Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


kir ikrpw nwnk suKu pwey ]4]25]38] (1147-1)
kar kirpaa naanak sukh paa-ay. ||4||25||38||
Please shower Nanak with Your Mercy and bless him with peace. ||4||25||38||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1147-1)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

qyrI tyk rhw kil mwih ] (1147-1)
tayree tayk rahaa kal maahi.
With Your Support, I survive in the Dark Age of Kali Yuga.

qyrI tyk qyry gux gwih ] (1147-1)
tayree tayk tayray gun gaahi.
With Your Support, I sing Your Glorious Praises.

qyrI tyk n pohY kwlu ] (1147-2)
tayree tayk na pohai kaal.
With Your Support, death cannot even touch me.

qyrI tyk ibnsY jMjwlu ]1] (1147-2)
tayree tayk binsai janjaal. ||1||
With Your Support, my entanglements vanish. ||1||

dIn dunIAw qyrI tyk ] (1147-2)
deen dunee-aa tayree tayk.
In this world and the next, I have Your Support.

sB mih rivAw swihbu eyk ]1] rhwau ] (1147-3)
sabh meh ravi-aa saahib ayk. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The One Lord, our Lord and Master, is all-pervading. ||1||Pause||

qyrI tyk krau Awnµd ] (1147-3)
tayree tayk kara-o aanand.
With Your Support, I celebrate blissfully.

qyrI tyk jpau gur mMq ] (1147-3)
tayree tayk japa-o gur mant.
With Your Support, I chant the Guru's Mantra.

qyrI tyk qrIAY Bau swgru ] (1147-3)
tayree tayk taree-ai bha-o saagar.
With Your Support, I cross over the terrifying world-ocean.

rwKxhwru pUrw suK swgru ]2] (1147-4)
raakhanhaar pooraa sukh saagar. ||2||
The Perfect Lord, our Protector and Savior, is the Ocean of Peace. ||2||

qyrI tyk nwhI Bau koie ] (1147-4)
tayree tayk naahee bha-o ko-ay.
With Your Support, I have no fear.

AMqrjwmI swcw soie ] (1147-4)
antarjaamee saachaa so-ay.
The True Lord is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.

qyrI tyk qyrw min qwxu ] (1147-5)
tayree tayk tayraa man taan.
With Your Support, my mind is filled with Your Power.

eIhW aUhW qU dIbwxu ]3] (1147-5)
eehaaN oohaaN too deebaan. ||3||
Here and there, You are my Court of Appeal. ||3||

qyrI tyk qyrw Brvwsw ] (1147-5)
tayree tayk tayraa bharvaasaa.
I take Your Support, and place my faith in You.

sgl iDAwvih pRB guxqwsw ] (1147-5)
sagal Dhi-aavahi parabh guntaasaa.
All meditate on God, the Treasure of Virtue.

jip jip Andu krih qyry dwsw ] (1147-6)
jap jap anad karahi tayray daasaa.
Chanting and meditating on You, Your slaves celebrate in bliss.

ismir nwnk swcy guxqwsw ]4]26]39] (1147-6)
simar naanak saachay guntaasaa. ||4||26||39||
Nanak meditates in remembrance on the True Lord, the Treasure of Virtue. ||4||26||39||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1147-7)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

pRQmy CofI prweI inMdw ] (1147-7)
parathmay chhodee paraa-ee nindaa.
First, I gave up slandering others.

auqir geI sB mn kI icMdw ] (1147-7)
utar ga-ee sabh man kee chindaa.
All the anxiety of my mind was dispelled.

loBu mohu sBu kIno dUir ] (1147-7)
lobh moh sabh keeno door.
Greed and attachment were totally banished.

prm bYsno pRB pyiK hjUir ]1] (1147-8)
param baisno parabh paykh hajoor. ||1||
I see God ever-present, close at hand; I have become a great devotee. ||1||

AYso iqAwgI ivrlw koie ] (1147-8)
aiso ti-aagee virlaa ko-ay.
Such a renunciate is very rare.

hir hir nwmu jpY jnu soie ]1] rhwau ] (1147-8)
har har naam japai jan so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Such a humble servant chants the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||Pause||

AhMbuiD kw CoifAw sMgu ] (1147-9)
ahaN-buDh kaa chhodi-aa sang.
I have forsaken my egotistical intellect.

kwm k®oD kw auqirAw rMgu ] (1147-9)
kaam kroDh kaa utri-aa rang.
The love of sexual desire and anger has vanished.

nwm iDAwey hir hir hry ] (1147-9)
naam Dhi-aa-ay har har haray.
I meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

swD jnw kY sMig insqry ]2] (1147-10)
saaDh janaa kai sang nistaray. ||2||
In the Company of the Holy, I am emancipated. ||2||

bYrI mIq hoey sMmwn ] (1147-10)
bairee meet ho-ay sammaan.
Enemy and friend are all the same to me.

srb mih pUrn Bgvwn ] (1147-10)
sarab meh pooran bhagvaan.
The Perfect Lord God is permeating all.

pRB kI AwigAw mwin suKu pwieAw ] (1147-11)
parabh kee aagi-aa maan sukh paa-i-aa.
Accepting the Will of God, I have found peace.

guir pUrY hir nwmu idRVwieAw ]3] (1147-11)
gur poorai har naam drirh-aa-i-aa. ||3||
The Perfect Guru has implanted the Name of the Lord within me. ||3||

kir ikrpw ijsu rwKY Awip ] (1147-11)
kar kirpaa jis raakhai aap.
That person, whom the Lord, in His Mercy, saves

soeI Bgqu jpY nwm jwp ] (1147-12)
so-ee bhagat japai naam jaap.
- that devotee chants and meditates on the Naam.

min pRgwsu gur qy miq leI ] (1147-12)
man pargaas gur tay mat la-ee.
That person, whose mind is illumined, and who obtains understanding through the Guru

khu nwnk qw kI pUrI peI ]4]27]40] (1147-12)
kaho naanak taa kee pooree pa-ee. ||4||27||40||
- says Nanak, he is totally fulfilled. ||4||27||40||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1147-13)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

suKu nwhI bhuqY Din Kwty ] (1147-13)
sukh naahee bahutai Dhan khaatay.
There is no peace in earning lots of money.

suKu nwhI pyKy inriq nwty ] (1147-13)
sukh naahee paykhay nirat naatay.
There is no peace in watching dances and plays.

suKu nwhI bhu dys kmwey ] (1147-13)
sukh naahee baho days kamaa-ay.
There is no peace in conquering lots of countries.

srb suKw hir hir gux gwey ]1] (1147-14)
sarab sukhaa har har gun gaa-ay. ||1||
All peace comes from singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||

sUK shj Awnµd lhhu ] (1147-14)
sookh sahj aanand lahhu.
You shall obtain peace, poise and bliss,

swDsMgiq pweIAY vfBwgI gurmuiK hir hir nwmu khhu ]1] rhwau ] (1147-14)
saaDhsangat paa-ee-ai vadbhaagee gurmukh har har naam kahhu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
when you find the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, by great good fortune. As Gurmukh, utter the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||Pause||

bMDn mwq ipqw suq binqw ] (1147-15)
banDhan maat pitaa sut banitaa.
Mother, father, children and spouse - all place the mortal in bondage.

bMDn krm Drm hau krqw ] (1147-15)
banDhan karam Dharam ha-o kartaa.
Religious rituals and actions done in ego place the mortal in bondage.

bMDn kwtnhwru min vsY ] (1147-16)
banDhan kaatanhaar man vasai.
If the Lord, the Shatterer of bonds, abides in the mind,

qau suKu pwvY inj Gir bsY ]2] (1147-16)
ta-o sukh paavai nij ghar basai. ||2||
then peace is obtained, dwelling in the home of the self deep within. ||2||

siB jwick pRB dyvnhwr ] (1147-16)
sabh jaachik parabh dayvanhaar.
Everyone is a beggar; God is the Great Giver.

gux inDwn byAMq Apwr ] (1147-17)
gun niDhaan bay-ant apaar.
The Treasure of Virtue is the Infinite, Endless Lord.

ijs no krmu kry pRBu Apnw ] (1147-17)
jis no karam karay parabh apnaa.
That person, unto whom God grants His Mercy

hir hir nwmu iqnY jin jpnw ]3] (1147-17)
har har naam tinai jan japnaa. ||3||
- that humble being chants the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||

gur Apny AwgY Ardwis ] (1147-18)
gur apnay aagai ardaas.
I offer my prayer to my Guru.

kir ikrpw purK guxqwis ] (1147-18)
kar kirpaa purakh guntaas.
O Primal Lord God, Treasure of Virtue, please bless me with Your Grace.

khu nwnk qumrI srxweI ] (1147-18)
kaho naanak tumree sarnaa-ee.
Says Nanak, I have come to Your Sanctuary.

ijau BwvY iqau rKhu gusweI ]4]28]41] (1147-19)
ji-o bhaavai ti-o rakhahu gusaa-ee. ||4||28||41||
If it pleases You, please protect me, O Lord of the World. ||4||28||41||

BYrau mhlw 5 ] (1147-19)
bhairo mehlaa 5.
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

gur imil iqAwigE dUjw Bwau ] (1147-19)
gur mil ti-aagi-o doojaa bhaa-o.
Meeting with the Guru, I have forsaken the love of duality.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD