Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


bydu pukwrY muK qy pMfq kwmwmn kw mwTw ] (1003-1)
bayd pukaarai mukh tay pandat kaamaaman kaa maathaa.
The Pandit, the religious scholar, proclaims the Vedas, but he is slow to act on them.

monI hoie bYTw iekWqI ihrdY klpn gwTw ] (1003-1)
monee ho-ay baithaa ikaaNtee hirdai kalpan gaathaa.
Another person on silence sits alone, but his heart is tied in knots of desire.

hoie audwsI igRhu qij cilE CutkY nwhI nwTw ]1] (1003-1)
ho-ay udaasee garihu taj chali-o chhutkai naahee naathaa. ||1||
Another becomes an Udaasi, a renunciate; he abandons his home and walks out on his family, but his wandering impulses do not leave him. ||1||

jIA kI kY pih bwq khw ] (1003-2)
jee-a kee kai peh baat kahaa.
Who can I tell about the state of my soul?

Awip mukqu mo kau pRBu myly AYso khw lhw ]1] rhwau ] (1003-2)
aap mukat mo ka-o parabh maylay aiso kahaa lahaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Where can I find such a person who is liberated, and who can unite me with my God? ||1||Pause||

qpsI kir kY dyhI swDI mnUAw dh ids Dwnw ] (1003-3)
tapsee kar kai dayhee saaDhee manoo-aa dah dis Dhaanaa.
Someone may practice intensive meditation, and discipline his body, but his mind still runs around in ten directions.

bRhmcwir bRhmcju kInw ihrdY BieAw gumwnw ] (1003-3)
barahmchaar barahmchaj keenaa hirdai bha-i-aa gumaanaa.
The celibate practices celibacy, but his heart is filled with pride.

sMinAwsI hoie kY qIriQ BRimE ausu mih k®oDu ibgwnw ]2] (1003-4)
sani-aasee ho-ay kai tirath bharmi-o us meh kroDh bigaanaa. ||2||
The Sannyaasi wanders around at sacred shrines of pilgrimage, but his mindless anger is still within him. ||2||

GUMGr bwiD Bey rwmdwsw rotIAn ky Epwvw ] (1003-5)
ghoongar baaDh bha-ay raamdaasaa rotee-an kay opaavaa.
The temple dancers tie bells around their ankles to earn their living.

brq nym krm Kt kIny bwhir ByK idKwvw ] (1003-5)
barat naym karam khat keenay baahar bhaykh dikhaavaa.
Others go on fasts, take vows, perform the six rituals and wear religious robes for show.

gIq nwd muiK rwg Alwpy min nhI hir hir gwvw ]3] (1003-5)
geet naad mukh raag alaapay man nahee har har gaavaa. ||3||
Some sing songs and melodies and hymns, but their minds do not sing of the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||

hrK sog loB moh rhq hih inrml hir ky sMqw ] (1003-6)
harakh sog lobh moh rahat heh nirmal har kay santaa.
The Lord's Saints are immaculately pure; they are beyond pleasure and pain, beyond greed and attachment.

iqn kI DUiV pwey mnu myrw jw dieAw kry BgvMqw ] (1003-7)
tin kee Dhoorh paa-ay man mayraa jaa da-i-aa karay bhagvantaa.
My mind obtains the dust of their feet, when the Lord God shows mercy.

khu nwnk guru pUrw imilAw qW auqrI mn kI icMqw ]4] (1003-7)
kaho naanak gur pooraa mili-aa taaN utree man kee chintaa. ||4||
Says Nanak, I met the Perfect Guru, and then the anxiety of my mind was removed. ||4||

myrw AMqrjwmI hir rwieAw ] (1003-8)
mayraa antarjaamee har raa-i-aa.
My Sovereign Lord is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.

sBu ikCu jwxY myry jIA kw pRIqmu ibsir gey bkbwieAw ]1] rhwau dUjw ]6]15] (1003-8)
sabh kichh jaanai mayray jee-a kaa pareetam bisar ga-ay bakbaa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o doojaa. ||6||15||
The Beloved of my soul knows everything; all trivial talk is forgotten. ||1||Second Pause||6||15||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1003-9)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

koit lwK srb ko rwjw ijsu ihrdY nwmu qumwrw ] (1003-9)
kot laakh sarab ko raajaa jis hirdai naam tumaaraa.
One who has Your Name in his heart is the king of all the hundreds of thousands and millions of beings.

jw kau nwmu n dIAw myrY siqguir sy mir jnmih gwvwrw ]1] (1003-10)
jaa ka-o naam na dee-aa mayrai satgur say mar janmeh gaavaaraa. ||1||
Those, whom my True Guru has not blessed with Your Name, are poor idiots, who die and are reborn. ||1||

myry siqgur hI piq rwKu ] (1003-10)
mayray satgur hee pat raakh.
My True Guru protects and preserves my honor.

cIiq Awvih qb hI piq pUrI ibsrq rlIAY Kwku ]1] rhwau ] (1003-11)
cheet aavahi tab hee pat pooree bisrat ralee-ai khaak. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When You come to mind, Lord, then I obtain perfect honor. Forgetting You, I roll in the dust. ||1||Pause||

rUp rMg KusIAw mn Bogx qy qy iCdR ivkwrw ] (1003-11)
roop rang khusee-aa man bhogan tay tay chhidar vikaaraa.
The mind's pleasures of love and beauty bring just as many blames and sins.

hir kw nwmu inDwnu kilAwxw sUK shju iehu swrw ]2] (1003-12)
har kaa naam niDhaan kali-aanaa sookh sahj ih saaraa. ||2||
The Name of the Lord is the treasure of Emancipation; it is absolute peace and poise. ||2||

mwieAw rMg ibrMg iKnY mih ijau bwdr kI CwieAw ] (1003-13)
maa-i-aa rang birang khinai meh ji-o baadar kee chhaa-i-aa.
The pleasures of Maya fade away in an instant, like the shade of a passing cloud.

sy lwl Bey gUVY rMig rwqy ijn gur imil hir hir gwieAw ]3] (1003-13)
say laal bha-ay goorhai rang raatay jin gur mil har har gaa-i-aa. ||3||
They alone are dyed in the deep crimson of the Lord's Love, who meet the Guru, and sing the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||

aUc mUc Apwr suAwmI Agm drbwrw ] (1003-14)
ooch mooch apaar su-aamee agam darbaaraa.
My Lord and Master is lofty and exalted, grand and infinite. The Darbaar of His Court is inaccessible.

nwmo vifAweI soBw nwnk Ksmu ipAwrw ]4]7]16] (1003-14)
naamo vadi-aa-ee sobhaa naanak khasam pi-aaraa. ||4||7||16||
Through the Naam, glorious greatness and respect are obtained; O Nanak, my Lord and Master is my Beloved. ||4||7||16||

mwrU mhlw 5 Gru 4 (1003-16)
maaroo mehlaa 5 ghar 4
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl, Fourth House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1003-16)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

EAMkwir auqpwqI ] (1003-17)
o-ankaar utpaatee.
The One Universal Creator Lord created the creation.

kIAw idnsu sB rwqI ] (1003-17)
kee-aa dinas sabh raatee.
He made all the days and the nights.

vxu iqRxu iqRBvx pwxI ] (1003-17)
van tarin taribhavan paanee.
The forests, meadows, three worlds, water,

cwir byd cwry KwxI ] (1003-17)
chaar bayd chaaray khaanee.
the four Vedas, the four sources of creation,

KMf dIp siB loAw ] (1003-18)
khand deep sabh lo-aa.
the countries, the continents and all the worlds,

eyk kvwvY qy siB hoAw ]1] (1003-18)
ayk kavaavai tay sabh ho-aa. ||1||
have all come from the One Word of the Lord. ||1||

krxYhwrw bUJhu ry ] (1003-18)
karnaihaaraa boojhhu ray.
Hey - understand the Creator Lord.

siqguru imlY q sUJY ry ]1] rhwau ] (1003-18)
satgur milai ta soojhai ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
If you meet the True Guru, then you'll understand. ||1||Pause||

qRY gux kIAw pswrw ] (1003-19)
tarai gun kee-aa pasaaraa.
He formed the expanse of the entire universe from the three gunas, the three qualities.

nrk surg Avqwrw ] (1003-19)
narak surag avtaaraa.
People are incarnated in heaven and in hell.

haumY AwvY jweI ] (1003-19)
ha-umai aavai jaa-ee.
In egotism, they come and go.

mnu itkxu n pwvY rweI ] (1003-19)
man tikan na paavai raa-ee.
The mind cannot hold still, even for an instant.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD