Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Awqmu ijqw gurmqI AwgMjq pwgw ] (965-1)
aatam jitaa gurmatee aaganjat paagaa.
He conquers his soul, following the Guru's Teachings, and attains the Imperishable Lord.

ijsih iDAwieAw pwrbRhmu so kil mih qwgw ] (965-1)
jisahi Dhi-aa-i-aa paarbarahm so kal meh taagaa.
He alone keeps up in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, who meditates on the Supreme Lord God.

swDU sMgiq inrmlw ATsiT mjnwgw ] (965-2)
saaDhoo sangat nirmalaa athsath majnaagaa.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, he is immaculate, as if he has bathed at the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage.

ijsu pRBu imilAw Awpxw so purKu sBwgw ] (965-2)
jis parabh mili-aa aapnaa so purakh sabhaagaa.
He alone is a man of good fortune, who has met with God.

nwnk iqsu bilhwrxY ijsu eyvf Bwgw ]17] (965-3)
naanak tis balihaarnai jis ayvad bhaagaa. ||17||
Nanak is a sacrifice to such a one, whose destiny is so great! ||17||

slok mÚ 5 ] (965-3)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

jW ipru AMdir qW Dn bwhir ] (965-3)
jaaN pir andar taaN Dhan baahar.
When the Husband Lord is within the heart, then Maya, the bride, goes outside.

jW ipru bwhir qW Dn mwhir ] (965-4)
jaaN pir baahar taaN Dhan maahar.
When one's Husband Lord is outside of oneself, then Maya, the bride, is supreme.

ibnu nwvY bhu Pyru iPrwhir ] (965-4)
bin naavai baho fayr firaahar.
Without the Name, one wanders all around.

siqguir sMig idKwieAw jwhir ] (965-4)
satgur sang dikhaa-i-aa jaahar.
The True Guru shows us that the Lord is with us.

jn nwnk scy sic smwhir ]1] (965-5)
jan naanak sachay sach samaahar. ||1||
Servant Nanak merges in the Truest of the True. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (965-5)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

Awhr siB krdw iPrY Awhru ieku n hoie ] (965-5)
aahar sabh kardaa firai aahar ik na ho-ay.
Making all sorts of efforts, they wander around; but they do not make even one effort.

nwnk ijqu Awhir jgu auDrY ivrlw bUJY koie ]2] (965-6)
naanak jit aahar jag uDhrai virlaa boojhai ko-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, how rare are those who understand the effort which saves the world. ||2||

pauVI ] (965-6)

vfI hU vfw Apwru qyrw mrqbw ] (965-6)
vadee hoo vadaa apaar tayraa martabaa.
The greatest of the great, infinite is Your dignity.

rMg prMg Anyk n jwpin@ krqbw ] (965-7)
rang parang anayk na jaapniH kartabaa.
Your colors and hues are so numerous; no one can know Your actions.

jIAw AMdir jIau sBu ikCu jwxlw ] (965-7)
jee-aa andar jee-o sabh kichh jaanlaa.
You are the Soul within all souls; You alone know everything.

sBu ikCu qyrY vis qyrw Gru Blw ] (965-7)
sabh kichh tayrai vas tayraa ghar bhalaa.
Everything is under Your control; Your home is beautiful.

qyrY Gir Awnµdu vDweI quDu Gir ] (965-8)
tayrai ghar aanand vaDhaa-ee tuDh ghar.
Your home is filled with bliss, which resonates and resounds throughout Your home.

mwxu mhqw qyju Awpxw Awip jir ] (965-8)
maan mahtaa tayj aapnaa aap jar.
Your honor, majesty and glory are Yours alone.

srb klw BrpUru idsY jq kqw ] (965-9)
sarab kalaa bharpoor disai jat kataa.
You are overflowing with all powers; wherever we look, there You are.

nwnk dwsin dwsu quDu AwgY ibnvqw ]18] (965-9)
naanak daasan daas tuDh aagai binvataa. ||18||
Nanak, the slave of Your slaves, prays to You alone. ||18||

slok mÚ 5 ] (965-9)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

CqVy bwjwr sohin ivic vpwrIey ] (965-10)
chhat-rhay baajaar sohan vich vapaaree-ai.
Your streets are covered with canopies; under them, the traders look beautiful.

vKru ihku Apwru nwnk Kty so DxI ]1] (965-10)
vakhar hik apaar naanak khatay so Dhanee. ||1||
O Nanak, he alone is truly a banker, who buys the infinite commodity. ||1||

mhlw 5 ] (965-10)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

kbIrw hmrw ko nhI hm iks hU ky nwih ] (965-10, rwmklI, kbIr)
kabeeraa hamraa ko nahee ham kis hoo kay naahi.
Kabeer, no one is mine, and I belong to no one.

ijin iehu rcnu rcwieAw iqs hI mwih smwih ]2] (965-11, rwmklI, kbIr)
jin ih rachan rachaa-i-aa tis hee maahi samaahi. ||2||
I am absorbed in the One, who created this creation. ||2||

pauVI ] (965-11)

sPilau ibrKu suhwvVw hir sPl AMimRqw ] (965-12)
safli-o birakh suhaavrhaa har safal amritaa.
The Lord is the most beautiful fruit tree, bearing fruits of Ambrosial Nectar.

mnu locY aun@ imlx kau ikau vM\Y iGqw ] (965-12)
man lochai unH milan ka-o ki-o vanjai ghitaa.
My mind longs to meet Him; how can I ever find Him?

vrnw ichnw bwhrw Ehu Agmu Aijqw ] (965-12)
varnaa chihnaa baahraa oh agam ajitaa.
He has no color or form; He is inaccessible and unconquerable.

Ehu ipAwrw jIA kw jo Kol@Y iBqw ] (965-13)
oh pi-aaraa jee-a kaa jo kholHai bhitaa.
I love Him with all my soul; He opens the door for me.

syvw krI quswVIAw mY dishu imqw ] (965-13)
sayvaa karee tusaarhee-aa mai dasihu mitaa.
I shall serve you forever, if you tell me of my Friend.

kurbwxI vM\w vwrxY bly bil ikqw ] (965-14)
kurbaanee vanjaa vaarnai balay bal kitaa.
I am a sacrifice, a dedicated, devoted sacrifice to Him.

dsin sMq ipAwirAw suxhu lwie icqw ] (965-14)
dasan sant pi-aari-aa sunhu laa-ay chitaa.
The Beloved Saints tell us, to listen with our consciousness.

ijsu iliKAw nwnk dws iqsu nwau AMimRqu siqguir idqw ]19] (965-15)
jis likhi-aa naanak daas tis naa-o amrit satgur ditaa. ||19||
One who has such pre-ordained destiny, O slave Nanak, is blessed with the Ambrosial Name by the True Guru. ||19||

slok mhlw 5 ] (965-15)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

kbIr DrqI swD kI qskr bYsih gwih ] (965-15)
kabeer Dhartee saaDh kee taskar baiseh gaahi.
Kabeer, the earth belongs to the Holy, but the thieves have come and now sit among them.

DrqI Bwir n ibAwpeI aun kau lwhU lwih ]1] (965-16)
Dhartee bhaar na bi-aapa-ee un ka-o laahoo laahi. ||1||
The earth does not feel their weight; even they profit. ||1||

mhlw 5 ] (965-16)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

kbIr cwvl kwrxy quK kau muhlI lwie ] (965-17)
kabeer chaaval kaarnay tukh ka-o muhlee laa-ay.
Kabeer, for the sake of the rice, the husks are beaten and threshed.

sMig kusMgI bYsqy qb pUCy Drm rwie ]2] (965-17)
sang kusangee baistay tab poochhay Dharam raa-ay. ||2||
When one sits in the company of evil people, then he will be called to account by the Righteous Judge of Dharma. ||2||

pauVI ] (965-17)

Awpy hI vf prvwru Awip iekwqIAw ] (965-18)
aapay hee vad parvaar aap ikaatee-aa.
He Himself has the greatest family; He Himself is all alone.

AwpxI kImiq Awip Awpy hI jwqIAw ] (965-18)
aapnee keemat aap aapay hee jaatee-aa.
He alone knows His own worth.

sBu ikCu Awpy Awip Awip aupMinAw ] (965-18)
sabh kichh aapay aap aap upanni-aa.
He Himself, by Himself, created everything.

Awpxw kIqw Awip Awip vrMinAw ] (965-19)
aapnaa keetaa aap aap varanni-aa.
Only He Himself can describe His own creation.

DMnu su qyrw Qwnu ijQY qU vuTw ] (965-19)
Dhan so tayraa thaan jithai too vuthaa.
Blessed is Your place, where You dwell, Lord.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD