Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


BY BRm ibnis gey iKn mwih ] (1151-1)
bhai bharam binas ga-ay khin maahi.
Their fears and doubts are dispelled in an instant.

pwrbRhmu visAw min Awie ]1] (1151-1)
paarbarahm vasi-aa man aa-ay. ||1||
The Supreme Lord God comes to dwell in their minds. ||1||

rwm rwm sMq sdw shwie ] (1151-1)
raam raam sant sadaa sahaa-ay.
The Lord is forever the Help and Support of the Saints.

Gir bwhir nwly prmysru riv rihAw pUrn sB Twie ]1] rhwau ] (1151-2)
ghar baahar naalay parmaysar rav rahi-aa pooran sabh thaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Inside the home of the heart, and outside as well, the Transcendent Lord is always with us, permeating and pervading all places. ||1||Pause||

Dnu mwlu jobnu jugiq gopwl ] (1151-2)
Dhan maal joban jugat gopaal.
The Lord of the World is my wealth, property, youth and ways and means.

jIA pRwx inq suK pRiqpwl ] (1151-3)
jee-a paraan nit sukh partipaal.
He continually cherishes and brings peace to my soul and breath of life.

Apny dws kau dy rwKY hwQ ] (1151-3)
apnay daas ka-o day raakhai haath.
He reaches out with His Hand and saves His slave.

inmK n CofY sd hI swQ ]2] (1151-3)
nimakh na chhodai sad hee saath. ||2||
He does not abandon us, even for an instant; He is always with us. ||2||

hir sw pRIqmu Avru n koie ] (1151-4)
har saa pareetam avar na ko-ay.
There is no other Beloved like the Lord.

swir sm@wly swcw soie ] (1151-4)
saar samHaalay saachaa so-ay.
The True Lord takes care of all.

mwq ipqw suq bMDu nrwiexu ] (1151-4)
maat pitaa sut banDh naraa-in.
The Lord is our Mother, Father, Son and Relation.

Awid jugwid Bgq gux gwiexu ]3] (1151-5)
aad jugaad bhagat gun gaa-in. ||3||
Since the beginning of time, and throughout the ages, His devotees sing His Glorious Praises. ||3||

iqs kI Dr pRB kw min joru ] (1151-5)
tis kee Dhar parabh kaa man jor.
My mind is filled with the Support and the Power of the Lord.

eyk ibnw dUjw nhI horu ] (1151-5)
ayk binaa doojaa nahee hor.
Without the Lord, there is no other at all.

nwnk kY min iehu purKwrQu ] (1151-6)
naanak kai man ih purkhaarath.
Nanak's mind is encouraged by this hope,

pRBU hmwrw swry suAwrQu ]4]38]51] (1151-6)
parabhoo hamaaraa saaray su-aarath. ||4||38||51||
that God will accomplish my objectives in life. ||4||38||51||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1151-7)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

BY kau Bau piVAw ismrq hir nwm ] (1151-7)
bhai ka-o bha-o parhi-aa simrat har naam.
Fear itself becomes afraid, when the mortal remembers the Lord's Name in meditation.

sgl ibAwiD imtI iqRhu gux kI dws ky hoey pUrn kwm ]1] rhwau ] (1151-7)
sagal bi-aaDh mitee tarihu gun kee daas kay ho-ay pooran kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
All the diseases of the three gunas - the three qualities - are cured, and tasks of the Lord's slaves are perfectly accomplished. ||1||Pause||

hir ky lok sdw gux gwvih iqn kau imilAw pUrn Dwm ] (1151-8)
har kay lok sadaa gun gaavahi tin ka-o mili-aa pooran Dhaam.
The people of the Lord always sing His Glorious Praises; they attain His Perfect Mansion.

jn kw drsu bWCY idn rwqI hoie punIq Drm rwie jwm ]1] (1151-9)
jan kaa daras baaNchhai din raatee ho-ay puneet Dharam raa-ay jaam. ||1||
Even the Righteous Judge of Dharma and the Messenger of Death yearn, day and night, to be sanctified by the Blessed Vision of the Lord's humble servant. ||1||

kwm k®oD loB md inMdw swDsMig imitAw AiBmwn ] (1151-9)
kaam kroDh lobh mad nindaa saaDhsang miti-aa abhimaan.
Sexual desire, anger, intoxication, egotism, slander and egotistical pride are eradicted in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

AYsy sMq Bytih vfBwgI nwnk iqn kY sd kurbwn ]2]39]52] (1151-10)
aisay sant bhayteh vadbhaagee naanak tin kai sad kurbaan. ||2||39||52||
By great good fortune, such Saints are met. Nanak is forever a sacrifice to them. ||2||39||52||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1151-11)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

pMc mjmI jo pMcn rwKY ] (1151-11)
panch majmee jo panchan raakhai.
One who harbors the five thieves, becomes the embodiment of these five.

imiQAw rsnw inq auiT BwKY ] (1151-11)
mithi-aa rasnaa nit uth bhaakhai.
He gets up each day and tells lies.

ck® bxwie krY pwKMf ] (1151-11)
chakar banaa-ay karai pakhand.
He applies ceremonial religious marks to his body, but practices hypocrisy.

Juir Juir pcY jYsy iqRA rMf ]1] (1151-12)
jhur jhur pachai jaisay tari-a rand. ||1||
He wastes away in sadness and pain, like a lonely widow. ||1||

hir ky nwm ibnw sB JUTu ] (1151-12)
har kay naam binaa sabh jhooth.
Without the Name of the Lord, everything is false.

ibnu gur pUry mukiq n pweIAY swcI drgih swkq mUTu ]1] rhwau ] (1151-12)
bin gur pooray mukat na paa-ee-ai saachee dargahi saakat mooth. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Perfect Guru, liberation is not obtained. In the Court of the True Lord, the faithless cynic is plundered. ||1||Pause||

soeI kucIlu kudriq nhI jwnY ] (1151-13)
so-ee kucheel kudrat nahee jaanai.
One who does not know the Lord's Creative Power is polluted.

lIipAY Qwie n suic hir mwnY ] (1151-14)
leepi-ai thaa-ay na such har maanai.
Ritualistically plastering one's kitchen square does not make it pure in the Eyes of the Lord.

AMqru mYlw bwhru inq DovY ] (1151-14)
antar mailaa baahar nit Dhovai.
If a person is polluted within, he may wash himself everyday on the outside,

swcI drgih ApnI piq KovY ]2] (1151-14)
saachee dargahi apnee pat khovai. ||2||
but in the Court of the True Lord, he forfeits his honor. ||2||

mwieAw kwrix krY aupwau ] (1151-15)
maa-i-aa kaaran karai upaa-o.
He works for the sake of Maya,

kbih n GwlY sIDw pwau ] (1151-15)
kabeh na ghaalai seeDhaa paa-o.
but he never places his feet on the right path.

ijin kIAw iqsu cIiq n AwxY ] (1151-15)
jin kee-aa tis cheet na aanai.
He never even remembers the One who created him.

kUVI kUVI muKhu vKwxY ]3] (1151-16)
koorhee koorhee mukhahu vakhaanai. ||3||
He speaks falsehood, only falsehood, with his mouth. ||3||

ijs no krmu kry krqwru ] (1151-16)
jis no karam karay kartaar.
That person, unto whom the Creator Lord shows Mercy,

swDsMig hoie iqsu ibauhwru ] (1151-16)
saaDhsang ho-ay tis bi-uhaar.
deals with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

hir nwm Bgiq isau lwgw rMgu ] (1151-17)
har naam bhagat si-o laagaa rang.
One who lovingly worships the Lord's Name,

khu nwnk iqsu jn nhI BMgu ]4]40]53] (1151-17)
kaho naanak tis jan nahee bhang. ||4||40||53||
says Nanak - no obstacles ever block his way. ||4||40||53||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1151-18)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

inMdk kau iPtky sMswru ] (1151-18)
nindak ka-o fitkay sansaar.
The entire universe curses the slanderer.

inMdk kw JUTw ibauhwru ] (1151-18)
nindak kaa jhoothaa bi-uhaar.
False are the dealings of the slanderer.

inMdk kw mYlw Awcwru ] (1151-18)
nindak kaa mailaa aachaar.
The slanderer's lifestyle is filthy and polluted.

dws Apuny kau rwKnhwru ]1] (1151-19)
daas apunay ka-o raakhanhaar. ||1||
The Lord is the Saving Grace and the Protector of His slave. ||1||

inMdku muAw inMdk kY nwil ] (1151-19)
nindak mu-aa nindak kai naal.
The slanderer dies with the rest of the slanderers.

pwrbRhm prmysir jn rwKy inMdk kY isir kVikE kwlu ]1] rhwau ] (1151-19)
paarbarahm parmaysar jan raakhay nindak kai sir karhki-o kaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Supreme Lord God, the Transcendent Lord, protects and saves His humble servant. Death roars and thunders over the head of the slanderer. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD