Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


dir swcY scu soBw hoie ] (1175-1)
dar saachai sach sobhaa ho-ay.
In the Court of the True Lord, he obtains true glory.

inj Gir vwsw pwvY soie ]3] (1175-1)
nij ghar vaasaa paavai so-ay. ||3||
He comes to dwell in the home of his own inner being. ||3||

Awip ABulu scw scu soie ] (1175-1)
aap abhul sachaa sach so-ay.
He cannot be fooled; He is the Truest of the True.

hoir siB BUlih dUjY piq Koie ] (1175-2)
hor sabh bhooleh doojai pat kho-ay.
All others are deluded; in duality, they lose their honor.

swcw syvhu swcI bwxI ] (1175-2)
saachaa sayvhu saachee banee.
So serve the True Lord, through the True Bani of His Word.

nwnk nwmy swic smwxI ]4]9] (1175-2)
naanak naamay saach samaanee. ||4||9||
O Nanak, through the Naam, merge in the True Lord. ||4||9||

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] (1175-3)
basant mehlaa 3.
Basant, Third Mehl:

ibnu krmw sB Brim BulweI ] (1175-3)
bin karmaa sabh bharam bhulaa-ee.
Without the grace of good karma, all are deluded by doubt.

mwieAw moih bhuqu duKu pweI ] (1175-3)
maa-i-aa mohi bahut dukh paa-ee.
In attachment to Maya, they suffer in terrible pain.

mnmuK AMDy Taur n pweI ] (1175-4)
manmukh anDhay tha-ur na paa-ee.
The blind, self-willed manmukhs find no place of rest.

ibstw kw kIVw ibstw mwih smweI ]1] (1175-4)
bistaa kaa keerhaa bistaa maahi samaa-ee. ||1||
They are like maggots in manure, rotting away in manure. ||1||

hukmu mMny so jnu prvwxu ] (1175-4)
hukam mannay so jan parvaan.
That humble being who obeys the Hukam of the Lord's Command is accepted.

gur kY sbid nwim nIswxu ]1] rhwau ] (1175-5)
gur kai sabad naam neesaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he is blessed with the insignia and the banner of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

swic rqy ijn@w Duir iliK pwieAw ] (1175-5)
saach ratay jinHaa Dhur likh paa-i-aa.
Those who have such pre-ordained destiny are imbued with the Naam.

hir kw nwmu sdw min BwieAw ] (1175-5)
har kaa naam sadaa man bhaa-i-aa.
The Name of the Lord is forever pleasing to their minds.

siqgur kI bwxI sdw suKu hoie ] (1175-6)
satgur kee banee sadaa sukh ho-ay.
Through the Bani, the Word of the True Guru, eternal peace is found.

joqI joiq imlwey soie ]2] (1175-6)
jotee jot milaa-ay so-ay. ||2||
Through it, one's light merges into the Light. ||2||

eyku nwmu qwry sMswru ] (1175-6)
ayk naam taaray sansaar.
Only the Naam, the Name of the Lord, can save the world.

gur prswdI nwm ipAwru ] (1175-7)
gur parsaadee naam pi-aar.
By Guru's Grace, one comes to love the Naam.

ibnu nwmY mukiq iknY n pweI ] (1175-7)
bin naamai mukat kinai na paa-ee.
Without the Naam, no one obtains liberation.

pUry gur qy nwmu plY pweI ]3] (1175-7)
pooray gur tay naam palai paa-ee. ||3||
Through the Perfect Guru, the Naam is obtained. ||3||

so bUJY ijsu Awip buJwey ] (1175-8)
so boojhai jis aap bujhaa-ay.
He alone understands, whom the Lord Himself causes to understand.

siqgur syvw nwmu idRV@wey ] (1175-8)
satgur sayvaa naam darirh-aa-ay.
Serving the True Guru, the Naam is implanted within.

ijn ieku jwqw sy jn prvwxu ] (1175-8)
jin ik jaataa say jan parvaan.
Those humble beings who know the One Lord are approved and accepted.

nwnk nwim rqy dir nIswxu ]4]10] (1175-9)
naanak naam ratay dar neesaan. ||4||10||
O Nanak, imbued with the Naam, they go to the Lord's Court with His banner and insignia. ||4||10||

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] (1175-9)
basant mehlaa 3.
Basant, Third Mehl:

ik®pw kry siqgurU imlwey ] (1175-9)
kirpaa karay satguroo milaa-ay.
Granting His Grace, the Lord leads the mortal to meet the True Guru.

Awpy Awip vsY min Awey ] (1175-10)
aapay aap vasai man aa-ay.
The Lord Himself comes to abide in his mind.

inhcl miq sdw mn DIr ] (1175-10)
nihchal mat sadaa man Dheer.
His intellect becomes steady and stable, and his mind is strengthened forever.

hir gux gwvY guxI ghIr ]1] (1175-10)
har gun gaavai gunee gaheer. ||1||
He sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord, the Ocean of Virtue. ||1||

nwmhu BUly mrih ibKu Kwie ] (1175-11)
naamhu bhoolay mareh bikh khaa-ay.
Those who forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord - those mortals die eating poison.

ibRQw jnmu iPir Awvih jwie ]1] rhwau ] (1175-11)
baritha janam fir aavahi jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Their lives are wasted uselessly, and they continue coming and going in reincarnation. ||1||Pause||

bhu ByK krih min sWiq n hoie ] (1175-11)
baho bhaykh karahi man saaNt na ho-ay.
They wear all sorts of religious robes, but their minds are not at peace.

bhu AiBmwin ApxI piq Koie ] (1175-12)
baho abhimaan apnee pat kho-ay.
In great egotism, they lose their honor.

sy vfBwgI ijn sbdu pCwixAw ] (1175-12)
say vadbhaagee jin sabad pachhaani-aa.
But those who realize the Word of the Shabad, are blessed by great good fortune.

bwhir jwdw Gr mih AwixAw ]2] (1175-12)
baahar jaadaa ghar meh aani-aa. ||2||
They bring their distractible minds back home. ||2||

Gr mih vsqu Agm Apwrw ] (1175-13)
ghar meh vasat agam apaaraa.
Within the home of the inner self is the inaccessible and infinite substance.

gurmiq Kojih sbid bIcwrw ] (1175-13)
gurmat khojeh sabad beechaaraa.
Those who find it, by following the Guru's Teachings, contemplate the Shabad.

nwmu nv iniD pweI Gr hI mwih ] (1175-14)
naam nav niDh paa-ee ghar hee maahi.
Those who obtain the nine treasures of the Naam within the home of their own inner being,

sdw rMig rwqy sic smwih ]3] (1175-14)
sadaa rang raatay sach samaahi. ||3||
are forever dyed in the color of the Lord's Love; they are absorbed in the Truth. ||3||

Awip kry ikCu krxu n jwie ] (1175-14)
aap karay kichh karan na jaa-ay.
God Himself does everything; no one can do anything at all by himself.

Awpy BwvY ley imlwie ] (1175-15)
aapay bhaavai la-ay milaa-ay.
When God so wills, He merges the mortal into Himself.

iqs qy nyVY nwhI ko dUir ] (1175-15)
tis tay nayrhai naahee ko door.
All are near Him; no one is far away from Him.

nwnk nwim rihAw BrpUir ]4]11] (1175-15)
naanak naam rahi-aa bharpoor. ||4||11||
O Nanak, the Naam is permeating and pervading everywhere. ||4||11||

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] (1175-16)
basant mehlaa 3.
Basant, Third Mehl:

gur sbdI hir cyiq suBwie ] (1175-16)
gur sabdee har chayt subhaa-ay.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, remember the Lord with love,

rwm nwm ris rhY AGwie ] (1175-16)
raam naam ras rahai aghaa-ay.
and you shall remain satisfied by the sublime essence of the Lord's Name.

kot kotMqr ky pwp jil jwih ] (1175-16)
kot kotantar kay paap jal jaahi.
The sins of millions upon millions of lifetimes shall be burnt away.

jIvq mrih hir nwim smwih ]1] (1175-17)
jeevat mareh har naam samaahi. ||1||
Remaining dead while yet alive, you shall be absorbed in the Lord's Name. ||1||

hir kI dwiq hir jIau jwxY ] (1175-17)
har kee daat har jee-o jaanai.
The Dear Lord Himself knows His own bountiful blessings.

gur kY sbid iehu mnu mauilAw hir guxdwqw nwmu vKwxY ]1] rhwau ] (1175-17)
gur kai sabad ih man ma-oli-aa har gundaataa naam vakhaanai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This mind blossoms forth in the Guru's Shabad, chanting the Name of the Lord, the Giver of virtue. ||1||Pause||

BgvY vyis BRim mukiq n hoie ] (1175-18)
bhagvai vays bharam mukat na ho-ay.
No one is liberated by wandering around in saffron-colored robes.

bhu sMjim sWiq n pwvY koie ] (1175-18)
baho sanjam saaNt na paavai ko-ay.
Tranquility is not found by strict self-discipline.

gurmiq nwmu prwpiq hoie ] (1175-19)
gurmat naam paraapat ho-ay.
But by following the Guru's Teachings, one is blessed to receive the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

vfBwgI hir pwvY soie ]2] (1175-19)
vadbhaagee har paavai so-ay. ||2||
By great good fortune, one finds the Lord. ||2||

kil mih rwm nwim vifAweI ] (1175-19)
kal meh raam naam vadi-aa-ee.
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, glorious greatness comes through the Lord's Name.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD