Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gMgw jmunw kyl kydwrw ] (1022-1)
gangaa jamunaa kayl kaydaaraa.
The Ganges, the Jamunaa where Krishna played, Kaydar Naat'h,

kwsI kWqI purI duAwrw ] (1022-1)
kaasee kaaNtee puree du-aaraa.
Benares, Kanchivaram, Puri, Dwaarkaa,

gMgw swgru byxI sMgmu ATsiT AMik smweI hy ]9] (1022-1)
gangaa saagar baynee sangam athsath ank samaa-ee hay. ||9||
Ganga Saagar where the Ganges empties into the ocean, Trivaynee where the three rivers come together, and the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage, are all merged in the Lord's Being. ||9||

Awpy isD swiDku vIcwrI ] (1022-2)
aapay siDh saaDhik veechaaree.
He Himself is the Siddha, the seeker, in meditative contemplation.

Awpy rwjnu pMcw kwrI ] (1022-2)
aapay raajan panchaa kaaree.
He Himself is the King and the Council.

qKiq bhY AdlI pRBu Awpy Brmu Bydu Bau jweI hy ]10] (1022-3)
takhat bahai adlee parabh aapay bharam bhayd bha-o jaa-ee hay. ||10||
God Himself, the wise Judge, sits on the throne; He takes away doubt, duality and fear. ||10||

Awpy kwjI Awpy mulw ] (1022-3)
aapay kaajee aapay mulaa.
He Himself is the Qazi; He Himself is the Mullah.

Awip ABulu n kbhU Bulw ] (1022-3)
aap abhul na kabhoo bhulaa.
He Himself is infallible; He never makes mistakes.

Awpy imhr dieAwpiq dwqw nw iksY ko bYrweI hy ]11] (1022-4)
aapay mihar da-i-aapat daataa naa kisai ko bairaa-ee hay. ||11||
He Himself is the Giver of Grace, compassion and honor; He is no one's enemy. ||11||

ijsu bKsy iqsu dy vifAweI ] (1022-4)
jis bakhsay tis day vadi-aa-ee.
Whoever He forgives, He blesses with glorious greatness.

sBsY dwqw iqlu n qmweI ] (1022-5)
sabhsai daataa til na tamaa-ee.
He is the Giver of all; He does not have even an iota of greed.

Brpuir Dwir rihAw inhkyvlu gupqu pRgtu sB TweI hy ]12] (1022-5)
bharpur Dhaar rahi-aa nihkayval gupat pargat sabh thaa-ee hay. ||12||
The Immaculate Lord is all pervading, permeating everywhere, both hidden and manifest. ||12||

ikAw swlwhI Agm ApwrY ] (1022-6)
ki-aa saalaahee agam apaarai.
How can I praise the inaccessible, infinite Lord?

swcy isrjxhwr murwrY ] (1022-6)
saachay sirjanhaar muraarai.
The True Creator Lord is the Enemy of ego.

ijs no ndir kry iqsu myly myil imlY mylweI hy ]13] (1022-6)
jis no nadar karay tis maylay mayl milai maylaa-ee hay. ||13||
He unites those whom He blesses with His Grace; uniting them in His Union, they are united. ||13||

bRhmw ibsnu mhysu duAwrY ] (1022-7)
barahmaa bisan mahays du-aarai.
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva stand at His Door;

aUBy syvih AlK ApwrY ] (1022-7)
oobhay sayveh alakh apaarai.
they serve the unseen, infinite Lord.

hor kyqI dir dIsY ibllwdI mY gxq n AwvY kweI hy ]14] (1022-7)
hor kaytee dar deesai billaadee mai ganat na aavai kaa-ee hay. ||14||
Millions of others can be seen crying at His door; I cannot even estimate their numbers. ||14||

swcI kIriq swcI bwxI ] (1022-8)
saachee keerat saachee banee.
True is the Kirtan of His Praise, and True is the Word of His Bani.

hor n dIsY byd purwxI ] (1022-8)
hor na deesai bayd puraanee.
I can see no other in the Vedas and the Puraanas.

pUMjI swcu scy gux gwvw mY Dr hor n kweI hy ]15] (1022-9)
poonjee saach sachay gun gaavaa mai Dhar hor na kaa-ee hay. ||15||
Truth is my capital; I sing the Glorious Praises of the True Lord. I have no other support at all. ||15||

jugu jugu swcw hY BI hosI ] (1022-9)
jug jug saachaa hai bhee hosee.
In each and every age, the True Lord is, and shall always be.

kauxu n mUAw kauxu n mrsI ] (1022-9)
ka-un na moo-aa ka-un na marsee.
Who has not died? Who shall not die?

nwnku nIcu khY bynµqI dir dyKhu ilv lweI hy ]16]2] (1022-10)
naanak neech kahai baynantee dar daykhhu liv laa-ee hay. ||16||2||
Nanak the lowly offers this prayer; see Him within your own self, and lovingly focus on the Lord. ||16||2||

mwrU mhlw 1 ] (1022-10)
maaroo mehlaa 1.
Maaroo, First Mehl:

dUjI durmiq AMnI bolI ] (1022-11)
doojee durmat annee bolee.
In duality and evil-mindedness, the soul-bride is blind and deaf.

kwm k®oD kI kcI colI ] (1022-11)
kaam kroDh kee kachee cholee.
She wears the dress of sexual desire and anger.

Gir vru shju n jwxY Cohir ibnu ipr nId n pweI hy ]1] (1022-11)
ghar var sahj na jaanai chhohar bin pir need na paa-ee hay. ||1||
Her Husband Lord is within the home of her own heart, but she does not know Him; without her Husband Lord, she cannot go to sleep. ||1||

AMqir Agin jlY BVkwry ] (1022-12)
antar agan jalai bhatkaaray.
The great fire of desire blazes within her.

mnmuKu qky kuMfw cwry ] (1022-12)
manmukh takay kundaa chaaray.
The self-willed manmukh looks around in the four directions.

ibnu siqgur syvy ikau suKu pweIAY swcy hwiQ vfweI hy ]2] (1022-12)
bin satgur sayvay ki-o sukh paa-ee-ai saachay haath vadaa-ee hay. ||2||
Without serving the True Guru, how can she find peace? Glorious greatness rests in the hands of the True Lord. ||2||

kwmu k®oDu AhMkwru invwry ] (1022-13)
kaam kroDh ahaNkaar nivaaray.
Eradicating sexual desire, anger and egotism,

qskr pMc sbid sMGwry ] (1022-13)
taskar panch sabad sanghaaray.
she destroys the five thieves through the Word of the Shabad.

igAwn KVgu lY mn isau lUJY mnsw mnih smweI hy ]3] (1022-13)
gi-aan kharhag lai man si-o loojhai mansaa maneh samaa-ee hay. ||3||
Taking up the sword of spiritual wisdom, she struggles with her mind, and hope and desire are smoothed over in her mind. ||3||

mw kI rkqu ipqw ibdu Dwrw ] (1022-14)
maa kee rakat pitaa bid Dhaaraa.
From the union of the mother's egg and the father's sperm,

mUriq sUriq kir Awpwrw ] (1022-14)
moorat soorat kar aapaaraa.
the form of infinite beauty has been created.

joiq dwiq jyqI sB qyrI qU krqw sB TweI hy ]4] (1022-15)
jot daat jaytee sabh tayree too kartaa sabh thaa-ee hay. ||4||
The blessings of light all come from You; You are the Creator Lord, pervading everywhere. ||4||

quJ hI kIAw jMmx mrxw ] (1022-15)
tujh hee kee-aa jaman marnaa.
You have created birth and death.

gur qy smJ pVI ikAw frxw ] (1022-16)
gur tay samajh parhee ki-aa darnaa.
Why should anyone fear, if they come to understand through the Guru?

qU dieAwlu dieAw kir dyKih duKu drdu srIrhu jweI hy ]5] (1022-16)
too da-i-aal da-i-aa kar daykheh dukh darad sareerahu jaa-ee hay. ||5||
When You, O Merciful Lord, look with Your kindness, then pain and suffering leave the body. ||5||

inj Gir bYis rhy Bau KwieAw ] (1022-17)
nij ghar bais rahay bha-o khaa-i-aa.
One who sits in the home of his own self, eats his own fears.

Dwvq rwKy Twik rhwieAw ] (1022-17)
Dhaavat raakhay thaak rahaa-i-aa.
He quiets and holds his wandering mind still.

kml ibgws hry sr suBr Awqm rwmu sKweI hy ]6] (1022-17)
kamal bigaas haray sar subhar aatam raam sakhaa-ee hay. ||6||
His heart-lotus blossoms forth in the overflowing green pool, and the Lord of his soul becomes his companion and helper. ||6||

mrxu ilKwie mMfl mih Awey ] (1022-18)
maran likhaa-ay mandal meh aa-ay.
With their death already ordained, mortals come into this world.

ikau rhIAY clxw prQwey ] (1022-18)
ki-o rahee-ai chalnaa parthaa-ay.
How can they remain here? They have to go to the world beyond.

scw Amru scy Amrw puir so scu imlY vfweI hy ]7] (1022-18)
sachaa amar sachay amraa pur so sach milai vadaa-ee hay. ||7||
True is the Lord's Command; the true ones dwell in the eternal city. The True Lord blesses them with glorious greatness. ||7||

Awip aupwieAw jgqu sbwieAw ] (1022-19)
aap upaa-i-aa jagat sabaa-i-aa.
He Himself created the whole world.

ijin isirAw iqin DMDY lwieAw ] (1022-19)
jin siri-aa tin DhanDhai laa-i-aa.
The One who made it, assigns the tasks to it.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD