Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gur pUry qy pwieAw jweI ] (1176-1)
gur pooray tay paa-i-aa jaa-ee.
Through the Perfect Guru, it is obtained.

nwim rqy sdw suKu pweI ] (1176-1)
naam ratay sadaa sukh paa-ee.
Those who are imbued with the Naam find everlasting peace.

ibnu nwmY haumY jil jweI ]3] (1176-1)
bin naamai ha-umai jal jaa-ee. ||3||
But without the Naam, mortals burn in egotism. ||3||

vfBwgI hir nwmu bIcwrw ] (1176-2)
vadbhaagee har naam beechaaraa.
By great good furtune, some contemplate the Lord's Name.

CUtY rwm nwim duKu swrw ] (1176-2)
chhootai raam naam dukh saaraa.
Through the Lord's Name, all sorrows are eradicated.

ihrdY visAw su bwhir pwswrw ] (1176-2)
hirdai vasi-aa so baahar paasaaraa.
He dwells within the heart, and pervades the external universe as well.

nwnk jwxY sBu aupwvxhwrw ]4]12] (1176-3)
naanak jaanai sabh upaavanhaaraa. ||4||12||
O Nanak, the Creator Lord knows all. ||4||12||

bsMqu mhlw 3 iek quky ] (1176-3)
basant mehlaa 3 ik tukay.
Basant, Third Mehl, Ik-Tukas:

qyrw kIAw ikrm jMqu ] (1176-3)
tayraa kee-aa kiram jant.
I am just a worm, created by You, O Lord.

dyih q jwpI Awid mMqu ]1] (1176-4)
deh ta jaapee aad mant. ||1||
If you bless me, then I chant Your Primal Mantra. ||1||

gux AwiK vIcwrI myrI mwie ] (1176-4)
gun aakh veechaaree mayree maa-ay.
I chant and reflect on His Glorious Virtues, O my mother.

hir jip hir kY lgau pwie ]1] rhwau ] (1176-4)
har jap har kai laga-o paa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditating on the Lord, I fall at the Lord's Feet. ||1||Pause||

gur pRswid lwgy nwm suAwid ] (1176-5)
gur parsaad laagay naam su-aad.
By Guru's Grace, I am addicted to the favor of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

kwhy jnmu gvwvhu vYir vwid ]2] (1176-5)
kaahay janam gavaavahu vair vaad. ||2||
Why waste your life in hatred, vengeance and conflict? ||2||

guir ikrpw kIn@I cUkw AiBmwnu ] (1176-5)
gur kirpaa keenHee chookaa abhimaan.
When the Guru granted His Grace, my egotism was eradicated,

shj Bwie pwieAw hir nwmu ]3] (1176-6)
sahj bhaa-ay paa-i-aa har naam. ||3||
and then, I obtained the Lord's Name with intuitive ease. ||3||

aUqmu aUcw sbd kwmu ] (1176-6)
ootam oochaa sabad kaam.
The most lofty and exalted occupation is to contemplate the Word of the Shabad.

nwnku vKwxY swcu nwmu ]4]1]13] (1176-6)
naanak vakhaanai saach naam. ||4||1||13||
Nanak chants the True Name. ||4||1||13||

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] (1176-7)
basant mehlaa 3.
Basant, Third Mehl:

bnspiq maulI ciVAw bsMqu ] (1176-7)
banaspat ma-ulee charhi-aa basant.
The season of spring has come, and all the plants have blossomed forth.

iehu mnu mauilAw siqgurU sMig ]1] (1176-7)
ih man ma-oli-aa satguroo sang. ||1||
This mind blossoms forth, in association with the True Guru. ||1||

qum@ swcu iDAwvhu mugD mnw ] (1176-8)
tumH saach Dhi-aavahu mugaDh manaa.
So meditate on the True Lord, O my foolish mind.

qW suKu pwvhu myry mnw ]1] rhwau ] (1176-8)
taaN sukh paavhu mayray manaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Only then shall you find peace, O my mind. ||1||Pause||

iequ min mauilAY BieAw Anµdu ] (1176-8)
it man ma-uli-ai bha-i-aa anand.
This mind blossoms forth, and I am in ecstasy.

AMimRq Plu pwieAw nwmu goibMd ]2] (1176-9)
amrit fal paa-i-aa naam gobind. ||2||
I am blessed with the Ambrosial Fruit of the Naam, the Name of the Lord of the Universe. ||2||

eyko eyku sBu AwiK vKwxY ] (1176-9)
ayko ayk sabh aakh vakhaanai.
Everyone speaks and says that the Lord is the One and Only.

hukmu bUJY qW eyko jwxY ]3] (1176-10)
hukam boojhai taaN ayko jaanai. ||3||
By understanding the Hukam of His Command, we come to know the One Lord. ||3||

khq nwnku haumY khY n koie ] (1176-10)
kahat naanak ha-umai kahai na ko-ay.
Says Nanak, no one can describe the Lord by speaking through ego.

AwKxu vyKxu sBu swihb qy hoie ]4]2]14] (1176-10)
aakhan vaykhan sabh saahib tay ho-ay. ||4||2||14||
All speech and insight comes from our Lord and Master. ||4||2||14||

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] (1176-11)
basant mehlaa 3.
Basant, Third Mehl:

siB jug qyry kIqy hoey ] (1176-11)
sabh jug tayray keetay ho-ay.
All the ages were created by You, O Lord.

siqguru BytY miq buiD hoey ]1] (1176-11)
satgur bhaytai mat buDh ho-ay. ||1||
Meeting with the True Guru, one's intellect is awakened. ||1||

hir jIau Awpy lYhu imlwie ] (1176-11)
har jee-o aapay laihu milaa-ay.
O Dear Lord, please blend me with Yourself;

gur kY sbid sc nwim smwie ]1] rhwau ] (1176-12)
gur kai sabad sach naam samaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
let me merge in the True Name, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1||Pause||

min bsMqu hry siB loie ] (1176-12)
man basant haray sabh lo-ay.
When the mind is in spring, all people are rejuvenated.

Plih PulIAih rwm nwim suKu hoie ]2] (1176-13)
faleh fulee-ah raam naam sukh ho-ay. ||2||
Blossoming forth and flowering through the Lord's Name, peace is obtained. ||2||

sdw bsMqu gur sbdu vIcwry ] (1176-13)
sadaa basant gur sabad veechaaray.
Contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad, one is in spring forever,

rwm nwmu rwKY aur Dwry ]3] (1176-13)
raam naam raakhai ur Dhaaray. ||3||
with the Lord's Name enshrined in the heart. ||3||

min bsMqu qnu mnu hirAw hoie ] (1176-14)
man basant tan man hari-aa ho-ay.
When the mind is in spring, the body and mind are rejuvenated.

nwnk iehu qnu ibrKu rwm nwmu Plu pwey soie ]4]3]15] (1176-14)
naanak ih tan birakh raam naam fal paa-ay so-ay. ||4||3||15||
O Nanak, this body is the tree which bears the fruit of the Lord's Name. ||4||3||15||

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] (1176-15)
basant mehlaa 3.
Basant, Third Mehl:

iqn@ bsMqu jo hir gux gwie ] (1176-15)
tinH basant jo har gun gaa-ay.
They alone are in the spring season, who sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

pUrY Bwig hir Bgiq krwie ]1] (1176-15)
poorai bhaag har bhagat karaa-ay. ||1||
They come to worship the Lord with devotion, through their perfect destiny. ||1||

iesu mn kau bsMq kI lgY n soie ] (1176-15)
is man ka-o basant kee lagai na so-ay.
This mind is not even touched by spring.

iehu mnu jilAw dUjY doie ]1] rhwau ] (1176-16)
ih man jali-aa doojai do-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This mind is burnt by duality and double-mindedness. ||1||Pause||

iehu mnu DMDY bWDw krm kmwie ] (1176-16)
ih man DhanDhai baaNDhaa karam kamaa-ay.
This mind is entangled in worldly affairs, creating more and more karma.

mwieAw mUTw sdw ibllwie ]2] (1176-17)
maa-i-aa moothaa sadaa billaa-ay. ||2||
Enchanted by Maya, it cries out in suffering forever. ||2||

iehu mnu CUtY jW siqguru BytY ] (1176-17)
ih man chhootai jaaN satgur bhaytai.
This mind is released, only when it meets with the True Guru.

jmkwl kI iPir AwvY n PytY ]3] (1176-17)
jamkaal kee fir aavai na faytai. ||3||
Then, it does not suffer beatings by the Messenger of Death. ||3||

iehu mnu CUtw guir lIAw Cfwie ] (1176-18)
ih man chhootaa gur lee-aa chhadaa-ay.
This mind is released, when the Guru emancipates it.

nwnk mwieAw mohu sbid jlwie ]4]4]16] (1176-18)
naanak maa-i-aa moh sabad jalaa-ay. ||4||4||16||
O Nanak, attachment to Maya is burnt away through the Word of the Shabad. ||4||4||16||

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] (1176-19)
basant mehlaa 3.
Basant, Third Mehl:

bsMqu ciVAw PUlI bnrwie ] (1176-19)
basant charhi-aa foolee banraa-ay.
Spring has come, and all the plants are flowering.

eyih jIA jMq PUlih hir icqu lwie ]1] (1176-19)
ayhi jee-a jant fooleh har chit laa-ay. ||1||
These beings and creatures blossom forth when they focus their consciousness on the Lord. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD