Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


qb pRB kwju svwrih Awie ]1] (1161-1)
tab parabh kaaj savaareh aa-ay. ||1||
then God comes and resolves his affairs. ||1||

AYsw igAwnu ibcwru mnw ] (1161-1)
aisaa gi-aan bichaar manaa.
Contemplate such spiritual wisdom, O mortal man.

hir kI n ismrhu duK BMjnw ]1] rhwau ] (1161-1)
har kee na simrahu dukh bhanjnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Why not meditate in remembrance on the Lord, the Destroyer of pain? ||1||Pause||

jb lgu isMGu rhY bn mwih ] (1161-2)
jab lag singh rahai ban maahi.
As long as the tiger lives in the forest,

qb lgu bnu PUlY hI nwih ] (1161-2)
tab lag ban foolai hee naahi.
the forest does not flower.

jb hI isAwru isMG kau Kwie ] (1161-3)
jab hee si-aar singh ka-o khaa-ay.
But when the jackal eats the tiger,

PUil rhI sglI bnrwie ]2] (1161-3)
fool rahee saglee banraa-ay. ||2||
then the entire forest flowers. ||2||

jIqo bUfY hwro iqrY ] (1161-3)
jeeto boodai haaro tirai.
The victorious are drowned, while the defeated swim across.

gur prswdI pwir auqrY ] (1161-3)
gur parsaadee paar utrai.
By Guru's Grace, one crosses over and is saved.

dwsu kbIru khY smJwie ] (1161-4)
daas kabeer kahai samjhaa-ay.
Slave Kabeer speaks and teaches:

kyvl rwm rhhu ilv lwie ]3]6]14] (1161-4)
kayval raam rahhu liv laa-ay. ||3||6||14||
remain lovingly absorbed, attuned to the Lord alone. ||3||6||14||

sqir sYie slwr hY jw ky ] (1161-4)
satar sai-ay salaar hai jaa kay.
He has 7,000 commanders,

svw lwKu pYkwbr qw ky ] (1161-5)
savaa laakh paikaabar taa kay.
and hundreds of thousands of prophets;

syK ju khIAih koit ATwsI ] (1161-5)
saykh jo kahee-ahi kot athaasee.
He is said to have 88,000,000 shaykhs,

Cpn koit jw ky Kyl KwsI ]1] (1161-5)
chhapan kot jaa kay khayl khaasee. ||1||
and 56,000,000 attendants. ||1||

mo grIb kI ko gujrwvY ] (1161-6)
mo gareeb kee ko gujraavai.
I am meek and poor - what chance do I have of being heard there?

mjlis dUir mhlu ko pwvY ]1] rhwau ] (1161-6)
majlas door mahal ko paavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
His Court is so far away; only a rare few attain the Mansion of His Presence. ||1||Pause||

qyqIs kroVI hY Kyl Kwnw ] (1161-6)
taytees karorhee hai khayl khaanaa.
He has 33,000,000 play-houses.

caurwsI lK iPrY idvwnW ] (1161-7)
cha-uraasee lakh firai divaanaaN.
His beings wander insanely through 8.4 million incarnations.

bwbw Awdm kau ikCu ndir idKweI ] (1161-7)
baabaa aadam ka-o kichh nadar dikhaa-ee.
He bestowed His Grace on Adam, the father of mankind,

auin BI iBsiq GnyrI pweI ]2] (1161-7)
un bhee bhisat ghanayree paa-ee. ||2||
who then lived in paradise for a long time. ||2||

idl Klhlu jw kY jrd rU bwnI ] (1161-8)
dil khalhal jaa kai jarad roo baanee.
Pale are the faces of those whose hearts are disturbed.

Coif kqyb krY sYqwnI ] (1161-8)
chhod katayb karai saitaanee.
They have forsaken their Bible, and practice Satanic evil.

dunIAw dosu rosu hY loeI ] (1161-8)
dunee-aa dos ros hai lo-ee.
One who blames the world, and is angry with people,

Apnw kIAw pwvY soeI ]3] (1161-9)
apnaa kee-aa paavai so-ee. ||3||
shall receive the fruits of his own actions. ||3||

qum dwqy hm sdw iBKwrI ] (1161-9)
tum daatay ham sadaa bhikhaaree.
You are the Great Giver, O Lord; I am forever a beggar at Your Door.

dyau jbwbu hoie bjgwrI ] (1161-9)
day-o jabaab ho-ay bajgaaree.
If I were to deny You, then I would be a wretched sinner.

dwsu kbIru qyrI pnh smwnW ] (1161-9)
daas kabeer tayree panah samaanaaN.
Slave Kabeer has entered Your Shelter.

iBsqu njIik rwKu rhmwnw ]4]7]15] (1161-10)
bhisat najeek raakh rehmaanaa. ||4||7||15||
Keep me near You, O Merciful Lord God - that is heaven for me. ||4||7||15||

sBu koeI cln khq hY aUhW ] (1161-10)
sabh ko-ee chalan kahat hai oohaaN.
Everyone speaks of going there,

nw jwnau bYkuMTu hY khW ]1] rhwau ] (1161-11)
naa jaan-o baikunth hai kahaaN. ||1|| rahaa-o.
but I do not even know where heaven is. ||1||Pause||

Awp Awp kw mrmu n jwnW ] (1161-11)
aap aap kaa maram na jaanaaN.
One who does not even know the mystery of his own self,

bwqn hI bYkuMTu bKwnW ]1] (1161-11)
baatan hee baikunth bakhaanaaN. ||1||
speaks of heaven, but it is only talk. ||1||

jb lgu mn bYkuMT kI Aws ] (1161-12)
jab lag man baikunth kee aas.
As long as the mortal hopes for heaven,

qb lgu nwhI crn invws ]2] (1161-12)
tab lag naahee charan nivaas. ||2||
he will not dwell at the Lord's Feet. ||2||

KweI kotu n prl pgwrw ] (1161-12)
khaa-ee kot na paral pagaaraa.
Heaven is not a fort with moats and ramparts, and walls plastered with mud;

nw jwnau bYkuMT duAwrw ]3] (1161-12)
naa jaan-o baikunth du-aaraa. ||3||
I do not know what heaven's gate is like. ||3||

kih kmIr Ab khIAY kwih ] (1161-13)
kahi kameer ab kahee-ai kaahi.
Says Kabeer, now what more can I say?

swDsMgiq bYkuMTY Awih ]4]8]16] (1161-13)
saaDhsangat baikunthay aahi. ||4||8||16||
The Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, is heaven itself. ||4||8||16||

ikau lIjY gFu bMkw BweI ] (1161-14)
ki-o leejai gadh bankaa bhaa-ee.
How can the beautiful fortress be conquered, O Siblings of Destiny?

dovr kot Aru qyvr KweI ]1] rhwau ] (1161-14)
dovar kot ar tayvar khaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It has double walls and triple moats. ||1||Pause||

pWc pcIs moh md mqsr AwfI prbl mwieAw ] (1161-14)
paaNch pachees moh mad matsar aadee parbal maa-i-aa.
It is defended by the five elements, the twenty-five categories, attachment, pride, jealousy and the awesomely powerful Maya.

jn grIb ko joru n phucY khw krau rGurwieAw ]1] (1161-15)
jan gareeb ko jor na pahuchai kahaa kara-o raghuraa-i-aa. ||1||
The poor mortal being does not have the strength to conquer it; what should I do now, O Lord? ||1||

kwmu ikvwrI duKu suKu drvwnI pwpu puMnu drvwjw ] (1161-15)
kaam kivaaree dukh sukh darvaanee paap punn darvaajaa.
Sexual desire is the window, pain and pleasure are the gate-keepers, virtue and sin are the gates.

k®oDu pRDwnu mhw bf duMdr qh mnu mwvwsI rwjw ]2] (1161-16)
kroDh parDhaan mahaa bad dundar tah man maavaasee raajaa. ||2||
Anger is the great supreme commander, full of argument and strife, and the mind is the rebel king there. ||2||

sÍwd snwh topu mmqw ko kubuiD kmwn cFweI ] (1161-16)
savaad sanaah top mamtaa ko kubuDh kamaan chadhaa-ee.
Their armor is the pleasure of tastes and flavors, their helmets are worldly attachments; they take aim with their bows of corrupt intellect.

iqsnw qIr rhy Gt BIqir ieau gFu lIE n jweI ]3] (1161-17)
tisnaa teer rahay ghat bheetar i-o gadh lee-o na jaa-ee. ||3||
The greed that fills their hearts is the arrow; with these things, their fortress is impregnable. ||3||

pRym plIqw suriq hvweI golw igAwnu clwieAw ] (1161-18)
paraym paleetaa surat havaa-ee golaa gi-aan chalaa-i-aa.
But I have made divine love the fuse, and deep meditation the bomb; I have launched the rocket of spiritual wisdom.

bRhm Agin shjy prjwlI eykih cot isJwieAw ]4] (1161-18)
barahm agan sehjay parjaalee aykeh chot sijhaa-i-aa. ||4||
The fire of God is lit by intuition, and with one shot, the fortress is taken. ||4||

squ sMqoKu lY lrny lwgw qory duie drvwjw ] (1161-19)
sat santokh lai larnay laagaa toray du-ay darvaajaa.
Taking truth and contentment with me, I begin the battle and storm both the gates.

swDsMgiq Aru gur kI ik®pw qy pkirE gF ko rwjw ]5] (1161-19)
saaDhsangat ar gur kee kirpaa tay pakri-o gadh ko raajaa. ||5||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and by Guru's Grace, I have captured the king of the fortress. ||5||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD