Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hir pVIAY hir buJIAY gurmqI nwim auDwrw ] (1009-1)
har parhee-ai har bujhee-ai gurmatee naam uDhaaraa.
Study the Lord's Name, and understand the Lord's Name; follow the Guru's Teachings, and through the Naam, you shall be saved.

guir pUrY pUrI miq hY pUrY sbid bIcwrw ] (1009-1)
gur poorai pooree mat hai poorai sabad beechaaraa.
Perfect are the Teachings of the Perfect Guru; contemplate the Perfect Word of the Shabad.

ATsiT qIrQ hir nwmu hY iklivK kwtxhwrw ]2] (1009-2)
athsath tirath har naam hai kilvikh kaatanhaaraa. ||2||
The Lord's Name is the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage, and the Eradicator of sins. ||2||

jlu iblovY jlu mQY qqu loVY AMDu AigAwnw ] (1009-2)
jal bilovai jal mathai tat lorhai anDh agi-aanaa.
The blind ignorant mortal stirs the water and churns the water, wishing to obtain butter.

gurmqI diD mQIAY AMimRqu pweIAY nwmu inDwnw ] (1009-3)
gurmatee daDh mathee-ai amrit paa-ee-ai naam niDhaanaa.
Following the Guru's Teachings, one churns the cream, and the treasure of the Ambrosial Naam is obtained.

mnmuK qqu n jwxnI psU mwih smwnw ]3] (1009-3)
manmukh tat na jaannee pasoo maahi samaanaa. ||3||
The self-willed manmukh is a beast; he does not know the essence of reality that is contained within himself. ||3||

haumY myrw mrI mru mir jMmY vwro vwr ] (1009-4)
ha-umai mayraa maree mar mar jammai vaaro vaar.
Dying in egotism and self-conceit, one dies, and dies again, only to be reincarnated over and over again.

gur kY sbdy jy mrY iPir mrY n dUjI vwr ] (1009-4)
gur kai sabday jay marai fir marai na doojee vaar.
But when he dies in the Word of the Guru's Shabad, then he does not die, ever again.

gurmqI jgjIvnu min vsY siB kul auDwrxhwr ]4] (1009-5)
gurmatee jagjeevan man vasai sabh kul uDhaaranhaar. ||4||
When he follows the Guru's Teachings, and enshrines the Lord, the Life of the World, within his mind, he redeems all his generations. ||4||

scw vKru nwmu hY scw vwpwrw ] (1009-5)
sachaa vakhar naam hai sachaa vaapaaraa.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the true object, the true commodity.

lwhw nwmu sMswir hY gurmqI vIcwrw ] (1009-6)
laahaa naam sansaar hai gurmatee veechaaraa.
The Naam is the only true profit in this world. Follow the Guru's Teachings, and contemplate it.

dUjY Bwie kwr kmwvxI inq qotw sYswrw ]5] (1009-6)
doojai bhaa-ay kaar kamaavnee nit totaa saisaaraa. ||5||
To work in the love of duality, brings constant loss in this world. ||5||

swcI sMgiq Qwnu scu scy Gr bwrw ] scw Bojnu Bwau scu scu nwmu ADwrw ] (1009-7)
saachee sangat thaan sach sachay ghar baaraa. sachaa bhojan bhaa-o sach sach naam aDhaaraa.
True is one's association, true is one's place, and true is one's hearth and home, when one has the support of the Naam.

scI bwxI sMqoiKAw scw sbdu vIcwrw ]6] (1009-7)
sachee banee santokhi-aa sachaa sabad veechaaraa. ||6||
Contemplating the True Word of the Guru's Bani, and the True Word of the Shabad, one becomes content. ||6||

rs Bogx pwiqswhIAw duK suK sMGwrw ] (1009-8)
ras bhogan paatisaahee-aa dukh sukh sanghaaraa.
Enjoying princely pleasures, one shall be destroyed in pain and pleasure.

motw nwau DrweIAY gil Aaugx Bwrw ] (1009-8)
motaa naa-o Dharaa-ee-ai gal a-ugan bhaaraa.
Adopting a name of greatness, one strings heavy sins around his neck.

mwxs dwiq n hoveI qU dwqw swrw ]7] (1009-9)
maanas daat na hova-ee too daataa saaraa. ||7||
Mankind cannot give gifts; You alone are the Giver of everything. ||7||

Agm Agocru qU DxI Aivgqu Apwrw ] (1009-9)
agam agochar too Dhanee avigat apaaraa.
You are inaccessible and unfathomable; O Lord, You are imperishable and infinite.

gur sbdI dru joeIAY mukqy BMfwrw ] (1009-10)
gur sabdee dar jo-ee-ai muktay bhandaaraa.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, seeking at the Lord's Door, one finds the treasure of liberation.

nwnk mylu n cUkeI swcy vwpwrw ]8]1] (1009-10)
naanak mayl na chook-ee saachay vaapaaraa. ||8||1||
O Nanak, this union is not broken, if one deals in the merchandise of Truth. ||8||1||

mwrU mhlw 1 ] (1009-11)
maaroo mehlaa 1.
Maaroo, First Mehl:

ibKu boihQw lwidAw dIAw smuMd mMJwir ] (1009-11)
bikh bohithaa laadi-aa dee-aa samund manjhaar.
The boat is loaded with sin and corruption, and launched into the sea.

kMDI idis n AwveI nw aurvwru n pwru ] (1009-11)
kanDhee dis na aavee naa urvaar na paar.
The shore cannot be seen on this side, nor on the shore beyond.

vMJI hwiQ n KyvtU jlu swgru Asrwlu ]1] (1009-12)
vanjhee haath na khayvtoo jal saagar asraal. ||1||
There are no oars, nor any boatmen, to cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||1||

bwbw jgu PwQw mhw jwil ] (1009-12)
baabaa jag faathaa mahaa jaal.
O Baba, the world is caught in the great noose.

gur prswdI aubry scw nwmu smwil ]1] rhwau ] (1009-12)
gur parsaadee ubray sachaa naam samaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By Guru's Grace, they are saved, contemplating the True Name. ||1||Pause||

siqgurU hY boihQw sbid lµGwvxhwru ] (1009-13)
satguroo hai bohithaa sabad langhaavanhaar.
The True Guru is the boat; the Word of the Shabad will carry them across.

iqQY pvxu n pwvko nw jlu nw Awkwru ] (1009-13)
tithai pavan na paavko naa jal naa aakaar.
There is neither wind nor fire, neither water nor form there.

iqQY scw sic nwie Bvjl qwrxhwru ]2] (1009-14)
tithai sachaa sach naa-ay bhavjal taaranhaar. ||2||
The True Name of the True Lord is there; it carries them across the terrifying world-ocean. ||2||

gurmuiK lµGy sy pwir pey scy isau ilv lwie ] (1009-14)
gurmukh langhay say paar pa-ay sachay si-o liv laa-ay.
The Gurmukhs reach the shore beyond, lovingly focusing on the True Lord.

Awvw gauxu invwirAw joqI joiq imlwie ] (1009-15)
aavaa ga-on nivaari-aa jotee jot milaa-ay.
Their comings and goings are ended, and their light merges into the Light.

gurmqI shju aUpjY scy rhY smwie ]3] (1009-15)
gurmatee sahj oopjai sachay rahai samaa-ay. ||3||
Following the Guru's Teachings, intuitive peace wells up within them, and they remain merged in the True Lord. ||3||

spu ipVweI pweIAY ibKu AMqir min rosu ] (1009-16)
sap pirhaa-ee paa-ee-ai bikh antar man ros.
The snake may be locked in a basket, but it is still poisonous, and the anger within its mind remains.

pUrib iliKAw pweIAY iks no dIjY dosu ] (1009-16)
poorab likhi-aa paa-ee-ai kis no deejai dos.
One obtains what is pre-ordained; why does he blame others?

gurmuiK gwrVu jy suxy mMny nwau sMqosu ]4] (1009-17)
gurmukh gaararh jay sunay mannay naa-o santos. ||4||
If one, as Gurmukh, hears and believes in the Name, the charm against poison, his mind becomes content. ||4||

mwgrmCu PhweIAY kuMfI jwlu vqwie ] (1009-17)
maagarmachh fahaa-ee-ai kundee jaal vataa-ay.
The crocodile is caught by the hook and line;

durmiq PwQw PwhIAY iPir iPir pCoqwie ] (1009-17)
durmat faathaa faa-ee-ai fir fir pachhotaa-ay.
caught in the trap of evil-mindedness, he regrets and repents, again and again.

jMmx mrxu n suJeI ikrqu n myitAw jwie ]5] (1009-18)
jaman maran na sujh-ee kirat na mayti-aa jaa-ay. ||5||
He does not understand birth and death; the inscription of one's past actions cannot be erased. ||5||

haumY ibKu pwie jgqu aupwieAw sbdu vsY ibKu jwie ] (1009-18)
ha-umai bikh paa-ay jagat upaa-i-aa sabad vasai bikh jaa-ay.
Injecting the poison of egotism, the world was created; with the Shabad enshrined within, the poison is eliminated.

jrw joih n skeI sic rhY ilv lwie ] (1009-19)
jaraa johi na sak-ee sach rahai liv laa-ay.
Old age cannot torment one who remains lovingly absorbed in the True Lord.

jIvn mukqu so AwKIAY ijsu ivchu haumY jwie ]6] (1009-19)
jeevan mukat so aakhee-ai jis vichahu ha-umai jaa-ay. ||6||
He alone is called Jivan-Mikta, liberated while yet alive, from within whom egotism is eradicated. ||6||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD