Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1008-1)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

vYdo n vweI BYxo n BweI eyko shweI rwmu hy ]1] (1008-1)
vaido na vaa-ee bhaino na bhaa-ee ayko sahaa-ee raam hay. ||1||
The One Lord alone is our help and support; neither physician nor friend, nor sister nor brother can be this. ||1||

kIqw ijso hovY pwpW mlo DovY so ismrhu prDwnu hy ]2] (1008-2)
keetaa jiso hovai paapaaN malo Dhovai so simrahu parDhaan hay. ||2||
His actions alone come to pass; He washes off the filth of sins. Meditate in remembrance on that Supreme Lord. ||2||

Git Gty vwsI srb invwsI AsiQru jw kw Qwnu hy ]3] (1008-2)
ghat ghatay vaasee sarab nivaasee asthir jaa kaa thaan hay. ||3||
He abides in each and every heart, and dwells in all; His seat and place are eternal. ||3||

AwvY n jwvY sMgy smwvY pUrn jw kw kwmu hy ]4] (1008-3)
aavai na jaavai sangay samaavai pooran jaa kaa kaam hay. ||4||
He does not come or go, and He is always with us. His actions are perfect. ||4||

Bgq jnw kw rwKxhwrw ] (1008-3)
bhagat janaa kaa raakhanhaaraa.
He is the Savior and the Protector of His devotees.

sMq jIvih jip pRwn ADwrw ] (1008-4)
sant jeeveh jap paraan aDhaaraa.
The Saints live by meditating on God, the support of the breath of life.

krn kwrn smrQu suAwmI nwnku iqsu kurbwnu hy ]5]2]32] (1008-4)
karan kaaran samrath su-aamee naanak tis kurbaan hay. ||5||2||32||
The Almighty Lord and Master is the Cause of causes; Nanak is a sacrifice to Him. ||5||2||32||

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1008-5)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

mwrU mhlw 9 ] (1008-5)
maaroo mehlaa 9.
Maaroo, Ninth Mehl:

hir ko nwmu sdw suKdweI ] (1008-5)
har ko naam sadaa sukh-daa-ee.
The Name of the Lord is forever the Giver of peace.

jw kau ismir Ajwmlu auDirE ginkw hU giq pweI ]1] rhwau ] (1008-5)
jaa ka-o simar ajaamal uDhaari-o ganikaa hoo gat paa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditating in remembrance on it, Ajaamal was saved, and Ganika the prostitute was emancipated. ||1||Pause||

pMcwlI kau rwj sBw mih rwm nwm suiD AweI ] (1008-6)
panchaalee ka-o raaj sabhaa meh raam naam suDh aa-ee.
Dropadi the princess of Panchaala remembered the Lord's Name in the royal court.

qw ko dUKu hirE kruxw mY ApnI pYj bFweI ]1] (1008-6)
taa ko dookh hari-o karunaa mai apnee paij badhaa-ee. ||1||
The Lord, the embodiment of mercy, removed her suffering; thus His own glory was increased. ||1||

ijh nr jsu ikrpw iniD gwieE qw kau BieE shweI ] (1008-7)
jih nar jas kirpaa niDh gaa-i-o taa ka-o bha-i-o sahaa-ee.
That man, who sings the Praise of the Lord, the treasure of mercy, has the help and support of the Lord.

khu nwnk mY iehI BrosY ghI Awin srnweI ]2]1] (1008-8)
kaho naanak mai ihee bharosai gahee aan sarnaa-ee. ||2||1||
Says Nanak, I have come to rely on this. I seek the Sanctuary of the Lord. ||2||1||

mwrU mhlw 9 ] (1008-8)
maaroo mehlaa 9.
Maaroo, Ninth Mehl:

Ab mY khw krau rI mweI ] (1008-8)
ab mai kahaa kara-o ree maa-ee.
What should I do now, O mother?

sgl jnmu ibiKAn isau KoieAw ismirE nwih kn@weI ]1] rhwau ] (1008-9)
sagal janam bikhi-an si-o kho-i-aa simri-o naahi kanHaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have wasted my whole life in sin and corruption; I never remembered the Lord. ||1||Pause||

kwl Pws jb gr mih mylI iqh suiD sB ibsrweI ] (1008-9)
kaal faas jab gar meh maylee tih suDh sabh bisraa-ee.
When Death places the noose around my neck, then I lose all my senses.

rwm nwm ibnu Xw sMkt mih ko Ab hoq shweI ]1] (1008-10)
raam naam bin yaa sankat meh ko ab hot sahaa-ee. ||1||
Now, in this disaster, other than the Name of the Lord, who will be my help and support? ||1||

jo sMpiq ApnI kir mwnI iCn mih BeI prweI ] (1008-10)
jo sampat apnee kar maanee chhin meh bha-ee paraa-ee.
That wealth, which he believes to be his own, in an instant, belongs to another.

khu nwnk Xh soc rhI min hir jsu kbhU n gweI ]2]2] (1008-11)
kaho naanak yeh soch rahee man har jas kabhoo na gaa-ee. ||2||2||
Says Nanak, this still really bothers my mind - I never sang the Praises of the Lord. ||2||2||

mwrU mhlw 9 ] (1008-12)
maaroo mehlaa 9.
Maaroo, Ninth Mehl:

mweI mY mn ko mwnu n iqAwigE ] (1008-12)
maa-ee mai man ko maan na ti-aagi-o.
O my mother, I have not renounced the pride of my mind.

mwieAw ky mid jnmu isrwieE rwm Bjin nhI lwigE ]1] rhwau ] (1008-12)
maa-i-aa kay mad janam siraa-i-o raam bhajan nahee laagi-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have wasted my life intoxicated with Maya; I have not focused myself in meditation on the Lord. ||1||Pause||

jm ko fMfu pirE isr aUpir qb sovq qY jwigE ] (1008-13)
jam ko dand pari-o sir oopar tab sovat tai jaagi-o.
When Death's club falls on my head, then I will be wakened from my sleep.

khw hoq Ab kY pCuqwey CUtq nwihn BwigE ]1] (1008-13)
kahaa hot ab kai pachhutaa-ay chhootat naahin bhaagi-o. ||1||
But what good will it do to repent at that time? I cannot escape by running away. ||1||

ieh icMqw aupjI Gt mih jb gur crnn AnurwigE ] (1008-14)
ih chintaa upjee ghat meh jab gur charnan anuraagi-o.
When this anxiety arises in the heart, then, one comes to love the Guru's feet.

suPlu jnmu nwnk qb hUAw jau pRB js mih pwigE ]2]3] (1008-15)
sufal janam naanak tab hoo-aa ja-o parabh jas meh paagi-o. ||2||3||
My life becomes fruitful, O Nanak, only when I am absorbed in the Praises of God. ||2||3||

mwrU AstpdIAw mhlw 1 Gru 1 (1008-16)
maaroo asatpadee-aa mehlaa 1 ghar 1
Maaroo, Ashtapadees, First Mehl, First House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1008-16)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

byd purwx kQy suxy hwry munI Anykw ] (1008-17)
bayd puraan kathay sunay haaray munee anaykaa.
Reciting and listening to the Vedas and the Puraanas, countless wise men have grown weary.

ATsiT qIrQ bhu Gxw BRim Qwky ByKw ] (1008-17)
athsath tirath baho ghanaa bharam thaakay bhaykhaa.
So many in their various religious robes have grown weary, wandering to the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage.

swco swihbu inrmlo min mwnY eykw ]1] (1008-17)
saacho saahib nirmalo man maanai aykaa. ||1||
The True Lord and Master is immaculate and pure. The mind is satisfied only by the One Lord. ||1||

qU Ajrwvru Amru qU sB cwlxhwrI ] (1008-18)
too ajraavar amar too sabh chaalanhaaree.
You are eternal; You do not grow old. All others pass away.

nwmu rswiexu Bwie lY prhir duKu BwrI ]1] rhwau ] (1008-18)
naam rasaa-in bhaa-ay lai parhar dukh bhaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One who lovingly focuses on the Naam, the source of nectar - his pains are taken away. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD