Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


inMdk kw kihAw koie n mwnY ] (1152-1)
nindak kaa kahi-aa ko-ay na maanai.
No one belives what the slanderer says.

inMdk JUTu boil pCuqwny ] (1152-1)
nindak jhooth bol pachhutaanay.
The slanderer tells lies, and later regrets and repents.

hwQ pCorih isru Drin lgwih ] (1152-2)
haath pachhoreh sir Dharan lagaahi.
He wrings his hands, and hits his head against the ground.

inMdk kau deI CofY nwih ]2] (1152-2)
nindak ka-o da-ee chhodai naahi. ||2||
The Lord does not forgive the slanderer. ||2||

hir kw dwsu ikCu burw n mwgY ] (1152-2)
har kaa daas kichh buraa na maagai.
The Lord's slave does not wish anyone ill.

inMdk kau lwgY duK sWgY ] (1152-3)
nindak ka-o laagai dukh saaNgai.
The slanderer suffers, as if stabbed by a spear.

bguly ijau rihAw pMK pswir ] (1152-3)
bagulay ji-o rahi-aa pankh pasaar.
Like a crane, he spreads his feathers, to look like a swan.

muK qy boilAw qW kiFAw bIcwir ]3] (1152-4)
mukh tay boli-aa taaN kadhi-aa beechaar. ||3||
When he speaks with his mouth, then he is exposed and driven out. ||3||

AMqrjwmI krqw soie ] (1152-4)
antarjaamee kartaa so-ay.
The Creator is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.

hir jnu krY su inhclu hoie ] (1152-4)
har jan karai so nihchal ho-ay.
That person, whom the Lord makes His Own, becomes stable and steady.

hir kw dwsu swcw drbwir ] (1152-5)
har kaa daas saachaa darbaar.
The Lord's slave is true in the Court of the Lord.

jn nwnk kihAw qqu bIcwir ]4]41]54] (1152-5)
jan naanak kahi-aa tat beechaar. ||4||41||54||
Servant Nanak speaks, after contemplating the essence of reality. ||4||41||54||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1152-6)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

duie kr joir krau Ardwis ] (1152-6)
du-ay kar jor kara-o ardaas.
With my palms pressed together, I offer this prayer.

jIau ipMfu Dnu iqs kI rwis ] (1152-6)
jee-o pind Dhan tis kee raas.
My soul, body and wealth are His property.

soeI myrw suAwmI krnYhwru ] (1152-6)
so-ee mayraa su-aamee karnaihaar.
He is the Creator, my Lord and Master.

koit bwr jweI bilhwr ]1] (1152-7)
kot baar jaa-ee balihaar. ||1||
Millions of times, I am a sacrifice to Him. ||1||

swDU DUir punIq krI ] (1152-7)
saaDhoo Dhoor puneet karee.
The dust of the feet of the Holy brings purity.

mn ky ibkwr imtih pRB ismrq jnm jnm kI mYlu hrI ]1] rhwau ] (1152-7)
man kay bikaar miteh parabh simrat janam janam kee mail haree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Remembering God in meditation, the mind's corruption is eradicated, and the filth of countless incarnations is washed away. ||1||Pause||

jw kY igRh mih sgl inDwn ] (1152-8)
jaa kai garih meh sagal niDhaan.
All treasures are in His household.

jw kI syvw pweIAY mwnu ] (1152-9)
jaa kee sayvaa paa-ee-ai maan.
Serving Him, the mortal attains honor.

sgl mnorQ pUrnhwr ] (1152-9)
sagal manorath pooranhaar.
He is the Fulfiller of the mind's desires.

jIA pRwn Bgqn AwDwr ]2] (1152-9)
jee-a paraan bhagtan aaDhaar. ||2||
He is the Support of the soul and the breath of life of His devotees. ||2||

Gt Gt AMqir sgl pRgws ] (1152-9)
ghat ghat antar sagal pargaas.
His Light shines in each and every heart.

jip jip jIvih Bgq guxqws ] (1152-10)
jap jap jeeveh bhagat guntaas.
Chanting and meditating on God, the Treasure of Virtue, His devotees live.

jw kI syv n ibrQI jwie ] (1152-10)
jaa kee sayv na birthee jaa-ay.
Service to Him does not go in vain.

mn qn AMqir eyku iDAwie ]3] (1152-10)
man tan antar ayk Dhi-aa-ay. ||3||
Deep within your mind and body, meditate on the One Lord. ||3||

gur aupdyis dieAw sMqoKu ] (1152-11)
gur updays da-i-aa santokh.
Following the Guru's Teachings, compassion and contentment are found.

nwmu inDwnu inrmlu iehu Qoku ] (1152-11)
naam niDhaan nirmal ih thok.
This Treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the immaculate object.

kir ikrpw lIjY liV lwie ] (1152-12)
kar kirpaa leejai larh laa-ay.
Please grant Your Grace, O Lord, and attach me to the hem of Your robe.

crn kml nwnk inq iDAwie ]4]42]55] (1152-12)
charan kamal naanak nit Dhi-aa-ay. ||4||42||55||
Nanak meditates continually on the Lord's Lotus Feet. ||4||42||55||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1152-13)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

siqgur Apuny sunI Ardwis ] (1152-13)
satgur apunay sunee ardaas.
The True Guru has listened to my prayer.

kwrju AwieAw sglw rwis ] (1152-13)
kaaraj aa-i-aa saglaa raas.
All my affairs have been resolved.

mn qn AMqir pRBU iDAwieAw ] (1152-13)
man tan antar parabhoo Dhi-aa-i-aa.
Deep within my mind and body, I meditate on God.

gur pUry fru sgl cukwieAw ]1] (1152-14)
gur pooray dar sagal chukaa-i-aa. ||1||
The Perfect Guru has dispelled all my fears. ||1||

sB qy vf smrQ gurdyv ] (1152-14)
sabh tay vad samrath gurdayv.
The All-powerful Divine Guru is the Greatest of all.

siB suK pweI iqs kI syv ] rhwau ] (1152-15)
sabh sukh paa-ee tis kee sayv. rahaa-o.
Serving Him, I obtain all comforts. ||Pause||

jw kw kIAw sBu ikCu hoie ] (1152-15)
jaa kaa kee-aa sabh kichh ho-ay.
Everything is done by Him.

iqs kw Amru n mytY koie ] (1152-15)
tis kaa amar na maytai ko-ay.
No one can erase His Eternal Decree.

pwrbRhmu prmysru AnUpu ] (1152-16)
paarbarahm parmaysar anoop.
The Supreme Lord God, the Transcendent Lord, is incomparably beautiful.

sPl mUriq guru iqs kw rUpu ]2] (1152-16)
safal moorat gur tis kaa roop. ||2||
The Guru is the Image of Fulfillment, the Embodiment of the Lord. ||2||

jw kY AMqir bsY hir nwmu ] (1152-16)
jaa kai antar basai har naam.
The Name of the Lord abides deep within him.

jo jo pyKY su bRhm igAwnu ] (1152-17)
jo jo paykhai so barahm gi-aan.
Wherever he looks, he sees the Wisdom of God.

bIs ibsuey jw kY min prgwsu ] (1152-17)
bees bisu-ay jaa kai man pargaas.
His mind is totally enlightened and illuminated.

iqsu jn kY pwrbRhm kw invwsu ]3] (1152-17)
tis jan kai paarbarahm kaa nivaas. ||3||
Within that person, the Supreme Lord God abides. ||3||

iqsu gur kau sd krI nmskwr ] (1152-18)
tis gur ka-o sad karee namaskaar.
I humbly bow to that Guru forever.

iqsu gur kau sd jwau bilhwr ] (1152-18)
tis gur ka-o sad jaa-o balihaar.
I am forever a sacrifice to that Guru.

siqgur ky crn Doie Doie pIvw ] (1152-18)
satgur kay charan Dho-ay Dho-ay peevaa.
I wash the feet of the Guru, and drink in this water.

gur nwnk jip jip sd jIvw ]4]43]56] (1152-19)
gur naanak jap jap sad jeevaa. ||4||43||56||
Chanting and meditating forever on Guru Nanak, I live. ||4||43||56||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD