Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


prpMc vyiK rihAw ivsmwdu ] (1174-1)
parpanch vaykh rahi-aa vismaad.
Gazing upon the wonder of God's Creation, I am wonder-struck and amazed.

gurmuiK pweIAY nwm pRswdu ]3] (1174-1)
gurmukh paa-ee-ai naam parsaad. ||3||
The Gurmukh obtains the Naam, the Name of the Lord, by His Grace. ||3||

Awpy krqw siB rs Bog ] (1174-2)
aapay kartaa sabh ras bhog.
The Creator Himself enjoys all delights.

jo ikCu kry soeI pru hog ] (1174-2)
jo kichh karay so-ee par hog.
Whatever He does, surely comes to pass.

vfw dwqw iqlu n qmwie ] (1174-2)
vadaa daataa til na tamaa-ay.
He is the Great Giver; He has no greed at all.

nwnk imlIAY sbdu kmwie ]4]6] (1174-2)
naanak milee-ai sabad kamaa-ay. ||4||6||
O Nanak, living the Word of the Shabad, the mortal meets with God. ||4||6||

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] (1174-3)
basant mehlaa 3.
Basant, Third Mehl:

pUrY Bwig scu kwr kmwvY ] (1174-3)
poorai bhaag sach kaar kamaavai.
By perfect destiny, one acts in truth.

eyko cyqY iPir join n AwvY ] (1174-3)
ayko chaytai fir jon na aavai.
Remembering the One Lord, one does not have to enter the cycle of reincarnation.

sPl jnmu iesu jg mih AwieAw ] (1174-4)
safal janam is jag meh aa-i-aa.
Fruitful is the coming into the world, and the life of one

swic nwim shij smwieAw ]1] (1174-4)
saach naam sahj samaa-i-aa. ||1||
who remains intuitively absorbed in the True Name. ||1||

gurmuiK kwr krhu ilv lwie ] (1174-4)
gurmukh kaar karahu liv laa-ay.
The Gurmukh acts, lovingly attuned to the Lord.

hir nwmu syvhu ivchu Awpu gvwie ]1] rhwau ] (1174-5)
har naam sayvhu vichahu aap gavaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Be dedicated to the Lord's Name, and eradicate self-conceit from within. ||1||Pause||

iqsu jn kI hY swcI bwxI ] (1174-5)
tis jan kee hai saachee banee.
True is the speech of that humble being;

gur kY sbid jg mwih smwxI ] (1174-5)
gur kai sabad jag maahi samaanee.
through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, it is spread throughout the world.

chu jug psrI swcI soie ] (1174-6)
chahu jug pasree saachee so-ay.
Throughout the four ages, his fame and glory spread.

nwim rqw jnu prgtu hoie ]2] (1174-6)
naam rataa jan pargat ho-ay. ||2||
Imbued with the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the Lord's humble servant is recognized and renowned. ||2||

ieik swcY sbid rhy ilv lwie ] (1174-6)
ik saachai sabad rahay liv laa-ay.
Some remain lovingly attuned to the True Word of the Shabad.

sy jn swcy swcY Bwie ] (1174-7)
say jan saachay saachai bhaa-ay.
True are those humble beings who love the True Lord.

swcu iDAwiein dyiK hjUir ] (1174-7)
saach Dhi-aa-in daykh hajoor.
They meditate on the True Lord, and behold Him near at hand, ever-present.

sMq jnw kI pg pMkj DUir ]3] (1174-7)
sant janaa kee pag pankaj Dhoor. ||3||
They are the dust of the lotus feet of the humble Saints. ||3||

eyko krqw Avru n koie ] (1174-8)
ayko kartaa avar na ko-ay.
There is only One Creator Lord; there is no other at all.

gur sbdI mylwvw hoie ] (1174-8)
gur sabdee maylaavaa ho-ay.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, comes Union with the Lord.

ijin scu syivAw iqin rsu pwieAw ] (1174-8)
jin sach sayvi-aa tin ras paa-i-aa.
Whoever serves the True Lord finds joy.

nwnk shjy nwim smwieAw ]4]7] (1174-9)
naanak sehjay naam samaa-i-aa. ||4||7||
O Nanak, he is intuitively absorbed in the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||7||

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] (1174-9)
basant mehlaa 3.
Basant, Third Mehl:

Bgiq krih jn dyiK hjUir ] (1174-9)
bhagat karahi jan daykh hajoor.
The Lord's humble servant worships Him, and beholds Him ever-present, near at hand.

sMq jnw kI pg pMkj DUir ] (1174-10)
sant janaa kee pag pankaj Dhoor.
He is the dust of the lotus feet of the humble Saints.

hir syqI sd rhih ilv lwie ] (1174-10)
har saytee sad raheh liv laa-ay.
Those who remain lovingly attuned to the Lord forever

pUrY siqguir dIAw buJwie ]1] (1174-10)
poorai satgur dee-aa bujhaa-ay. ||1||
are blessed with understanding by the Perfect True Guru. ||1||

dwsw kw dwsu ivrlw koeI hoie ] (1174-11)
daasaa kaa daas virlaa ko-ee ho-ay.
How rare are those who become the slave of the Lord's slaves.

aUqm pdvI pwvY soie ]1] rhwau ] (1174-11)
ootam padvee paavai so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They attain the supreme status. ||1||Pause||

eyko syvhu Avru n koie ] (1174-11)
ayko sayvhu avar na ko-ay.
So serve the One Lord, and no other.

ijqu syivAY sdw suKu hoie ] (1174-12)
jit sayvi-ai sadaa sukh ho-ay.
Serving Him, eternal peace is obtained.

nw Ehu mrY n AwvY jwie ] (1174-12)
naa oh marai na aavai jaa-ay.
He does not die; He does not come and go in reincarnation.

iqsu ibnu Avru syvI ikau mwie ]2] (1174-12)
tis bin avar sayvee ki-o maa-ay. ||2||
Why should I serve any other than Him, O my mother? ||2||

sy jn swcy ijnI swcu pCwixAw ] (1174-13)
say jan saachay jinee saach pachhaani-aa.
True are those humble beings who realize the True Lord.

Awpu mwir shjy nwim smwixAw ] (1174-13)
aap maar sehjay naam samaani-aa.
Conquering their self-conceit, they merge intuitively into the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

gurmuiK nwmu prwpiq hoie ] (1174-13)
gurmukh naam paraapat ho-ay.
The Gurmukhs gather in the Naam.

mnu inrmlu inrml scu soie ]3] (1174-14)
man nirmal nirmal sach so-ay. ||3||
Their minds are immaculate, and their reputations are immaculate. ||3||

ijin igAwnu kIAw iqsu hir qU jwxu ] (1174-14)
jin gi-aan kee-aa tis har too jaan.
Know the Lord, who gave you spiritual wisdom,

swc sbid pRBu eyku is\wxu ] (1174-15)
saach sabad parabh ayk sinjaan.
and realize the One God, through the True Word of the Shabad.

hir rsu cwKY qW suiD hoie ] (1174-15)
har ras chaakhai taaN suDh ho-ay.
When the mortal tastes the sublime essence of the Lord, he becomes pure and holy.

nwnk nwim rqy scu soie ]4]8] (1174-15)
naanak naam ratay sach so-ay. ||4||8||
O Nanak, those who are imbued with the Naam - their reputations are true. ||4||8||

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] (1174-16)
basant mehlaa 3.
Basant, Third Mehl:

nwim rqy kulW kw krih auDwru ] (1174-16)
naam ratay kulaaN kaa karahi uDhaar.
Those who are imbued with the Naam, the Name of the Lord - their generations are redeemed and saved.

swcI bwxI nwm ipAwru ] (1174-16)
saachee banee naam pi-aar.
True is their speech; they love the Naam.

mnmuK BUly kwhy Awey ] (1174-16)
manmukh bhoolay kaahay aa-ay.
Why have the wandering self-willed manmukhs even come into the world?

nwmhu BUly jnmu gvwey ]1] (1174-17)
naamhu bhoolay janam gavaa-ay. ||1||
Forgetting the Naam, the mortals waste their lives away. ||1||

jIvq mrY mir mrxu svwrY ] (1174-17)
jeevat marai mar maran savaarai.
One who dies while yet alive, truly dies, and embellishes his death.

gur kY sbid swcu aur DwrY ]1] rhwau ] (1174-17)
gur kai sabad saach ur Dhaarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he enshrines the True Lord within his heart. ||1||Pause||

gurmuiK scu Bojnu pivqu srIrw ] (1174-18)
gurmukh sach bhojan pavit sareeraa.
Truth is the food of the Gurmukh; his body is sanctified and pure.

mnu inrmlu sd guxI ghIrw ] (1174-18)
man nirmal sad gunee gaheeraa.
His mind is immaculate; he is forever the ocean of virtue.

jMmY mrY n AwvY jwie ] (1174-19)
jammai marai na aavai jaa-ay.
He is not forced to come and go in the cycle of birth and death.

gur prswdI swic smwie ]2] (1174-19)
gur parsaadee saach samaa-ay. ||2||
By Guru's Grace, he merges in the True Lord. ||2||

swcw syvhu swcu pCwxY ] (1174-19)
saachaa sayvhu saach pachhaanai.
Serving the True Lord, one realizes Truth.

gur kY sbid hir dir nIswxY ] (1174-19)
gur kai sabad har dar neesaanai.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he goes to the Lord's Court with his banners flying proudly.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD