Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ndir kry cUkY AiBmwnu ] (1173-1)
nadar karay chookai abhimaan.
When the Lord bestows His Glance of Grace, egotism is eradicated.

swcI drgh pwvY mwnu ] (1173-1)
saachee dargeh paavai maan.
Then, the mortal is honored in the Court of the True Lord.

hir jIau vyKY sd hjUir ] (1173-1)
har jee-o vaykhai sad hajoor.
He sees the Dear Lord always close at hand, ever-present.

gur kY sbid rihAw BrpUir ]3] (1173-2)
gur kai sabad rahi-aa bharpoor. ||3||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he sees the Lord pervading and permeating all. ||3||

jIA jMq kI kry pRiqpwl ] (1173-2)
jee-a jant kee karay partipaal.
The Lord cherishes all beings and creatures.

gur prswdI sd sm@wl ] (1173-2)
gur parsaadee sad samHaal.
By Guru's Grace, contemplate Him forever.

dir swcY piq isau Gir jwie ] (1173-2)
dar saachai pat si-o ghar jaa-ay.
You shall go to your true home in the Lord's Court with honor.

nwnk nwim vfweI pwie ]4]3] (1173-3)
naanak naam vadaa-ee paa-ay. ||4||3||
O Nanak, through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, you shall be blessed with glorious greatness. ||4||3||

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] (1173-3)
basant mehlaa 3.
Basant, Third Mehl:

AMqir pUjw mn qy hoie ] (1173-3)
antar poojaa man tay ho-ay.
One who worships the Lord within his mind,

eyko vyKY Aauru n koie ] (1173-4)
ayko vaykhai a-or na ko-ay.
sees the One and Only Lord, and no other.

dUjY lokI bhuqu duKu pwieAw ] (1173-4)
doojai lokee bahut dukh paa-i-aa.
People in duality suffer terrible pain.

siqguir mYno eyku idKwieAw ]1] (1173-4)
satgur maino ayk dikhaa-i-aa. ||1||
The True Guru has shown me the One Lord. ||1||

myrw pRBu mauilAw sd bsMqu ] (1173-5)
mayraa parabh ma-oli-aa sad basant.
My God is in bloom, forever in spring.

iehu mnu mauilAw gwie gux goibMd ]1] rhwau ] (1173-5)
ih man ma-oli-aa gaa-ay gun gobind. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This mind blossoms forth, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe. ||1||Pause||

gur pUChu qum@ krhu bIcwru ] (1173-5)
gur poochhahu tumH karahu beechaar.
So consult the Guru, and reflect upon His wisdom;

qW pRB swcy lgY ipAwru ] (1173-6)
taaN parabh saachay lagai pi-aar.
then, you shall be in love with the True Lord God.

Awpu Coif hoih dwsq Bwie ] (1173-6)
aap chhod hohi daasat bhaa-ay.
Abandon your self-conceit, and be His loving servant.

qau jgjIvnu vsY min Awie ]2] (1173-6)
ta-o jagjeevan vasai man aa-ay. ||2||
Then, the Life of the World shall come to dwell in your mind. ||2||

Bgiq kry sd vyKY hjUir ] (1173-7)
bhagat karay sad vaykhai hajoor.
Worship Him with devotion, and see Him always ever-present, close at hand.

myrw pRBu sd rihAw BrpUir ] (1173-7)
mayraa parabh sad rahi-aa bharpoor.
My God is forever permeating and pervading all.

iesu BgqI kw koeI jwxY Byau ] (1173-7)
is bhagtee kaa ko-ee jaanai bhay-o.
Only a rare few know the mystery of this devotional worship.

sBu myrw pRBu Awqm dyau ]3] (1173-8)
sabh mayraa parabh aatam day-o. ||3||
My God is the Enlightener of all souls. ||3||

Awpy siqguru myil imlwey ] (1173-8)
aapay satgur mayl milaa-ay.
The True Guru Himself unites us in His Union.

jgjIvn isau Awip icqu lwey ] (1173-8)
jagjeevan si-o aap chit laa-ay.
He Himself links our consciousness to the Lord, the Life of the World.

mnu qnu hirAw shij suBwey ] (1173-9)
man tan hari-aa sahj subhaa-ay.
Thus, our minds and bodies are rejuvenated with intuitive ease.

nwnk nwim rhy ilv lwey ]4]4] (1173-9)
naanak naam rahay liv laa-ay. ||4||4||
O Nanak, through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, we remain attuned to the String of His Love. ||4||4||

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] (1173-9)
basant mehlaa 3.
Basant, Third Mehl:

Bgiq vClu hir vsY min Awie ] (1173-10)
bhagat vachhal har vasai man aa-ay.
The Lord is the Lover of His devotees; He dwells within their minds,

gur ikrpw qy shj suBwie ] (1173-10)
gur kirpaa tay sahj subhaa-ay.
by Guru's Grace, with intuitive ease.

Bgiq kry ivchu Awpu Koie ] (1173-10)
bhagat karay vichahu aap kho-ay.
Through devotional worship, self-conceit is eradicated from within,

qd hI swic imlwvw hoie ]1] (1173-11)
tad hee saach milaavaa ho-ay. ||1||
and then, one meets the True Lord. ||1||

Bgq sohih sdw hir pRB duAwir ] (1173-11)
bhagat soheh sadaa har parabh du-aar.
His devotees are forever beauteous at the Door of the Lord God.

gur kY hyiq swcY pRym ipAwir ]1] rhwau ] (1173-11)
gur kai hayt saachai paraym pi-aar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Loving the Guru, they have love and affection for the True Lord. ||1||Pause||

Bgiq kry so jnu inrmlu hoie ] (1173-12)
bhagat karay so jan nirmal ho-ay.
That humble being who worships the Lord with devotion becomes immaculate and pure.

gur sbdI ivchu haumY Koie ] (1173-12)
gur sabdee vichahu ha-umai kho-ay.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, egotism is eradicated from within.

hir jIau Awip vsY min Awie ] (1173-12)
har jee-o aap vasai man aa-ay.
The Dear Lord Himself comes to dwell within the mind,

sdw sWiq suiK shij smwie ]2] (1173-13)
sadaa saaNt sukh sahj samaa-ay. ||2||
and the mortal remains immersed in peace, tranquility and intuitive ease. ||2||

swic rqy iqn sd bsMq ] (1173-13)
saach ratay tin sad basant.
Those who are imbued with Truth, are forever in the bloom of spring.

mnu qnu hirAw riv gux guivMd ] (1173-13)
man tan hari-aa rav gun guvind.
Their minds and bodies are rejuvenated, uttering the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe.

ibnu nwvY sUkw sMswru ] (1173-14)
bin naavai sookaa sansaar.
Without the Lord's Name, the world is dry and parched.

Agin iqRsnw jlY vwro vwr ]3] (1173-14)
agan tarisnaa jalai vaaro vaar. ||3||
It burns in the fire of desire, over and over again. ||3||

soeI kry ij hir jIau BwvY ] (1173-14)
so-ee karay je har jee-o bhaavai.
One who does only that which is pleasing to the Dear Lord

sdw suKu srIir BwxY icqu lwvY ] (1173-15)
sadaa sukh sareer bhaanai chit laavai.
- his body is forever at peace, and his consciousness is attached to the Lord's Will.

Apxw pRBu syvy shij suBwie ] (1173-15)
apnaa parabh sayvay sahj subhaa-ay.
He serves His God with intuitive ease.

nwnk nwmu vsY min Awie ]4]5] (1173-15)
naanak naam vasai man aa-ay. ||4||5||
O Nanak, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, comes to abide in his mind. ||4||5||

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] (1173-16)
basant mehlaa 3.
Basant, Third Mehl:

mwieAw mohu sbid jlwey ] (1173-16)
maa-i-aa moh sabad jalaa-ay.
Attachment to Maya is burnt away by the Word of the Shabad.

mnu qnu hirAw siqgur Bwey ] (1173-16)
man tan hari-aa satgur bhaa-ay.
The mind and body are rejuvenated by the Love of the True Guru.

sPilEu ibrKu hir kY duAwir ] (1173-16)
safli-o birakh har kai du-aar.
The tree bears fruit at the Lord's Door,

swcI bwxI nwm ipAwir ]1] (1173-17)
saachee banee naam pi-aar. ||1||
in love with the True Bani of the Guru's Word, and the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||

ey mn hirAw shj suBwie ] (1173-17)
ay man hari-aa sahj subhaa-ay.
This mind is rejuvenated, with intuitive ease;

sc Plu lwgY siqgur Bwie ]1] rhwau ] (1173-17)
sach fal laagai satgur bhaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
loving the True Guru, it bears the fruit of truth. ||1||Pause||

Awpy nyVY Awpy dUir ] (1173-18)
aapay nayrhai aapay door.
He Himself is near, and He Himself is far away.

gur kY sbid vyKY sd hjUir ] (1173-18)
gur kai sabad vaykhai sad hajoor.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, He is seen to be ever-present, close at hand.

Cwv GxI PUlI bnrwie ] (1173-18)
chhaav ghanee foolee banraa-ay.
The plants have blossomed forth, giving a dense shade.

gurmuiK ibgsY shij suBwie ]2] (1173-19)
gurmukh bigsai sahj subhaa-ay. ||2||
The Gurmukh blossoms forth, with intuitive ease. ||2||

Anidnu kIrqnu krih idn rwiq ] (1173-19)
an-din keertan karahi din raat.
Night and day, he sings the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, day and night.

siqguir gvweI ivchu jUiT BrWiq ] (1173-19)
satgur gavaa-ee vichahu jooth bharaaNt.
The True Guru drives out sin and doubt from within.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD