Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ijn kau qKiq imlY vifAweI gurmuiK sy prDwn kIey ] (1172-1)
jin ka-o takhat milai vadi-aa-ee gurmukh say parDhaan kee-ay.
Those who are blessed with the glory of the Lord's Throne - those Gurmukhs are renowned as supreme.

pwrsu Byit Bey sy pwrs nwnk hir gur sMig QIey ]4]4]12] (1172-1)
paaras bhayt bha-ay say paaras naanak har gur sang thee-ay. ||4||4||12||
Touching the philosopher's stone, they themselves becomes the philosopher's stone; they become the companions of the Lord, the Guru. ||4||4||12||

bsMqu mhlw 3 Gru 1 duquky (1172-3)
basant mehlaa 3 ghar 1 dutukay
Basant, Third Mehl, First House, Du-Tukas:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1172-3)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

mwhw ruqI mih sd bsMqu ] (1172-4)
maahaa rutee meh sad basant.
Throughout the months and the seasons, the Lord is always in bloom.

ijqu hirAw sBu jIA jMqu ] (1172-4)
jit hari-aa sabh jee-a jant.
He rejuvenates all beings and creatures.

ikAw hau AwKw ikrm jMqu ] (1172-4)
ki-aa ha-o aakhaa kiram jant.
What can I say? I am just a worm.

qyrw iknY n pwieAw Awid AMqu ]1] (1172-4)
tayraa kinai na paa-i-aa aad ant. ||1||
No one has found Your beginning or Your end, O Lord. ||1||

qY swihb kI krih syv ] (1172-5)
tai saahib kee karahi sayv.
Those who serve You, Lord,

prm suK pwvih Awqm dyv ]1] rhwau ] (1172-5)
param sukh paavahi aatam dayv. ||1|| rahaa-o.
obtain the greatest peace; their souls are so divine. ||1||Pause||

krmu hovY qW syvw krY ] (1172-6)
karam hovai taaN sayvaa karai.
If the Lord is merciful, then the mortal is allowed to serve Him.

gur prswdI jIvq mrY ] (1172-6)
gur parsaadee jeevat marai.
By Guru's Grace, he remains dead while yet alive.

Anidnu swcu nwmu aucrY ] (1172-6)
an-din saach naam uchrai.
Night and day, he chants the True Name;

ien ibiD pRwxI duqru qrY ]2] (1172-6)
in biDh paraanee dutar tarai. ||2||
in this way, he crosses over the treacherous world-ocean. ||2||

ibKu AMimRqu krqwir aupwey ] (1172-7)
bikh amrit kartaar upaa-ay.
The Creator created both poison and nectar.

sMswr ibrK kau duie Pl lwey ] (1172-7)
sansaar birakh ka-o du-ay fal laa-ay.
He attached these two fruits to the world-plant.

Awpy krqw kry krwey ] (1172-7)
aapay kartaa karay karaa-ay.
The Creator Himself is the Doer, the Cause of all.

jo iqsu BwvY iqsY Kvwey ]3] (1172-8)
jo tis bhaavai tisai khavaa-ay. ||3||
He feeds all as He pleases. ||3||

nwnk ijs no ndir kryie ] (1172-8)
naanak jis no nadar karay-i.
O Nanak, when He casts His Glance of Grace,

AMimRq nwmu Awpy dyie ] (1172-8)
amrit naam aapay day-ay.
He Himself bestows His Ambrosial Naam.

ibiKAw kI bwsnw mnih kryie ] (1172-9)
bikhi-aa kee baasnaa maneh karay-i.
Thus, the desire for sin and corruption is ended.

Apxw Bwxw Awip kryie ]4]1] (1172-9)
apnaa bhaanaa aap karay-i. ||4||1||
The Lord Himself carries out His Own Will. ||4||1||

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] (1172-9)
basant mehlaa 3.
Basant, Third Mehl:

rwqy swic hir nwim inhwlw ] (1172-9)
raatay saach har naam nihaalaa.
Those who are attuned to the True Lord's Name are happy and exalted.

dieAw krhu pRB dIn dieAwlw ] (1172-10)
da-i-aa karahu parabh deen da-i-aalaa.
Take pity on me, O God, Merciful to the meek.

iqsu ibnu Avru nhI mY koie ] (1172-10)
tis bin avar nahee mai ko-ay.
Without Him, I have no other at all.

ijau BwvY iqau rwKY soie ]1] (1172-10)
ji-o bhaavai ti-o raakhai so-ay. ||1||
As it pleases His Will, He keeps me. ||1||

gur gopwl myrY min Bwey ] (1172-11)
gur gopaal mayrai man bhaa-ay.
The Guru, the Lord, is pleasing to my mind.

rih n skau drsn dyKy ibnu shij imlau guru myil imlwey ]1] rhwau ] (1172-11)
reh na saka-o darsan daykhay bin sahj mila-o gur mayl milaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I cannot even survive, without the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. But I shall easily unite with the Guru, if He unites me in His Union. ||1||Pause||

iehu mnu loBI loiB luBwnw ] (1172-12)
ih man lobhee lobh lubhaanaa.
The greedy mind is enticed by greed.

rwm ibswir bhuir pCuqwnw ] (1172-12)
raam bisaar bahur pachhutaanaa.
Forgetting the Lord, it regrets and repents in the end.

ibCurq imlwie gur syv rWgy ] (1172-12)
bichhurat milaa-ay gur sayv raaNgay.
The separated ones are reunited, when they are inspired to serve the Guru.

hir nwmu dIE msqik vfBwgy ]2] (1172-13)
har naam dee-o mastak vadbhaagay. ||2||
They are blessed with the Lord's Name - such is the destiny written on their foreheads. ||2||

paux pwxI kI ieh dyh srIrw ] (1172-13)
pa-un paanee kee ih dayh sareeraa.
This body is built of air and water.

haumY rogu kiTn qin pIrw ] (1172-14)
ha-umai rog kathin tan peeraa.
The body is afflicted with the terribly painful illness of egotism.

gurmuiK rwm nwm dwrU gux gwieAw ] (1172-14)
gurmukh raam naam daaroo gun gaa-i-aa.
The Gurmukh has the Medicine: singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord's Name.

kir ikrpw guir rogu gvwieAw ]3] (1172-14)
kar kirpaa gur rog gavaa-i-aa. ||3||
Granting His Grace, the Guru has cured the illness. ||3||

cwir ndIAw AgnI qin cwry ] (1172-15)
chaar nadee-aa agnee tan chaaray.
The four evils are the four rivers of fire flowing through the body.

iqRsnw jlq jly AhMkwry ] (1172-15)
tarisnaa jalat jalay ahaNkaaray.
It is burning in desire, and burning in egotism.

guir rwKy vfBwgI qwry ] (1172-15)
gur raakhay vadbhaagee taaray.
Those whom the Guru protects and saves are very fortunate.

jn nwnk auir hir AMimRqu Dwry ]4]2] (1172-16)
jan naanak ur har amrit Dhaaray. ||4||2||
Servant Nanak enshrines the Ambrosial Name of the Lord in his heart. ||4||2||

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] (1172-16)
basant mehlaa 3.
Basant, Third Mehl:

hir syvy so hir kw logu ] (1172-16)
har sayvay so har kaa log.
One who serves the Lord is the Lord's person.

swcu shju kdy n hovY sogu ] (1172-16)
saach sahj kaday na hovai sog.
He dwells in intuitive peace, and never suffers in sorrow.

mnmuK muey nwhI hir mn mwih ] (1172-17)
manmukh mu-ay naahee har man maahi.
The self-willed manmukhs are dead; the Lord is not within their minds.

mir mir jMmih BI mir jwih ]1] (1172-17)
mar mar jameh bhee mar jaahi. ||1||
They die and die again and again, and are reincarnated, only to die once more. ||1||

sy jn jIvy ijn hir mn mwih ] (1172-18)
say jan jeevay jin har man maahi.
They alone are alive, whose minds are filled with the Lord.

swcu sm@wlih swic smwih ]1] rhwau ] (1172-18)
saach samHaalih saach samaahi. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They contemplate the True Lord, and are absorbed in the True Lord. ||1||Pause||

hir n syvih qy hir qy dUir ] (1172-18)
har na sayveh tay har tay door.
Those who do not serve the Lord are far away from the Lord.

idsMqru Bvih isir pwvih DUir ] (1172-19)
disantar bhaveh sir paavahi Dhoor.
They wander in foreign lands, with dust thrown on their heads.

hir Awpy jn lIey lwie ] (1172-19)
har aapay jan lee-ay laa-ay.
The Lord Himself enjoins His humble servants to serve Him.

iqn sdw suKu hY iqlu n qmwie ]2] (1172-19)
tin sadaa sukh hai til na tamaa-ay. ||2||
They live in peace forever, and have no greed at all. ||2||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD