Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


pMifq mulW Cwfy doaU ]1] rhwau ] (1159-1)
pandit mulaaN chhaaday do-oo. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have abandoned both the Pandits, the Hindu religious scholars, and the Mullahs, the Muslim priests. ||1||Pause||

buin buin Awp Awpu pihrwvau ] (1159-1)
bun bun aap aap pahiraava-o.
I weave and weave, and wear what I weave.

jh nhI Awpu qhw hoie gwvau ]2] (1159-1)
jah nahee aap tahaa ho-ay gaava-o. ||2||
Where egotism does not exist, there I sing God's Praises. ||2||

pMifq mulW jo iliK dIAw ] (1159-2)
pandit mulaaN jo likh dee-aa.
Whatever the Pandits and Mullahs have written,

Cwif cly hm kCU n lIAw ]3] (1159-2)
chhaad chalay ham kachhoo na lee-aa. ||3||
I reject; I do not accept any of it. ||3||

irdY ieKlwsu inriK ly mIrw ] (1159-2)
ridai ikhlaas nirakh lay meeraa.
My heart is pure, and so I have seen the Lord within.

Awpu Koij Koij imly kbIrw ]4]7] (1159-3)
aap khoj khoj milay kabeeraa. ||4||7||
Searching, searching within the self, Kabeer has met the Lord. ||4||7||

inrDn Awdru koeI n dyie ] (1159-3)
nirDhan aadar ko-ee na day-ay.
No one respects the poor man.

lwK jqn krY Ehu iciq n Dryie ]1] rhwau ] (1159-3)
laakh jatan karai oh chit na Dharay-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He may make thousands of efforts, but no one pays any attention to him. ||1||Pause||

jau inrDnu srDn kY jwie ] (1159-4)
ja-o nirDhan sarDhan kai jaa-ay.
When the poor man goes to the rich man,

Awgy bYTw pIiT iPrwie ]1] (1159-4)
aagay baithaa peeth firaa-ay. ||1||
and sits right in front of him, the rich man turns his back on him. ||1||

jau srDnu inrDn kY jwie ] (1159-5)
ja-o sarDhan nirDhan kai jaa-ay.
But when the rich man goes to the poor man,

dIAw Awdru lIAw bulwie ]2] (1159-5)
dee-aa aadar lee-aa bulaa-ay. ||2||
the poor man welcomes him with respect. ||2||

inrDnu srDnu donau BweI ] (1159-5)
nirDhan sarDhan don-o bhaa-ee.
The poor man and the rich man are both brothers.

pRB kI klw n mytI jweI ]3] (1159-6)
parabh kee kalaa na maytee jaa-ee. ||3||
God's pre-ordained plan cannot be erased. ||3||

kih kbIr inrDnu hY soeI ] (1159-6)
kahi kabeer nirDhan hai so-ee.
Says Kabeer, he alone is poor,

jw ky ihrdY nwmu n hoeI ]4]8] (1159-6)
jaa kay hirdai naam na ho-ee. ||4||8||
who does not have the Naam, the Name of the Lord, in his heart. ||4||8||

gur syvw qy Bgiq kmweI ] (1159-7)
gur sayvaa tay bhagat kamaa-ee.
Serving the Guru, devotional worship is practiced.

qb ieh mwns dyhI pweI ] (1159-7)
tab ih maanas dayhee paa-ee.
Then, this human body is obtained.

ies dyhI kau ismrih dyv ] (1159-7)
is dayhee ka-o simrahi dayv.
Even the gods long for this human body.

so dyhI Bju hir kI syv ]1] (1159-7)
so dayhee bhaj har kee sayv. ||1||
So vibrate that human body, and think of serving the Lord. ||1||

Bjhu guoibMd BUil mq jwhu ] (1159-8)
bhajahu gobind bhool mat jaahu.
Vibrate, and meditate on the Lord of the Universe, and never forget Him.

mwns jnm kw eyhI lwhu ]1] rhwau ] (1159-8)
maanas janam kaa ayhee laahu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This is the blessed opportunity of this human incarnation. ||1||Pause||

jb lgu jrw rogu nhI AwieAw ] (1159-8)
jab lag jaraa rog nahee aa-i-aa.
As long as the disease of old age has not come to the body,

jb lgu kwil gRsI nhI kwieAw ] (1159-9)
jab lag kaal garsee nahee kaa-i-aa.
and as long as death has not come and seized the body,

jb lgu ibkl BeI nhI bwnI ] (1159-9)
jab lag bikal bha-ee nahee baanee.
and as long as your voice has not lost its power,

Bij lyih ry mn swirgpwnI ]2] (1159-10)
bhaj layhi ray man saarigpaanee. ||2||
O mortal being, vibrate and meditate on the Lord of the World. ||2||

Ab n Bjis Bjis kb BweI ] (1159-10)
ab na bhajas bhajas kab bhaa-ee.
If you do not vibrate and meditate on Him now, when will you, O Sibing of Destiny?

AwvY AMqu n BijAw jweI ] (1159-10)
aavai ant na bhaji-aa jaa-ee.
When the end comes, you will not be able to vibrate and meditate on Him.

jo ikCu krih soeI Ab swru ] (1159-11)
jo kichh karahi so-ee ab saar.
Whatever you have to do - now is the best time to do it.

iPir pCuqwhu n pwvhu pwru ]3] (1159-11)
fir pathutaahu na paavhu paar. ||3||
Otherwise, you shall regret and repent afterwards, and you shall not be carried across to the other side. ||3||

so syvku jo lwieAw syv ] (1159-11)
so sayvak jo laa-i-aa sayv.
He alone is a servant, whom the Lord enjoins to His service.

iqn hI pwey inrMjn dyv ] (1159-11)
tin hee paa-ay niranjan dayv.
He alone attains the Immaculate Divine Lord.

gur imil qw ky Kul@y kpwt ] (1159-12)
gur mil taa kay khulHay kapaat.
Meeting with the Guru, his doors are opened wide,

bhuir n AwvY jonI bwt ]4] (1159-12)
bahur na aavai jonee baat. ||4||
and he does not have to journey again on the path of reincarnation. ||4||

iehI qyrw Aausru ieh qyrI bwr ] (1159-12)
ihee tayraa a-osar ih tayree baar.
This is your chance, and this is your time.

Gt BIqir qU dyKu ibcwir ] (1159-13)
ghat bheetar too daykh bichaar.
Look deep into your own heart, and reflect on this.

khq kbIru jIiq kY hwir ] (1159-13)
kahat kabeer jeet kai haar.
Says Kabeer, you can win or lose.

bhu ibiD kihE pukwir pukwir ]5]1]9] (1159-13)
baho biDh kahi-o pukaar pukaar. ||5||1||9||
In so many ways, I have proclaimed this out loud. ||5||1||9||

isv kI purI bsY buiD swru ] (1159-14)
siv kee puree basai buDh saar.
In the City of God, sublime understanding prevails.

qh qum@ imil kY krhu ibcwru ] (1159-14)
tah tumH mil kai karahu bichaar.
There, you shall meet with the Lord, and reflect on Him.

eIq aUq kI soJI prY ] (1159-14)
eet oot kee sojhee parai.
Thus, you shall understand this world and the next.

kaunu krm myrw kir kir mrY ]1] (1159-15)
ka-un karam mayraa kar kar marai. ||1||
What is the use of claiming that you own everything, if you only die in the end? ||1||

inj pd aUpir lwgo iDAwnu ] (1159-15)
nij pad oopar laago Dhi-aan.
I focus my meditation on my inner self, deep within.

rwjw rwm nwmu morw bRhm igAwnu ]1] rhwau ] (1159-15)
raajaa raam naam moraa barahm gi-aan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Name of the Sovereign Lord is my spiritual wisdom. ||1||Pause||

mUl duAwrY bMiDAw bMDu ] (1159-16)
mool du-aarai banDhi-aa banDh.
In the first chakra, the root chakra, I have grasped the reins and tied them.

riv aUpir gih rwiKAw cMdu ] (1159-16)
rav oopar geh raakhi-aa chand.
I have firmly placed the moon above the sun.

pCm duAwrY sUrju qpY ] (1159-16)
pachham du-aarai sooraj tapai.
The sun blazes forth at the western gate.

myr fMf isr aUpir bsY ]2] (1159-17)
mayr dand sir oopar basai. ||2||
Through the central channel of the Shushmanaa, it rises up above my head. ||2||

pscm duAwry kI isl EV ] (1159-17)
pascham du-aaray kee sil orh.
There is a stone at that western gate,

iqh isl aUpir iKVkI Aaur ] (1159-17)
tih sil oopar khirhkee a-or.
and above that stone, is another window.

iKVkI aUpir dsvw duAwru ] (1159-18)
khirhkee oopar dasvaa du-aar.
Above that window is the Tenth Gate.

kih kbIr qw kw AMqu n pwru ]3]2]10] (1159-18)
kahi kabeer taa kaa ant na paar. ||3||2||10||
Says Kabeer, it has no end or limitation. ||3||2||10||

so mulW jo mn isau lrY ] (1159-18)
so mulaaN jo man si-o larai.
He alone is a Mullah, who struggles with his mind,

gur aupdyis kwl isau jurY ] (1159-19)
gur updays kaal si-o jurai.
and through the Guru's Teachings, fights with death.

kwl purK kw mrdY mwnu ] (1159-19)
kaal purakh kaa mardai maan.
He crushes the pride of the Messenger of Death.

iqsu mulw kau sdw slwmu ]1] (1159-19)
tis mulaa ka-o sadaa salaam. ||1||
Unto that Mullah, I ever offer greetings of respect. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD