Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


pauVI ] (964-1)

sBy duK sMqwp jW quDhu BulIAY ] (964-1)
sabhay dukh santaap jaaN tuDhhu bhulee-ai.
When I forget You, I endure all pains and afflictions.

jy kIcin lK aupwv qW khI n GulIAY ] (964-1)
jay keechan lakh upaav taaN kahee na ghulee-ai.
Making thousands of efforts, they are still not eliminated.

ijs no ivsrY nwau su inrDnu kWFIAY ] (964-2)
jis no visrai naa-o so nirDhan kaaNdhee-ai.
One who forgets the Name, is known as a poor person.

ijs no ivsrY nwau so jonI hWFIAY ] (964-2)
jis no visrai naa-o so jonee haaNdhee-ai.
One who forgets the Name, wanders in reincarnation.

ijsu Ksmu n AwvY iciq iqsu jmu fMfu dy ] (964-2)
jis khasam na aavai chit tis jam dand day.
One who does not remember his Lord and Master, is punished by the Messenger of Death.

ijsu Ksmu n AwvI iciq rogI sy gxy ] (964-3)
jis khasam na aavee chit rogee say ganay.
One who does not remember his Lord and Master, is judged to be a sick person.

ijsu Ksmu n AwvI iciq su Kro AhMkwrIAw ] (964-3)
jis khasam na aavee chit so kharo ahaNkaaree-aa.
One who does not remember his Lord and Master, is egotistical and proud.

soeI duhylw jig ijin nwau ivswrIAw ]14] (964-4)
so-ee duhaylaa jag jin naa-o visaaree-aa. ||14||
One who forgets the Name is miserable in this world. ||14||

slok mÚ 5 ] (964-4)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

qYfI bMdis mY koie n ifTw qU nwnk min Bwxw ] (964-4)
taidee bandas mai ko-ay na dithaa too naanak man bhaanaa.
I have not seen any other like You. You alone are pleasing to Nanak's mind.

Goil GumweI iqsu imqR ivcoly jY imil kMqu pCwxw ]1] (964-5)
ghol ghumaa-ee tis mitar vicholay jai mil kant pachhaanaa. ||1||
I am a dedicated, devoted sacrifice to that friend, that mediator, who leads me to recognize my Husband Lord. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (964-6)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

pwv suhwvy jW qau iDir juldy sIsu suhwvw crxI ] (964-6)
paav suhaavay jaaN ta-o Dhir julday sees suhaavaa charnee.
Beautiful are those feet which walk towards You; beautiful is that head which falls at Your Feet.

muKu suhwvw jW qau jsu gwvY jIau pieAw qau srxI ]2] (964-6)
mukh suhaavaa jaaN ta-o jas gaavai jee-o pa-i-aa ta-o sarnee. ||2||
Beautiful is that mouth which sings Your Praises; beautiful is that soul which seeks Your Sanctuary. ||2||

pauVI ] (964-7)

imil nwrI sqsMig mMglu gwvIAw ] (964-7)
mil naaree satsang mangal gaavee-aa.
Meeting the Lord's brides, in the True Congregation, I sing the songs of joy.

Gr kw hoAw bMDwnu bhuiV n DwvIAw ] (964-7)
ghar kaa ho-aa banDhaan bahurh na Dhaavee-aa.
The home of my heart is now held steady, and I shall not go out wandering again.

ibnTI durmiq durqu soie kUVwvIAw ] (964-8)
binthee durmat durat so-ay koorhaavee-aa.
Evil-mindedness has been dispelled, along with sin and my bad reputation.

sIlvMiq prDwin irdY scwvIAw ] (964-8)
seelvant parDhaan ridai sachaavee-aa.
I am well-known as being calm and good-natured; my heart is filled with Truth.

AMqir bwhir ieku iek rIqwvIAw ] (964-8)
antar baahar ik ik reetaavee-aa.
Inwardly and outwardly, the One and only Lord is my way.

min drsn kI ipAws crx dwswvIAw ] (964-9)
man darsan kee pi-aas charan daasaavee-aa.
My mind is thirsty for the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. I am a slave at His feet.

soBw bxI sIgwru Ksim jW rwvIAw ] (964-9)
sobhaa banee seegaar khasam jaaN raavee-aa.
I am glorified and embellished, when my Lord and Master enjoys me.

imlIAw Awie sMjoig jW iqsu BwvIAw ]15] (964-10)
milee-aa aa-ay sanjog jaaN tis bhaavee-aa. ||15||
I meet Him through my blessed destiny, when it is pleasing to His Will. ||15||

slok mÚ 5 ] (964-10)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

hiB gux qYfy nwnk jIau mY kU QIey mY inrgux qy ikAw hovY ] (964-10)
habh gun taiday naanak jee-o mai koo thee-ay mai nirgun tay ki-aa hovai.
All virtues are Yours, Dear Lord; You bestow them upon us. I am unworthy - what can I achieve, O Nanak?

qau jyvfu dwqwru n koeI jwcku sdw jwcovY ]1] (964-11)
ta-o jayvad daataar na ko-ee jaachak sadaa jaachovai. ||1||
There is no other Giver as great as You. I am a beggar; I beg from You forever. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (964-11)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

dyh iCjMdVI aUx mJUxw guir sjix jIau DrwieAw ] (964-11)
dayh chhijand-rhee oon majhoonaa gur sajan jee-o Dharaa-i-aa.
My body was wasting away, and I was depressed. The Guru, my Friend, has encouraged and consoled me.

hBy suK suhylVw suqw ijqw jgu sbwieAw ]2] (964-12)
habhay sukh suhaylrhaa sutaa jitaa jag sabaa-i-aa. ||2||
I sleep in total peace and comfort; I have conquered the whole world. ||2||

pauVI ] (964-13)

vfw qyrw drbwru scw quDu qKqu ] (964-13)
vadaa tayraa darbaar sachaa tuDh takhat.
The Darbaar of Your Court is glorious and great. Your holy throne is True.

isir swhw pwiqswhu inhclu cauru Cqu ] (964-13)
sir saahaa paatisaahu nihchal cha-ur chhat.
You are the Emperor over the heads of kings. Your canopy and chauree (fly-brush) are permanent and unchanging.

jo BwvY pwrbRhm soeI scu inAwau ] (964-13)
jo bhaavai paarbarahm so-ee sach ni-aa-o.
That alone is true justice, which is pleasing to the Will of the Supreme Lord God.

jy BwvY pwrbRhm inQwvy imlY Qwau ] (964-14)
jay bhaavai paarbarahm nithaavay milai thaa-o.
Even the homeless receive a home, when it is pleasing to the Will of the Supreme Lord God.

jo kIn@I krqwir sweI BlI gl ] (964-14)
jo keenHee kartaar saa-ee bhalee gal.
Whatever the Creator Lord does, is a good thing.

ijn@I pCwqw Ksmu sy drgwh ml ] (964-15)
jinHee pachhaataa khasam say dargaah mal.
Those who recognize their Lord and Master, are seated in the Court of the Lord.

shI qyrw Purmwnu iknY n PyrIAY ] (964-15)
sahee tayraa furmaan kinai na fayree-ai.
True is Your Command; no one can challenge it.

kwrx krx krIm kudriq qyrIAY ]16] (964-15)
kaaran karan kareem kudrat tayree-ai. ||16||
O Merciful Lord, Cause of causes, Your creative power is all-powerful. ||16||

slok mÚ 5 ] (964-16)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

soie suxMdVI myrw qnu mnu maulw nwmu jpMdVI lwlI ] (964-16)
so-ay sunand-rhee mayraa tan man ma-ulaa naam japand-rhee laalee.
Hearing of You, my body and mind have blossomed forth; chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, I am flushed with life.

pMiD julµdVI myrw AMdru TMFw gur drsnu dyiK inhwlI ]1] (964-16)
panDh juland-rhee mayraa andar thandhaa gur darsan daykh nihaalee. ||1||
Walking on the Path, I have found cool tranquility deep within; gazing upon the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan, I am enraptured. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (964-17)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

hT mMJwhU mY mwxku lDw ] (964-17)
hath manjhaahoo mai maanak laDhaa.
I have found the jewel within my heart.

muil n iGDw mY kU siqguir idqw ] (964-17)
mul na ghiDhaa mai koo satgur ditaa.
I was not charged for it; the True Guru gave it to me.

FUMF v\weI QIAw iQqw ] (964-18)
dhoondh vanjaa-ee thee-aa thitaa.
My search has ended, and I have become stable.

jnmu pdwrQu nwnk ijqw ]2] (964-18)
janam padaarath naanak jitaa. ||2||
O Nanak, I have conquered this priceless human life. ||2||

pauVI ] (964-18)

ijs kY msqik krmu hoie so syvw lwgw ] (964-18)
jis kai mastak karam ho-ay so sayvaa laagaa.
One who has such good karma inscribed upon his forehead, is committed to the Lord's service.

ijsu gur imil kmlu pRgwisAw so Anidnu jwgw ] (964-19)
jis gur mil kamal pargaasi-aa so an-din jaagaa.
One whose heart lotus blossoms forth upon meeting the Guru, remains awake and aware, night and day.

lgw rMgu crxwribMd sBu BRmu Bau Bwgw ] (964-19)
lagaa rang charnaarbind sabh bharam bha-o bhaagaa.
All doubt and fear run away from one who is in love with the Lord's lotus feet.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD