Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwvhu BulI cotw Kwey ] (1025-1)
naavhu bhulee chotaa khaa-ay.
Wandering from the Name, he endures beatings.

bhuqu isAwxp Brmu n jwey ] (1025-1)
bahut si-aanap bharam na jaa-ay.
Even great cleverness does not dispel doubt.

pic pic muey Acyq n cyqih Ajgir Bwir ldweI hy ]8] (1025-1)
pach pach mu-ay achayt na cheeteh ajgar bhaar ladaa-ee hay. ||8||
The unconscious fool does not remain conscious of the Lord; he putrifies and rots away to death, carrying his heavy load of sin. ||8||

ibnu bwd ibroDih koeI nwhI ] (1025-2)
bin baad biroDheh ko-ee naahee.
No one is free of conflict and strife.

mY dyKwilhu iqsu swlwhI ] (1025-2)
mai daykhaalihu tis saalaahee.
Show me anyone who is, and I will praise him.

mnu qnu Arip imlY jgjIvnu hir isau bxq bxweI hy ]9] (1025-3)
man tan arap milai jagjeevan har si-o banat banaa-ee hay. ||9||
Dedicating mind and body to God, one meets the Lord, the Life of the World, and becomes just like Him. ||9||

pRB kI giq imiq koie n pwvY ] (1025-3)
parabh kee gat mit ko-ay na paavai.
No one knows the state and extent of God.

jy ko vfw khwie vfweI KwvY ] (1025-4)
jay ko vadaa kahaa-ay vadaa-ee khaavai.
Whoever calls himself great, will be eaten by his greatness.

swcy swihb qoit n dwqI sglI iqnih aupweI hy ]10] (1025-4)
saachay saahib tot na daatee saglee tineh upaa-ee hay. ||10||
There is no lack of gifts of our True Lord and Master. He created all. ||10||

vfI vifAweI vyprvwhy ] (1025-4)
vadee vadi-aa-ee vayparvaahay.
Great is the glorious greatness of the independent Lord.

Awip aupwey dwnu smwhy ] (1025-5)
aap upaa-ay daan samaahay.
He Himself created, and gives sustanance to all.

Awip dieAwlu dUir nhI dwqw imilAw shij rjweI hy ]11] (1025-5)
aap da-i-aal door nahee daataa mili-aa sahj rajaa-ee hay. ||11||
The Merciful Lord is not far away; the Great Giver spontaneously unites with Himself, by His Will. ||11||

ieik sogI ieik roig ivAwpy ] (1025-6)
ik sogee ik rog vi-aapay.
Some are sad, and some are afflicted with disease.

jo ikCu kry su Awpy Awpy ] (1025-6)
jo kichh karay so aapay aapay.
Whatever God does, He does by Himself.

Bgiq Bwau gur kI miq pUrI Anhid sbid lKweI hy ]12] (1025-6)
bhagat bhaa-o gur kee mat pooree anhad sabad lakhaa-ee hay. ||12||
Through loving devotion, and the Perfect Teachings of the Guru, the unstruck sound current of the Shabad is realized. ||12||

ieik nwgy BUKy Bvih Bvwey ] (1025-7)
ik naagay bhookhay bhaveh bhavaa-ay.
Some wander and roam around, hungry and naked.

ieik hTu kir mrih n kImiq pwey ] (1025-7)
ik hath kar mareh na keemat paa-ay.
Some act in stubbornness and die, but do not know the value of God.

giq Aivgq kI swr n jwxY bUJY sbdu kmweI hy ]13] (1025-8)
gat avigat kee saar na jaanai boojhai sabad kamaa-ee hay. ||13||
They do not know the difference between good and bad; this is understood only through the practice of the Word of the Shabad. ||13||

ieik qIriQ nwvih AMnu n Kwvih ] (1025-8)
ik tirath naaveh ann na khaaveh.
Some bathe at sacred shrines and refuse to eat.

ieik Agin jlwvih dyh Kpwvih ] (1025-9)
ik agan jalaaveh dayh khapaaveh.
Some torment their bodies in burning fire.

rwm nwm ibnu mukiq n hoeI ikqu ibiD pwir lµGweI hy ]14] (1025-9)
raam naam bin mukat na ho-ee kit biDh paar langhaa-ee hay. ||14||
Without the Lord's Name, liberation is not obtained; how can anyone cross over? ||14||

gurmiq Cofih auJiV jweI ] (1025-10)
gurmat chhodeh ujharh jaa-ee.
Abandoning the Guru's Teachings, some wander in the wilderness.

mnmuiK rwmu n jpY AvweI ] (1025-10)
manmukh raam na japai avaa-ee.
The self-willed manmukhs are destitute; they do not meditate on the Lord.

pic pic bUfih kUVu kmwvih kUiV kwlu bYrweI hy ]15] (1025-10)
pach pach booDheh koorh kamaaveh koorh kaal bairaa-ee hay. ||15||
They are ruined, destroyed and drowned from practicing falsehood; death is the enemy of the false. ||15||

hukmy AwvY hukmy jwvY ] (1025-11)
hukmay aavai hukmay jaavai.
By the Hukam of the Lord's Command, they come, and by the Hukam of His Command, they go.

bUJY hukmu so swic smwvY ] (1025-11)
boojhai hukam so saach samaavai.
One who realizes His Hukam, merges in the True Lord.

nwnk swcu imlY min BwvY gurmuiK kwr kmweI hy ]16]5] (1025-12)
naanak saach milai man bhaavai gurmukh kaar kamaa-ee hay. ||16||5||
O Nanak, he merges in the True Lord, and his mind is pleased with the Lord. The Gurmukhs do His work. ||16||5||

mwrU mhlw 1 ] (1025-12)
maaroo mehlaa 1.
Maaroo, First Mehl:

Awpy krqw purKu ibDwqw ] (1025-12)
aapay kartaa purakh biDhaataa.
He Himself is the Creator Lord, the Architect of Destiny.

ijin Awpy Awip aupwie pCwqw ] (1025-13)
jin aapay aap upaa-ay pachhaataa.
He evaluates those whom He Himself has created.

Awpy siqguru Awpy syvku Awpy isRsit aupweI hy ]1] (1025-13)
aapay satgur aapay sayvak aapay sarisat upaa-ee hay. ||1||
He Himself is the True Guru, and He Himself is the servant; He Himself created the Universe. ||1||

Awpy nyVY nwhI dUry ] (1025-14)
aapay nayrhai naahee dooray.
He is near at hand, not far away.

bUJih gurmuiK sy jn pUry ] (1025-14)
boojheh gurmukh say jan pooray.
The Gurmukhs understand Him; perfect are those humble beings.

iqn kI sMgiq Aihinis lwhw gur sMgiq eyh vfweI hy ]2] (1025-14)
tin kee sangat ahinis laahaa gur sangat ayh vadaa-ee hay. ||2||
Associating with them night and day is profitable. This is the glorious greatness of associating with the Guru. ||2||

juig juig sMq Bly pRB qyry ] (1025-15)
jug jug sant bhalay parabh tayray.
Throughout the ages, Your Saints are holy and sublime, O God.

hir gux gwvih rsn rsyry ] (1025-15)
har gun gaavahi rasan rasayray.
They sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, savoring it with their tongues.

ausqiq krih prhir duKu dwldu ijn nwhI icMq prweI hy ]3] (1025-15)
ustat karahi parhar dukh daalad jin naahee chint paraa-ee hay. ||3||
They chant His Praises, and their pain and poverty are taken away; they are not afraid of anyone else. ||3||

Eie jwgq rhih n sUqy dIsih ] (1025-16)
o-ay jaagat raheh na sootay deeseh.
They remain awake and aware, and do not appear to sleep.

sMgiq kul qwry swcu prIsih ] (1025-16)
sangat kul taaray saach pareeseh.
They serve up Truth, and so save their companions and relatives.

kilml mYlu nwhI qy inrml Eie rhih Bgiq ilv lweI hy ]4] (1025-17)
kalimal mail naahee tay nirmal o-ay raheh bhagat liv laa-ee hay. ||4||
They are not stained with the filth of sins; they are immaculate and pure, and remain absorbed in loving devotional worship. ||4||

bUJhu hir jn siqgur bwxI ] (1025-17)
boojhhu har jan satgur banee.
O humble servants of the Lord, understand the Word of the Guru's Bani.

eyhu jobnu swsu hY dyh purwxI ] (1025-18)
ayhu joban saas hai dayh puraanee.
This youth, breath and body shall pass away.

Awju kwil mir jweIAY pRwxI hir jpu jip irdY iDAweI hy ]5] (1025-18)
aaj kaal mar jaa-ee-ai paraanee har jap jap ridai Dhi-aa-ee hay. ||5||
O mortal, you shall die today or tomorrow; chant, and meditate on the Lord within your heart. ||5||

Cofhu pRwxI kUV kbwVw ] (1025-19)
chhodahu paraanee koorh kabaarhaa.
O mortal, abandon falsehood and your worthless ways.

kUVu mwry kwlu auCwhwVw ] (1025-19)
koorh maaray kaal uchhaahaarhaa.
Death viciously kills the false beings.

swkq kUiV pcih min haumY duhu mwrig pcY pcweI hy ]6] (1025-19)
saakat koorh pacheh man ha-umai duhu maarag pachai pachaa-ee hay. ||6||
The faithless cynic is ruined through falsehood and his egotistical mind.On the path of duality, he rots away and decomposes. ||6||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD