Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


pRhlwdu jnu crxI lwgw Awie ]11] (1155-1)
parahlaad jan charnee laagaa aa-ay. ||11||
The humble servant Prahlaad came and fell at the Lord's Feet. ||11||

siqguir nwmu inDwnu idRVwieAw ] (1155-1)
satgur naam niDhaan drirh-aa-i-aa.
The True Guru implanted the treasure of the Naam within.

rwju mwlu JUTI sB mwieAw ] (1155-2)
raaj maal jhoothee sabh maa-i-aa.
Power, property and all Maya is false.

loBI nr rhy lptwie ] (1155-2)
lobhee nar rahay laptaa-ay.
But still, the greedy people continue clinging to them.

hir ky nwm ibnu drgh imlY sjwie ]12] (1155-2)
har kay naam bin dargeh milai sajaa-ay. ||12||
Without the Name of the Lord, the mortals are punished in His Court. ||12||

khY nwnku sBu ko kry krwieAw ] (1155-3)
kahai naanak sabh ko karay karaa-i-aa.
Says Nanak, everyone acts as the Lord makes them act.

sy prvwxu ijnI hir isau icqu lwieAw ] (1155-3)
say parvaan jinee har si-o chit laa-i-aa.
They alone are approved and accepted, who focus their consciousness on the Lord.

Bgqw kw AMgIkwru krdw AwieAw ] (1155-3)
bhagtaa kaa angeekaar kardaa aa-i-aa.
He has made His devotees His Own.

krqY Apxw rUpu idKwieAw ]13]1]2] (1155-4)
kartai apnaa roop dikhaa-i-aa. ||13||1||2||
The Creator has appeared in His Own Form. ||13||1||2||

BYrau mhlw 3 ] (1155-4)
bhairo mehlaa 3.
Bhairao, Third Mehl:

gur syvw qy AMimRq Plu pwieAw haumY iqRsn buJweI ] (1155-4)
gur sayvaa tay amrit fal paa-i-aa ha-umai tarisan bujhaa-ee.
Serving the Guru, I obtain the Ambrosial Fruit; my egotism and desire have been quenched.

hir kw nwmu ihRdY min visAw mnsw mnih smweI ]1] (1155-5)
har kaa naam hirdai man vasi-aa mansaa maneh samaa-ee. ||1||
The Name of the Lord dwells within my heart and mind, and the desires of my mind are quieted. ||1||

hir jIau ik®pw krhu myry ipAwry ] (1155-6)
har jee-o kirpaa karahu mayray pi-aaray.
O Dear Lord, my Beloved, please bless me with Your Mercy.

Anidnu hir gux dIn jnu mWgY gur kY sbid auDwry ]1] rhwau ] (1155-6)
an-din har gun deen jan maaNgai gur kai sabad uDhaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Night and day, Your humble servant begs for Your Glorious Praises; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he is saved. ||1||Pause||

sMq jnw kau jmu joih n swkY rqI AMc dUK n lweI ] (1155-7)
sant janaa ka-o jam johi na saakai ratee anch dookh na laa-ee.
The Messenger of Death cannot even touch the humble Saints; it does not cause them even an iota of suffering or pain.

Awip qrih sgly kul qwrih jo qyrI srxweI ]2] (1155-7)
aap tareh saglay kul taareh jo tayree sarnaa-ee. ||2||
Those who enter Your Sanctuary, Lord, save themselves, and save all their ancestors as well. ||2||

Bgqw kI pYj rKih qU Awpy eyh qyrI vifAweI ] (1155-8)
bhagtaa kee paij rakheh too aapay ayh tayree vadi-aa-ee.
You Yourself save the honor of Your devotees; this is Your Glory, O Lord.

jnm jnm ky iklivK duK kwtih duibDw rqI n rweI ]3] (1155-8)
janam janam kay kilvikh dukh kaateh dubiDhaa ratee na raa-ee. ||3||
You cleanse them of the sins and the pains of countless incarnations; You love them without even an iota of duality. ||3||

hm mUV mugD ikCu bUJih nwhI qU Awpy dyih buJweI ] (1155-9)
ham moorh mugaDh kichh boojheh naahee too aapay deh bujhaa-ee.
I am foolish and ignorant, and understand nothing. You Yourself bless me with understanding.

jo quDu BwvY soeI krsI Avru n krxw jweI ]4] (1155-9)
jo tuDh bhaavai so-ee karsee avar na karnaa jaa-ee. ||4||
You do whatever You please; nothing else can be done at all. ||4||

jgqu aupwie quDu DMDY lwieAw BUMfI kwr kmweI ] (1155-10)
jagat upaa-ay tuDh DhanDhai laa-i-aa bhooNdee kaar kamaa-ee.
Creating the world, You have linked all to their tasks - even the evil deeds which men do.

jnmu pdwrQu jUAY hwirAw sbdY suriq n pweI ]5] (1155-11)
janam padaarath joo-ai haari-aa sabdai surat na paa-ee. ||5||
They lose this precious human life in the gamble, and do not understand the Word of the Shabad. ||5||

mnmuiK mrih iqn ikCU n sUJY durmiq AigAwn AMDwrw ] (1155-11)
manmukh mareh tin kichhoo na soojhai durmat agi-aan anDhaaraa.
The self-willed manmukhs die, understanding nothing; they are enveloped by the darkness of evil-mindedness and ignorance.

Bvjlu pwir n pwvih kb hI fUib muey ibnu gur isir Bwrw ]6] (1155-12)
bhavjal paar na paavahi kab hee doob mu-ay bin gur sir bhaaraa. ||6||
They do not cross over the terrible world-ocean; without the Guru, they drown and die. ||6||

swcY sbid rqy jn swcy hir pRiB Awip imlwey ] (1155-12)
saachai sabad ratay jan saachay har parabh aap milaa-ay.
True are those humble beings who are imbued with the True Shabad; the Lord God unites them with Himself.

gur kI bwxI sbid pCwqI swic rhy ilv lwey ]7] (1155-13)
gur kee banee sabad pachhaatee saach rahay liv laa-ay. ||7||
Through the Word of the Guru's Bani, they come to understand the Shabad. They remain lovingly focused on the True Lord. ||7||

qUM Awip inrmlu qyry jn hY inrml gur kY sbid vIcwry ] (1155-13)
tooN aap nirmal tayray jan hai nirmal gur kai sabad veechaaray.
You Yourself are Immaculate and Pure, and pure are Your humble servants who contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

nwnku iqn kY sd bilhwrY rwm nwmu auir Dwry ]8]2]3] (1155-14)
naanak tin kai sad balihaarai raam naam ur Dhaaray. ||8||2||3||
Nanak is forever a sacrifice to those, who enshrine the Lord's Name within their hearts. ||8||2||3||

BYrau mhlw 5 AstpdIAw Gru 2 (1155-16)
bhairo mehlaa 5 asatpadee-aa ghar 2
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl, Ashtapadees, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1155-16)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ijsu nwmu irdY soeI vf rwjw ] (1155-17)
jis naam ridai so-ee vad raajaa.
He alone is a great king, who keeps the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within his heart.

ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu pUry kwjw ] (1155-17)
jis naam ridai tis pooray kaajaa.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart - his tasks are perfectly accomplished.

ijsu nwmu irdY iqin koit Dn pwey ] (1155-17)
jis naam ridai tin kot Dhan paa-ay.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart, obtains millions of treasures.

nwm ibnw jnmu ibrQw jwey ]1] (1155-18)
naam binaa janam birthaa jaa-ay. ||1||
Without the Naam, life is useless. ||1||

iqsu swlwhI ijsu hir Dnu rwis ] (1155-18)
tis saalaahee jis har Dhan raas.
I praise that person, who has the capital of the Lord's Wealth.

so vfBwgI ijsu gur msqik hwQu ]1] rhwau ] (1155-18)
so vadbhaagee jis gur mastak haath. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is very fortunate, on whose forehead the Guru has placed His Hand. ||1||Pause||

ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu kot keI sYnw ] (1155-19)
jis naam ridai tis kot ka-ee sainaa.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart, has many millions of armies on his side.

ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu shj suKYnw ] (1155-19)
jis naam ridai tis sahj sukhainaa.
One who keeps the Naam in his heart, enjoys peace and poise.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD