Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Bgvq BIir skiq ismrn kI ktI kwl BY PwsI ] (1162-1)
bhagvat bheer sakat simran kee katee kaal bhai faasee.
With the army of God's devotees, and Shakti, the power of meditation, I have snapped the noose of the fear of death.

dwsu kmIru ciV@E gV@ aUpir rwju lIE AibnwsI ]6]9]17] (1162-1)
daas kameer charhHi-o garhH oopar raaj lee-o abhinaasee. ||6||9||17||
Slave Kabeer has climbed to the top of the fortress; I have obtained the eternal, imperishable domain. ||6||9||17||

gMg guswiein gihr gMBIr ] (1162-2)
gang gusaa-in gahir gambheer.
The mother Ganges is deep and profound.

jMjIr bWiD kir Kry kbIr ]1] (1162-2)
janjeer baaNDh kar kharay kabeer. ||1||
Tied up in chains, they took Kabeer there. ||1||

mnu n ifgY qnu kwhy kau frwie ] (1162-3)
man na digai tan kaahay ka-o daraa-ay.
My mind was not shaken; why should my body be afraid?

crn kml icqu rihE smwie ] rhwau ] (1162-3)
charan kamal chit rahi-o samaa-ay. rahaa-o.
My consciousness remained immersed in the Lotus Feet of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

gMgw kI lhir myrI tutI jMjIr ] (1162-4)
gangaa kee lahar mayree tutee janjeer.
The waves of the Ganges broke the chains,

imRgCwlw pr bYTy kbIr ]2] (1162-4)
marigchhaalaa par baithay kabeer. ||2||
and Kabeer was seated on a deer skin. ||2||

kih kMbIr koaU sMg n swQ ] (1162-4)
kahi kambeer ko-oo sang na saath.
Says Kabeer, I have no friend or companion.

jl Ql rwKn hY rGunwQ ]3]10]18] (1162-5)
jal thal raakhan hai raghunaath. ||3||10||18||
On the water, and on the land, the Lord is my Protector. ||3||10||18||

BYrau kbIr jIau AstpdI Gru 2 (1162-6)
bhairo kabeer jee-o asatpadee ghar 2
Bhairao, Kabeer Jee, Ashtapadees, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1162-6)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Agm dRügm giV ricE bws ] (1162-7)
agam darugam garh rachi-o baas.
God constructed a fortress, inaccessible and unreachable, in which He dwells.

jw mih joiq kry prgws ] (1162-7)
jaa meh jot karay pargaas.
There, His Divine Light radiates forth.

ibjulI cmkY hoie Anµdu ] (1162-7)
bijulee chamkai ho-ay anand.
Lightning blazes, and bliss prevails there,

ijh pauV@y pRB bwl goibMd ]1] (1162-7)
jih pa-orhHay parabh baal gobind. ||1||
where the Eternally Young Lord God abides. ||1||

iehu jIau rwm nwm ilv lwgY ] (1162-8)
ih jee-o raam naam liv laagai.
This soul is lovingly attuned to the Lord's Name.

jrw mrnu CUtY BRmu BwgY ]1] rhwau ] (1162-8)
jaraa maran chhootai bharam bhaagai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It is saved from old age and death, and its doubt runs away. ||1||Pause||

Abrn brn isau mn hI pRIiq ] (1162-9)
abran baran si-o man hee pareet.
Those who believe in high and low social classes,

haumY gwvin gwvih gIq ] (1162-9)
ha-umai gaavan gaavahi geet.
only sing songs and chants of egotism.

Anhd sbd hoq Junkwr ] (1162-9)
anhad sabad hot jhunkaar.
The Unstruck Sound-current of the Shabad, the Word of God, resounds in that place,

ijh pauV@y pRB sRI gopwl ]2] (1162-10)
jih pa-orhHay parabh saree gopaal. ||2||
where the Supreme Lord God abides. ||2||

KMfl mMfl mMfl mMfw ] (1162-10)
khandal mandal mandal mandaa.
He creates planets, solar systems and galaxies;

iqRA AsQwn qIin iqRA KMfw ] (1162-10)
tari-a asthaan teen tari-a khanda.
He destroys the three worlds, the three gods and the three qualities.

Agm Agocru rihAw AB AMq ] (1162-11)
agam agochar rahi-aa abh ant.
The Inaccessible and Unfathomable Lord God dwells in the heart.

pwru n pwvY ko DrnIDr mMq ]3] (1162-11)
paar na paavai ko DharneeDhar mant. ||3||
No one can find the limits or the secrets of the Lord of the World. ||3||

kdlI puhp DUp prgws ] (1162-11)
kadlee puhap Dhoop pargaas.
The Lord shines forth in the plantain flower and the sunshine.

rj pMkj mih lIE invws ] (1162-12)
raj pankaj meh lee-o nivaas.
He dwells in the pollen of the lotus flower.

duAwds dl AB AMqir mMq ] (1162-12)
du-aadas dal abh antar mant.
The Lord's secret is within the twelve petals of the heart-lotus.

jh pauVy sRI kmlw kMq ]4] (1162-12)
jah pa-urhay saree kamlaa kant. ||4||
The Supreme Lord, the Lord of Lakshmi dwells there. ||4||

ArD aurD muiK lwgo kwsu ] (1162-13)
araDh uraDh mukh laago kaas.
He is like the sky, stretching across the lower, upper and middle realms.

suMn mMfl mih kir prgwsu ] (1162-13)
sunn mandal meh kar pargaas.
In the profoundly silent celestial realm, He radiates forth.

aUhW sUrj nwhI cMd ] (1162-13)
oohaaN sooraj naahee chand.
Neither the sun nor the moon are there,

Awid inrMjnu krY Anµd ]5] (1162-13)
aad niranjan karai anand. ||5||
but the Primal Immaculate Lord celebrates there. ||5||

so bRhmMif ipMif so jwnu ] (1162-14)
so barahmand pind so jaan.
Know that He is in the universe, and in the body as well.

mwn srovir kir iesnwnu ] (1162-14)
maan sarovar kar isnaan.
Take your cleansing bath in the Mansarovar Lake.

sohM so jw kau hY jwp ] (1162-14)
sohaN so jaa ka-o hai jaap.
Chant "Sohang" - "He is me."

jw kau ilpq n hoie puMn Aru pwp ]6] (1162-15)
jaa ka-o lipat na ho-ay punn ar paap. ||6||
He is not affected by either virtue or vice. ||6||

Abrn brn Gwm nhI Cwm ] (1162-15)
abran baran ghaam nahee chhaam.
He is not affected by either high or low social class, sunshine or shade.

Avr n pweIAY gur kI swm ] (1162-15)
avar na paa-ee-ai gur kee saam.
He is in the Guru's Sanctuary, and nowhere else.

twrI n trY AwvY n jwie ] (1162-16)
taaree na tarai aavai na jaa-ay.
He is not diverted by diversions, comings or goings.

suMn shj mih rihE smwie ]7] (1162-16)
sunn sahj meh rahi-o samaa-ay. ||7||
Remain intuitively absorbed in the celestial void. ||7||

mn mDy jwnY jy koie ] (1162-16)
man maDhay jaanai jay ko-ay.
One who knows the Lord in the mind

jo bolY so AwpY hoie ] (1162-17)
jo bolai so aapai ho-ay.
- whatever he says, comes to pass.

joiq mMiqR min AsiQru krY ] (1162-17)
jot mantar man asthir karai.
One who firmly implants the Lord's Divine Light, and His Mantra within the mind

kih kbIr so pRwnI qrY ]8]1] (1162-17)
kahi kabeer so paraanee tarai. ||8||1||
- says Kabeer, such a mortal crosses over to the other side. ||8||1||

koit sUr jw kY prgws ] (1162-17)
kot soor jaa kai pargaas.
Millions of suns shine for Him,

koit mhwdyv Aru kiblws ] (1162-18)
kot mahaadayv ar kabilaas.
millions of Shivas and Kailash mountains.

durgw koit jw kY mrdnu krY ] (1162-18)
durgaa kot jaa kai mardan karai.
Millions of Durga goddesses massage His Feet.

bRhmw koit byd aucrY ]1] (1162-18)
barahmaa kot bayd uchrai. ||1||
Millions of Brahmas chant the Vedas for Him. ||1||

jau jwcau qau kyvl rwm ] (1162-19)
ja-o jaacha-o ta-o kayval raam.
When I beg, I beg only from the Lord.

Awn dyv isau nwhI kwm ]1] rhwau ] (1162-19)
aan dayv si-o naahee kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have nothing to do with any other deities. ||1||Pause||

koit cMdRmy krih crwk ] (1162-19)
kot chandarmay karahi charaak.
Millions of moons twinkle in the sky.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD