Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


guir mMqRü AvKDu nwmu dInw jn nwnk sMkt join n pwie ]5]2] (1002-1)
gur mantar avkhaDh naam deenaa jan naanak sankat jon na paa-ay. ||5||2||
One who is blessed with the medicine of the GurMantra, the Name of the Lord, O servant Nanak, does not suffer the agonies of reincarnation. ||5||2||

ry nr ien ibiD pwir prwie ] (1002-1)
ray nar in biDh paar paraa-ay.
O man, in this way, you shall cross over to the other side.

iDAwie hir jIau hoie imrqku iqAwig dUjw Bwau ] rhwau dUjw ]2]11] (1002-2)
Dhi-aa-ay har jee-o ho-ay mirtak ti-aag doojaa bhaa-o. rahaa-o doojaa. ||2||11||
Meditate on your Dear Lord, and be dead to the world; renounce your love of duality. ||Second Pause||2||11||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1002-3)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

bwhir FUFn qy CUit pry guir Gr hI mwih idKwieAw Qw ] (1002-3)
baahar dhoodhan tay chhoot paray gur ghar hee maahi dikhaa-i-aa thaa.
I have quit searching outside; the Guru has shown me that God is within the home of my own heart.

AnBau Acrj rUpu pRB pyiKAw myrw mnu Coif n kqhU jwieAw Qw ]1] (1002-3)
anbha-o achraj roop parabh paykhi-aa mayraa man chhod na kathoo jaa-i-aa thaa. ||1||
I have seen God, fearless, of wondrous beauty; my mind shall never leave Him to go anywhere else. ||1||

mwnku pwieE ry pwieE hir pUrw pwieAw Qw ] (1002-4)
maanak paa-i-o ray paa-i-o har pooraa paa-i-aa thaa.
I have found the jewel; I have found the Perfect Lord.

moil Amolu n pwieAw jweI kir ikrpw gurU idvwieAw Qw ]1] rhwau ] (1002-5)
mol amol na paa-i-aa jaa-ee kar kirpaa guroo divaa-i-aa thaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The invaluable value cannot be obtained; in His Mercy, the Guru bestows it. ||1||Pause||

Aidstu Agocru pwrbRhmu imil swDU AkQu kQwieAw Qw ] (1002-5)
adisat agochar paarbarahm mil saaDhoo akath kathaa-i-aa thaa.
The Supreme Lord God is imperceptible and unfathomable; meeting the Holy Saint, I speak the Unspoken Speech.

Anhd sbdu dsm duAwir vijE qh AMimRq nwmu cuAwieAw Qw ]2] (1002-6)
anhad sabad dasam du-aar vaji-o tah amrit naam chu-aa-i-aa thaa. ||2||
The unstruck sound current of the Shabad vibrates and resounds in the Tenth Gate; the Ambrosial Naam trickles down there. ||2||

qoit nwhI min iqRsnw bUJI AKut BMfwr smwieAw Qw ] (1002-7)
tot naahee man tarisnaa boojhee akhut bhandaar samaa-i-aa thaa.
I lack nothing; the thirsty desires of my mind are satisfied. The inexhaustible treasure has entered into my being.

crx crx crx gur syvy AGVu GiVE rsu pwieAw Qw ]3] (1002-7)
charan charan charan gur sayvay agharh gharhi-o ras paa-i-aa thaa. ||3||
I serve the feet, the feet, the feet of the Guru, and manage the unmanageable. I have found the juice, the sublime essence. ||3||

shjy Awvw shjy jwvw shjy mnu KylwieAw Qw ] (1002-8)
sehjay aavaa sehjay jaavaa sehjay man khaylaa-i-aa thaa.
Intuitively I come, and intuively I go; my mind intuitively plays.

khu nwnk Brmu guir KoieAw qw hir mhlI mhlu pwieAw Qw ]4]3]12] (1002-9)
kaho naanak bharam gur kho-i-aa taa har mahlee mahal paa-i-aa thaa. ||4||3||12||
Says Nanak, when the Guru drives out doubt, then the soul-bride enters the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. ||4||3||12||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1002-9)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

ijsih swij invwijAw iqsih isau ruc nwih ] (1002-10)
jisahi saaj nivaaji-aa tiseh si-o ruch naahi.
You feel no love for the One who created and embellished you.

Awn rUqI Awn boeIAY Plu n PUlY qwih ]1] (1002-10)
aan rootee aan bo-ee-ai fal na foolai taahi. ||1||
The seed, planted out season, does not germinate; it does not produce flower or fruit. ||1||

ry mn vqR bIjx nwau ] (1002-11)
ray man vatar beejan naa-o.
O mind, this is the time to plant the seed of the Name.

boie KyqI lwie mnUAw Blo smau suAwau ]1] rhwau ] (1002-11)
bo-ay khaytee laa-ay manoo-aa bhalo sama-o su-aa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Focus your mind, and cultivate this crop; at the proper time, make this your purpose. ||1||Pause||

Koie KhVw Brmu mn kw siqgur srxI jwie ] (1002-11)
kho-ay khahrhaa bharam man kaa satgur sarnee jaa-ay.
Eradicate the stubbornness and doubt of your mind, and go to the Sanctuary of the True Guru.

krmu ijs kau Durhu iliKAw soeI kwr kmwie ]2] (1002-12)
karam jis ka-o Dharahu likhi-aa so-ee kaar kamaa-ay. ||2||
He alone does such deeds, who has such pre-ordained karma. ||2||

Bwau lwgw goibd isau Gwl pweI Qwie ] (1002-12)
bhaa-o laagaa gobid si-o ghaal paa-ee thaa-ay.
He falls in love with the Lord of the Universe, and his efforts are approved.

Kyiq myrY jMimAw inKuit n kbhU jwie ]3] (1002-13)
khayt mayrai jammi-aa nikhut na kabhoo jaa-ay. ||3||
My crop has germinated, and it shall never be used up. ||3||

pwieAw Amolu pdwrQo Coif n kqhU jwie ] (1002-13)
paa-i-aa amol padaaratho chhod na kathoo jaa-ay.
I have obtained the priceless wealth, which shall never leave me or go anywhere else.

khu nwnk suKu pwieAw iqRpiq rhy AwGwie ]4]4]13] (1002-14)
kaho naanak sukh paa-i-aa taripat rahay aaghaa-ay. ||4||4||13||
Says Nanak, I have found peace; I am satisfied and fulfilled. ||4||4||13||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1002-15)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

PUto AWfw Brm kw mnih BieE prgwsu ] (1002-15)
footo aaNdaa bharam kaa maneh bha-i-o pargaas.
The egg of doubt has burst; my mind has been enlightened.

kwtI byrI pgh qy guir kInI bMid Klwsu ]1] (1002-15)
kaatee bayree pagah tay gur keenee band khalaas. ||1||
The Guru has shattered the shackles on my feet, and has set me free. ||1||

Awvx jwxu rihE ] (1002-16)
aavan jaan rahi-o.
My coming and going in reincarnation is ended.

qpq kVwhw buiJ gieAw guir sIql nwmu dIE ]1] rhwau ] (1002-16)
tapat karhaahaa bujh ga-i-aa gur seetal naam dee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The boiling cauldron has cooled down; the Guru has blessed me with the cooling, soothing Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

jb qy swDU sMgu BieAw qau Coif gey inghwr ] (1002-17)
jab tay saaDhoo sang bha-i-aa ta-o chhod ga-ay nighaar.
Since I joined the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, those who were eyeing me have left.

ijs kI Atk iqs qy CutI qau khw krY kotvwr ]2] (1002-17)
jis kee atak tis tay chhutee ta-o kahaa karai kotvaar. ||2||
The one who tied me up, has released me; what can the Watchman of Death do to me now? ||2||

cUkw Bwrw krm kw hoey inhkrmw ] (1002-18)
chookaa bhaaraa karam kaa ho-ay nihkarmaa.
The load of my karma has been removed, and I am now free of karma.

swgr qy kMFY cVy guir kIny Drmw ]3] (1002-18)
saagar tay kandhai charhay gur keenay Dharmaa. ||3||
I have crossed the world-ocean, and reached the other shore; the Guru has blessed me with this Dharma. ||3||

scu Qwnu scu bYTkw scu suAwau bxwieAw ] (1002-18)
sach thaan sach baithkaa sach su-aa-o banaa-i-aa.
True is my place, and True is my seat; I have made Truth my life's purpose.

scu pUMjI scu vKro nwnk Gir pwieAw ]4]5]14] (1002-19)
sach poonjee sach vakhro naanak ghar paa-i-aa. ||4||5||14||
True is my capital, and True is the merchandise, which Nanak has placed into the home of the heart. ||4||5||14||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1002-19)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD