Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


mUl ibnw swKw kq AwhY ]1] (1149-1)
mool binaa saakhaa kat aahai. ||1||
but without roots, how can there be any branches? ||1||

guru goivMdu myry mn iDAwie ] (1149-1)
gur govind mayray man Dhi-aa-ay.
O my mind, meditate on the Guru, the Lord of the Universe.

jnm jnm kI mYlu auqwrY bMDn kwit hir sMig imlwie ]1] rhwau ] (1149-2)
janam janam kee mail utaarai banDhan kaat har sang milaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The filth of countless incarnations shall be washed away. Breaking your bonds, you shall be united with the Lord. ||1||Pause||

qIriQ nwie khw suic sYlu ] (1149-2)
tirath naa-ay kahaa such sail.
How can a stone be purified by bathing at a sacred shrine of pilgrimage?

mn kau ivAwpY haumY mYlu ] (1149-3)
man ka-o vi-aapai ha-umai mail.
The filth of egotism clings to the mind.

koit krm bMDn kw mUlu ] (1149-3)
kot karam banDhan kaa mool.
Millions of rituals and actions taken are the root of entanglements.

hir ky Bjn ibnu ibrQw pUlu ]2] (1149-3)
har kay bhajan bin birthaa pool. ||2||
Without meditating and vibrating on the Lord, the mortal gathers only worthless bundles of straw. ||2||

ibnu Kwey bUJY nhI BUK ] (1149-4)
bin khaa-ay boojhai nahee bhookh.
Without eating, hunger is not satisfied.

rogu jwie qW auqrih dUK ] (1149-4)
rog jaa-ay taaN utreh dookh.
When the disease is cured, then the pain goes away.

kwm k®oD loB moih ibAwipAw ] (1149-4)
kaam kroDh lobh mohi bi-aapi-aa.
The mortal is engrossed in sexual desire, anger, greed and attachment.

ijin pRiB kInw so pRBu nhI jwipAw ]3] (1149-4)
jin parabh keenaa so parabh nahee jaapi-aa. ||3||
He does not meditate on God, that God who created him. ||3||

Dnu Dnu swD DMnu hir nwau ] (1149-5)
Dhan Dhan saaDh Dhan har naa-o.
Blessed, blessed is the Holy Saint, and blessed is the Name of the Lord.

AwT phr kIrqnu gux gwau ] (1149-5)
aath pahar keertan gun gaa-o.
Twenty-four hours a day, sing the Kirtan, the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

Dnu hir Bgiq Dnu krxYhwr ] (1149-5)
Dhan har bhagat Dhan karnaihaar.
Blessed is the devotee of the Lord, and blessed is the Creator Lord.

srix nwnk pRB purK Apwr ]4]32]45] (1149-6)
saran naanak parabh purakh apaar. ||4||32||45||
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of God, the Primal, the Infinite. ||4||32||45||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1149-6)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

gur supRsMn hoey Bau gey ] (1149-6)
gur suparsan ho-ay bha-o ga-ay.
When the Guru was totally pleased, my fear was taken away.

nwm inrMjn mn mih ley ] (1149-7)
naam niranjan man meh la-ay.
I enshrine the Name of the Immaculate Lord within my mind.

dIn dieAwl sdw ikrpwl ] (1149-7)
deen da-i-aal sadaa kirpaal.
He is Merciful to the meek, forever Compassionate.

ibnis gey sgly jMjwl ]1] (1149-7)
binas ga-ay saglay janjaal. ||1||
All my entanglements are finished. ||1||

sUK shj Awnµd Gny ] (1149-8)
sookh sahj aanand ghanay.
I have found peace, poise, and myriads of pleasures.

swDsMig imty BY Brmw AMimRqu hir hir rsn Bny ]1] rhwau ] (1149-8)
saaDhsang mitay bhai bharmaa amrit har har rasan bhanay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, fear and doubt are dispelled. My tongue chants the Ambrosial Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||Pause||

crn kml isau lwgo hyqu ] (1149-9)
charan kamal si-o laago hayt.
I have fallen in love with the Lord's Lotus Feet.

iKn mih ibnisE mhw pryqu ] (1149-9)
khin meh binsi-o mahaa parayt.
In an instant, the terrible demons are destroyed.

AwT phr hir hir jpu jwip ] (1149-9)
aath pahar har har jap jaap.
Twenty-four hours a day, I meditate and chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

rwKnhwr goivd gur Awip ]2] (1149-10)
raakhanhaar govid gur aap. ||2||
The Guru is Himself the Savior Lord, the Lord of the Universe. ||2||

Apny syvk kau sdw pRiqpwrY ] (1149-10)
apnay sayvak ka-o sadaa partipaarai.
He Himself cherishes His servant forever.

Bgq jnw ky sws inhwrY ] (1149-10)
bhagat janaa kay saas nihaarai.
He watches over every breath of His humble devotee.

mwns kI khu kyqk bwq ] (1149-11)
maanas kee kaho kaytak baat.
Tell me, what is the nature of human beings?

jm qy rwKY dy kir hwQ ]3] (1149-11)
jam tay raakhai day kar haath. ||3||
The Lord extends His Hand, and saves them from the Messenger of Death. ||3||

inrml soBw inrml rIiq ] (1149-11)
nirmal sobhaa nirmal reet.
Immaculate is the Glory, and Immaculate is the way of life,

pwrbRhmu AwieAw min cIiq ] (1149-12)
paarbarahm aa-i-aa man cheet.
of those who remember the Supreme Lord God in their minds.

kir ikrpw guir dIno dwnu ] (1149-12)
kar kirpaa gur deeno daan.
The Guru, in His Mercy, has granted this Gift.

nwnk pwieAw nwmu inDwnu ]4]33]46] (1149-12)
naanak paa-i-aa naam niDhaan. ||4||33||46||
Nanak has obtained the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||33||46||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1149-13)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

krx kwrx smrQu guru myrw ] (1149-13)
karan kaaran samrath gur mayraa.
My Guru is the All-powerful Lord, the Creator, the Cause of causes.

jIA pRwx suKdwqw nyrw ] (1149-13)
jee-a paraan sukh-daata nayraa.
He is the Soul, the Breath of Life, the Giver of Peace, always near.

BY BMjn AibnwsI rwie ] (1149-14)
bhai bhanjan abhinaasee raa-ay.
He is the Destroyer of fear, the Eternal, Unchanging, Sovereign Lord King.

drsin dyiKAY sBu duKu jwie ]1] (1149-14)
darsan daykhi-ai sabh dukh jaa-ay. ||1||
Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, all fear is dispelled. ||1||

jq kq pyKau qyrI srxw ] (1149-14)
jat kat paykha-o tayree sarnaa.
Wherever I look, is the Protection of Your Sanctuary.

bil bil jweI siqgur crxw ]1] rhwau ] (1149-14)
bal bal jaa-ee satgur charnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to the Feet of the True Guru. ||1||Pause||

pUrn kwm imly gurdyv ] (1149-15)
pooran kaam milay gurdayv.
My tasks are perfectly accomplished, meeting the Divine Guru.

siB Pldwqw inrml syv ] (1149-15)
sabh faldaataa nirmal sayv.
He is the Giver of all rewards. Serving Him, I am immaculate.

kru gih lIny Apuny dws ] (1149-16)
kar geh leenay apunay daas.
He reaches out with His Hand to His slaves.

rwm nwmu ird dIE invws ]2] (1149-16)
raam naam rid dee-o nivaas. ||2||
The Name of the Lord abides in their hearts. ||2||

sdw Anµdu nwhI ikCu sogu ] (1149-16)
sadaa anand naahee kichh sog.
They are forever in bliss, and do not suffer at all.

dUKu drdu nh ibAwpY rogu ] (1149-17)
dookh darad nah bi-aapai rog.
No pain, sorrow or disease afflicts them.

sBu ikCu qyrw qU krxYhwru ] (1149-17)
sabh kichh tayraa too karnaihaar.
Everything is Yours, O Creator Lord.

pwrbRhm gur Agm Apwr ]3] (1149-17)
paarbarahm gur agam apaar. ||3||
The Guru is the Supreme Lord God, the Inaccessible and Infinite. ||3||

inrml soBw Acrj bwxI ] (1149-18)
nirmal sobhaa achraj banee.
His Glorious Grandeur is immaculate, and the Bani of His Word is wonderful!

pwrbRhm pUrn min BwxI ] (1149-18)
paarbarahm pooran man bhaanee.
The Perfect Supreme Lord God is pleasing to my mind.

jil Qil mhIAil rivAw soie ] (1149-18)
jal thal mahee-al ravi-aa so-ay.
He is permeating the waters, the lands and the skies.

nwnk sBu ikCu pRB qy hoie ]4]34]47] (1149-19)
naanak sabh kichh parabh tay ho-ay. ||4||34||47||
O Nanak, everything comes from God. ||4||34||47||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1149-19)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

mnu qnu rwqw rwm rMig crxy ] (1149-19)
man tan raataa raam rang charnay.
My mind and body are imbued with the Love of the Lord's Feet.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD