Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ien ibiD iehu mnu hirAw hoie ] (1177-1)
in biDh ih man hari-aa ho-ay.
In this way, this mind is rejuvenated.

hir hir nwmu jpY idnu rwqI gurmuiK haumY kFY Doie ]1] rhwau ] (1177-1)
har har naam japai din raatee gurmukh ha-umai kadhai Dho-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, day and night, egotism is removed and washed away from the Gurmukhs. ||1||Pause||

siqgur bwxI sbdu suxwey ] (1177-2)
satgur banee sabad sunaa-ay.
The True Guru speaks the Bani of the Word, and the Shabad, the Word of God.

iehu jgu hirAw siqgur Bwey ]2] (1177-2)
ih jag hari-aa satgur bhaa-ay. ||2||
This world blossoms forth in its greenery, through the love of the True Guru. ||2||

Pl PUl lwgy jW Awpy lwey ] (1177-2)
fal fool laagay jaaN aapay laa-ay.
The mortal blossoms forth in flower and fruit, when the Lord Himself so wills.

mUil lgY qW siqguru pwey ]3] (1177-3)
mool lagai taaN satgur paa-ay. ||3||
He is attached to the Lord, the Primal Root of all, when he finds the True Guru. ||3||

Awip bsMqu jgqu sBu vwVI ] (1177-3)
aap basant jagat sabh vaarhee.
The Lord Himself is the season of spring; the whole world is His Garden.

nwnk pUrY Bwig Bgiq inrwlI ]4]5]17] (1177-3)
naanak poorai bhaag bhagat niraalee. ||4||5||17||
O Nanak, this most unique devotional worship comes only by perfect destiny. ||4||5||17||

bsMqu ihMfol mhlw 3 Gru 2 (1177-5)
basant hindol mehlaa 3 ghar 2
Basant Hindol, Third Mehl, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1177-5)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

gur kI bwxI ivthu vwirAw BweI gur sbd ivthu bil jweI ] (1177-6)
gur kee banee vitahu vaari-aa bhaa-ee gur sabad vitahu bal jaa-ee.
I am a sacrifice to the Word of the Guru's Bani, O Siblings of Destiny. I am devoted and dedicated to the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

guru swlwhI sd Apxw BweI gur crxI icqu lweI ]1] (1177-6)
gur saalaahee sad apnaa bhaa-ee gur charnee chit laa-ee. ||1||
I praise my Guru forever, O Siblings of Destiny. I focus my consciousness on the Guru's Feet. ||1||

myry mn rwm nwim icqu lwie ] (1177-7)
mayray man raam naam chit laa-ay.
O my mind, focus your consciousness on the Lord's Name.

mnu qnu qyrw hirAw hovY ieku hir nwmw Plu pwie ]1] rhwau ] (1177-7)
man tan tayraa hari-aa hovai ik har naamaa fal paa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your mind and body shall blossom forth in lush greenery, and you shall obtain the fruit of the Name of the One Lord. ||1||Pause||

guir rwKy sy aubry BweI hir rsu AMimRqu pIAwie ] (1177-8)
gur raakhay say ubray bhaa-ee har ras amrit pee-aa-ay.
Those who are protected by the Guru are saved, O Siblings of Destiny. They drink in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord's sublime essence.

ivchu haumY duKu auiT gieAw BweI suKu vuTw min Awie ]2] (1177-8)
vichahu ha-umai dukh uth ga-i-aa bhaa-ee sukh vuthaa man aa-ay. ||2||
The pain of egotism within is eradicated and banished, O Siblings of Destiny, and peace comes to dwell in their minds. ||2||

Duir Awpy ijn@w no bKisEnu BweI sbdy lieAnu imlwie ] (1177-9)
Dhur aapay jinHaa no bakhsi-on bhaa-ee sabday la-i-an milaa-ay.
Those whom the Primal Lord Himself forgives, O Siblings of Destiny, are united with the Word of the Shabad.

DUiV iqn@w kI AGulIAY BweI sqsMgiq myil imlwie ]3] (1177-10)
Dhoorh tinHaa kee aghulee-ai bhaa-ee satsangat mayl milaa-ay. ||3||
The dust of their feet brings emancipation; in the company of Sadh Sangat, the True Congregation, we are united with the Lord. ||3||

Awip krwey kry Awip BweI ijin hirAw kIAw sBu koie ] (1177-10)
aap karaa-ay karay aap bhaa-ee jin hari-aa kee-aa sabh ko-ay.
He Himself does, and causes all to be done, O Siblings of Destiny; He makes everything blossom forth in green abundance.

nwnk min qin suKu sd vsY BweI sbid imlwvw hoie ]4]1]18]12]18]30] (1177-11)
naanak man tan sukh sad vasai bhaa-ee sabad milaavaa ho-ay. ||4||1||18||12||18||30||
O Nanak, peace fills their minds and bodies forever, O Siblings of Destiny; they are united with the Shabad. ||4||1||18||12||18||30||

rwgu bsMqu mhlw 4 Gru 1 iek quky (1177-13)
raag basant mehlaa 4 ghar 1 ik tukay
Raag Basant, Fourth Mehl, First House, Ik-Tukay:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1177-13)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ijau psrI sUrj ikrix joiq ] (1177-14)
ji-o pasree sooraj kiran jot.
Just as the light of the sun's rays spread out,

iqau Git Git rmeIAw Eiq poiq ]1] (1177-14, bsMqu)
ti-o ghat ghat rama-ee-aa ot pot. ||1||
the Lord permeates each and every heart, through and through. ||1||

eyko hir rivAw sRb Qwie ] (1177-14)
ayko har ravi-aa sarab thaa-ay.
The One Lord is permeating and pervading all places.

gur sbdI imlIAY myrI mwie ]1] rhwau ] (1177-15)
gur sabdee milee-ai mayree maa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, we merge with Him, O my mother. ||1||Pause||

Git Git AMqir eyko hir soie ] (1177-15)
ghat ghat antar ayko har so-ay.
The One Lord is deep within each and every heart.

guir imilAY ieku pRgtu hoie ]2] (1177-15)
gur mili-ai ik pargat ho-ay. ||2||
Meeting with the Guru, the One Lord becomes manifest, radiating forth. ||2||

eyko eyku rihAw BrpUir ] (1177-16)
ayko ayk rahi-aa bharpoor.
The One and Only Lord is present and prevailing everywhere.

swkq nr loBI jwxih dUir ]3] (1177-16)
saakat nar lobhee jaaneh door. ||3||
The greedy, faithless cynic thinks that God is far away. ||3||

eyko eyku vrqY hir loie ] (1177-16)
ayko ayk vartai har lo-ay.
The One and Only Lord permeates and pervades the world.

nwnk hir eykuo kry su hoie ]4]1] (1177-17)
naanak har ayko karay so ho-ay. ||4||1||
O Nanak, whatever the One Lord does comes to pass. ||4||1||

bsMqu mhlw 4 ] (1177-17)
basant mehlaa 4.
Basant, Fourth Mehl:

rYix idnsu duie sdy pey ] (1177-17)
rain dinas du-ay saday pa-ay.
Day and night, the two calls are sent out.

mn hir ismrhu AMiq sdw riK ley ]1] (1177-18)
man har simrahu ant sadaa rakh la-ay. ||1||
O mortal, meditate in remembrance on the Lord, who protects you forever, and saves you in the end. ||1||

hir hir cyiq sdw mn myry ] (1177-18)
har har chayt sadaa man mayray.
Concentrate forever on the Lord, Har, Har, O my mind.

sBu Awlsu dUK BMij pRBu pwieAw gurmiq gwvhu gux pRB kyry ]1] rhwau ] (1177-18)
sabh aalas dookh bhanj parabh paa-i-aa gurmat gaavhu gun parabh kayray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God the Destroyer of all depression and suffering is found, through the Guru's Teachings, singing the Glorious Praises of God. ||1||Pause||

mnmuK iPir iPir haumY muey ] (1177-19)
manmukh fir fir ha-umai mu-ay.
The self-willed manmukhs die of their egotism, over and over again.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD