Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Atl AKieE dyvw mohn AlK Apwrw ] (1006-1)
atal akhi-o dayvaa mohan alakh apaaraa.
You are eternal and unchanging, imperishable, invisible and infinite, O divine fascinating Lord.

dwnu pwvau sMqw sMgu nwnk rynu dwswrw ]4]6]22] (1006-1)
daan paava-o santaa sang naanak rayn daasaaraa. ||4||6||22||
Please bless Nanak with the gift of the Society of the Saints, and the dust of the feet of Your slaves. ||4||6||22||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1006-2)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

iqRpiq AwGwey sMqw ] (1006-2)
taripat aaghaa-ay santaa.
The Saints are fulfilled and satisfied;

gur jwny ijn mMqw ] (1006-2)
gur jaanay jin manntaa.
they know the Guru's Mantra and the Teachings.

qw kI ikCu khnu n jweI ] (1006-2)
taa kee kichh kahan na jaa-ee.
They cannot even be described;

jw kau nwm bfweI ]1] (1006-3)
jaa ka-o naam badaa-ee. ||1||
they are blessed with the glorious greatness of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||

lwlu Amolw lwlo ] (1006-3)
laal amolaa laalo.
My Beloved is a priceless jewel.

Agh Aqolw nwmo ]1] rhwau ] (1006-3)
agah atolaa naamo. ||1|| rahaa-o.
His Name is unattainable and immeasurable. ||1||Pause||

Aivgq isau mwinAw mwno ] (1006-4)
avigat si-o maani-aa maano.
One whose mind is satisfied believing in the imperishable Lord God,

gurmuiK qqu igAwno ] (1006-4)
gurmukh tat gi-aano.
becomes Gurmukh and attains the essence of spiritual wisdom.

pyKq sgl iDAwno ] (1006-4)
paykhat sagal Dhi-aano.
He sees all in his meditation.

qijE mn qy AiBmwno ]2] (1006-4)
taji-o man tay abhimaano. ||2||
He banishes egotistical pride from his mind. ||2||

inhclu iqn kw Twxw ] (1006-5)
nihchal tin kaa thaanaa.
Permanent is the place of those

gur qy mhlu pCwxw ] (1006-5)
gur tay mahal pachhaanaa.
who, through the Guru, realize the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.

Anidnu gur imil jwgy ] (1006-5)
an-din gur mil jaagay.
Meeting the Guru, they remain awake and aware night and day;

hir kI syvw lwgy ]3] (1006-6)
har kee sayvaa laagay. ||3||
they are committed to the Lord's service. ||3||

pUrn iqRpiq AGwey ] (1006-6)
pooran taripat aghaa-ay.
They are perfectly fulfilled and satisfied,

shj smwiD suBwey ] (1006-6)
sahj samaaDh subhaa-ay.
intuitively absorbed in Samaadhi.

hir BMfwru hwiQ AwieAw ] (1006-6)
har bhandaar haath aa-i-aa.
The Lord's treasure comes into their hands;

nwnk gur qy pwieAw ]4]7]23] (1006-7)
naanak gur tay paa-i-aa. ||4||7||23||
O Nanak, through the Guru, they attain it. ||4||7||23||

mwrU mhlw 5 Gru 6 dupdy (1006-8)
maaroo mehlaa 5 ghar 6 dupday
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl, Sixth House, Du-Padas:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1006-8)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Coif sgl isAwxpw imil swD iqAwig gumwnu ] (1006-9)
chhod sagal si-aanpaa mil saaDh ti-aag gumaan.
Abandon all your clever tricks; meet with the Holy, and renounce your egotistical pride.

Avru sBu ikCu imiQAw rsnw rwm rwm vKwnu ]1] (1006-9)
avar sabh kichh mithi-aa rasnaa raam raam vakhaan. ||1||
Everything else is false; with your tongue, chant the Name of the Lord, Raam, Raam. ||1||

myry mn krn suix hir nwmu ] (1006-10)
mayray man karan sun har naam.
O my mind, with your ears, listen to the Name of the Lord.

imtih AG qyry jnm jnm ky kvnu bpuro jwmu ]1] rhwau ] (1006-10)
miteh agh tayray janam janam kay kavan bapuro jaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The sins of your many past lifetimes shall be washed away; then, what can the wretched Messenger of Death do to you? ||1||Pause||

dUK dIn n Bau ibAwpY imlY suK ibsRwmu ] (1006-11)
dookh deen na bha-o bi-aapai milai sukh bisraam.
Pain, poverty and fear shall not afflict you, and you shall find peace and pleasure.

gur pRswid nwnku bKwnY hir Bjnu qqu igAwnu ]2]1]24] (1006-11)
gur parsaad naanak bakhaanai har bhajan tat gi-aan. ||2||1||24||
By Guru's Grace, Nanak speaks; meditation on the Lord is the essence of spiritual wisdom. ||2||1||24||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1006-12)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

ijnI nwmu ivswirAw sy hoq dyKy Kyh ] (1006-12)
jinee naam visaari-aa say hot daykhay khayh.
Those who have forgotten the Naam, the Name of the Lord - I have seen them reduced to dust.

puqR imqR iblws binqw qUtqy ey nyh ]1] (1006-12)
putar mitar bilaas banitaa toottay ay nayh. ||1||
The love of children and friends, and the pleasures of married life are torn apart. ||1||

myry mn nwmu inq inq lyh ] (1006-13)
mayray man naam nit nit layh.
O my mind, continually, continuously chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

jlq nwhI Agin swgr sUKu min qin dyh ]1] rhwau ] (1006-13)
jalat naahee agan saagar sookh man tan dayh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You shall not burn in the ocean of fire, and your mind and body shall be blessed with peace. ||1||Pause||

ibrK CwieAw jYsy ibnsq pvn JUlq myh ] (1006-14)
birakh chhaa-i-aa jaisay binsat pavan jhoolat mayh.
Like the shade of a tree, these things shall pass away, like the clouds blown away by the wind.

hir Bgiq idRVu imlu swD nwnk qyrY kwim Awvq eyh ]2]2]25] (1006-14)
har bhagat darirh mil saaDh naanak tayrai kaam aavat ayh. ||2||2||25||
Meeting with the Holy, devotional worship to the Lord is implanted within; O Nanak, only this shall work for you. ||2||2||25||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1006-15)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

purKu pUrn suKh dwqw sMig bsqo nIq ] (1006-15)
purakh pooran sukhah daataa sang basto neet.
The perfect, primal Lord is the Giver of peace; He is always with you.

mrY n AwvY n jwie ibnsY ibAwpq ausn n sIq ]1] (1006-16)
marai na aavai na jaa-ay binsai bi-aapat usan na seet. ||1||
He does not die, and he does not come or go in reincarnation. He does not perish, and He is not affected by heat or cold. ||1||

myry mn nwm isau kir pRIiq ] (1006-16)
mayray man naam si-o kar pareet.
O my mind, be in love with the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

cyiq mn mih hir hir inDwnw eyh inrml rIiq ]1] rhwau ] (1006-17)
chayt man meh har har niDhaanaa ayh nirmal reet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Within the mind, think of the Lord, Har, Har, the treasure. This is the purest way of life. ||1||Pause||

ik®pwl dieAwl gopwl goibd jo jpY iqsu sIiD ] (1006-17)
kirpaal da-i-aal gopaal gobid jo japai tis seeDh.
Whoever meditates on the merciful compassionate Lord, the Lord of the Universe, is successful.

nvl nvqn cqur suMdr mnu nwnk iqsu sMig bIiD ]2]3]26] (1006-18)
naval navtan chatur sundar man naanak tis sang beeDh. ||2||3||26||
He is always new, fresh and young, clever and beautiful; Nanak's mind is pierced through with His Love. ||2||3||26||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1006-19)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

clq bYsq sovq jwgq gur mMqRü irdY icqwir ] (1006-19)
chalat baisat sovat jaagat gur mantar ridai chitaar.
While walking and sitting, sleeping and waking, contemplate within your heart the GurMantra.

crx srx Bju sMig swDU Bv swgr auqrih pwir ]1] (1006-19)
charan saran bhaj sang saaDhoo bhav saagar utreh paar. ||1||
Run to the Lord's lotus feet, and join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. Cross over the terrifying world-ocean, and reach the other side. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD