Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


sur qyqIsau jyvih pwk ] (1163-1)
sur tayteesa-o jayveh paak.
Three hundred thirty million gods eat the Lord's offerings.

nv gRh koit TwFy drbwr ] (1163-1)
nav garah kot thaadhay darbaar.
The nine stars, a million times over, stand at His Door.

Drm koit jw kY pRiqhwr ]2] (1163-1)
Dharam kot jaa kai partihaar. ||2||
Millions of Righteous Judges of Dharma are His gate-keepers. ||2||

pvn koit caubwry iPrih ] (1163-2)
pavan kot cha-ubaaray fireh.
Millions of winds blow around Him in the four directions.

bwsk koit syj ibsQrih ] (1163-2)
baasak kot sayj bisathrahi.
Millions of serpents prepare His bed.

smuMd koit jw ky pwnIhwr ] (1163-2)
samund kot jaa kay paaneehaar.
Millions of oceans are His water-carriers.

romwvil koit ATwrh Bwr ]3] (1163-3)
romaaval kot athaarah bhaar. ||3||
The eighteen million loads of vegetation are His Hair. ||3||

koit kmyr Brih BMfwr ] (1163-3)
kot kamayr bhareh bhandaar.
Millions of treasurers fill His Treasury.

koitk lKmI krY sIgwr ] (1163-3)
kotik lakhmee karai seegaar.
Millions of Lakshmis adorn themselves for Him.

koitk pwp puMn bhu ihrih ] (1163-3)
kotik paap punn baho hireh.
Many millions of vices and virtues look up to Him.

ieMdR koit jw ky syvw krih ]4] (1163-4)
indar kot jaa kay sayvaa karahi. ||4||
Millions of Indras serve Him. ||4||

Cpn koit jw kY pRiqhwr ] (1163-4)
chhapan kot jaa kai partihaar.
Fifty-six million clouds are His.

ngrI ngrI iKAq Apwr ] (1163-4)
nagree nagree khi-at apaar.
In each and every village, His infinite fame has spread.

lt CUtI vrqY ibkrwl ] (1163-5)
lat chhootee vartai bikraal.
Wild demons with dishevelled hair move about.

koit klw KylY gopwl ]5] (1163-5)
kot kalaa khaylai gopaal. ||5||
The Lord plays in countless ways. ||5||

koit jg jw kY drbwr ] (1163-5)
kot jag jaa kai darbaar.
Millions of charitable feasts are held in His Court,

gMDRb koit krih jYkwr ] (1163-6)
ganDharab kot karahi jaikaar.
and millions of celestial singers celebrate His victory.

ibidAw koit sBY gun khY ] (1163-6)
bidi-aa kot sabhai gun kahai.
Millions of sciences all sing His Praises.

qaU pwrbRhm kw AMqu n lhY ]6] (1163-6)
ta-oo paarbarahm kaa ant na lahai. ||6||
Even so, the limits of the Supreme Lord God cannot be found. ||6||

bwvn koit jw kY romwvlI ] rwvn sYnw jh qy ClI ] (1163-6)
baavan kot jaa kai romaavalee. raavan sainaa jah tay chhalee.
Rama, with millions of monkeys, conquered Raawan's army.

shs koit bhu khq purwn ] (1163-7)
sahas kot baho kahat puraan.
Billions of Puraanas greatly praise Him;

durjoDn kw miQAw mwnu ]7] (1163-7)
durjoDhan kaa mathi-aa maan. ||7||
He humbled the pride of Duyodhan. ||7||

kMdRp koit jw kY lvY n Drih ] (1163-8)
kandarap kot jaa kai lavai na Dhareh.
Millions of gods of love cannot compete with Him.

AMqr AMqir mnsw hrih ] (1163-8)
antar antar mansaa hareh.
He steals the hearts of mortal beings.

kih kbIr suin swirgpwn ] (1163-8)
kahi kabeer sun saarigpaan.
Says Kabeer, please hear me, O Lord of the World.

dyih ABY pdu mWgau dwn ]8]2]18]20] (1163-9)
deh abhai pad maaNga-o daan. ||8||2||18||20||
I beg for the blessing of fearless dignity. ||8||2||18||20||

BYrau bwxI nwmdyau jIau kI Gru 1 (1163-10)
bhairo banee naamday-o jee-o kee ghar 1
Bhairao, The Word Of Naam Dayv Jee, First House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1163-10)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ry ijhbw krau sq KMf ] (1163-11)
ray jihbaa kara-o sat khand.
O my tongue, I will cut you into a hundred pieces,

jwim n aucris sRI goibMd ]1] (1163-11)
jaam na uchras saree gobind. ||1||
if you do not chant the Name of the Lord. ||1||

rMgI ly ijhbw hir kY nwie ] (1163-11)
rangee lay jihbaa har kai naa-ay.
O my tongue, be imbued with the Lord's Name.

surMg rMgIly hir hir iDAwie ]1] rhwau ] (1163-11)
surang rangeelay har har Dhi-aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and imbue yourself with this most excellent color. ||1||Pause||

imiQAw ijhbw AvryN kwm ] (1163-12)
mithi-aa jihbaa avrayN kaam.
O my tongue, other occupations are false.

inrbwx pdu ieku hir ko nwmu ]2] (1163-12)
nirbaan pad ik har ko naam. ||2||
The state of Nirvaanaa comes only through the Lord's Name. ||2||

AsMK koit An pUjw krI ] (1163-13)
asaNkh kot an poojaa karee.
The performance of countless millions of other devotions

eyk n pUjis nwmY hrI ]3] (1163-13)
ayk na poojas naamai haree. ||3||
is not equal to even one devotion to the Name of the Lord. ||3||

pRxvY nwmdyau iehu krxw ] (1163-13)
paranvai naamday-o ih karnaa.
Prays Naam Dayv, this is my occupation.

Anµq rUp qyry nwrwiexw ]4]1] (1163-14)
anant roop tayray naaraa-inaa. ||4||1||
O Lord, Your Forms are endless. ||4||1||

pr Dn pr dwrw prhrI ] (1163-14)
par Dhan par daaraa parharee.
One who stays away from others' wealth and others' spouses

qw kY inkit bsY nrhrI ]1] (1163-14)
taa kai nikat basai narharee. ||1||
- the Lord abides near that person. ||1||

jo n BjMqy nwrwiexw ] (1163-14)
jo na bhajantay naaraa-inaa.
Those who do not meditate and vibrate on the Lord

iqn kw mY n krau drsnw ]1] rhwau ] (1163-15)
tin kaa mai na kara-o darsanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
- I do not even want to see them. ||1||Pause||

ijn kY BIqir hY AMqrw ] (1163-15)
jin kai bheetar hai antraa.
Those whose inner beings are not in harmony with the Lord,

jYsy psu qYsy Eie nrw ]2] (1163-15)
jaisay pas taisay o-ay naraa. ||2||
are nothing more than beasts. ||2||

pRxviq nwmdyau nwkih ibnw ] (1163-16)
paranvat naamday-o naakeh binaa.
Prays Naam Dayv, a man without a nose

nw sohY bqIs lKnw ]3]2] (1163-16)
naa sohai batees lakhnaa. ||3||2||
does not look handsome, even if he has the thirty-two beauty marks. ||3||2||

dUDu ktorY gfvY pwnI ] kpl gwie nwmY duih AwnI ]1] (1163-16)
dooDh katorai gadvai paanee. kapal gaa-ay naamai duhi aanee. ||1||
Naam Dayv milked the brown cow, and brought a cup of milk and a jug of water to his family god. ||1||

dUDu pIau goibMdy rwie ] (1163-17)
dooDh pee-o gobinday raa-ay.
"Please drink this milk, O my Sovereign Lord God.

dUDu pIau myro mnu pqIAwie ] (1163-17)
dooDh pee-o mayro man patee-aa-ay.
Drink this milk and my mind will be happy.

nwhI q Gr ko bwpu irswie ]1] rhwau ] (1163-18)
naahee ta ghar ko baap risaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Otherwise, my father will be angry with me."||1||Pause||

suoien ktorI AMimRq BrI ] (1163-18)
so-in katoree amrit bharee.
Taking the golden cup, Naam Dayv filled it with the ambrosial milk,

lY nwmY hir AwgY DrI ]2] (1163-18)
lai naamai har aagai Dharee. ||2||
and placed it before the Lord. ||2||

eyku Bgqu myry ihrdy bsY ] nwmy dyiK nrwienu hsY ]3] (1163-19)
ayk bhagat mayray hirday basai. naamay daykh naraa-in hasai. ||3||
The Lord looked upon Naam Dayv and smiled. "This one devotee abides within my heart."||3||

dUDu pIAwie Bgqu Gir gieAw ] (1163-19)
dooDh pee-aa-ay bhagat ghar ga-i-aa.
The Lord drank the milk, and the devotee returned home.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD