Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1000-1)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

mwn moh Aru loB ivkwrw bIE cIiq n GwilE ] (1000-1)
maan moh ar lobh vikaaraa bee-o cheet na ghaali-o.
Pride, emotional attachment, greed and corruption are gone; I have not placed anything else, other than the Lord, within my consciousness.

nwm rqnu guxw hir bxjy lwid vKru lY cwilE ]1] (1000-2)
naam ratan gunaa har banjay laad vakhar lai chaali-o. ||1||
I have purchased the jewel of the Naam and the Glorious Praises of the Lord; loading this merchandise, I have set out on my journey. ||1||

syvk kI EVik inbhI pRIiq ] (1000-2)
sayvak kee orhak nibhee pareet.
The love which the Lord's servant feels for the Lord lasts forever.

jIvq swihbu syivE Apnw clqy rwiKE cIiq ]1] rhwau ] (1000-2)
jeevat saahib sayvi-o apnaa chaltay raakhi-o cheet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In my life, I served my Lord and Master, and as I depart, I keep Him enshrined in my consciousness. ||1||Pause||

jYsI AwigAw kInI Twkuir iqs qy muKu nhI moirE ] (1000-3)
jaisee aagi-aa keenee thaakur tis tay mukh nahee mori-o.
I have not turned my face away from my Lord and Master's Command.

shju Anµdu riKE igRh BIqir auiT auAwhU kau dauirE ]2] (1000-4)
sahj anand rakhi-o garih bheetar uth u-aahoo ka-o da-ori-o. ||2||
He fills my household with celestial peace and bliss; if He asks me to leave, I leave at once. ||2||

AwigAw mih BUK soeI kir sUKw sog hrK nhI jwinE ] (1000-4)
aagi-aa meh bhookh so-ee kar sookhaa sog harakh nahee jaani-o.
When I am under the Lord's Command, I find even hunger pleasurable; I know no difference between sorrow and joy.

jo jo hukmu BieE swihb kw so mwQY ly mwinE ]3] (1000-5)
jo jo hukam bha-i-o saahib kaa so maathai lay maani-o. ||3||
Whatever the Command of my Lord and Master is, I bow my forehead and accept it. ||3||

BieE ik®pwlu Twkuru syvk kau svry hlq plwqw ] (1000-6)
bha-i-o kirpaal thaakur sayvak ka-o savray halat palaataa.
The Lord and Master has become merciful to His servant; He has embellished both this world and the next.

DMnu syvku sPlu Ehu AwieAw ijin nwnk Ksmu pCwqw ]4]5] (1000-6)
Dhan sayvak safal oh aa-i-aa jin naanak khasam pachhaataa. ||4||5||
Blessed is that servant, and fruitful is his birth; O Nanak, he realizes his Lord and Master. ||4||5||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1000-7)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

KuilAw krmu ik®pw BeI Twkur kIrqnu hir hir gweI ] (1000-7)
khuli-aa karam kirpaa bha-ee thaakur keertan har har gaa-ee.
Good karma has dawned for me - my Lord and Master has become merciful. I sing the Kirtan of the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har.

sRmu Qwkw pwey ibsRwmw imit geI sglI DweI ]1] (1000-8)
saram thaakaa paa-ay bisraamaa mit ga-ee saglee Dhaa-ee. ||1||
My struggle is ended; I have found peace and tranquility. All my wanderings have ceased. ||1||

Ab moih jIvn pdvI pweI ] (1000-8)
ab mohi jeevan padvee paa-ee.
Now, I have obtained the state of eternal life.

cIiq AwieE min purKu ibDwqw sMqn kI srxweI ]1] rhwau ] (1000-8)
cheet aa-i-o man purakh biDhaataa santan kee sarnaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Primal Lord, the Architect of Destiny, has come into my conscious mind; I seek the Sanctuary of the Saints. ||1||Pause||

kwmu k®oDu loBu mohu invwry invry sgl bYrweI ] (1000-9)
kaam kroDh lobh moh nivaaray nivray sagal bairaa-ee.
Sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment are eradicated; all my enemies are eliminated.

sd hjUir hwjru hY nwjru kqih n BieE dUrweI ]2] (1000-10)
sad hajoor haajar hai naajar kateh na bha-i-o dooraa-ee. ||2||
He is always ever-present, here and now, watching over me; He is never far away. ||2||

suK sIql srDw sB pUrI hoey sMq shweI ] (1000-10)
sukh seetal sarDhaa sabh pooree ho-ay sant sahaa-ee.
In peace and cool tranquility, my faith has been totally fulfilled; the Saints are my Helpers and Support.

pwvn piqq kIey iKn BIqir mihmw kQnu n jweI ]3] (1000-11)
paavan patit kee-ay khin bheetar mahimaa kathan na jaa-ee. ||3||
He has purified the sinners in an instant; I cannot express His Glorious Praises. ||3||

inrBau Bey sgl BY Koey goibd crx EtweI ] (1000-11)
nirbha-o bha-ay sagal bhai kho-ay gobid charan otaa-ee.
I have become fearless; all fear has departed. The feet of the Lord of the Universe are my only Shelter.

nwnku jsu gwvY Twkur kw rYix idnsu ilv lweI ]4]6] (1000-12)
naanak jas gaavai thaakur kaa rain dinas liv laa-ee. ||4||6||
Nanak sings the Praises of his Lord and Master; night and day, he is lovingly focused on Him. ||4||6||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1000-12)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

jo smrQu srb gux nwieku iqs kau kbhu n gwvis ry ] (1000-13)
jo samrath sarab gun naa-ik tis ka-o kabahu na gaavas ray.
He is all-powerful, the Master of all virtues, but you never sing of Him!

Coif jwie iKn BIqir qw kau auAw kau iPir iPir Dwvis ry ]1] (1000-13)
chhod jaa-ay khin bheetar taa ka-o u-aa ka-o fir fir Dhaavas ray. ||1||
You shall have to leave all this in an instant, but again and again, you chase after it. ||1||

Apuny pRB kau ikau n smwris ry ] (1000-14)
apunay parabh ka-o ki-o na samaaras ray.
Why do you not contemplate your God?

bYrI sMig rMg ris ricAw iqsu isau jIArw jwris ry ]1] rhwau ] (1000-14)
bairee sang rang ras rachi-aa tis si-o jee-araa jaaras ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are entangled in association with your enemies, and the enjoyment of pleasures; your soul is burning up with them! ||1||Pause||

jw kY nwim suinAY jmu CofY qw kI srix n pwvis ry ] (1000-15)
jaa kai naam suni-ai jam chhodai taa kee saran na paavas ray.
Hearing His Name, the Messenger of Death will release you, and yet, you do not enter His Sanctuary!

kwiF dyie isAwl bpury kau qw kI Et itkwvis ry ]2] (1000-15)
kaadh day-ay si-aal bapuray ka-o taa kee ot tikaavas ray. ||2||
Turn out this wretched jackal, and seek the Shelter of that God. ||2||

ijs kw jwsu sunq Bv qrIAY qw isau rMgu n lwvis ry ] (1000-16)
jis kaa jaas sunat bhav taree-ai taa si-o rang na laavas ray.
Praising Him, you shall cross over the terrifying world-ocean, and yet, you have not fallen in love with Him!

QorI bwq Alp supny kI bhuir bhuir Atkwvis ry ]3] (1000-17)
thoree baat alap supnay kee bahur bahur atkaavas ray. ||3||
This meager, short-lived dream, this thing - you are engrossed in it, over and over again. ||3||

BieE pRswdu ik®pw iniD Twkur sMqsMig piq pweI ] (1000-17)
bha-i-o parsaad kirpaa niDh thaakur satsang pat paa-ee.
When our Lord and Master, the ocean of mercy, grants His Grace, one finds honor in the Society of the Saints.

khu nwnk qRY gux BRmu CUtw jau pRB Bey shweI ]4]7] (1000-18)
kaho naanak tarai gun bharam chhootaa ja-o parabh bha-ay sahaa-ee. ||4||7||
Says Nanak, I am rid of the illusion of the three-phased Maya, when God becomes my help and support. ||4||7||

mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1000-19)
maaroo mehlaa 5.
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:

AMqrjwmI sB ibiD jwnY iqs qy khw dulwirE ] (1000-19)
antarjaamee sabh biDh jaanai tis tay kahaa dulaari-o.
The Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, knows everything; what can anyone hide from Him?

hsq pwv Jry iKn BIqir Agin sMig lY jwirE ]1] (1000-19)
hasat paav jharay khin bheetar agan sang lai jaari-o. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD