Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


slok mÚ 5 ] (963-1)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

AMimRq bwxI Aimau rsu AMimRqu hir kw nwau ] (963-1)
amrit banee ami-o ras amrit har kaa naa-o.
The Bani of the Guru's Word is Ambrosial Nectar; its taste is sweet. The Name of the Lord is Ambrosial Nectar.

min qin ihrdY ismir hir AwT phr gux gwau ] (963-2)
man tan hirdai simar har aath pahar gun gaa-o.
Meditate in remembrance on the Lord in your mind, body and heart; twenty-four hours a day, sing His Glorious Praises.

aupdysu suxhu qum gurisKhu scw iehY suAwau ] (963-2)
updays sunhu tum gursikhahu sachaa ihai su-aa-o.
Listen to these Teachings, O Sikhs of the Guru. This is the true purpose of life.

jnmu pdwrQu sPlu hoie mn mih lwiehu Bwau ] (963-3)
janam padaarath safal ho-ay man meh laa-ihu bhaa-o.
This priceless human life will be made fruitful; embrace love for the Lord in your mind.

sUK shj Awndu Gxw pRB jpiqAw duKu jwie ] (963-3)
sookh sahj aanad ghanaa parabh japti-aa dukh jaa-ay.
Celestial peace and absolute bliss come when one meditates on God - suffering is dispelled.

nwnk nwmu jpq suKu aUpjY drgh pweIAY Qwau ]1] (963-4)
naanak naam japat sukh oopjai dargeh paa-ee-ai thaa-o. ||1||
O Nanak, chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, peace wells up, and one obtains a place in the Court of the Lord. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (963-4)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

nwnk nwmu iDAweIAY guru pUrw miq dyie ] (963-4)
naanak naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai gur pooraa mat day-ay.
O Nanak, meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; this is the Teaching imparted by the Perfect Guru.

BwxY jp qp sMjmo BwxY hI kiF lyie ] (963-5)
bhaanai jap tap sanjamo bhaanai hee kadh lay-ay.
In the Lord's Will, they practice meditation, austerity and self-discipline; in the Lord's Will, they are released.

BwxY join BvweIAY BwxY bKs kryie ] (963-5)
bhaanai jon bhavaa-ee-ai bhaanai bakhas karay-i.
In the Lord's Will, they are made to wander in reincarnation; in the Lord's Will, they are forgiven.

BwxY duKu suKu BogIAY BwxY krm kryie ] (963-5)
bhaanai dukh sukh bhogee-ai bhaanai karam karay-i.
In the Lord's Will, pain and pleasure are experienced; in the Lord's Will, actions are performed.

BwxY imtI swij kY BwxY joiq Dryie ] (963-6)
bhaanai mitee saaj kai bhaanai jot Dharay-ay.
In the Lord's Will, clay is fashioned into form; in the Lord's Will, His Light is infused into it.

BwxY Bog Bogwiedw BwxY mnih kryie ] (963-6)
bhaanai bhog bhogaa-idaa bhaanai maneh karay-i.
In the Lord's Will, enjoyments are enjoyed; in the Lord's Will, these enjoyments are denied.

BwxY nrik surig Aauqwry BwxY Drix pryie ] (963-7)
bhaanai narak surag a-utaaray bhaanai Dharan paray-ay.
In the Lord's Will, they are incarnated in heaven and hell; in the Lord's Will, they fall to the ground.

BwxY hI ijsu BgqI lwey nwnk ivrly hy ]2] (963-7)
bhaanai hee jis bhagtee laa-ay naanak virlay hay. ||2||
In the Lord's Will, they are committed to His devotional worship and Praise; O Nanak, how rare are these! ||2||

pauVI ] (963-8)

vifAweI scy nwm kI hau jIvw suix suxy ] (963-8)
vadi-aa-ee sachay naam kee ha-o jeevaa sun sunay.
Hearing, hearing of the glorious greatness of the True Name, I live.

psU pryq AigAwn auDwry iek Kxy ] (963-8)
pasoo parayt agi-aan uDhaaray ik khanay.
Even ignorant beasts and goblins can be saved, in an instant.

idnsu rYix qyrw nwau sdw sd jwpIAY ] (963-9)
dinas rain tayraa naa-o sadaa sad jaapee-ai.
Day and night, chant the Name, forever and ever.

iqRsnw BuK ivkrwl nwie qyrY DRwpIAY ] (963-9)
tarisnaa bhukh vikraal naa-ay tayrai Dharaapee-ai.
The most horrible thirst and hunger is satisfied through Your Name, O Lord.

rogu sogu duKu vM\Y ijsu nwau min vsY ] (963-9)
rog sog dukh vanjai jis naa-o man vasai.
Disease, sorrow and pain run away, when the Name dwells within the mind.

iqsih prwpiq lwlu jo gur sbdI rsY ] (963-10)
tiseh paraapat laal jo gur sabdee rasai.
He alone attains his Beloved, who loves the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

KMf bRhmMf byAMq auDwrxhwirAw ] (963-10)
khand barahmand bay-ant uDhaaranhaari-aa.
The worlds and solar systems are saved by the Infinite Lord.

qyrI soBw quDu scy myry ipAwirAw ]12] (963-11)
tayree sobhaa tuDh sachay mayray pi-aari-aa. ||12||
Your glory is Yours alone, O my Beloved True Lord. ||12||

slok mÚ 5 ] (963-11)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

imqRü ipAwrw nwnk jI mY Cif gvwieAw rMig ksuMBY BulI ] (963-11)
mitar pi-aaraa naanak jee mai chhad gavaa-i-aa rang kasumbhai bhulee.
I abandoned and lost my Beloved Friend, O Nanak; I was fooled by the transitory color of the safflower, which fades away.

qau sjx kI mY kIm n paudI hau quDu ibnu AFu n lhdI ]1] (963-12)
ta-o sajan kee mai keem na pa-udee ha-o tuDh bin adh na lahdee. ||1||
I did not know Your value, O my Friend; without You, I am not worth even half a shell. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (963-13)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

ssu ivrwieix nwnk jIau ssurw vwdI jyTo pau pau lUhY ] (963-13)
sas viraa-in naanak jee-o sasuraa vaadee jaytho pa-o pa-o loohai.
My mother-in-law is my enemy, O Nanak; my father-in-law is argumentative and my brother-in-law burns me at every step.

hBy Bsu puxydy vqnu jw mY sjxu qUhY ]2] (963-13)
habhay bhas punayday vatan jaa mai sajan toohai. ||2||
They can all just play in the dust, when You are my Friend, O Lord. ||2||

pauVI ] (963-14)

ijsu qU vuTw iciq iqsu drdu invwrxo ] (963-14)
jis too vuthaa chit tis darad nivaarno.
You relieve the pains of those, within whose consciousness You dwell, O Lord.

ijsu qU vuTw iciq iqsu kdy n hwrxo ] (963-14)
jis too vuthaa chit tis kaday na haarno.
Those, within whose consciousness You dwell, never lose.

ijsu imilAw pUrw gurU su srpr qwrxo ] (963-15)
jis mili-aa pooraa guroo so sarpar taarno.
One who meets the Perfect Guru will surely be saved.

ijs no lwey sic iqsu scu sm@wlxo ] (963-15)
jis no laa-ay sach tis sach samHaalano.
One who is attached to Truth, contemplates Truth.

ijsu AwieAw hiQ inDwnu su rihAw Bwlxo ] (963-15)
jis aa-i-aa hath niDhaan so rahi-aa bhaalno.
One, into whose hands the treasure comes, stops searching.

ijs no ieko rMgu Bgqu so jwnxo ] (963-16)
jis no iko rang bhagat so jaanno.
He alone is known as a devotee, who loves the One Lord.

Ehu sBnw kI ryxu ibrhI cwrxo ] (963-16)
oh sabhnaa kee rayn birhee chaarno.
He is the dust under the feet of all; he is the lover of the Lord's feet.

siB qyry coj ivfwx sBu qyrw kwrxo ]13] (963-17)
sabh tayray choj vidaan sabh tayraa kaarno. ||13||
Everything is Your wonderful play; the whole creation is Yours. ||13||

slok mÚ 5 ] (963-17)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

ausqiq inMdw nwnk jI mY hB v\weI CoiVAw hBu ikJu iqAwgI ] (963-17)
ustat nindaa naanak jee mai habh vanjaa-ee chhorhi-aa habh kijh ti-aagee.
I have totally discarded praise and slander, O Nanak; I have forsaken and abandoned everything.

hBy swk kUVwvy ifTy qau plY qYfY lwgI ]1] (963-18)
habhay saak koorhaavay dithay ta-o palai taidai laagee. ||1||
I have seen that all relationships are false, and so I have grasped hold of the hem of Your robe, Lord. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (963-18)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

iPrdI iPrdI nwnk jIau hau PwvI QIeI bhuqu idswvr pMDw ] (963-19)
firdee firdee naanak jee-o ha-o faavee thee-ee bahut disaavar panDhaa.
I wandered and wandered and went crazy, O Nanak, in countless foreign lands and pathways.

qw hau suiK suKwlI suqI jw gur imil sjxu mY lDw ]2] (963-19)
taa ha-o sukh sukhaalee sutee jaa gur mil sajan mai laDhaa. ||2||
But then, I slept in peace and comfort, when I met the Guru, and found my Friend. ||2||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD