Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gur pUry swbwis hY kwtY mn pIrw ]2] (1011-1)
gur pooray saabaas hai kaatai man peeraa. ||2||
The Perfect Guru is honored and celebrated; He has taken away the pains of my mind. ||2||

lwlw golw DxI ko ikAw khau vifAweIAY ] (1011-1)
laalaa golaa Dhanee ko ki-aa kaha-o vadi-aa-ee-ai.
I am the servant and slave of my Master; what glorious greatness of His can I describe?

BwxY bKsy pUrw DxI scu kwr kmweIAY ] (1011-2)
bhaanai bakhsay pooraa Dhanee sach kaar kamaa-ee-ai.
The Perfect Master, by the Pleasure of His Will, forgives, and then one practices Truth.

ivCuiVAw kau myil ley gur kau bil jweIAY ]3] (1011-2)
vichhurhi-aa ka-o mayl la-ay gur ka-o bal jaa-ee-ai. ||3||
I am a sacrifice to my Guru, who re-unites the separated ones. ||3||

lwly goly miq KrI gur kI miq nIkI ] (1011-3)
laalay golay mat kharee gur kee mat neekee.
The intellect of His servant and slave is noble and true; it is made so by the Guru's intellect.

swcI suriq suhwvxI mnmuK miq PIkI ] (1011-3)
saachee surat suhaavanee manmukh mat feekee.
The intuition of those who are true is beautiful; the intellect of the self-willed manmukh is insipid.

mnu qnu qyrw qU pRBU scu DIrk Dur kI ]4] (1011-3)
man tan tayraa too parabhoo sach Dheerak Dhur kee. ||4||
My mind and body belong to You, God; from the very beginning, Truth has been my only support. ||4||

swcY bYsxu auTxw scu Bojnu BwiKAw ] (1011-4)
saachai baisan uth-naa sach bhojan bhaakhi-aa.
In Truth I sit and stand; I eat and speak the Truth.

iciq scY ivqo scw swcw rsu cwiKAw ] (1011-4)
chit sachai vito sachaa saachaa ras chaakhi-aa.
With Truth in my consciousness, I gather the wealth of Truth, and drink in the sublime essence of Truth.

swcY Gir swcY rKy gur bcin suBwiKAw ]5] (1011-5)
saachai ghar saachai rakhay gur bachan subhaakhi-aa. ||5||
In the home of Truth, the True Lord protects me; I speak the Words of the Guru's Teachings with love. ||5||

mnmuK kau Awlsu Gxo PwQy EjwVI ] (1011-5)
manmukh ka-o aalas ghano faathay ojaarhee.
The self-willed manmukh is very lazy; he is trapped in the wilderness.

PwQw cugY inq cogVI lig bMDu ivgwVI ] (1011-6)
faathaa chugai nit chogrhee lag banDh vigaarhee.
He is drawn to the bait, and continually pecking at it, he is trapped; his link to the Lord is ruined.

gur prswdI mukqu hoie swcy inj qwVI ]6] (1011-6)
gur parsaadee mukat ho-ay saachay nij taarhee. ||6||
By Guru's Grace, one is liberated, absorbed in the primal trance of Truth. ||6||

Anhiq lwlw byiDAw pRB hyiq ipAwrI ] (1011-6)
anhat laalaa bayDhi-aa parabh hayt pi-aaree.
His slave remains continually pierced through with love and affection for God.

ibnu swcy jIau jil blau JUTy vykwrI ] (1011-7)
bin saachay jee-o jal bala-o jhoothay vaykaaree.
Without the True Lord, the soul of the false, corrupt person is burnt to ashes.

bwid kwrw siB CofIAw swcI qru qwrI ]7] (1011-7)
baad kaaraa sabh chhodee-aa saachee tar taaree. ||7||
Abandoning all evil actions, he crosses over in the boat of Truth. ||7||

ijnI nwmu ivswirAw iqnw Taur n Twau ] (1011-8)
jinee naam visaari-aa tinaa tha-ur na thaa-o.
Those who have forgotten the Naam have no home, no place of rest.

lwlY lwlcu iqAwigAw pwieAw hir nwau ] (1011-8)
laalai laalach ti-aagi-aa paa-i-aa har naa-o.
The Lord's slave renounces greed and attachment, and obtains the Lord's Name.

qU bKsih qw myil lYih nwnk bil jwau ]8]4] (1011-9)
too bakhsahi taa mayl laihi naanak bal jaa-o. ||8||4||
If You forgive him, Lord, then He is united with You; Nanak is a sacrifice. ||8||4||

mwrU mhlw 1 ] (1011-9)
maaroo mehlaa 1.
Maaroo, First Mehl:

lwlY gwrbu CoifAw gur kY BY shij suBweI ] (1011-9)
laalai gaarab chhodi-aa gur kai bhai sahj subhaa-ee.
The Lord's slave renounces his egotistical pride, through the Guru's Fear, intuitively and easily.

lwlY Ksmu pCwixAw vfI vifAweI ] (1011-10)
laalai khasam pachhaani-aa vadee vadi-aa-ee.
The slave realizes his Lord and Master; glorious is his greatness!

Ksim imilAY suKu pwieAw kImiq khxu n jweI ]1] (1011-10)
khasam mili-ai sukh paa-i-aa keemat kahan na jaa-ee. ||1||
Meeting with his Lord and Master, he finds peace; His value cannot be desribed. ||1||

lwlw golw Ksm kw KsmY vifAweI ] (1011-11)
laalaa golaa khasam kaa khasmai vadi-aa-ee.
I am the slave and servant of my Lord and Master; all glory is to my Master.

gur prswdI aubry hir kI srxweI ]1] rhwau ] (1011-11)
gur parsaadee ubray har kee sarnaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By Guru's Grace, I am saved, in the Sanctuary of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

lwly no isir kwr hY Duir Ksim PurmweI ] (1011-12)
laalay no sir kaar hai Dhur khasam furmaa-ee.
The slave has been given the most excellent task, by the Primal Command of the Master.

lwlY hukmu pCwixAw sdw rhY rjweI ] (1011-12)
laalai hukam pachhaani-aa sadaa rahai rajaa-ee.
The slave realizes the Hukam of His Command, and submits to His Will forever.

Awpy mIrw bKis ley vfI vifAweI ]2] (1011-13)
aapay meeraa bakhas la-ay vadee vadi-aa-ee. ||2||
The Lord King Himself grants forgiveness; how glorious is His greatness! ||2||

Awip scw sBu scu hY gur sbid buJweI ] (1011-13)
aap sachaa sabh sach hai gur sabad bujhaa-ee.
He Himself is True, and everything is True; this is revealed through the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

qyrI syvw so kry ijs no lYih qU lweI ] (1011-14)
tayree sayvaa so karay jis no laihi too laa-ee.
He alone serves You, whom You have enjoined to do so.

ibnu syvw iknY n pwieAw dUjY Brim KuAweI ]3] (1011-14)
bin sayvaa kinai na paa-i-aa doojai bharam khu-aa-ee. ||3||
Without serving Him, no one finds Him; in duality and doubt, they are ruined. ||3||

so ikau mnhu ivswrIAY inq dyvY cVY svwieAw ] (1011-15)
so ki-o manhu visaaree-ai nit dayvai charhai savaa-i-aa.
How could we forget Him from our minds? The gifts which he bestows increase day by day.

jIau ipMfu sBu iqs dw swhu iqnY ivic pwieAw ] (1011-15)
jee-o pind sabh tis daa saahu tinai vich paa-i-aa.
Soul and body, all belong to Him; He infused the breath into us.

jw ik®pw kry qw syvIAY syiv sic smwieAw ]4] (1011-16)
jaa kirpaa karay taa sayvee-ai sayv sach samaa-i-aa. ||4||
If he shows His Mercy, then we serve Him; serving Him, we merge in Truth. ||4||

lwlw so jIvqu mrY mir ivchu Awpu gvwey ] (1011-16)
laalaa so jeevat marai mar vichahu aap gavaa-ay.
He alone is the Lord's slave, who remains dead while yet alive, and eradicates egotism from within.

bMDn qUtih mukiq hoie iqRsnw Agin buJwey ] (1011-17)
banDhan tooteh mukat ho-ay tarisnaa agan bujhaa-ay.
His bonds are broken, the fire of his desire is quenched, and he is liberated.

sB mih nwmu inDwnu hY gurmuiK ko pwey ]5] (1011-17)
sabh meh naam niDhaan hai gurmukh ko paa-ay. ||5||
The treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is within all, but how rare are those who, as Gurmukh, obtain it. ||5||

lwly ivic guxu ikCu nhI lwlw AvgixAwru ] (1011-18)
laalay vich gun kichh nahee laalaa avgani-aar.
Within the Lord's slave, there is no virtue at all; the Lord's slave is totally unworthy.

quDu jyvfu dwqw ko nhI qU bKsxhwru ] (1011-18)
tuDh jayvad daataa ko nahee too bakhsanhaar.
There is no Giver as great as You, Lord; You alone are the Forgiver.

qyrw hukmu lwlw mMny eyh krxI swru ]6] (1011-19)
tayraa hukam laalaa mannay ayh karnee saar. ||6||
Your slave obeys the Hukam of Your Command; this is the most excellent action. ||6||

guru swgru AMimRq sru jo ieCy so Plu pwey ] (1011-19)
gur saagar amrit sar jo ichhay so fal paa-ay.
The Guru is the pool of nectar in the world-ocean; whatever one desires, that fruit is obtained.

nwmu pdwrQu Amru hY ihrdY mMin vswey ] (1011-19)
naam padaarath amar hai hirdai man vasaa-ay.
The treasure of the Naam brings immortality; enshrine it in your heart and mind.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD