Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gur syvw sdw suKu hY ijs no hukmu mnwey ]7] (1012-1)
gur sayvaa sadaa sukh hai jis no hukam manaa-ay. ||7||
Serving the Guru, eternal peace is obtained, by those whom the Lord inspires to obey the Hukam of His Command. ||7||

suienw rupw sB Dwqu hY mwtI ril jweI ] (1012-1)
su-inaa rupaa sabh Dhaat hai maatee ral jaa-ee.
Gold and silver, and all metals, mix with dust in the end

ibnu nwvY nwil n cleI siqguir bUJ buJweI ] (1012-2)
bin naavai naal na chal-ee satgur boojh bujhaa-ee.
Without the Name, nothing goes along with you; the True Guru has imparted this understanding.

nwnk nwim rqy sy inrmly swcY rhy smweI ]8]5] (1012-2)
naanak naam ratay say nirmalay saachai rahay samaa-ee. ||8||5||
O Nanak, those who are attuned to the Naam are immaculate and pure; they remain merged in the Truth. ||8||5||

mwrU mhlw 1 ] (1012-3)
maaroo mehlaa 1.
Maaroo, First Mehl:

hukmu BieAw rhxw nhI Duir Pwty cIrY ] (1012-3)
hukam bha-i-aa rahnaa nahee Dhur faatay cheerai.
The Order is issued, and he cannot remain; the permit to stay has been torn up.

eyhu mnu Avgix bwiDAw shu dyh srIrY ] (1012-3)
ayhu man avgan baaDhi-aa saho dayh sareerai.
This mind is tied to its faults; it suffers terrible pain in its body.

pUrY guir bKsweIAih siB gunh PkIrY ]1] (1012-4)
poorai gur bakhsaa-ee-ah sabh gunah fakeerai. ||1||
The Perfect Guru forgives all the mistakes of the beggar at His Door. ||1||

ikau rhIAY auiT clxw buJu sbd bIcwrw ] (1012-4)
ki-o rahee-ai uth chalnaa bujh sabad beechaaraa.
How can he stay here? He must get up and depart. Contemplate the Word of the Shabad, and understand this.

ijsu qU mylih so imlY Duir hukmu Apwrw ]1] rhwau ] (1012-5)
jis too mayleh so milai Dhur hukam apaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He alone is united, whom You, O Lord, unite. Such is the Primal Command of the Infinite Lord. ||1||Pause||

ijau qU rwKih iqau rhw jo dyih su Kwau ] (1012-5)
ji-o too raakhahi ti-o rahaa jo deh so khaa-o.
As You keep me, I remain; whatever You give me, I eat.

ijau qU clwvih iqau clw muiK AMimRq nwau ] (1012-6)
ji-o too chalaaveh ti-o chalaa mukh amrit naa-o.
As You lead me, I follow, with the Ambrosial Name in my mouth.

myry Twkur hiQ vifAweIAw mylih min cwau ]2] (1012-6)
mayray thaakur hath vadi-aa-ee-aa mayleh man chaa-o. ||2||
All glorious greatness rests in the hands of my Lord and Master; my mind yearns to unite with You. ||2||

kIqw ikAw swlwhIAY kir dyKY soeI ] (1012-7)
keetaa ki-aa salaahee-ai kar daykhai so-ee.
Why should anyone praise any other created being? That Lord acts and sees.

ijin kIAw so min vsY mY Avru n koeI ] (1012-7)
jin kee-aa so man vasai mai avar na ko-ee.
The One who created me, abides within my mind; there is no other at all.

so swcw swlwhIAY swcI piq hoeI ]3] (1012-8)
so saachaa salaahee-ai saachee pat ho-ee. ||3||
So praise that True Lord, and you shall be blessed with true honor. ||3||

pMifqu piV n phuceI bhu Awl jMjwlw ] (1012-8)
pandit parh na pahucha-ee baho aal janjaalaa.
The Pandit, the religious scholar, reads, but does not reach the Lord; he is totally entangled in worldly affairs.

pwp puMn duie sMgmy KuiDAw jmkwlw ] (1012-9)
paap punn du-ay sangmay khuDhi-aa jamkaalaa.
He keeps the company of both virtue and vice, tormented by hunger and the Messenger of Death.

ivCoVw Bau vIsrY pUrw rKvwlw ]4] (1012-9)
vichhorhaa bha-o veesrai pooraa rakhvaalaa. ||4||
One who is protected by the Perfect Lord, forgets separation and fear. ||4||

ijn kI lyKY piq pvY sy pUry BweI ] (1012-9)
jin kee laykhai pat pavai say pooray bhaa-ee.
They alone are perfect, O Siblings of Destiny, whose honor is certified.

pUry pUrI miq hY scI vifAweI ] (1012-10)
pooray pooree mat hai sachee vadi-aa-ee.
Perfect is the intellect of the Perfect Lord. True is His glorious greatness.

dydy qoit n AwveI lY lY Qik pweI ]5] (1012-10)
dayday tot na aavee lai lai thak paa-ee. ||5||
His gifts never run short, although those who receive may grow weary of receiving. ||5||

Kwr smudRü FMFolIAY ieku mxIAw pwvY ] (1012-10)
khaar samudar dhandholee-ai ik manee-aa paavai.
Searching the salty sea, one finds the pearl.

duie idn cwir suhwvxw mwtI iqsu KwvY ] (1012-11)
du-ay din chaar suhaavanaa maatee tis khaavai.
It looks beautiful for a few days, but in the end, it is eaten away by dust.

guru swgru siq syvIAY dy qoit n AwvY ]6] (1012-11)
gur saagar sat sayvee-ai day tot na aavai. ||6||
If one serves the Guru, the ocean of Truth, the gifts one receives never run short. ||6||

myry pRB Bwvin sy aUjly sB mYlu BrIjY ] (1012-12)
mayray parabh bhaavan say oojlay sabh mail bhareejai.
They alone are pure, who are pleasing to my God; all others are soiled with filth.

mYlw aUjlu qw QIAY pwrs sMig BIjY ] (1012-12)
mailaa oojal taa thee-ai paaras sang bheejai.
The filthy become pure, when they meet with the Guru, the Philosopher's Stone.

vMnI swcy lwl kI ikin kImiq kIjY ]7] (1012-13)
vannee saachay laal kee kin keemat keejai. ||7||
Who can estimate the value of the color of the true jewel? ||7||

ByKI hwQ n lBeI qIriQ nhI dwny ] (1012-13)
bhaykhee haath na labh-ee tirath nahee daanay.
Wearing religious robes, the Lord is not obtained, nor is He obtained by giving donations at sacred shrines of pilgrimage.

pUCau byd pVMiqAw mUTI ivxu mwny ] (1012-13)
poochha-o bayd parhanti-aa moothee vin maanay.
Go and ask the readers of the Vedas; without faith, the world is cheated.

nwnk kImiq so kry pUrw guru igAwny ]8]6] (1012-14)
naanak keemat so karay pooraa gur gi-aanay. ||8||6||
O Nanak, he alone values the jewel, who is blessed with the spiritual wisdom of the Perfect Guru. ||8||6||

mwrU mhlw 1 ] (1012-14)
maaroo mehlaa 1.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

mnmuKu lhir Gru qij ivgUcY Avrw ky Gr hyrY ] (1012-15)
manmukh lahar ghar taj vigoochai avraa kay ghar hayrai.
The self-willed manmukh, in a fit of passion, abandons his home, and is ruined; then, he spies on the homes of others.

igRh Drmu gvwey siqguru n BytY durmiq GUmn GyrY ] (1012-15)
garih Dharam gavaa-ay satgur na bhaytai durmat ghooman ghayrai.
He neglects his household duties, and does not meet with the True Guru; he is caught in the whirlpool of evil-mindedness.

idsMqru BvY pwT piV Qwkw iqRsnw hoie vDyrY ] (1012-16)
disantar bhavai paath parh thaakaa tarisnaa ho-ay vaDhayrai.
Wandering in foreign lands and reading scriptures, he grows weary, and his thirsty desires only increase.

kwcI ipMfI sbdu n cInY audru BrY jYsy ForY ]1] (1012-16)
kaachee pindee sabad na cheenai udar bharai jaisay dhorai. ||1||
His perishable body does not remember the Word of the Shabad; like a beast, he fills his belly. ||1||

bwbw AYsI rvq rvY sMinAwsI ] (1012-17)
baabaa aisee ravat ravai sani-aasee.
O Baba, this is the way of life of the Sannyaasi, the renunciate.

gur kY sbid eyk ilv lwgI qyrY nwim rqy iqRpqwsI ]1] rhwau ] (1012-17)
gur kai sabad ayk liv laagee tayrai naam ratay tariptaasee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he is to enshrine love for the One Lord. Imbued with Your Name, Lord, he remains satisfied and fulfilled. ||1||Pause||

GolI gyrU rMgu cVwieAw vsqR ByK ByKwrI ] (1012-18)
gholee gayroo rang charhaa-i-aa vastar bhaykh bhaykhaaree.
He dyes his robes with saffron dye, and wearing these robes, he goes out begging.

kwpV Pwir bnweI iKMQw JolI mwieAwDwrI ] (1012-18)
kaaparh faar banaa-ee khinthaa jholee maa-i-aaDhaaree.
Tearing his robes, he makes a patched coat, and puts the money in his wallet.

Gir Gir mwgY jgu prboDY min AMDY piq hwrI ] (1012-19)
ghar ghar maagai jag parboDhai man anDhai pat haaree.
From house to house he goes begging, and tries to teach the world; but his mind is blind, and so he loses his honor.

Brim Bulwxw sbdu n cInY jUAY bwjI hwrI ]2] (1012-19)
bharam bhulaanaa sabad na cheenai joo-ai baajee haaree. ||2||
He is deluded by doubt, and does not remember the Word of the Shabad. He loses his life in the gamble. ||2||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD