Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gurmuiK ivrlw cInY koeI ] (1024-1)
gurmukh virlaa cheenai ko-ee.
Only a few, as Gurmukh, remembered the Lord.

duie pg Drmu Dry DrxIDr gurmuiK swcu iqQweI hy ]8] (1024-1)
du-ay pag Dharam Dharay DharneeDhar gurmukh saach tithaa-ee hay. ||8||
Dharmic faith, which upholds and supports the earth, had only two feet; Truth was revealed to the Gurmukhs. ||8||

rwjy Drmu krih prQwey ] (1024-1)
raajay Dharam karahi parthaa-ay.
The kings acted righteously only out of self-interest.

Awsw bMDy dwnu krwey ] (1024-2)
aasaa banDhay daan karaa-ay.
Tied to hopes of reward, they gave to charities.

rwm nwm ibnu mukiq n hoeI Qwky krm kmweI hy ]9] (1024-2)
raam naam bin mukat na ho-ee thaakay karam kamaa-ee hay. ||9||
Without the Lord's Name, liberation did not come, although they grew weary of performing rituals. ||9||

krm Drm kir mukiq mMgwhI ] (1024-3)
karam Dharam kar mukat mangaa-ee.
Practicing religious rituals, they sought liberation,

mukiq pdwrQu sbid slwhI ] (1024-3)
mukat padaarath sabad salaahee.
but the treasure of liberation comes only by praising the Shabad.

ibnu gur sbdY mukiq n hoeI prpMcu kir BrmweI hy ]10] (1024-3)
bin gur sabdai mukat na ho-ee parpanch kar bharmaa-ee hay. ||10||
Without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, liberation is not obtained; practicing hypocrisy, they wander around confused. ||10||

mwieAw mmqw CofI n jweI ] (1024-4)
maa-i-aa mamtaa chhodee na jaa-ee.
Love and attachment to Maya cannot be abandoned.

sy CUty scu kwr kmweI ] (1024-4)
say chhootay sach kaar kamaa-ee.
They alone find release, who practice deeds of Truth.

Aihinis Bgiq rqy vIcwrI Twkur isau bix AweI hy ]11] (1024-4)
ahinis bhagat ratay veechaaree thaakur si-o ban aa-ee hay. ||11||
Day and night, the devotees remain imbued with contemplative meditation; they become just like their Lord and Master. ||11||

ieik jp qp kir kir qIrQ nwvih ] (1024-5)
ik jap tap kar kar tirath naaveh.
Some chant and practice intensive meditation, and take cleansing baths at sacred shrines of pilgrimage.

ijau quDu BwvY iqvY clwvih ] (1024-5)
ji-o tuDh bhaavai tivai chalaaveh.
They walk as You will them to walk.

hiT ingRih ApqIju n BIjY ibnu hir gur ikin piq pweI hy ]12] (1024-6)
hath nigrahi apteej na bheejai bin har gur kin pat paa-ee hay. ||12||
By stubborn rituals of self-suppression, the Lord is not pleased. No one has ever obtained honor, without the Lord, without the Guru. ||12||

klI kwl mih iek kl rwKI ] (1024-7)
kalee kaal meh ik kal raakhee.
In the Iron Age, the Dark Age of Kali Yuga, only one power remains.

ibnu gur pUry iknY n BwKI ] (1024-7)
bin gur pooray kinai na bhaakhee.
Without the Perfect Guru, no one has even described it.

mnmuiK kUVu vrqY vrqwrw ibnu siqgur Brmu n jweI hy ]13] (1024-7)
manmukh koorh vartai vartaaraa bin satgur bharam na jaa-ee hay. ||13||
The self-willed manmukhs have staged the show of falsehood. Without the True Guru, doubt does not depart. ||13||

siqguru vyprvwhu isrMdw ] (1024-8)
satgur vayparvaahu sirandaa.
The True Guru is the Creator Lord, independent and carefree.

nw jm kwix n CMdw bMdw ] (1024-8)
naa jam kaan na chhandaa bandaa.
He does not fear death, and He is not dependent on mortal men.

jo iqsu syvy so AibnwsI nw iqsu kwlu sMqweI hy ]14] (1024-8)
jo tis sayvay so abhinaasee naa tis kaal santaa-ee hay. ||14||
Whoever serves Him becomes immortal and imperishable, and will not be tortured by death. ||14||

gur mih Awpu riKAw krqwry ] (1024-9)
gur meh aap rakhi-aa kartaaray.
The Creator Lord has enshrined Himself within the Guru.

gurmuiK koit AsMK auDwry ] (1024-9)
gurmukh kot asaNkh uDhaaray.
The Gurmukh saves countless millions.

srb jIAw jgjIvnu dwqw inrBau mYlu n kweI hy ]15] (1024-10)
sarab jee-aa jagjeevan daataa nirbha-o mail na kaa-ee hay. ||15||
The Life of the World is the Great Giver of all beings. The Fearless Lord has no filth at all. ||15||

sgly jwcih gur BMfwrI ] (1024-10)
saglay jaacheh gur bhandaaree.
Everyone begs from the Guru, God's Treasurer.

Awip inrMjnu AlK ApwrI ] (1024-11)
aap niranjan alakh apaaree.
He Himself is the immaculate, unknowable, infinite Lord.

nwnku swcu khY pRB jwcY mY dIjY swcu rjweI hy ]16]4] (1024-11)
naanak saach kahai parabh jaachai mai deejai saach rajaa-ee hay. ||16||4||
Nanak speaks the Truth; he begs from God. Please bless me with the Truth, by Your Will. ||16||4||

mwrU mhlw 1 ] (1024-12)
maaroo mehlaa 1.
Maaroo, First Mehl:

swcY myly sbid imlwey ] (1024-12)
saachai maylay sabad milaa-ay.
The True Lord unites with those who are united with the Word of the Shabad.

jw iqsu Bwxw shij smwey ] (1024-12)
jaa tis bhaanaa sahj samaa-ay.
When it pleases Him, we intuitively merge with Him.

iqRBvx joiq DrI prmysir Avru n dUjw BweI hy ]1] (1024-12)
taribhavan jot Dharee parmaysar avar na doojaa bhaa-ee hay. ||1||
The Light of the Transcendent Lord pervades the three worlds; there is no other at all, O Siblings of Destiny. ||1||

ijs ky cwkr iqs kI syvw ] (1024-13)
jis kay chaakar tis kee sayvaa.
I am His servant; I serve Him.

sbid pqIjY AlK AByvw ] (1024-13)
sabad pateejai alakh abhayvaa.
He is unknowable and mysterious; He is pleased by the Shabad.

Bgqw kw guxkwrI krqw bKis ley vifAweI hy ]2] (1024-14)
bhagtaa kaa gunkaaree kartaa bakhas la-ay vadi-aa-ee hay. ||2||
The Creator is the Benefactor of His devotees. He forgives them - such is His greatness. ||2||

dydy qoit n AwvY swcy ] (1024-14)
dayday tot na aavai saachay.
The True Lord gives and gives; His blessings never run short.

lY lY mukir paudy kwcy ] (1024-14)
lai lai mukar pa-uday kaachay.
The false ones receive, and then deny having received.

mUlu n bUJih swic n rIJih dUjY Brim BulweI hy ]3] (1024-15)
mool na boojheh saach na reejheh doojai bharam bhulaa-ee hay. ||3||
They do not understand their origins, they are not pleased with the Truth, and so they wander in duality and doubt. ||3||

gurmuiK jwig rhy idn rwqI ] (1024-15)
gurmukh jaag rahay din raatee.
The Gurmukhs remain awake and aware, day and night.

swcy kI ilv gurmiq jwqI ] (1024-15)
saachay kee liv gurmat jaatee.
Following the Guru's Teachings, they know the Love of the True Lord.

mnmuK soie rhy sy lUty gurmuiK swbqu BweI hy ]4] (1024-16)
manmukh so-ay rahay say lootay gurmukh saabat bhaa-ee hay. ||4||
The self-willed manmukhs remain asleep, and are plundered. The Gurmukhs remain safe and sound, O Siblings of Destiny. ||4||

kUVy AwvY kUVy jwvY ] (1024-16)
koorhay aavai koorhay jaavai.
The false come, and the false go;

kUVy rwqI kUVu kmwvY ] (1024-17)
koorhay raatee koorh kamaavai.
imbued with falsehood, they practice only falsehood.

sbid imly sy drgh pYDy gurmuiK suriq smweI hy ]5] (1024-17)
sabad milay say dargeh paiDhay gurmukh surat samaa-ee hay. ||5||
Those who are imbued with the Shabad are robed in honor in the Court of the Lord; the Gurmukhs focus their consciousness on Him. ||5||

kUiV muTI TgI TgvwVI ] (1024-17)
koorh muthee thagee thagvaarhee.
The false are cheated, and robbed by the robbers.

ijau vwVI EjwiV aujwVI ] (1024-18)
ji-o vaarhee ojaarh ujaarhee.
The garden is laid waste, like the rough wilderness.

nwm ibnw ikCu swid n lwgY hir ibsirAY duKu pweI hy ]6] (1024-18)
naam binaa kichh saad na laagai har bisri-ai dukh paa-ee hay. ||6||
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, nothing tastes sweet; forgetting the Lord, they suffer in sorrow. ||6||

Bojnu swcu imlY AwGweI ] (1024-19)
bhojan saach milai aaghaa-ee.
Receiving the food of Truth, one is satisfied.

nwm rqnu swcI vifAweI ] (1024-19)
naam ratan saachee vadi-aa-ee.
True is the glorious greatness of the jewel of the Name.

cInY Awpu pCwxY soeI joqI joiq imlweI hy ]7] (1024-19)
cheenai aap pachhaanai so-ee jotee jot milaa-ee hay. ||7||
One who understands his own self, realizes the Lord. His light merges into the Light. ||7||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD