Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hm qum sMig JUTy siB bolw ] (1005-1)
ham tum sang jhoothay sabh bolaa.
False is all his talk of me and you.

pwie TgaurI Awip BulwieE ] (1005-1)
paa-ay thag-uree aap bhulaa-i-o.
The Lord Himself administers the poisonous potion, to mislead and delude.

nwnk ikrqu n jwie imtwieE ]2] (1005-1)
naanak kirat na jaa-ay mitaa-i-o. ||2||
O Nanak, the the karma of past actions cannot be erased. ||2||

psu pMKI BUq Aru pRyqw ] (1005-2)
pas pankhee bhoot ar paraytaa.
Beasts, birds, demons and ghosts

bhu ibiD jonI iPrq Anyqw ] (1005-2)
baho biDh jonee firat anaytaa.
- in these many ways, the false wander in reincarnation.

jh jwno qh rhnu n pwvY ] (1005-2)
jah jaano tah rahan na paavai.
Wherever they go, they cannot remain there.

Qwn ibhUn auiT auiT iPir DwvY ] (1005-2)
thaan bihoon uth uth fir Dhaavai.
They have no place of rest; they rise up again and again and run around.

min qin bwsnw bhuqu ibsQwrw ] (1005-3)
man tan baasnaa bahut bisthaaraa.
Their minds and bodies are filled with immense, expansive desires.

AhMmyv mUTo bycwrw ] (1005-3)
ahaNmayv mootho baychaaraa.
The poor wretches are cheated by egotism.

Aink doK Aru bhuqu sjweI ] (1005-3)
anik dokh ar bahut sajaa-ee.
They are filled with countless sins, and are severely punished.

qw kI kImiq khxu n jweI ] (1005-4)
taa kee keemat kahan na jaa-ee.
The extent of this cannot be estimated.

pRB ibsrq nrk mih pwieAw ] (1005-4)
parabh bisrat narak meh paa-i-aa.
Forgetting God, they fall into hell.

qh mwq n bMDu n mIq n jwieAw ] (1005-4)
tah maat na banDh na meet na jaa-i-aa.
There are no mothers there, no siblings, no friends and no spouses.

ijs kau hoq ik®pwl suAwmI ] (1005-5)
jis ka-o hot kirpaal su-aamee.
Those humble beings, unto whom the Lord and Master becomes Merciful,

so jnu nwnk pwrgrwmI ]3] (1005-5)
so jan naanak paargaraamee. ||3||
O Nanak, cross over. ||3||

BRmq BRmq pRB srnI AwieAw ] (1005-5)
bharmat bharmat parabh sarnee aa-i-aa.
Rambling and roaming, wandering around, I came to seek the Sanctuary of God.

dInw nwQ jgq ipq mwieAw ] (1005-6)
deenaa naath jagat pit maa-i-aa.
He is the Master of the meek, the father and mother of the world.

pRB dieAwl duK drd ibdwrx ] (1005-6)
parabh da-i-aal dukh darad bidaaran.
The Merciful Lord God is the Destroyer of sorrow and suffering.

ijsu BwvY iqs hI insqwrx ] (1005-7)
jis bhaavai tis hee nistaaran.
He emancipates whoever He pleases.

AMD kUp qy kwFnhwrw ] (1005-7)
anDh koop tay kaadhanhaaraa.
He lifts them up and pulls him out of the deep dark pit.

pRym Bgiq hovq insqwrw ] (1005-7)
paraym bhagat hovat nistaaraa.
Emancipation comes through loving devotional worship.

swD rUp Apnw qnu DwirAw ] (1005-7)
saaDh roop apnaa tan Dhaari-aa.
The Holy Saint is the very embodiment of the Lord's form.

mhw Agin qy Awip aubwirAw ] (1005-8)
mahaa agan tay aap ubaari-aa.
He Himself saves us from the great fire.

jp qp sMjm ies qy ikCu nwhI ] (1005-8)
jap tap sanjam is tay kichh naahee.
By myself, I cannot practice meditation, austerities, penance and self-discipline.

Awid AMiq pRB Agm AgwhI ] (1005-8)
aad ant parabh agam agaahee.
In the beginning and in the end, God is inaccessible and unfathomable.

nwmu dyih mwgY dwsu qyrw ] (1005-9)
naam deh maagai daas tayraa.
Please bless me with Your Name, Lord; Your slave begs only for this.

hir jIvn pdu nwnk pRBu myrw ]4]3]19] (1005-9)
har jeevan pad naanak parabh mayraa. ||4||3||19||
O Nanak, my Lord God is the Giver of the true state of life. ||4||3||19||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1005-10)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

kq kau fhkwvhu logw mohn dIn ikrpweI ]1] (1005-10)
kat ka-o dahkaavahu logaa mohan deen kirpaa-ee. ||1||
Why do you try to deceive others, O people of the world? The Fascinating Lord is Merciful to the meek. ||1||

AYsI jwin pweI ] (1005-10)
aisee jaan paa-ee.
This is what I have come to know.

srix sUro gur dwqw rwKY Awip vfweI ]1] rhwau ] (1005-10)
saran sooro gur daataa raakhai aap vadaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The brave and heroic Guru, the Generous Giver, gives Sanctuary and preserves our honor. ||1||Pause||

Bgqw kw AwigAwkwrI sdw sdw suKdweI ]2] (1005-11)
bhagtaa kaa aagi-aakaaree sadaa sadaa sukh-daa-ee. ||2||
He submits to the Will of His devotees; He is forever and ever the Giver of peace. ||2||

Apny kau ikrpw krIAhu ieku nwmu iDAweI ]3] (1005-12)
apnay ka-o kirpaa karee-ahu ik naam Dhi-aa-ee. ||3||
Please bless me with Your Mercy, that I may meditate on Your Name alone. ||3||

nwnku dInu nwmu mwgY duqIAw Brmu cukweI ]4]4]20] (1005-12)
naanak deen naam maagai dutee-aa bharam chukaa-ee. ||4||4||20||
Nanak, the meek and humble, begs for the Naam, the Name of the Lord; it eradicates duality and doubt. ||4||4||20||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1005-13)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

myrw Twkuru Aiq Bwrw ] (1005-13)
mayraa thaakur at bhaaraa.
My Lord and Master is utterly powerful.

moih syvku bycwrw ]1] (1005-13)
mohi sayvak baychaaraa. ||1||
I am just His poor servant. ||1||

mohnu lwlu myrw pRIqm mn pRwnw ] (1005-13)
mohan laal mayraa pareetam man paraanaa.
My Enticing Beloved is very dear to my mind and my breath of life.

mo kau dyhu dwnw ]1] rhwau ] (1005-14)
mo ka-o dayh daanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He blesses me with His gift. ||1||Pause||

sgly mY dyKy joeI ] (1005-14)
saglay mai daykhay jo-ee.
I have seen and tested all.

bIjau Avru n koeI ]2] (1005-14)
beeja-o avar na ko-ee. ||2||
There is none other than Him. ||2||

jIAn pRiqpwil smwhY ] (1005-15)
jee-an partipaal samaahai.
He sustains and nurtures all beings.

hY hosI Awhy ]3] (1005-15)
hai hosee aahay. ||3||
He was, and shall always be. ||3||

dieAw moih kIjY dyvw ] (1005-15)
da-i-aa mohi keejai dayvaa.
Please bless me with Your Mercy, O Divine Lord,

nwnk lwgo syvw ]4]5]21] (1005-15)
naanak laago sayvaa. ||4||5||21||
and link Nanak to Your service. ||4||5||21||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1005-16)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

piqq auDwrn qwrn bil bil bly bil jweIAY ] (1005-16)
patit uDhaaran taaran bal bal balay bal jaa-ee-ai.
The Redeemer of sinners, who carries us across; I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice to Him.

AYsw koeI BytY sMqu ijqu hir hry hir iDAweIAY ]1] (1005-16)
aisaa ko-ee bhaytai sant jit har haray har Dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||1||
If only I could meet with such a Saint, who would inspire me to meditate on the Lord, Har, Har, Har. ||1||

mo kau koie n jwnq khIAq dwsu qumwrw ] (1005-17)
mo ka-o ko-ay na jaanat kahee-at daas tumaaraa.
No one knows me; I am called Your slave.

eyhw Et AwDwrw ]1] rhwau ] (1005-17)
ayhaa ot aaDhaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This is my support and sustenance. ||1||Pause||

srb Dwrn pRiqpwrn iek ibnau dInw ] (1005-18)
sarab Dhaaran partipaaran ik bin-o deenaa.
You support and cherish all; I am meek and humble - this is my only prayer.

qumrI ibiD qum hI jwnhu qum jl hm mInw ]2] (1005-18)
tumree biDh tum hee jaanhu tum jal ham meenaa. ||2||
You alone know Your Way; You are the water, and I am the fish. ||2||

pUrn ibsQIrn suAwmI Awih AwieE pwCY ] (1005-19)
pooran bistheeran su-aamee aahi aa-i-o paachhai.
O Perfect and Expansive Lord and Master, I follow You in love.

sglo BU mMfl KMfl pRB qum hI AwCY ]3] (1005-19)
saglo bhoo mandal khandal parabh tum hee aachhai. ||3||
O God, You are pervading all the worlds, solar systems and galaxies. ||3||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD