Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gurmuiK jipE hir kw nwau ] (1148-1)
gurmukh japi-o har kaa naa-o.
As Gurmukh, I chant the Name of the Lord.

ibsrI icMq nwim rMgu lwgw ] (1148-1)
bisree chint naam rang laagaa.
My anxiety is gone, and I am in love with the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

jnm jnm kw soieAw jwgw ]1] (1148-1)
janam janam kaa so-i-aa jaagaa. ||1||
I was asleep for countless lifetimes, but I have now awakened. ||1||

kir ikrpw ApnI syvw lwey ] (1148-2)
kar kirpaa apnee sayvaa laa-ay.
Granting His Grace, He has linked me to His service.

swDU sMig srb suK pwey ]1] rhwau ] (1148-2)
saaDhoo sang sarab sukh paa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, all pleasures are found. ||1||Pause||

rog doK gur sbid invwry ] (1148-2)
rog dokh gur sabad nivaaray.
The Word of the Guru's Shabad has eradicated disease and evil.

nwm AauKDu mn BIqir swry ] (1148-3)
naam a-ukhaDh man bheetar saaray.
My mind has absorbed the medicine of the Naam.

gur Bytq min BieAw Anµd ] (1148-3)
gur bhaytat man bha-i-aa anand.
Meeting with the Guru, my mind is in bliss.

srb inDwn nwm BgvMq ]2] (1148-3)
sarab niDhaan naam bhagvant. ||2||
All treasures are in the Name of the Lord God. ||2||

jnm mrx kI imtI jm qRws ] (1148-4)
janam maran kee mitee jam taraas.
My fear of birth and death and the Messenger of Death has been dispelled.

swDsMgiq aUND kml ibgws ] (1148-4)
saaDhsangat ooNDh kamal bigaas.
In the Saadh Sangat, the inverted lotus of my heart has blossomed forth.

gux gwvq inhclu ibsRwm ] (1148-4)
gun gaavat nihchal bisraam.
Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, I have found eternal, abiding peace.

pUrn hoey sgly kwm ]3] (1148-5)
pooran ho-ay saglay kaam. ||3||
All my tasks are perfectly accomplished. ||3||

dulB dyh AweI prvwnu ] (1148-5)
dulabh dayh aa-ee parvaan.
This human body, so difficult to obtain, is approved by the Lord.

sPl hoeI jip hir hir nwmu ] (1148-5)
safal ho-ee jap har har naam.
Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, it has become fruitful.

khu nwnk pRiB ikrpw krI ] (1148-6)
kaho naanak parabh kirpaa karee.
Says Nanak, God has blessed me with His Mercy.

swis igrwis jpau hir hrI ]4]29]42] (1148-6)
saas giraas japa-o har haree. ||4||29||42||
With every breath and morsel of food, I meditate on the Lord, Har, Har. ||4||29||42||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1148-6)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

sB qy aUcw jw kw nwau ] (1148-7)
sabh tay oochaa jaa kaa naa-o.
His Name is the Highest of all.

sdw sdw qw ky gux gwau ] (1148-7)
sadaa sadaa taa kay gun gaa-o.
Sing His Glorious Praises, forever and ever.

ijsu ismrq sglw duKu jwie ] (1148-7)
jis simrat saglaa dukh jaa-ay.
Meditating in remembrance on Him, all pain is dispelled.

srb sUK vsih min Awie ]1] (1148-7)
sarab sookh vaseh man aa-ay. ||1||
All pleasures come to dwell in the mind. ||1||

ismir mnw qU swcw soie ] (1148-8)
simar manaa too saachaa so-ay.
O my mind, meditate in remembrance on the True Lord.

hliq pliq qumrI giq hoie ]1] rhwau ] (1148-8)
halat palat tumree gat ho-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In this world and the next, you shall be saved. ||1||Pause||

purK inrMjn isrjnhwr ] (1148-9)
purakh niranjan sirjanhaar.
The Immaculate Lord God is the Creator of all.

jIA jMq dyvY Awhwr ] (1148-9)
jee-a jant dayvai aahaar.
He gives sustenance to all beings and creatures.

koit Kqy iKn bKsnhwr ] (1148-9)
kot khatay khin bakhsanhaar.
He forgives millions of sins and mistakes in an instant.

Bgiq Bwie sdw insqwr ]2] (1148-9)
bhagat bhaa-ay sadaa nistaar. ||2||
Through loving devotional worship, one is emancipated forever. ||2||

swcw Dnu swcI vifAweI ] (1148-10)
saachaa Dhan saachee vadi-aa-ee.
True wealth and true glorious greatness,

gur pUry qy inhcl miq pweI ] (1148-10)
gur pooray tay nihchal mat paa-ee.
and eternal, unchanging wisdom, are obtained from the Perfect Guru.

kir ikrpw ijsu rwKnhwrw ] (1148-10)
kar kirpaa jis raakhanhaaraa.
When the Protector, the Savior Lord, bestows His Mercy,

qw kw sgl imtY AMiDAwrw ]3] (1148-11)
taa kaa sagal mitai anDhi-aaraa. ||3||
all spiritual darkness is dispelled. ||3||

pwrbRhm isau lwgo iDAwn ] (1148-11)
paarbarahm si-o laago Dhi-aan.
I focus my meditation on the Supreme Lord God.

pUrn pUir rihE inrbwn ] (1148-11)
pooran poor rahi-o nirbaan.
The Lord of Nirvaanaa is totally pervading and permeating all.

BRm Bau myit imly gopwl ] (1148-12)
bharam bha-o mayt milay gopaal.
Eradicating doubt and fear, I have met the Lord of the World.

nwnk kau gur Bey dieAwl ]4]30]43] (1148-12)
naanak ka-o gur bha-ay da-i-aal. ||4||30||43||
The Guru has become merciful to Nanak. ||4||30||43||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1148-13)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

ijsu ismrq min hoie pRgwsu ] (1148-13)
jis simrat man ho-ay pargaas.
Meditating in remembrance on Him, the mind is illumined.

imtih klys suK shij invwsu ] (1148-13)
miteh kalays sukh sahj nivaas.
Suffering is eradicated, and one comes to dwell in peace and poise.

iqsih prwpiq ijsu pRBu dyie ] (1148-13)
tiseh paraapat jis parabh day-ay.
They alone receive it, unto whom God gives it.

pUry gur kI pwey syv ]1] (1148-14)
pooray gur kee paa-ay sayv. ||1||
They are blessed to serve the Perfect Guru. ||1||

srb suKw pRB qyro nwau ] (1148-14)
sarab sukhaa parabh tayro naa-o.
All peace and comfort are in Your Name, God.

AwT phr myry mn gwau ]1] rhwau ] (1148-14)
aath pahar mayray man gaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Twenty-four hours a day, O my mind, sing His Glorious Praises. ||1||Pause||

jo ieCY soeI Plu pwey ] (1148-15)
jo ichhai so-ee fal paa-ay.
You shall receive the fruits of your desires,

hir kw nwmu mMin vswey ] (1148-15)
har kaa naam man vasaa-ay.
when the Name of the Lord comes to dwell in the mind.

Awvx jwx rhy hir iDAwie ] (1148-15)
aavan jaan rahay har Dhi-aa-ay.
Meditating on the Lord, your comings and goings cease.

Bgiq Bwie pRB kI ilv lwie ]2] (1148-16)
bhagat bhaa-ay parabh kee liv laa-ay. ||2||
Through loving devotional worship, lovingly focus your attention on God. ||2||

ibnsy kwm k®oD AhMkwr ] (1148-16)
binsay kaam kroDh ahaNkaar.
Sexual desire, anger and egotism are dispelled.

qUty mwieAw moh ipAwr ] (1148-16)
tootay maa-i-aa moh pi-aar.
Love and attachment to Maya are broken.

pRB kI tyk rhY idnu rwiq ] (1148-17)
parabh kee tayk rahai din raat.
Lean on God's Support, day and night.

pwrbRhmu kry ijsu dwiq ]3] (1148-17)
paarbarahm karay jis daat. ||3||
The Supreme Lord God has given this gift. ||3||

krn krwvnhwr suAwmI ] (1148-17)
karan karaavanhaar su-aamee.
Our Lord and Master is the Creator, the Cause of causes.

sgl Gtw ky AMqrjwmI ] (1148-18)
sagal ghataa kay antarjaamee.
He is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of all hearts.

kir ikrpw ApnI syvw lwie ] (1148-18)
kar kirpaa apnee sayvaa laa-ay.
Bless me with Your Grace, Lord, and link me to Your service.

nwnk dws qyrI srxwie ]4]31]44] (1148-18)
naanak daas tayree sarnaa-ay. ||4||31||44||
Slave Nanak has come to Your Sanctuary. ||4||31||44||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1148-19)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

lwj mrY jo nwmu n lyvY ] (1148-19)
laaj marai jo naam na layvai.
One who does not repeat the Naam, the Name of the Lord, shall die of shame.

nwm ibhUn suKI ikau sovY ] (1148-19)
naam bihoon sukhee ki-o sovai.
Without the Name, how can he ever sleep in peace?

hir ismrnu Cwif prm giq cwhY ] (1148-19)
har simran chhaad param gat chaahai.
The mortal abandons meditative remembrance of the Lord, and then wishes for the state of supreme salvation;


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD