Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


bwJu gurU gubwrw ] (1004-1)
baajh guroo gubaaraa.
Without the Guru, there is only pitch darkness.

imil siqgur insqwrw ]2] (1004-1)
mil satgur nistaaraa. ||2||
Meeting with the True Guru, one is emancipated. ||2||

hau hau krm kmwxy ] (1004-1)
ha-o ha-o karam kamaanay.
All the deeds done in egotism,

qy qy bMD glwxy ] (1004-1)
tay tay banDh galaanay.
are just chains around the neck.

myrI myrI DwrI ] (1004-2)
mayree mayree Dhaaree.
Harboring self-conceit and self-interest

Ehw pYir lohwrI ] (1004-2)
ohaa pair lohaaree.
is just like placing chains around one's ankles.

so gur imil eyku pCwxY ] (1004-2)
so gur mil ayk pachhaanai.
He alone meets with the Guru, and realizes the One Lord,

ijsu hovY Bwgu mQwxY ]3] (1004-2)
jis hovai bhaag mathaanai. ||3||
who has such destiny written on his forehead. ||3||

so imilAw ij hir min BwieAw ] (1004-3)
so mili-aa je har man bhaa-i-aa.
He alone meets the Lord, who is pleasing to His Mind.

so BUlw ij pRBU BulwieAw ] (1004-3)
so bhoolaa je parabhoo bhulaa-i-aa.
He alone is deluded, who is deluded by God.

nh Awphu mUrKu igAwnI ] (1004-3)
nah aaphu moorakh gi-aanee.
No one, by himself, is ignorant or wise.

ij krwvY su nwmu vKwnI ] (1004-4)
je karaavai so naam vakhaanee.
He alone chants the Naam, whom the Lord inspires to do so.

qyrw AMqu n pwrwvwrw ] (1004-4)
tayraa ant na paaraavaaraa.
You have no end or limitation.

jn nwnk sd bilhwrw ]4]1]17] (1004-4)
jan naanak sad balihaaraa. ||4||1||17||
Servant Nanak is forever a sacrifice to You. ||4||1||17||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1004-5)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

mohnI moih lIey qRY gunIAw ] (1004-5)
mohnee mohi lee-ay tarai gunee-aa.
Maya, the enticer, has enticed the world of the three gunas, the three qualities.

loiB ivAwpI JUTI dunIAw ] (1004-5)
lobh vi-aapee jhoothee dunee-aa.
The false world is engrossed in greed.

myrI myrI kir kY sMcI AMq kI bwr sgl ly ClIAw ]1] (1004-5)
mayree mayree kar kai sanchee ant kee baar sagal lay chhalee-aa. ||1||
Crying out, "Mine, mine!" they collect possessions, but in the end, they are all deceived. ||1||

inrBau inrMkwru dieAlIAw ] (1004-6)
nirbha-o nirankaar da-i-alee-aa.
The Lord is fearless, formless and merciful.

jIA jMq sgly pRiqplIAw ]1] rhwau ] (1004-6)
jee-a jant saglay partipalee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is the Cherisher of all beings and creatures. ||1||Pause||

eykY sRmu kir gwfI gfhY ] (1004-7)
aykai saram kar gaadee gadhai.
Some collect wealth, and bury it in the ground.

eykih supnY dwmu n CfhY ] (1004-7)
aykeh supnai daam na chhadhai.
Some cannot abandon wealth, even in their dreams.

rwju kmwie krI ijin QYlI qw kY sMig n cMcil clIAw ]2] (1004-7)
raaj kamaa-ay karee jin thailee taa kai sang na chanchal chalee-aa. ||2||
The king exercises his power, and fills his money-bags, but this fickle companion will not go along with him. ||2||

eykih pRwx ipMf qy ipAwrI ] (1004-8)
aykeh paraan pind tay pi-aaree.
Some love this wealth even more than their body and breath of life.

eyk sMcI qij bwp mhqwrI ] (1004-8)
ayk sanchee taj baap mehtaaree.
Some collect it, forsaking their fathers and mothers.

suq mIq BRwq qy guhjI qw kY inkit n hoeI KlIAw ]3] (1004-9)
sut meet bharaat tay guhjee taa kai nikat na ho-ee khalee-aa. ||3||
Some hide it from their children, friends and siblings, but it will not remain with them. ||3||

hoie AauDUq bYTy lwie qwrI ] (1004-9)
ho-ay a-uDhoot baithay laa-ay taaree.
Some become hermits, and sit in meditative trances.

jogI jqI pMifq bIcwrI ] (1004-9)
jogee jatee pandit beechaaree.
Some are Yogis, celibates, religious scholars and thinkers.

igRih mVI mswxI bn mih bsqy aUiT iqnw kY lwgI plIAw ]4] (1004-10)
garihi marhee masaanee ban meh bastay ooth tinaa kai laagee palee-aa. ||4||
Some dwell in homes, graveyards, cremation grounds and forests; but Maya still clings to them there. ||4||

kwty bMDn Twkuir jw ky ] (1004-10)
kaatay banDhan thaakur jaa kay.
When the Lord and Master releases one from his bonds,

hir hir nwmu bisE jIA qw kY ] (1004-11)
har har naam basi-o jee-a taa kai.
the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, comes to dwell in his soul.

swDsMig Bey jn mukqy giq pweI nwnk ndir inhlIAw ]5]2]18] (1004-11)
saaDhsang bha-ay jan muktay gat paa-ee naanak nadar nihlee-aa. ||5||2||18||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, His humble servants are liberated; O Nanak, they are redeemed and enraptured by the Lord's Glance of Grace. ||5||2||18||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1004-12)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

ismrhu eyku inrMjn soaU ] (1004-12)
simrahu ayk niranjan so-oo.
Meditate in remembrance on the One Immaculate Lord.

jw qy ibrQw jwq n koaU ] (1004-12)
jaa tay birthaa jaat na ko-oo.
No one is turned away from Him empty-handed.

mwq grB mih ijin pRiqpwirAw ] (1004-13)
maat garabh meh jin partipaari-aa.
He cherished and preserved you in your mother's womb;

jIau ipMfu dy swij svwirAw ] (1004-13)
jee-o pind day saaj savaari-aa.
He blessed you with body and soul, and embellished you.

soeI ibDwqw iKnu iKnu jpIAY ] (1004-13)
so-ee biDhaataa khin khin japee-ai.
Each and every instant, meditate on that Creator Lord.

ijsu ismrq Avgux siB FkIAY ] (1004-14)
jis simrat avgun sabh dhakee-ai.
Meditating in remembrance on Him, all faults and mistakes are covered.

crx kml aur AMqir Dwrhu ] (1004-14)
charan kamal ur antar Dhaarahu.
Enshrine the Lord's lotus feet deep within the nucleus of your self.

ibiKAw bn qy jIau auDwrhu ] (1004-14)
bikhi-aa ban tay jee-o uDhaarahu.
Save your soul from the waters of corruption.

krx plwh imtih ibllwtw ] (1004-15)
karan palaah miteh billaataa.
Your cries and shrieks shall be ended;

jip goivd Brmu Bau Pwtw ] (1004-15)
jap govid bharam bha-o faataa.
meditating on the Lord of the Universe, your doubts and fears shall be dispelled.

swDsMig ivrlw ko pwey ] (1004-15)
saaDhsang virlaa ko paa-ay.
Rare is that being, who finds the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

nwnku qw kY bil bil jwey ]1] (1004-16)
naanak taa kai bal bal jaa-ay. ||1||
Nanak is a sacrifice, a sacrifice to Him. ||1||

rwm nwmu min qin AwDwrw ] (1004-16)
raam naam man tan aaDhaaraa.
The Lord's Name is the support of my mind and body.

jo ismrY iqs kw insqwrw ]1] rhwau ] (1004-16)
jo simrai tis kaa nistaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whoever meditates on Him is emancipated. ||1||Pause||

imiQAw vsqu siq kir mwnI ] (1004-17)
mithi-aa vasat sat kar maanee.
He believes that the false thing is true.

ihqu lwieE sT mUV AigAwnI ] (1004-17)
hit laa-i-o sath moorh agi-aanee.
The ignorant fool falls in love with it.

kwm k®oD loB md mwqw ] (1004-17)
kaam kroDh lobh mad maataa.
He is intoxicated with the wine of sexual desire, anger and greed;

kaufI bdlY jnmu gvwqw ] (1004-18)
ka-udee badlai janam gavaataa.
he loses this human life in exchance for a mere shell.

Apnw Coif prwieAY rwqw ] (1004-18)
apnaa chhod paraa-i-ai raataa.
He abandons his own, and loves that of others.

mwieAw md mn qn sMig jwqw ] (1004-18)
maa-i-aa mad man tan sang jaataa.
His mind and body are permeated with the intoxication of Maya.

iqRsn n bUJY krq klolw ] (1004-19)
tarisan na boojhai karat kalolaa.
His thirsty desires are not quenched, although he indulges in pleasures.

aUxI Aws imiQAw siB bolw ] (1004-19)
oonee aas mithi-aa sabh bolaa.
His hopes are not fulfilled, and all his words are false.

Awvq iekylw jwq iekylw ] (1004-19)
aavat ikaylaa jaat ikaylaa.
He comes alone, and he goes alone.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD