykw KojY eyk pRIiq ] (1180-18)
aykaa khojai ayk pareet.
He seeks the One Lord, and loves the One Lord.

drsn prsn hIq cIiq ] (1180-18)
darsan parsan heet cheet.
He loves to gaze upon the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan.

hir rMg rMgw shij mwxu ] (1180-18)
har rang rangaa sahj maan.
He intuitively enjoys the Love of the Lord.

nwnk dws iqsu jn kurbwxu ]4]3] (1180-18)
naanak daas tis jan kurbaan. ||4||3||
Slave Nanak is a sacrifice to that humble being. ||4||3||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD