Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


iqQY qU smrQu ijQY koie nwih ] (962-1)
tithai too samrath jithai ko-ay naahi.
Where You are, Almighty Lord, there is no one else.

EQY qyrI rK AgnI audr mwih ] (962-1)
othai tayree rakh agnee udar maahi.
There, in the fire of the mother's womb, You protected us.

suix kY jm ky dUq nwie qyrY Cif jwih ] (962-1)
sun kai jam kay doot naa-ay tayrai chhad jaahi.
Hearing Your Name, the Messenger of Death runs away.

Baujlu ibKmu Asgwhu gur sbdI pwir pwih ] (962-2)
bha-ojal bikham asgaahu gur sabdee paar paahi.
The terrifying, treacherous, impassible world-ocean is crossed over, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

ijn kau lgI ipAws AMimRqu syie Kwih ] (962-2)
jin ka-o lagee pi-aas amrit say-ay khaahi.
Those who feel thirst for You, take in Your Ambrosial Nectar.

kil mih eyho puMnu gux goivMd gwih ] (962-3)
kal meh ayho punn gun govind gaahi.
This is the only act of goodness in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, to sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe.

sBsY no ikrpwlu sm@wly swih swih ] (962-3)
sabhsai no kirpaal samHaalay saahi saahi.
He is Merciful to all; He sustains us with each and every breath.

ibrQw koie n jwie ij AwvY quDu Awih ]9] (962-3)
birthaa ko-ay na jaa-ay je aavai tuDh aahi. ||9||
Those who come to You with love and faith are never turned away empty-handed. ||9||

slok mÚ 5 ] (962-4)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

dUjw iqsu n buJwiehu pwrbRhm nwmu dyhu AwDwru ] (962-4)
doojaa tis na bujhaa-iho paarbarahm naam dayh aaDhaar.
Those whom You bless with the Support of Your Name, O Supreme Lord God, do not know any other.

Agmu Agocru swihbo smrQu scu dwqwru ] (962-5)
agam agochar saahibo samrath sach daataar.
Inaccessible, Unfathomable Lord and Master, All-powerful True Great Giver:

qU inhclu inrvYru scu scw quDu drbwru ] (962-5)
too nihchal nirvair sach sachaa tuDh darbaar.
You are eternal and unchanging, without vengeance and True; True is the Darbaar of Your Court.

kImiq khxu n jweIAY AMqu n pwrwvwru ] (962-5)
keemat kahan na jaa-ee-ai ant na paaraavaar.
Your worth cannot be described; You have no end or limitation.

pRBu Coif horu ij mMgxw sBu ibiKAw rs Cwru ] (962-6)
parabh chhod hor je mangnaa sabh bikhi-aa ras chhaar.
To forsake God, and ask for something else, is all corruption and ashes.

sy suKIey scu swh sy ijn scw ibauhwru ] (962-6)
say sukhee-ay sach saah say jin sachaa bi-uhaar.
They alone find peace, and they are the true kings, whose dealings are true.

ijnw lgI pRIiq pRB nwm shj suK swru ] (962-7)
jinaa lagee pareet parabh naam sahj sukh saar.
Those who are in love with God's Name, intuitively enjoy the essence of peace.

nwnk ieku AwrwDy sMqn ryxwru ]1] (962-7)
naanak ik aaraaDhay santan raynaar. ||1||
Nanak worships and adores the One Lord; he seeks the dust of the Saints. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (962-8)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

And sUK ibsRwm inq hir kw kIrqnu gwie ] (962-8)
anad sookh bisraam nit har kaa keertan gaa-ay.
Singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, bliss, peace and rest are obtained.

Avr isAwxp Cwif dyih nwnk auDris nwie ]2] (962-8)
avar si-aanap chhaad deh naanak uDhras naa-ay. ||2||
Forsake other clever tricks, O Nanak; only through the Name will you be saved. ||2||

pauVI ] (962-9)

nw qU Awvih vis bhuqu iGxwvxy ] (962-9)
naa too aavahi vas bahut ghinaavanay.
No one can bring You under control, by despising the world.

nw qU Awvih vis byd pVwvxy ] (962-9)
naa too aavahi vas bayd parhaavanay.
No one can bring You under control, by studying the Vedas.

nw qU Awvih vis qIriQ nweIAY ] (962-10)
naa too aavahi vas tirath naa-ee-ai.
No one can bring You under control, by bathing at the holy places.

nw qU Awvih vis DrqI DweIAY ] (962-10)
naa too aavahi vas Dhartee Dhaa-ee-ai.
No one can bring You under control, by wandering all over the world.

nw qU Awvih vis ikqY isAwxpY ] (962-10)
naa too aavahi vas kitai si-aanpai.
No one can bring You under control, by any clever tricks.

nw qU Awvih vis bhuqw dwnu dy ] (962-11)
naa too aavahi vas bahutaa daan day.
No one can bring You under control, by giving huge donations to charities.

sBu ko qyrY vis Agm Agocrw ] (962-11)
sabh ko tayrai vas agam agocharaa.
Everyone is under Your power, O inaccessible, unfathomable Lord.

qU Bgqw kY vis Bgqw qwxu qyrw ]10] (962-11)
too bhagtaa kai vas bhagtaa taan tayraa. ||10||
You are under the control of Your devotees; You are the strength of Your devotees. ||10||

slok mÚ 5 ] (962-12)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

Awpy vYdu Awip nwrwiexu ] (962-12)
aapay vaid aap naaraa-in.
The Lord Himself is the true physician.

eyih vYd jIA kw duKu lwiex ] (962-12)
ayhi vaid jee-a kaa dukh laa-in.
These physicians of the world only burden the soul with pain.

gur kw sbdu AMimRq rsu Kwiex ] (962-13)
gur kaa sabad amrit ras khaa-in.
The Word of the Guru's Shabad is Ambrosial Nectar; it is so delicious to eat.

nwnk ijsu min vsY iqs ky siB dUK imtwiex ]1] (962-13)
naanak jis man vasai tis kay sabh dookh mitaa-in. ||1||
O Nanak, one whose mind is filled with this Nectar - all his pains are dispelled. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (962-14)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

hukim auClY hukmy rhY ] (962-14)
hukam uchhlai hukmay rahai.
By the Hukam of Lord's Command, they move about; by the Lord's Command, they remain still.

hukmy duKu suKu sm kir shY ] (962-14)
hukmay dukh sukh sam kar sahai.
By His Hukam, they endure pain and pleasure alike.

hukmy nwmu jpY idnu rwiq ] (962-14)
hukmay naam japai din raat.
By His Hukam, they chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, day and night.

nwnk ijs no hovY dwiq ] (962-14)
naanak jis no hovai daat.
O Nanak, he alone does so, who is blessed.

hukim mrY hukmy hI jIvY ] (962-15)
hukam marai hukmay hee jeevai.
By the Hukam of the Lord's Command, they die; by the Hukam of His Command, they live.

hukmy nwn@w vfw QIvY ] (962-15)
hukmay naanHaa vadaa theevai.
By His Hukam, they become tiny, and huge.

hukmy sog hrK Awnµd ] (962-15)
hukmay sog harakh aanand.
By His Hukam, they receive pain, happiness and bliss.

hukmy jpY inroDr gurmMq ] (962-16)
hukmay japai niroDhar gurmant.
By His Hukam, they chant the Guru's Mantra, which always works.

hukmy Awvxu jwxu rhwey ] (962-16)
hukmay aavan jaan rahaa-ay.
By His Hukam, coming and going in reincarnation cease,

nwnk jw kau BgqI lwey ]2] (962-16)
naanak jaa ka-o bhagtee laa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, when He links them to His devotional worship. ||2||

pauVI ] (962-16)

hau iqsu FwFI kurbwxu ij qyrw syvdwru ] (962-17)
ha-o tis dhaadhee kurbaan je tayraa sayvdaar.
I am a sacrifice to that musician who is Your servant, O Lord.

hau iqsu FwFI bilhwr ij gwvY gux Apwr ] (962-17)
ha-o tis dhaadhee balihaar je gaavai gun apaar.
I am a sacrifice to that musician who sings the Glorious Praises of the Infinite Lord.

so FwFI Dnu DMnu ijsu loVy inrMkwru ] (962-17)
so dhaadhee Dhan Dhan jis lorhay nirankaar.
Blessed, blessed is that musician, for whom the Formless Lord Himself longs.

so FwFI BwgTu ijsu scw duAwr bwru ] (962-18)
so dhaadhee bhaagath jis sachaa du-aar baar.
Very fortunate is that musician who comes to the gate of the Court of the True Lord.

Ehu FwFI quDu iDAwie klwxy idnu rYxwr ] (962-18)
oh dhaadhee tuDh Dhi-aa-ay kalaanay din rainaar.
That musician meditates on You, Lord, and praises You day and night.

mMgY AMimRq nwmu n AwvY kdy hwir ] (962-19)
mangai amrit naam na aavai kaday haar.
He begs for the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord, and will never be defeated.

kpVu Bojnu scu rhdw ilvY Dwr ] (962-19)
kaparh bhojan sach rahdaa livai Dhaar.
His clothes and his food are true, and he enshrines love for the Lord within.

so FwFI guxvMqu ijs no pRB ipAwru ]11] (962-19)
so dhaadhee gunvant jis no parabh pi-aar. ||11||
Praiseworthy is that musician who loves God. ||11||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD