Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


scY aUpir Avr n dIsY swcy kImiq pweI hy ]8] (1023-1)
sachai oopar avar na deesai saachay keemat paa-ee hay. ||8||
I cannot see any other above the True Lord. The True Lord does the appraisal. ||8||

AYQY goielVw idn cwry ] (1023-1)
aithai go-ilrhaa din chaaray.
In this green pasture, the mortal stays only a few days.

Kylu qmwsw DuMDUkwry ] (1023-2)
khayl tamaasaa DhunDhookaaray.
He plays and frolics in utter darkness.

bwjI Kyil gey bwjIgr ijau inis supnY BKlweI hy ]9] (1023-2)
baajee khayl ga-ay baajeegar ji-o nis supnai bhakhlaa-ee hay. ||9||
The jugglers have staged their show, and left, like people mumbling in a dream. ||9||

iqn kau qKiq imlI vifAweI ] (1023-2)
tin ka-o takhat milee vadi-aa-ee.
They alone are blessed with glorious greatness at the Lord's throne,

inrBau min visAw ilv lweI ] (1023-3)
nirbha-o man vasi-aa liv laa-ee.
who enshrine the fearless Lord in their minds, and lovingly center themselves on Him.

KMfI bRhmMfI pwqwlI purIeI iqRBvx qwVI lweI hy ]10] (1023-3)
khandee barahmandee paataalee puree-ee taribhavan taarhee laa-ee hay. ||10||
In the galaxies and solar systems, nether regions, celestial realms and the three worlds, the Lord is in the primal void of deep absorption. ||10||

swcI ngrI qKqu scwvw ] (1023-4)
saachee nagree takhat sachaavaa.
True is the village, and true is the throne,

gurmuiK swcu imlY suKu pwvw ] (1023-4)
gurmukh saach milai sukh paavaa.
of those Gurmukhs who meet with the True Lord, and find peace.

swcy swcY qKiq vfweI haumY gxq gvweI hy ]11] (1023-4)
saachay saachai takhat vadaa-ee ha-umai ganat gavaa-ee hay. ||11||
In Truth, seated upon the true throne, they are blessed with glorious greatness; their egotism is eradicated, along with the calculation of their account. ||11||

gxq gxIAY shsw jIAY ] (1023-5)
ganat ganee-ai sahsaa jee-ai.
Calculating its account, the soul becomes anxious.

ikau suKu pwvY dUAY qIAY ] (1023-5)
ki-o sukh paavai doo-ai tee-ai.
How can one find peace, through duality and the three gunas - the three qualities?

inrmlu eyku inrMjnu dwqw gur pUry qy piq pweI hy ]12] (1023-6)
nirmal ayk niranjan daataa gur pooray tay pat paa-ee hay. ||12||
The One Lord is immaculate and formless, the Great Giver; through the Perfect Guru, honor is obtained. ||12||

juig juig ivrlI gurmuiK jwqw ] (1023-6)
jug jug virlee gurmukh jaataa.
In each and every age, very rare are those who, as Gurmukh, realize the Lord.

swcw riv rihAw mnu rwqw ] (1023-6)
saachaa rav rahi-aa man raataa.
Their minds are imbued with the True, all-pervading Lord.

iqs kI Et ghI suKu pwieAw min qin mYlu n kweI hy ]13] (1023-7)
tis kee ot gahee sukh paa-i-aa man tan mail na kaa-ee hay. ||13||
Seeking His Shelter, they find peace, and their minds and bodies are not stained with filth. ||13||

jIB rswieix swcY rwqI ] (1023-7)
jeebh rasaa-in saachai raatee.
Their tongues are imbued with the True Lord, the source of nectar;

hir pRBu sMgI Bau n BrwqI ] (1023-8)
har parabh sangee bha-o na bharaatee.
abiding with the Lord God, they have no fear or doubt.

sRvx sRoq rjy gurbwxI joqI joiq imlweI hy ]14] (1023-8)
sarvan sarot rajay gurbaanee jotee jot milaa-ee hay. ||14||
Hearing the Word of the Guru's Bani, their ears are satisfied, and their light merges into the Light. ||14||

riK riK pYr Dry pau Drxw ] (1023-9)
rakh rakh pair Dharay pa-o Dharnaa.
Carefully, carefully, I place my feet upon the ground.

jq kq dyKau qyrI srxw ] (1023-9)
jat kat daykh-a-u tayree sarnaa.
Wherever I go, I behold Your Sanctuary.

duKu suKu dyih qUhY min Bwvih quJ hI isau bix AweI hy ]15] (1023-9)
dukh sukh deh toohai man bhaaveh tujh hee si-o ban aa-ee hay. ||15||
Whether You grant me pain or pleasure, You are pleasing to my mind. I am in harmony with You. ||15||

AMq kwil ko bylI nwhI ] (1023-10)
ant kaal ko baylee naahee.
No one is anyone's companion or helper at the very last moment;

gurmuiK jwqw quDu swlwhI ] (1023-10)
gurmukh jaataa tuDh saalaahee.
as Gurmukh, I realize You and praise You.

nwnk nwim rqy bYrwgI inj Gir qwVI lweI hy ]16]3] (1023-10)
naanak naam ratay bairaagee nij ghar taarhee laa-ee hay. ||16||3||
O Nanak, imbued with the Naam, I am detached; in the home of my own self deep within, I am absorbed in the primal void of deep meditation. ||16||3||

mwrU mhlw 1 ] (1023-11)
maaroo mehlaa 1.
Maaroo, First Mehl:

Awid jugwdI Apr Apwry ] (1023-11)
aad jugaadee apar apaaray.
From the very beginning of time, and throughout the ages, You are infinite and incomparable.

Awid inrMjn Ksm hmwry ] (1023-12)
aad niranjan khasam hamaaray.
You are my primal, immaculate Lord and Master.

swcy jog jugiq vIcwrI swcy qwVI lweI hy ]1] (1023-12)
saachay jog jugat veechaaree saachay taarhee laa-ee hay. ||1||
I contemplate the Way of Yoga, the Way of Union with the True Lord. I am truly absorbed in the primal void of deep meditation. ||1||

kyqiVAw jug DuMDUkwrY ] (1023-12)
kayt-rhi-aa jug DhunDhookaarai.
For so many ages, there was only pitch darkness;

qwVI lweI isrjxhwrY ] (1023-13)
taarhee laa-ee sirjanhaarai.
the Creator Lord was absorbed in the primal void.

scu nwmu scI vifAweI swcY qKiq vfweI hy ]2] (1023-13)
sach naam sachee vadi-aa-ee saachai takhat vadaa-ee hay. ||2||
There was the True Name, the glorious greatness of the Truth, and the glory of His true throne. ||2||

sqjuig squ sMqoKu srIrw ] (1023-13)
satjug sat santokh sareeraa.
In the Golden Age of Truth, Truth and contentment filled the bodies.

siq siq vrqY gihr gMBIrw ] (1023-14)
sat sat vartai gahir gambheeraa.
Truth was pervasive, Truth, deep, profound and unfathomable.

scw swihbu scu prKY swcY hukim clweI hy ]3] (1023-14)
sachaa saahib sach parkhai saachai hukam chalaa-ee hay. ||3||
The True Lord appraises the mortals on the Touchstone of Truth, and issues His True Command. ||3||

sq sMqoKI siqguru pUrw ] (1023-15)
sat santokhee satgur pooraa.
The Perfect True Guru is true and contented.

gur kw sbdu mny so sUrw ] (1023-15)
gur kaa sabad manay so sooraa.
He alone is a spiritual hero, who believes in the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

swcI drgh swcu invwsw mwnY hukmu rjweI hy ]4] (1023-15)
saachee dargeh saach nivaasaa maanai hukam rajaa-ee hay. ||4||
He alone obtains a true seat in the True Court of the Lord, who surrenders to the Command of the Commander. ||4||

sqjuig swcu khY sBu koeI ] (1023-16)
satjug saach kahai sabh ko-ee.
In the Golden Age of Truth, everyone spoke the Truth.

sic vrqY swcw soeI ] (1023-16)
sach vartai saachaa so-ee.
Truth was pervasive - the Lord was Truth.

min muiK swcu Brm Bau BMjnu gurmuiK swcu sKweI hy ]5] (1023-16)
man mukh saach bharam bha-o bhanjan gurmukh saach sakhaa-ee hay. ||5||
With Truth in their minds and mouths, mortals were rid of doubt and fear. Truth was the friend of the Gurmukhs. ||5||

qRyqY Drm klw iek cUkI ] (1023-17)
taraytai Dharam kalaa ik chookee.
In the Silver Age of Traytaa Yoga, one power of Dharma was lost.

qIin crx iek duibDw sUkI ] (1023-17)
teen charan ik dubiDhaa sookee.
Three feet remained; through duality, one was cut off.

gurmuiK hovY su swcu vKwxY mnmuiK pcY AvweI hy ]6] (1023-17)
gurmukh hovai so saach vakhaanai manmukh pachai avaa-ee hay. ||6||
Those who were Gurmukh spoke the Truth, while the self-willed manmukhs wasted away in vain. ||6||

mnmuiK kdy n drgh sIJY ] (1023-18)
manmukh kaday na dargeh seejhai.
The manmukh never succeeds in the Court of the Lord.

ibnu sbdY ikau AMqru rIJY ] (1023-18)
bin sabdai ki-o antar reejhai.
Without the Word of the Shabad, how can one be pleased within?

bwDy Awvih bwDy jwvih soJI bUJ n kweI hy ]7] (1023-19)
baaDhay aavahi baaDhay jaaveh sojhee boojh na kaa-ee hay. ||7||
In bondage they come, and in bondage they go; they understand and comprehend nothing. ||7||

dieAw duAwpuir ADI hoeI ] (1023-19)
da-i-aa du-aapur aDhee ho-ee.
In the Brass Age of Dwaapur Yuga, compassion was cut in half.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD