Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hY hjUir kq dUir bqwvhu ] (1160-1)
hai hajoor kat door bataavhu.
God is present, right here at hand; why do you say that He is far away?

duMdr bwDhu suMdr pwvhu ]1] rhwau ] (1160-1)
dundar baaDhhu sundar paavhu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Tie up your disturbing passions, and find the Beauteous Lord. ||1||Pause||

kwjI so ju kwieAw bIcwrY ] (1160-1)
kaajee so jo kaa-i-aa beechaarai.
He alone is a Qazi, who contemplates the human body,

kwieAw kI Agin bRhmu prjwrY ] (1160-2)
kaa-i-aa kee agan barahm parjaarai.
and through the fire of the body, is illumined by God.

supnY ibMdu n dyeI Jrnw ] (1160-2)
supnai bind na day-ee jharnaa.
He does not lose his semen, even in his dreams;

iqsu kwjI kau jrw n mrnw ]2] (1160-2)
tis kaajee ka-o jaraa na marnaa. ||2||
for such a Qazi, there is no old age or death. ||2||

so surqwnu ju duie sr qwnY ] (1160-3)
so surtaan jo du-ay sar taanai.
He alone is a sultan and a king, who shoots the two arrows,

bwhir jwqw BIqir AwnY ] (1160-3)
baahar jaataa bheetar aanai.
gathers in his outgoing mind,

ggn mMfl mih lskru krY ] (1160-3)
gagan mandal meh laskar karai.
and assembles his army in the realm of the mind's sky, the Tenth Gate.

so surqwnu CqRü isir DrY ]3] (1160-4)
so surtaan chhatar sir Dharai. ||3||
The canopy of royalty waves over such a sultan. ||3||

jogI gorKu gorKu krY ] (1160-4)
jogee gorakh gorakh karai.
The Yogi cries out, "Gorakh, Gorakh".

ihMdU rwm nwmu aucrY ] (1160-4)
hindoo raam naam uchrai.
The Hindu utters the Name of Raam.

muslmwn kw eyku Kudwie ] (1160-5)
musalmaan kaa ayk khudaa-ay.
The Muslim has only One God.

kbIr kw suAwmI rihAw smwie ]4]3]11] (1160-5)
kabeer kaa su-aamee rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||4||3||11||
The Lord and Master of Kabeer is all-pervading. ||4||3||11||

mhlw 5 ] (1160-5)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

jo pwQr kau khqy dyv ] (1160-5)
jo paathar ka-o kahtay dayv.
Those who call a stone their god

qw kI ibrQw hovY syv ] (1160-6)
taa kee birthaa hovai sayv.
- their service is useless.

jo pwQr kI pWeI pwie ] (1160-6)
jo paathar kee paaN-ee paa-ay.
Those who fall at the feet of a stone god

iqs kI Gwl AjWeI jwie ]1] (1160-6)
tis kee ghaal ajaaN-ee jaa-ay. ||1||
- their work is wasted in vain. ||1||

Twkuru hmrw sd bolµqw ] (1160-7)
thaakur hamraa sad bolantaa.
My Lord and Master speaks forever.

srb jIAw kau pRBu dwnu dyqw ]1] rhwau ] (1160-7)
sarab jee-aa ka-o parabh daan daytaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God gives His gifts to all living beings. ||1||Pause||

AMqir dyau n jwnY AMDu ] (1160-7)
antar day-o na jaanai anDh.
The Divine Lord is within the self, but the spiritually blind one does not know this.

BRm kw moihAw pwvY PMDu ] (1160-8)
bharam kaa mohi-aa paavai fanDh.
Deluded by doubt, he is caught in the noose.

n pwQru bolY nw ikCu dyie ] (1160-8)
na paathar bolai naa kichh day-ay.
The stone does not speak; it does not give anything to anyone.

Pokt krm inhPl hY syv ]2] (1160-8)
fokat karam nihfal hai sayv. ||2||
Such religious rituals are useless; such service is fruitless. ||2||

jy imrqk kau cMdnu cVwvY ] (1160-9)
jay mirtak ka-o chandan charhaavai.
If a corpse is anointed with sandalwood oil,

aus qy khhu kvn Pl pwvY ] (1160-9)
us tay kahhu kavan fal paavai.
what good does it do?

jy imrqk kau ibstw mwih rulweI ] (1160-9)
jay mirtak ka-o bistaa maahi rulaa-ee.
If a corpse is rolled in manure,

qW imrqk kw ikAw Git jweI ]3] (1160-10)
taaN mirtak kaa ki-aa ghat jaa-ee. ||3||
what does it lose from this? ||3||

khq kbIr hau khau pukwir ] (1160-10)
kahat kabeer ha-o kaha-o pukaar.
Says Kabeer, I proclaim this out loud

smiJ dyKu swkq gwvwr ] (1160-10)
samajh daykh saakat gaavaar.
- behold, and understand, you ignorant, faithless cynic.

dUjY Bwie bhuqu Gr gwly ] (1160-11)
doojai bhaa-ay bahut ghar gaalay.
The love of duality has ruined countless homes.

rwm Bgq hY sdw suKwly ]4]4]12] (1160-11)
raam bhagat hai sadaa sukhaalay. ||4||4||12||
The Lord's devotees are forever in bliss. ||4||4||12||

jl mih mIn mwieAw ky byDy ] (1160-11)
jal meh meen maa-i-aa kay bayDhay.
The fish in the water is attached to Maya.

dIpk pqMg mwieAw ky Cydy ] (1160-12)
deepak patang maa-i-aa kay chhayday.
The moth fluttering around the lamp is pierced through by Maya.

kwm mwieAw kuMcr kau ibAwpY ] (1160-12)
kaam maa-i-aa kunchar ka-o bi-aapai.
The sexual desire of Maya afflicts the elephant.

BuieAMgm iBRMg mwieAw mih Kwpy ]1] (1160-12)
bhu-i-angam bharing maa-i-aa meh khaapay. ||1||
The snakes and bumble bees are destroyed through Maya. ||1||

mwieAw AYsI mohnI BweI ] (1160-13)
maa-i-aa aisee mohnee bhaa-ee.
Such are the enticements of Maya, O Siblings of Destiny.

jyqy jIA qyqy fhkweI ]1] rhwau ] (1160-13)
jaytay jee-a taytay dehkaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
As many living beings are there are, have been deceived. ||1||Pause||

pMKI imRg mwieAw mih rwqy ] (1160-13)
pankhee marig maa-i-aa meh raatay.
The birds and the deer are imbued with Maya.

swkr mwKI AiDk sMqwpy ] (1160-14)
saakar maakhee aDhik santaapay.
Sugar is a deadly trap for the flies.

qury aust mwieAw mih Bylw ] (1160-14)
turay usat maa-i-aa meh bhaylaa.
Horses and camels are absorbed in Maya.

isD caurwsIh mwieAw mih Kylw ]2] (1160-14)
siDh cha-oraaseeh maa-i-aa meh khaylaa. ||2||
The eighty-four Siddhas, the beings of miraculous spiritual powers, play in Maya. ||2||

iCA jqI mwieAw ky bMdw ] (1160-15)
chhi-a jatee maa-i-aa kay bandaa.
The six celibates are slaves of Maya.

nvY nwQ sUrj Aru cMdw ] (1160-15)
navai naath sooraj ar chandaa.
So are the nine masters of Yoga, and the sun and the moon.

qpy rKIsr mwieAw mih sUqw ] (1160-15)
tapay rakheesar maa-i-aa meh sootaa.
The austere disciplinarians and the Rishis are asleep in Maya.

mwieAw mih kwlu Aru pMc dUqw ]3] (1160-16)
maa-i-aa meh kaal ar panch dootaa. ||3||
Death and the five demons are in Maya. ||3||

suAwn isAwl mwieAw mih rwqw ] (1160-16)
su-aan si-aal maa-i-aa meh raataa.
Dogs and jackals are imbued with Maya.

bMqr cIqy Aru isMGwqw ] (1160-17)
bantar cheetay ar singhaataa.
Monkeys, leopards and lions,

mWjwr gwfr Aru lUbrw ] (1160-17)
maaNjaar gaadar ar loobraa.
cats, sheep, foxes,

ibrK mUl mwieAw mih prw ]4] (1160-17)
birakh mool maa-i-aa meh paraa. ||4||
trees and roots are planted in Maya. ||4||

mwieAw AMqir BIny dyv ] (1160-18)
maa-i-aa antar bheenay dayv.
Even the gods are drenched with Maya,

swgr ieMdRw Aru Drqyv ] (1160-18)
saagar indraa ar Dhartayv.
as are the oceans, the sky and the earth.

kih kbIr ijsu audru iqsu mwieAw ] (1160-18)
kahi kabeer jis udar tis maa-i-aa.
Says Kabeer, whoever has a belly to fill, is under the spell of Maya.

qb CUty jb swDU pwieAw ]5]5]13] (1160-18)
tab chhootay jab saaDhoo paa-i-aa. ||5||5||13||
The mortal is emancipated only when he meets the Holy Saint. ||5||5||13||

jb lgu myrI myrI krY ] (1160-19)
jab lag mayree mayree karai.
As long as he cries out, "Mine! Mine!",

qb lgu kwju eyku nhI srY ] (1160-19)
tab lag kaaj ayk nahee sarai.
none of his tasks is accomplished.

jb myrI myrI imit jwie ] (1160-19)
jab mayree mayree mit jaa-ay.
When such possessiveness is erased and removed,


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD