Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


koit munIsr muoin mih rhqy ]7] (1157-1)
kot muneesar mon meh rahtay. ||7||
Millions of silent sages dwell in silence. ||7||

Aivgq nwQu Agocr suAwmI ] pUir rihAw Gt AMqrjwmI ] (1157-1)
avigat naath agochar su-aamee. poor rahi-aa ghat antarjaamee.
Our Eternal, Imperishable, Incomprehensible Lord and Master, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, is permeating all hearts.

jq kq dyKau qyrw vwsw ] (1157-2)
jat kat daykh-a-u tayraa vaasaa.
Wherever I look, I see Your Dwelling, O Lord.

nwnk kau guir kIE pRgwsw ]8]2]5] (1157-2)
naanak ka-o gur kee-o pargaasaa. ||8||2||5||
The Guru has blessed Nanak with enlightenment. ||8||2||5||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1157-3)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

siqguir mo kau kIno dwnu ] (1157-3)
satgur mo ka-o keeno daan.
The True Guru has blessed me with this gift.

Amol rqnu hir dIno nwmu ] (1157-3)
amol ratan har deeno naam.
He has given me the Priceless Jewel of the Lord's Name.

shj ibnod coj Awnµqw ] (1157-3)
sahj binod choj aanantaa.
Now, I intuitively enjoy endless pleasures and wondrous play.

nwnk kau pRBu imilE AicMqw ]1] (1157-4)
naanak ka-o parabh mili-o achintaa. ||1||
God has spontaneously met with Nanak. ||1||

khu nwnk kIriq hir swcI ] (1157-4)
kaho naanak keerat har saachee.
Says Nanak, True is the Kirtan of the Lord's Praise.

bhuir bhuir iqsu sMig mnu rwcI ]1] rhwau ] (1157-4)
bahur bahur tis sang man raachee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Again and again, my mind remains immersed in it. ||1||Pause||

AicMq hmwrY Bojn Bwau ] (1157-5)
achint hamaarai bhojan bhaa-o.
Spontaneously, I feed on the Love of God.

AicMq hmwrY lIcY nwau ] (1157-5)
achint hamaarai leechai naa-o.
Spontaneously, I take God's Name.

AicMq hmwrY sbid auDwr ] (1157-5)
achint hamaarai sabad uDhaar.
Spontaneously, I am saved by the Word of the Shabad.

AicMq hmwrY Bry BMfwr ]2] (1157-6)
achint hamaarai bharay bhandaar. ||2||
Spontaneously, my treasures are filled to overflowing. ||2||

AicMq hmwrY kwrj pUry ] (1157-6)
achint hamaarai kaaraj pooray.
Spontaneously, my works are perfectly accomplished.

AicMq hmwrY lQy ivsUry ] (1157-6)
achint hamaarai lathay visooray.
Spontaneously, I am rid of sorrow.

AicMq hmwrY bYrI mIqw ] (1157-7)
achint hamaarai bairee meetaa.
Spontaneously, my enemies have become friends.

AicMqo hI iehu mnu vis kIqw ]3] (1157-7)
achinto hee ih man vas keetaa. ||3||
Spontaneously, I have brought my mind under control. ||3||

AicMq pRBU hm kIAw idlwsw ] (1157-7)
achint parabhoo ham kee-aa dilaasaa.
Spontaneously, God has comforted me.

AicMq hmwrI pUrn Awsw ] (1157-8)
achint hamaaree pooran aasaa.
Spontaneously, my hopes have been fulfilled.

AicMq hm@w kau sgl isDWqu ] (1157-8)
achint hamHaa ka-o sagal siDhaaNt.
Spontaneously, I have totally realized the essence of reality.

AicMqu hm kau guir dIno mMqu ]4] (1157-8)
achint ham ka-o gur deeno mant. ||4||
Spontaneously, I have been blessed with the Guru's Mantra. ||4||

AicMq hmwry ibnsy bYr ] (1157-9)
achint hamaaray binsay bair.
Spontaneously, I am rid of hatred.

AicMq hmwry imty AMDyr ] (1157-9)
achint hamaaray mitay anDhayr.
Spontaneously, my darkness has been dispelled.

AicMqo hI min kIrqnu mITw ] (1157-9)
achinto hee man keertan meethaa.
Spontaneously, the Kirtan of the Lord's Praise seems so sweet to my mind.

AicMqo hI pRBu Git Git fITw ]5] (1157-9)
achinto hee parabh ghat ghat deethaa. ||5||
Spontaneously, I behold God in each and every heart. ||5||

AicMq imitE hY sglo Brmw ] (1157-10)
achint miti-o hai saglo bharmaa.
Spontaneously, all my doubts have been dispelled.

AicMq visE min suK ibsRwmw ] (1157-10)
achint vasi-o man sukh bisraamaa.
Spontaneously, peace and celestial harmony fill my mind.

AicMq hmwrY Anhq vwjY ] (1157-11)
achint hamaarai anhat vaajai.
Spontaneously, the Unstruck Melody of the Sound-current resounds within me.

AicMq hmwrY goibMdu gwjY ]6] (1157-11)
achint hamaarai gobind gaajai. ||6||
Spontaneously, the Lord of the Universe has revealed Himself to me. ||6||

AicMq hmwrY mnu pqIAwnw ] (1157-11)
achint hamaarai man patee-aanaa.
Spontaneously, my mind has been pleased and appeased.

inhcl DnI AicMqu pCwnw ] (1157-11)
nihchal Dhanee achint pachhaanaa.
I have spontaneously realized the Eternal, Unchanging Lord.

AicMqo aupijE sgl ibbykw ] (1157-12)
achinto upji-o sagal bibaykaa.
Spontaneously, all wisdom and knowledge has welled up within me.

AicMq crI hiQ hir hir tykw ]7] (1157-12)
achint charee hath har har taykaa. ||7||
Spontaneously, the Support of the Lord, Har, Har, has come into my hands. ||7||

AicMq pRBU Duir iliKAw lyKu ] (1157-13)
achint parabhoo Dhur likhi-aa laykh.
Spontaneously, God has recorded my pre-ordained destiny.

AicMq imilE pRBu Twkuru eyku ] (1157-13)
achint mili-o parabh thaakur ayk.
Spontaneously, the One Lord and Master God has met me.

icMq AicMqw sglI geI ] (1157-13)
chint achintaa saglee ga-ee.
Spontaneously, all my cares and worries have been taken away.

pRB nwnk nwnk nwnk meI ]8]3]6] (1157-13)
parabh naanak naanak naanak ma-ee. ||8||3||6||
Nanak, Nanak, Nanak, has merged into the Image of God. ||8||3||6||

BYrau bwxI Bgqw kI ] kbIr jIau Gru 1 (1157-15)
bhairo banee bhagtaa kee. kabeer jee-o ghar 1
Bhairao, The Word Of The Devotees, Kabeer Jee, First House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1157-15)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

iehu Dnu myry hir ko nwau ] (1157-16)
ih Dhan mayray har ko naa-o.
The Name of the Lord - this alone is my wealth.

gWiT n bwDau byic n Kwau ]1] rhwau ] (1157-16)
gaaNth na baaDha-o baych na khaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I do not tie it up to hide it, nor do I sell it to make my living. ||1||Pause||

nwau myry KyqI nwau myry bwrI ] (1157-16)
naa-o mayray khaytee naa-o mayray baaree.
The Name is my crop, and the Name is my field.

Bgiq krau jnu srin qum@wrI ]1] (1157-17)
bhagat kara-o jan saran tumHaaree. ||1||
As Your humble servant, I perform devotional worship to You; I seek Your Sanctuary. ||1||

nwau myry mwieAw nwau myry pUMjI ] (1157-17)
naa-o mayray maa-i-aa naa-o mayray poonjee.
The Name is Maya and wealth for me; the Name is my capital.

qumih Coif jwnau nhI dUjI ]2] (1157-17)
tumeh chhod jaan-o nahee doojee. ||2||
I do not forsake You; I do not know any other at all. ||2||

nwau myry bMiDp nwau myry BweI ] (1157-18)
naa-o mayray banDhip naa-o mayray bhaa-ee.
The Name is my family, the Name is my brother.

nwau myry sMig AMiq hoie sKweI ]3] (1157-18)
naa-o mayray sang ant ho-ay sakhaa-ee. ||3||
The Name is my companion, who will help me in the end. ||3||

mwieAw mih ijsu rKY audwsu ] (1157-18)
maa-i-aa meh jis rakhai udaas.
One whom the Lord keeps detached from Maya

kih kbIr hau qw ko dwsu ]4]1] (1157-19)
kahi kabeer ha-o taa ko daas. ||4||1||
- says Kabeer, I am his slave. ||4||1||

nWgy Awvnu nWgy jwnw ] (1157-19)
naaNgay aavan naaNgay jaanaa.
Naked we come, and naked we go.

koie n rihhY rwjw rwnw ]1] (1157-19)
ko-ay na rahihai raajaa raanaa. ||1||
No one, not even the kings and queens, shall remain. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD