Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


kwil dYiq sMGwry jm puir gey ]2] (1178-1)
kaal dait sanghaaray jam pur ga-ay. ||2||
They are destroyed by Death's demons, and they must go to the City of Death. ||2||

gurmuiK hir hir hir ilv lwgy ] (1178-1)
gurmukh har har har liv laagay.
The Gurmukhs are lovingly attached to the Lord, Har, Har, Har.

jnm mrx doaU duK Bwgy ]3] (1178-1)
janam maran do-oo dukh bhaagay. ||3||
Their pains of both birth and death are taken away. ||3||

Bgq jnw kau hir ikrpw DwrI ] (1178-2)
bhagat janaa ka-o har kirpaa Dhaaree.
The Lord showers His Mercy on His humble devotees.

guru nwnku quTw imilAw bnvwrI ]4]2] (1178-2)
gur naanak tuthaa mili-aa banvaaree. ||4||2||
Guru Nanak has shown mercy to me; I have met the Lord, the Lord of the forest. ||4||2||

bsMqu ihMfol mhlw 4 Gru 2 (1178-3)
basant hindol mehlaa 4 ghar 2
Basant Hindol, Fourth Mehl, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1178-3)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

rwm nwmu rqn koTVI gV mMdir eyk lukwnI ] (1178-4)
raam naam ratan koth-rhee garh mandar ayk lukaanee.
The Lord's Name is a jewel, hidden in a chamber of the palace of the body-fortress.

siqguru imlY q KojIAY imil joqI joiq smwnI ]1] (1178-4)
satgur milai ta khojee-ai mil jotee jot samaanee. ||1||
When one meets the True Guru, then he searches and finds it, and his light merges with the Divine Light. ||1||

mwDo swDU jn dyhu imlwie ] (1178-5)
maaDho saaDhoo jan dayh milaa-ay.
O Lord, lead me to meet with the Holy Person, the Guru.

dyKq drsu pwp siB nwsih pivqR prm pdu pwie ]1] rhwau ] (1178-5)
daykhat daras paap sabh naaseh pavitar param pad paa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, all my sins are erased, and I obtain the supreme, sublime, sanctified status. ||1||Pause||

pMc cor imil lwgy ngrIAw rwm nwm Dnu ihirAw ] (1178-6)
panch chor mil laagay nagree-aa raam naam Dhan hiri-aa.
The five thieves join together and plunder the body-village, stealing the wealth of the Lord's Name.

gurmiq Koj pry qb pkry Dnu swbqu rwis aubirAw ]2] (1178-6)
gurmat khoj paray tab pakray Dhan saabat raas ubri-aa. ||2||
But through the Guru's Teachings, they are traced and caught, and this wealth is recovered intact. ||2||

pwKMf Brm aupwv kir Qwky ird AMqir mwieAw mwieAw ] (1178-7)
pakhand bharam upaav kar thaakay rid antar maa-i-aa maa-i-aa.
Practicing hypocrisy and superstition, people have grown weary of the effort, but still, deep within their hearts, they yearn for Maya, Maya.

swDU purKu purKpiq pwieAw AigAwn AMDyru gvwieAw ]3] (1178-8)
saaDhoo purakh purakhpat paa-i-aa agi-aan anDhayr gavaa-i-aa. ||3||
By the Grace of the Holy Person, I have met with the Lord, the Primal Being, and the darkness of ignorance is dispelled. ||3||

jgMnwQ jgdIs gusweI kir ikrpw swDu imlwvY ] (1178-8)
jagannaath jagdees gusaa-ee kar kirpaa saaDh milaavai.
The Lord, the Lord of the Earth, the Lord of the Universe, in His Mercy, leads me to meet the Holy Person, the Guru.

nwnk sWiq hovY mn AMqir inq ihrdY hir gux gwvY ]4]1]3] (1178-9)
naanak saaNt hovai man antar nit hirdai har gun gaavai. ||4||1||3||
O Nanak, peace then comes to abide deep within my mind, and I constantly sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord within my heart. ||4||1||3||

bsMqu mhlw 4 ihMfol ] (1178-10)
basant mehlaa 4 hindol.
Basant, Fourth Mehl, Hindol:

qum@ vf purK vf Agm gusweI hm kIry ikrm qumnCy ] (1178-10)
tumH vad purakh vad agam gusaa-ee ham keeray kiram tumnachhay.
You are the Great Supreme Being, the Vast and Inaccessible Lord of the World; I am a mere insect, a worm created by You.

hir dIn dieAwl krhu pRB ikrpw gur siqgur crx hm bnCy ]1] (1178-10)
har deen da-i-aal karahu parabh kirpaa gur satgur charan ham banchhay. ||1||
O Lord, Merciful to the meek, please grant Your Grace; O God, I long for the feet of the Guru, the True Guru. ||1||

goibMd jIau sqsMgiq myil kir ik®pCy ] (1178-11)
gobind jee-o satsangat mayl kar kirpachhay.
O Dear Lord of the Universe, please be merciful and unite me with the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation.

jnm jnm ky iklivK mlu BirAw imil sMgiq kir pRB hnCy ]1] rhwau ] (1178-12)
janam janam kay kilvikh mal bhari-aa mil sangat kar parabh hanchhay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I was overflowing with the filthy sins of countless past lives. But joining the Sangat, God made me pure again. ||1||Pause||

qum@rw jnu jwiq Aivjwqw hir jipE piqq pvICy ] (1178-12)
tumHraa jan jaat avijaataa har japi-o patit paveechhay.
Your humble servant, whether of high class or low class, O Lord - by meditating on You, the sinner becomes pure.

hir kIE sgl Bvn qy aUpir hir soBw hir pRB idnCy ]2] (1178-13)
har kee-o sagal bhavan tay oopar har sobhaa har parabh dinchhay. ||2||
The Lord exalts and elevates him above the whole world, and the Lord God blesses him with the Lord's Glory. ||2||

jwiq Ajwiq koeI pRB iDAwvY siB pUry mwns iqnCy ] (1178-14)
jaat ajaat ko-ee parabh Dhi-aavai sabh pooray maanas tinchhay.
Anyone who meditates on God, whether of high class or low class, will have all of his hopes and desires fulfilled.

sy DMin vfy vf pUry hir jn ijn@ hir DwirE hir aurCy ]3] (1178-14)
say Dhan vaday vad pooray har jan jinH har Dhaari-o har urchhay. ||3||
Those humble servants of the Lord who enshrine the Lord within their hearts, are blessed, and are made great and totally perfect. ||3||

hm FINFy FIm bhuqu Aiq BwrI hir Dwir ik®pw pRB imlCy ] (1178-15)
ham dheeNdhay dheem bahut at bhaaree har Dhaar kirpaa parabh milchhay.
I am so low, I am an utterly heavy lump of clay. Please shower Your Mercy on me, Lord, and unite me with Yourself.

jn nwnk guru pwieAw hir qUTy hm kIey piqq pvICy ]4]2]4] (1178-16)
jan naanak gur paa-i-aa har toothay ham kee-ay patit paveechhay. ||4||2||4||
The Lord, in His Mercy, has led servant Nanak to find the Guru; I was a sinner, and now I have become immaculate and pure. ||||4||2||4||

bsMqu ihMfol mhlw 4 ] (1178-16)
basant hindol mehlaa 4.
Basant Hindol, Fourth Mehl:

myrw ieku iKnu mnUAw rih n skY inq hir hir nwm ris gIDy ] (1178-17)
mayraa ik khin manoo-aa reh na sakai nit har har naam ras geeDhay.
My mind cannot survive, even for an instant, without the Lord. I drink in continually the sublime essence of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

ijau bwirku rsik pirE Qin mwqw Qin kwFy ibll iblIDy ]1] (1178-17)
ji-o baarik rasak pari-o than maataa than kaadhay bilal bileeDhay. ||1||
It is like a baby, who joyfully sucks at his mother's breast; when the breast is withdrawn, he weeps and cries. ||1||

goibMd jIau myry mn qn nwm hir bIDy ] (1178-18)
gobind jee-o mayray man tan naam har beeDhay.
O Dear Lord of the Universe, my mind and body are pierced through by the Name of the Lord.

vfY Bwig guru siqguru pwieAw ivic kwieAw ngr hir sIDy ]1] rhwau ] (1178-18)
vadai bhaag gur satgur paa-i-aa vich kaa-i-aa nagar har seeDhay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By great good fortune, I have found the Guru, the True Guru, and in the body-village, the Lord has revealed Himself. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD