Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ijsu nwmu irdY so sIqlu hUAw ] (1156-1)
jis naam ridai so seetal hoo-aa.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart becomes cool and calm.

nwm ibnw iDRgu jIvxu mUAw ]2] (1156-1)
naam binaa Dharig jeevan moo-aa. ||2||
Without the Naam, both life and death are cursed. ||2||

ijsu nwmu irdY so jIvn mukqw ] (1156-1)
jis naam ridai so jeevan muktaa.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart is Jivan-mukta, liberated while yet alive.

ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu sB hI jugqw ] (1156-2)
jis naam ridai tis sabh hee jugtaa.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart knows all ways and means.

ijsu nwmu irdY iqin nau iniD pweI ] (1156-2)
jis naam ridai tin na-o niDh paa-ee.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart obtains the nine treasures.

nwm ibnw BRim AwvY jweI ]3] (1156-2)
naam binaa bharam aavai jaa-ee. ||3||
Without the Naam, the mortal wanders, coming and going in reincarnation. ||3||

ijsu nwmu irdY so vyprvwhw ] (1156-3)
jis naam ridai so vayparvaahaa.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart is carefree and independent.

ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu sd hI lwhw ] (1156-3)
jis naam ridai tis sad hee laahaa.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart always earns a profit.

ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu vf prvwrw ] (1156-4)
jis naam ridai tis vad parvaaraa.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart has a large family.

nwm ibnw mnmuK gwvwrw ]4] (1156-4)
naam binaa manmukh gaavaaraa. ||4||
Without the Naam, the mortal is just an ignorant, self-willed manmukh. ||4||

ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu inhcl Awsnu ] (1156-4)
jis naam ridai tis nihchal aasan.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart has a permanent position.

ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu qKiq invwsnu ] (1156-5)
jis naam ridai tis takhat nivaasan.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart is seated on the throne.

ijsu nwmu irdY so swcw swhu ] (1156-5)
jis naam ridai so saachaa saahu.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart is the true king.

nwmhIx nwhI piq vyswhu ]5] (1156-5)
naamheen naahee pat vaysaahu. ||5||
Without the Naam, no one has any honor or respect. ||5||

ijsu nwmu irdY so sB mih jwqw ] (1156-6)
jis naam ridai so sabh meh jaataa.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart is famous everywhere.

ijsu nwmu irdY so purKu ibDwqw ] (1156-6)
jis naam ridai so purakh biDhaataa.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart is the Embodiment of the Creator Lord.

ijsu nwmu irdY so sB qy aUcw ] (1156-6)
jis naam ridai so sabh tay oochaa.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart is the highest of all.

nwm ibnw BRim jonI mUcw ]6] (1156-7)
naam binaa bharam jonee moochaa. ||6||
Without the Naam, the mortal wanders in reincarnation. ||6||

ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu pRgit phwrw ] (1156-7)
jis naam ridai tis pargat pahaaraa.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart sees the Lord manifested in His Creation.

ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu imitAw AMDwrw ] (1156-7)
jis naam ridai tis miti-aa anDhaaraa.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart - his darkness is dispelled.

ijsu nwmu irdY so purKu prvwxu ] (1156-8)
jis naam ridai so purakh parvaan.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart is approved and accepted.

nwm ibnw iPir Awvx jwxu ]7] (1156-8)
naam binaa fir aavan jaan. ||7||
Without the Naam, the mortal continues coming and going in reincarnation. ||7||

iqin nwmu pwieAw ijsu BieE ik®pwl ] (1156-9)
tin naam paa-i-aa jis bha-i-o kirpaal.
He alone receives the Naam, who is blessed by the Lord's Mercy.

swDsMgiq mih lKy guopwl ] (1156-9)
saaDhsangat meh lakhay gopaal.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the Lord of the World is understood.

Awvx jwx rhy suKu pwieAw ] (1156-9)
aavan jaan rahay sukh paa-i-aa.
Coming and going in reincarnation ends, and peace is found.

khu nwnk qqY qqu imlwieAw ]8]1]4] (1156-10)
kaho naanak tatai tat milaa-i-aa. ||8||1||4||
Says Nanak, my essence has merged in the Essence of the Lord. ||8||1||4||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1156-10)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

koit ibsn kIny Avqwr ] (1156-10)
kot bisan keenay avtaar.
He created millions of incarnations of Vishnu.

koit bRhmMf jw ky DRmswl ] (1156-11)
kot barahmand jaa kay Dharamsaal.
He created millions of universes as places to practice righteousness.

koit mhys aupwie smwey ] (1156-11)
kot mahays upaa-ay samaa-ay.
He created and destroyed millions of Shivas.

koit bRhmy jgu swjx lwey ]1] (1156-11)
kot barahmay jag saajan laa-ay. ||1||
He employed millions of Brahmas to create the worlds. ||1||

AYso DxI guivMdu hmwrw ] (1156-11)
aiso Dhanee guvind hamaaraa.
Such is my Lord and Master, the Lord of the Universe.

brin n swkau gux ibsQwrw ]1] rhwau ] (1156-12)
baran na saaka-o gun bisthaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I cannot even describe His Many Virtues. ||1||Pause||

koit mwieAw jw kY syvkwie ] (1156-12)
kot maa-i-aa jaa kai sayvkaa-ay.
Millions of Mayas are His maid-servants.

koit jIA jw kI ishjwie ] (1156-13)
kot jee-a jaa kee sihjaa-ay.
Millions of souls are His beds.

koit aupwrjnw qyrY AMig ] (1156-13)
kot upaarjanaa tayrai ang.
Millions of universes are the limbs of His Being.

koit Bgq bsq hir sMig ]2] (1156-13)
kot bhagat basat har sang. ||2||
Millions of devotees abide with the Lord. ||2||

koit CqRpiq krq nmskwr ] (1156-13)
kot chhatarpat karat namaskaar.
Millions of kings with their crowns and canopies bow before Him.

koit ieMdR TwFy hY duAwr ] (1156-14)
kot indar thaadhay hai du-aar.
Millions of Indras stand at His Door.

koit bYkuMT jw kI idRstI mwih ] (1156-14)
kot baikunth jaa kee daristee maahi.
Millions of heavenly paradises are within the scope of His Vision.

koit nwm jw kI kImiq nwih ]3] (1156-14)
kot naam jaa kee keemat naahi. ||3||
Millions of His Names cannot even be appraised. ||3||

koit pUrIAq hY jw kY nwd ] (1156-15)
kot pooree-at hai jaa kai naad.
Millions of celestial sounds resound for Him.

koit AKwry cilq ibsmwd ] (1156-15)
kot akhaaray chalit bismaad.
His Wondrous Plays are enacted on millions of stages.

koit skiq isv AwigAwkwr ] (1156-15)
kot sakat siv aagi-aakaar.
Millions of Shaktis and Shivas are obedient to Him.

koit jIA dyvY AwDwr ]4] (1156-16)
kot jee-a dayvai aaDhaar. ||4||
He gives sustenance and support to millions of beings. ||4||

koit qIrQ jw ky crn mJwr ] (1156-16)
kot tirath jaa kay charan majhaar.
In His Feet are millions of sacred shrines of pilgrimage.

koit pivqR jpq nwm cwr ] (1156-16)
kot pavitar japat naam chaar.
Millions chant His Sacred and Beautiful Name.

koit pUjwrI krqy pUjw ] (1156-17)
kot poojaaree kartay poojaa.
Millions of worshippers worship Him.

koit ibsQwrnu Avru n dUjw ]5] (1156-17)
kot bisthaaran avar na doojaa. ||5||
Millions of expanses are His; there is no other at all. ||5||

koit mihmw jw kI inrml hMs ] (1156-17)
kot mahimaa jaa kee nirmal hans.
Millions of swan-souls sing His Immaculate Praises.

koit ausqiq jw kI krq bRhmMs ] (1156-18)
kot ustat jaa kee karat barahmans.
Millions of Brahma's sons sing His Praises.

koit prlau Epiq inmK mwih ] (1156-18)
kot parla-o opat nimakh maahi.
He creates and destroys millions, in an instant.

koit guxw qyry gxy n jwih ]6] (1156-18)
kot gunaa tayray ganay na jaahi. ||6||
Millions are Your Virtues, Lord - they cannot even be counted. ||6||

koit igAwnI kQih igAwnu ] (1156-19)
kot gi-aanee katheh gi-aan.
Millions of spiritual teachers teach His spiritual wisdom.

koit iDAwnI Drq iDAwnu ] (1156-19)
kot Dhi-aanee Dharat Dhi-aan.
Millions of meditators focus on His meditation.

koit qpIsr qp hI krqy ] (1156-19)
kot tapeesar tap hee kartay.
Millions of austere penitents practice austerities.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD