Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


DMDY Dwvq jgu bwiDAw nw bUJY vIcwru ] (1010-1)
DhanDhai Dhaavat jag baaDhi-aa naa boojhai veechaar.
The world is chasing after worldly affairs; caught and bound, it does not understand contemplative meditation.

jMmx mrxu ivswirAw mnmuK mugDu gvwru ] (1010-1)
jaman maran visaari-aa manmukh mugaDh gavaar.
The foolish, ignorant, self-willed manmukh has forgotten birth and death.

guir rwKy sy aubry scw sbdu vIcwir ]7] (1010-2)
gur raakhay say ubray sachaa sabad veechaar. ||7||
Those whom the Guru has protected are saved, contemplating the True Word of the Shabad. ||7||

sUhtu ipMjir pRym kY bolY bolxhwru ] (1010-2)
soohat pinjar paraym kai bolai bolanhaar.
In the cage of divine love, the parrot, speaks.

scu cugY AMimRqu pIAY aufY q eykw vwr ] (1010-3)
sach chugai amrit pee-ai udai ta aykaa vaar.
It pecks at the Truth, and drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar; it flies away, only once.

guir imilAY Ksmu pCwxIAY khu nwnk moK duAwru ]8]2] (1010-3)
gur mili-ai khasam pachhaanee-ai kaho naanak mokh du-aar. ||8||2||
Meeting with the Guru, one recognizes his Lord and Master; says Nanak, he finds the gate of liberation. ||8||2||

mwrU mhlw 1 ] (1010-4)
maaroo mehlaa 1.
Maaroo, First Mehl:

sbid mrY qw mwir mru Bwgo iksu pih jwau ] (1010-4)
sabad marai taa maar mar bhaago kis peh jaa-o.
One who dies in the Word of the Shabad conquers death; otherwise, where can you run?

ijs kY fir BY BwgIAY AMimRqu qw ko nwau ] (1010-4)
jis kai dar bhai bhaagee-ai amrit taa ko naa-o.
Through the Fear of God, fear runs away; His Name is Ambrosial Nectar.

mwrih rwKih eyku qU bIjau nwhI Qwau ]1] (1010-5)
maareh raakhahi ayk too beeja-o naahee thaa-o. ||1||
You alone kill and protect; except for You, there is no place at all. ||1||

bwbw mY kucIlu kwcau miqhIn ] (1010-5)
baabaa mai kucheel kaacha-o matiheen.
O Baba, I am filthy, shallow and totally without understanding.

nwm ibnw ko kCu nhI guir pUrY pUrI miq kIn ]1] rhwau ] (1010-6)
naam binaa ko kachh nahee gur poorai pooree mat keen. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Naam, no one is anything; the Perfect Guru has made my intellect perfect. ||1||Pause||

Avgix suBr gux nhI ibnu gux ikau Gir jwau ] (1010-6)
avgan subhar gun nahee bin gun ki-o ghar jaa-o.
I am full of faults, and I have no virtue at all. Without virtues, how can I go home?

shij sbid suKu aUpjY ibnu Bwgw Dnu nwih ] (1010-7)
sahj sabad sukh oopjai bin bhaagaa Dhan naahi.
Through the Word of the Shabad, intuitive peace wells up; without good destiny, the wealth is not obtained.

ijn kY nwmu n min vsY sy bwDy dUK shwih ]2] (1010-7)
jin kai naam na man vasai say baaDhay dookh sahaahi. ||2||
Those whose minds are not filled with the Naam are bound and gagged, and suffer in pain. ||2||

ijnI nwmu ivswirAw sy ikqu Awey sMswir ] (1010-8)
jinee naam visaari-aa say kit aa-ay sansaar.
Those who have forgotten the Naam - why have they even come into the world?

AwgY pwCY suKu nhI gwfy lwdy Cwru ] (1010-8)
aagai paachhai sukh nahee gaaday laaday chhaar.
Here and hereafter, they do not find any peace; they have loaded their carts with ashes.

ivCuiVAw mylw nhI dUKu Gxo jm duAwir ]3] (1010-9)
vichhurhi-aa maylaa nahee dookh ghano jam du-aar. ||3||
Those who are separated, do not meet with the Lord; they suffer in terrible pain at Death's Door. ||3||

AgY ikAw jwxw nwih mY BUly qU smJwie ] (1010-9)
agai ki-aa jaanaa naahi mai bhoolay too samjhaa-ay.
I do not know what will happen in the world hereafter; I am so confused - please teach me, Lord!

BUly mwrgu jo dsy iqs kY lwgau pwie ] (1010-10)
bhoolay maarag jo dasay tis kai laaga-o paa-ay.
I am confused; I would fall at the feet of one who shows me the Way.

gur ibnu dwqw ko nhI kImiq khxu n jwie ]4] (1010-10)
gur bin daataa ko nahee keemat kahan na jaa-ay. ||4||
Without the Guru, there is no giver at all; His value cannot be described. ||4||

swjnu dyKw qw gil imlw swcu pTwieE lyKu ] (1010-11)
saajan daykhaa taa gal milaa saach pathaa-i-o laykh.
If I see my friend, then I will embrace Him; I have sent Him the letter of Truth.

muiK iDmwxY Dn KVI gurmuiK AwKI dyKu ] (1010-11)
mukh Dhimaanai Dhan kharhee gurmukh aakhee daykh.
His soul-bride stands waiting expectantly; as Gurmukh, I see Him with my eyes.

quDu BwvY qU min vsih ndrI krim ivsyKu ]5] (1010-12)
tuDh bhaavai too man vaseh nadree karam visaykh. ||5||
By the Pleasure of Your Will, You abide in my mind, and bless me with Your Glance of Grace. ||5||

BUK ipAwso jy BvY ikAw iqsu mwgau dyie ] (1010-12)
bhookh pi-aaso jay bhavai ki-aa tis maaga-o day-ay.
One who is wandering hungry and thirsty - what can he give, and what can anyone ask from him?

bIjau sUJY ko nhI min qin pUrnu dyie ] (1010-13)
beeja-o soojhai ko nahee man tan pooran day-ay.
I cannot conceive of any other, who can bless my mind and body with perfection.

ijin kIAw iqin dyiKAw Awip vfweI dyie ]6] (1010-13)
jin kee-aa tin daykhi-aa aap vadaa-ee day-ay. ||6||
The One who created me takes care of me; He Himself blesses me with glory. ||6||

ngrI nwieku nvqno bwlku lIl AnUpu ] (1010-13)
nagree naa-ik navtano baalak leel anoop.
In the body-village is my Lord and Master, whose body is ever-new, Innocent and child-like, incomparably playful.

nwir n purKu n pMKxU swcau cquru srUpu ] (1010-14)
naar na purakh na pankh-noo saacha-o chatur saroop.
He is neither a woman, nor a man, nor a bird; the True Lord is so wise and beautiful.

jo iqsu BwvY so QIAY qU dIpku qU DUpu ]7] (1010-14)
jo tis bhaavai so thee-ai too deepak too Dhoop. ||7||
Whatever pleases Him, happens; You are the lamp, and You are the incense. ||7||

gIq swd cwKy suxy bwd swd qin rogu ] (1010-15)
geet saad chaakhay sunay baad saad tan rog.
He hears the songs and tastes the flavors, but these flavors are useless and insipid, and bring only disease to the body.

scu BwvY swcau cvY CUtY sog ivjogu ] (1010-15)
sach bhaavai saacha-o chavai chhootai sog vijog.
One who loves the Truth and speaks the Truth, escapes from the sorrow of separation.

nwnk nwmu n vIsrY jo iqsu BwvY su hogu ]8]3] (1010-16)
naanak naam na veesrai jo tis bhaavai so hog. ||8||3||
Nanak does not forget the Naam; whatever happens is by the Lord's Will. ||8||3||

mwrU mhlw 1 ] (1010-16)
maaroo mehlaa 1.
Maaroo, First Mehl:

swcI kwr kmwvxI hoir lwlc bwid ] (1010-16)
saachee kaar kamaavnee hor laalach baad.
Practice Truth - other greed and attachments are useless.

iehu mnu swcY moihAw ijhvw sic swid ] (1010-17)
ih man saachai mohi-aa jihvaa sach saad.
The True Lord has fascinated this mind, and my tongue enjoys the taste of Truth.

ibnu nwvY ko rsu nhI hoir clih ibKu lwid ]1] (1010-17)
bin naavai ko ras nahee hor chaleh bikh laad. ||1||
Without the Name, there is no juice; the others depart, loaded with poison. ||1||

AYsw lwlw myry lwl ko suix Ksm hmwry ] (1010-18)
aisaa laalaa mayray laal ko sun khasam hamaaray.
I am such a slave of Yours, O my Beloved Lord and Master.

ijau Purmwvih iqau clw scu lwl ipAwry ]1] rhwau ] (1010-18)
ji-o furmaaveh ti-o chalaa sach laal pi-aaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I walk in harmony with Your Command, O my True, Sweet Beloved. ||1||Pause||

Anidnu lwly cwkrI goly isir mIrw ] (1010-19)
an-din laalay chaakree golay sir meeraa.
Night and day, the slave works for his overlord.

gur bcnI mnu vyicAw sbid mnu DIrw ] (1010-19)
gur bachnee man vaychi-aa sabad man Dheeraa.
I have sold my mind for the Word of the Guru's Shabad; my mind is comforted and consoled by the Shabad.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD