Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


rwmu rwjw nau iniD myrY ] (1158-1)
raam raajaa na-o niDh mayrai.
The Sovereign Lord is the nine treasures for me.

sMpY hyqu klqu Dnu qyrY ]1] rhwau ] (1158-1)
sampai hayt kalat Dhan tayrai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The possessions and the spouse to which the mortal is lovingly attached, are Your wealth, O Lord. ||1||Pause||

Awvq sMg n jwq sMgwqI ] (1158-1)
aavat sang na jaat sangaatee.
They do not come with the mortal, and they do not go with him.

khw BieE dir bWDy hwQI ]2] (1158-2)
kahaa bha-i-o dar baaNDhay haathee. ||2||
What good does it do him, if he has elephants tied up at his doorway? ||2||

lµkw gFu sony kw BieAw ] (1158-2)
lankaa gadh sonay kaa bha-i-aa.
The fortress of Sri Lanka was made out of gold,

mUrKu rwvnu ikAw ly gieAw ]3] (1158-2)
moorakh raavan ki-aa lay ga-i-aa. ||3||
but what could the foolish Raawan take with him when he left? ||3||

kih kbIr ikCu gunu bIcwir ] (1158-3)
kahi kabeer kichh gun beechaar.
Says Kabeer, think of doing some good deeds.

cly juAwrI duie hQ Jwir ]4]2] (1158-3)
chalay ju-aaree du-ay hath jhaar. ||4||2||
In the end, the gambler shall depart empty-handed. ||4||2||

mYlw bRhmw mYlw ieMdu ] (1158-3)
mailaa barahmaa mailaa ind.
Brahma is polluted, and Indra is polluted.

riv mYlw mYlw hY cMdu ]1] (1158-4)
rav mailaa mailaa hai chand. ||1||
The sun is polluted, and the moon is polluted. ||1||

mYlw mlqw iehu sMswru ] (1158-4)
mailaa maltaa ih sansaar.
This world is polluted with pollution.

ieku hir inrmlu jw kw AMqu n pwru ]1] rhwau ] (1158-4)
ik har nirmal jaa kaa ant na paar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Only the One Lord is Immaculate; He has no end or limitation. ||1||Pause||

mYly bRhmMfwie kY eIs ] (1158-5)
mailay barahmandaa-i kai ees.
The rulers of kingdoms are polluted.

mYly inis bwsur idn qIs ]2] (1158-5)
mailay nis baasur din tees. ||2||
Nights and days, and the days of the month are polluted. ||2||

mYlw moqI mYlw hIru ] (1158-5)
mailaa motee mailaa heer.
The pearl is polluted, the diamond is polluted.

mYlw paunu pwvku Aru nIru ]3] (1158-6)
mailaa pa-un paavak ar neer. ||3||
Wind, fire and water are polluted. ||3||

mYly isv sMkrw mhys ] (1158-6)
mailay siv sankraa mahays.
Shiva, Shankara and Mahaysh are polluted.

mYly isD swiDk Aru ByK ]4] (1158-6)
mailay siDh saaDhik ar bhaykh. ||4||
The Siddhas, seekers and strivers, and those who wear religious robes, are polluted. ||4||

mYly jogI jMgm jtw shyiq ] (1158-7)
mailay jogee jangam jataa sahayt.
The Yogis and wandering hermits with their matted hair are polluted.

mYlI kwieAw hMs smyiq ]5] (1158-7)
mailee kaa-i-aa hans samayt. ||5||
The body, along with the swan-soul, is polluted. ||5||

kih kbIr qy jn prvwn ] inrml qy jo rwmih jwn ]6]3] (1158-7)
kahi kabeer tay jan parvaan. nirmal tay jo raameh jaan. ||6||3||
Says Kabeer, those humble beings are approved and pure, who know the Lord. ||6||3||

mnu kir mkw ikblw kir dyhI ] (1158-8)
man kar makaa kiblaa kar dayhee.
Let your mind be Mecca, and your body the temple of worship.

bolnhwru prm guru eyhI ]1] (1158-8)
bolanhaar param gur ayhee. ||1||
Let the Supreme Guru be the One who speaks. ||1||

khu ry mulW bWg invwj ] (1158-9)
kaho ray mulaaN baaNg nivaaj.
O Mullah, utter the call to prayer.

eyk msIiq dsY drvwj ]1] rhwau ] (1158-9)
ayk maseet dasai darvaaj. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The one mosque has ten doors. ||1||Pause||

imisimil qwmsu Brmu kdUrI ] (1158-9)
misimil taamas bharam kadooree.
So slaughter your evil nature, doubt and cruelty;

BwiK ly pMcY hoie sbUrI ]2] (1158-10)
bhaakh lay panchai ho-ay sabooree. ||2||
consume the five demons and you shall be blessed with contentment. ||2||

ihMdU qurk kw swihbu eyk ] (1158-10)
hindoo turak kaa saahib ayk.
Hindus and Muslims have the same One Lord and Master.

kh krY mulW kh krY syK ]3] (1158-10)
kah karai mulaaN kah karai saykh. ||3||
What can the Mullah do, and what can the Shaykh do? ||3||

kih kbIr hau BieAw idvwnw ] (1158-11)
kahi kabeer ha-o bha-i-aa divaanaa.
Says Kabeer, I have gone insane.

muis muis mnUAw shij smwnw ]4]4] (1158-11)
mus mus manoo-aa sahj samaanaa. ||4||4||
Slaughtering, slaughtering my mind, I have merged into the Celestial Lord. ||4||4||

gMgw kY sMig silqw ibgrI ] so silqw gMgw hoie inbrI ]1] (1158-12)
gangaa kai sang salitaa bigree. so salitaa gangaa ho-ay nibree. ||1||
When the stream flows into the Ganges, then it becomes the Ganges. ||1||

ibgirE kbIrw rwm duhweI ] (1158-12)
bigri-o kabeeraa raam duhaa-ee.
Just so, Kabeer has changed.

swcu BieE An kqih n jweI ]1] rhwau ] (1158-13)
saach bha-i-o an kateh na jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He has become the Embodiment of Truth, and he does not go anywhere else. ||1||Pause||

cMdn kY sMig qrvru ibgirE ] (1158-13)
chandan kai sang tarvar bigri-o.
Associating with the sandalwood tree, the tree nearby is changed;

so qrvru cMdnu hoie inbirE ]2] (1158-13)
so tarvar chandan ho-ay nibri-o. ||2||
that tree begins to smell just like the sandalwood tree. ||2||

pwrs kY sMig qWbw ibgirE ] (1158-14)
paaras kai sang taaNbaa bigri-o.
Coming into contact with the philosophers' stone, copper is transformed;

so qWbw kMcnu hoie inbirE ]3] (1158-14)
so taaNbaa kanchan ho-ay nibri-o. ||3||
that copper is transformed into gold. ||3||

sMqn sMig kbIrw ibgirE ] (1158-14)
santan sang kabeeraa bigri-o.
In the Society of the Saints, Kabeer is transformed;

so kbIru rwmY hoie inbirE ]4]5] (1158-15)
so kabeer raamai ho-ay nibri-o. ||4||5||
that Kabeer is transformed into the Lord. ||4||5||

mwQy iqlku hiQ mwlw bwnW ] (1158-15)
maathay tilak hath maalaa baanaaN.
Some apply ceremonial marks to their foreheads, hold malas in their hands, and wear religious robes.

logn rwmu iKlaunw jwnW ]1] (1158-15)
logan raam khil-a-unaa jaanaaN. ||1||
Some people think that the Lord is a play-thing. ||1||

jau hau baurw qau rwm qorw ] (1158-16)
ja-o ha-o ba-uraa ta-o raam toraa.
If I am insane, then I am Yours, O Lord.

logu mrmu kh jwnY morw ]1] rhwau ] (1158-16)
log maram kah jaanai moraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
How can people know my secret? ||1||Pause||

qorau n pwqI pUjau n dyvw ] (1158-17)
tora-o na paatee pooja-o na dayvaa.
I do not pick leaves as offerings, and I do not worship idols.

rwm Bgiq ibnu inhPl syvw ]2] (1158-17)
raam bhagat bin nihfal sayvaa. ||2||
Without devotional worship of the Lord, service is useless. ||2||

siqguru pUjau sdw sdw mnwvau ] (1158-17)
satgur pooja-o sadaa sadaa manaava-o.
I worship the True Guru; forever and ever, I surrender to Him.

AYsI syv drgh suKu pwvau ]3] (1158-18)
aisee sayv dargeh sukh paava-o. ||3||
By such service, I find peace in the Court of the Lord. ||3||

logu khY kbIru baurwnw ] (1158-18)
log kahai kabeer ba-uraanaa.
People say that Kabeer has gone insane.

kbIr kw mrmu rwm pihcwnW ]4]6] (1158-18)
kabeer kaa maram raam pahichaanaaN. ||4||6||
Only the Lord realizes the secret of Kabeer. ||4||6||

aulit jwiq kul doaU ibswrI ] (1158-19)
ulat jaat kul do-oo bisaaree.
Turning away from the world, I have forgotten both my social class and ancestry.

suMn shj mih bunq hmwrI ]1] (1158-19)
sunn sahj meh bunat hamaaree. ||1||
My weaving now is in the most profound celestial stillness. ||1||

hmrw Jgrw rhw n koaU ] (1158-19)
hamraa jhagraa rahaa na ko-oo.
I have no quarrel with anyone.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD