Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


srb mnorQ pUrn krxy ] (1150-1)
sarab manorath pooran karnay.
All the desires of my mind have been perfectly fulfilled.

AwT phr gwvq BgvMqu ] (1150-1)
aath pahar gaavat bhagvant.
Twenty-four hours a day, I sing of the Lord God.

siqguir dIno pUrw mMqu ]1] (1150-1)
satgur deeno pooraa mant. ||1||
The True Guru has imparted this perfect wisdom. ||1||

so vfBwgI ijsu nwim ipAwru ] (1150-1)
so vadbhaagee jis naam pi-aar.
Very fortunate are those who love the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

iqs kY sMig qrY sMswru ]1] rhwau ] (1150-2)
tis kai sang tarai sansaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Associating with them, we cross over the world-ocean. ||1||Pause||

soeI igAwnI ij ismrY eyk ] (1150-2)
so-ee gi-aanee je simrai ayk.
They are spiritual teachers, who meditate in remembrance on the One Lord.

so DnvMqw ijsu buiD ibbyk ] (1150-2)
so Dhanvantaa jis buDh bibayk.
Wealthy are those who have a discriminating intellect.

so kulvMqw ij ismrY suAwmI ] (1150-3)
so kulvantaa je simrai su-aamee.
Noble are those who remember their Lord and Master in meditation.

so piqvMqw ij Awpu pCwnI ]2] (1150-3)
so pativantaa je aap pachhaanee. ||2||
Honorable are those who understand their own selves. ||2||

gur prswid prm pdu pwieAw ] (1150-3)
gur parsaad param pad paa-i-aa.
By Guru's Grace, I have obtained the supreme status.

gux guopwl idnu rYin iDAwieAw ] (1150-4)
gun gopaal din rain Dhi-aa-i-aa.
Day and night I meditate on the Glories of God.

qUty bMDn pUrn Awsw ] (1150-4)
tootay banDhan pooran aasaa.
My bonds are broken, and my hopes are fulfilled.

hir ky crx ird mwih invwsw ]3] (1150-4)
har kay charan rid maahi nivaasaa. ||3||
The Feet of the Lord now abide in my heart. ||3||

khu nwnk jw ky pUrn krmw ] (1150-5)
kaho naanak jaa kay pooran karmaa.
Says Nanak, one whose karma is perfect

so jnu AwieAw pRB kI srnw ] (1150-5)
so jan aa-i-aa parabh kee sarnaa.
- that humble being enters the Sanctuary of God.

Awip pivqu pwvn siB kIny ] (1150-5)
aap pavit paavan sabh keenay.
He himself is pure, and he sanctifies all.

rwm rswiexu rsnw cIn@y ]4]35]48] (1150-6)
raam rasaa-in rasnaa cheenHay. ||4||35||48||
His tongue chants the Name of the Lord, the Source of Nectar. ||4||35||48||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1150-6)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

nwmu lYq ikCu ibGnu n lwgY ] (1150-6)
naam lait kichh bighan na laagai.
Repeating the Naam, the Name of the Lord, no obstacles block the way.

nwmu suxq jmu dUrhu BwgY ] (1150-7)
naam sunat jam Dhoorahu bhaagai.
Listening to the Naam, the Messenger of Death runs far away.

nwmu lYq sB dUKh nwsu ] (1150-7)
naam lait sabh dookhah naas.
Repeating the Naam, all pains vanish.

nwmu jpq hir crx invwsu ]1] (1150-7)
naam japat har charan nivaas. ||1||
Chanting the Naam, the Lord's Lotus Feet dwell within. ||1||

inribGn Bgiq Bju hir hir nwau ] (1150-8)
nirbighan bhagat bhaj har har naa-o.
Meditating, vibrating the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is unobstructed devotional worship.

rsik rsik hir ky gux gwau ]1] rhwau ] (1150-8)
rasak rasak har kay gun gaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord with loving affection and energy. ||1||Pause||

hir ismrq ikCu cwKu n johY ] (1150-9)
har simrat kichh chaakh na johai.
Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, the Eye of Death cannot see you.

hir ismrq dYq dyau n pohY ] (1150-9)
har simrat dait day-o na pohai.
Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, demons and ghosts shall not touch you.

hir ismrq mohu mwnu n bDY ] (1150-9)
har simrat moh maan na baDhai.
Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, attachment and pride shall not bind you.

hir ismrq grB join n ruDY ]2] (1150-9)
har simrat garabh jon na ruDhai. ||2||
Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, you shall not be consigned to the womb of reincarnation. ||2||

hir ismrn kI sglI bylw ] (1150-10)
har simran kee saglee baylaa.
Any time is a good time to meditate in remembrance on the Lord.

hir ismrnu bhu mwih iekylw ] (1150-10)
har simran baho maahi ikaylaa.
Among the masses, only a few meditate in remembrance on the Lord.

jwiq Ajwiq jpY jnu koie ] (1150-11)
jaat ajaat japai jan ko-ay.
Social class or no social class, anyone may meditate on the Lord.

jo jwpY iqs kI giq hoie ]3] (1150-11)
jo jaapai tis kee gat ho-ay. ||3||
Whoever meditates on Him is emancipated. ||3||

hir kw nwmu jpIAY swDsMig ] (1150-11)
har kaa naam japee-ai saaDhsang.
Chant the Name of the Lord in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

hir ky nwm kw pUrn rMgu ] (1150-11)
har kay naam kaa pooran rang.
Perfect is the Love of the Lord's Name.

nwnk kau pRB ikrpw Dwir ] (1150-12)
naanak ka-o parabh kirpaa Dhaar.
O God, shower Your Mercy on Nanak,

swis swis hir dyhu icqwir ]4]36]49] (1150-12)
saas saas har dayh chitaar. ||4||36||49||
that he may think of you with each and every breath. ||4||36||49||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1150-13)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

Awpy swsqu Awpy bydu ] (1150-13)
aapay saasat aapay bayd.
He Himself is the Shaastras, and He Himself is the Vedas.

Awpy Git Git jwxY Bydu ] (1150-13)
aapay ghat ghat jaanai bhayd.
He knows the secrets of each and every heart.

joiq srUp jw kI sB vQu ] (1150-13)
jot saroop jaa kee sabh vath.
He is the Embodiment of Light; all beings belong to Him.

krx kwrx pUrn smrQu ]1] (1150-14)
karan kaaran pooran samrath. ||1||
The Creator, the Cause of causes, the Perfect All-powerful Lord. ||1||

pRB kI Et ghhu mn myry ] (1150-14)
parabh kee ot gahhu man mayray.
Grab hold of the Support of God, O my mind.

crn kml gurmuiK AwrwDhu dusmn dUKu n AwvY nyry ]1] rhwau ] (1150-14)
charan kamal gurmukh aaraaDhahu dusman dookh na aavai nayray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
As Gurmukh, worship and adore His Lotus Feet; enemies and pains shall not even approach you. ||1||Pause||

Awpy vxu iqRxu iqRBvx swru ] (1150-15)
aapay van tarin taribhavan saar.
He Himself is the Essence of the forests and fields, and all the three worlds.

jw kY sUiq proieAw sMswru ] (1150-15)
jaa kai soot paro-i-aa sansaar.
The universe is strung on His Thread.

Awpy isv skqI sMjogI ] (1150-15)
aapay siv saktee sanjogee.
He is the Uniter of Shiva and Shakti - mind and matter.

Awip inrbwxI Awpy BogI ]2] (1150-16)
aap nirbaanee aapay bhogee. ||2||
He Himself is in the detachment of Nirvaanaa, and He Himself is the Enjoyer. ||2||

jq kq pyKau qq qq soie ] (1150-16)
jat kat paykha-o tat tat so-ay.
Wherever I look, there He is.

iqsu ibnu dUjw nwhI koie ] (1150-16)
tis bin doojaa naahee ko-ay.
Without Him, there is no one at all.

swgru qrIAY nwm kY rMig ] (1150-17)
saagar taree-ai naam kai rang.
In the Love of the Naam, the world-ocean is crossed.

gux gwvY nwnku swDsMig ]3] (1150-17)
gun gaavai naanak saaDhsang. ||3||
Nanak sings His Glorious Praises in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||3||

mukiq Bugiq jugiq vis jw kY ] (1150-17)
mukat bhugat jugat vas jaa kai.
Liberation, the ways and means of enjoyment and union are under His Control.

aUxw nwhI ikCu jn qw kY ] (1150-18)
oonaa naahee kichh jan taa kai.
His humble servant lacks nothing.

kir ikrpw ijsu hoie supRsMn ] (1150-18)
kar kirpaa jis ho-ay suparsan.
That person, with whom the Lord, in His Mercy, is pleased

nwnk dws syeI jn DMn ]4]37]50] (1150-18)
naanak daas say-ee jan Dhan. ||4||37||50||
- O slave Nanak, that humble servant is blessed. ||4||37||50||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1150-19)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

Bgqw min Awnµdu goibMd ] (1150-19)
bhagtaa man aanand gobind.
The minds of the Lord's devotee are filled with bliss.

AsiQiq Bey ibnsI sB icMd ] (1150-19)
asthit bha-ay binsee sabh chind.
They become stable and permanent, and all their anxiety is gone.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD