Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


AMimRq bwxI siqgur pUry kI ijsu ikrpwlu hovY iqsu irdY vsyhw ] (961-1)
amrit banee satgur pooray kee jis kirpaal hovai tis ridai vasayhaa.
The Word of the Perfect True Guru's Bani is Ambrosial Nectar; it dwells in the heart of one who is blessed by the Guru's Mercy.

Awvx jwxw iqs kw ktIAY sdw sdw suKu hohw ]2] (961-2)
aavan jaanaa tis kaa katee-ai sadaa sadaa sukh hohaa. ||2||
His coming and going in reincarnation is ended; forever and ever, he is at peace. ||2||

pauVI ] (961-2)

jo quDu Bwxw jMqu so quDu buJeI ] (961-2)
jo tuDh bhaanaa jant so tuDh bujh-ee.
He alone understands You, Lord, with whom You are pleased.

jo quDu Bwxw jMqu su drgh isJeI ] (961-3)
jo tuDh bhaanaa jant so dargeh sijh-ee.
He alone is approved in the Court of the Lord, with whom You are pleased.

ijs no qyrI ndir haumY iqsu geI ] (961-3)
jis no tayree nadar ha-umai tis ga-ee.
Egotism is eradicated, when You bestow Your Grace.

ijs no qU sMqustu klml iqsu KeI ] (961-4)
jis no too santusat kalmal tis kha-ee.
Sins are erased, when You are thoroughly pleased.

ijs kY suAwmI vil inrBau so BeI ] (961-4)
jis kai su-aamee val nirbha-o so bha-ee.
One who has the Lord Master on his side, becomes fearless.

ijs no qU ikrpwlu scw so iQAeI ] (961-4)
jis no too kirpaal sachaa so thi-a-ee.
One who is blessed with Your Mercy, becomes truthful.

ijs no qyrI mieAw n pohY AgneI ] (961-5)
jis no tayree ma-i-aa na pohai agna-ee.
One who is blessed with Your Kindness, is not touched by fire.

iqs no sdw dieAwlu ijin gur qy miq leI ]7] (961-5)
tis no sadaa da-i-aal jin gur tay mat la-ee. ||7||
You are forever Merciful to those who are receptive to the Guru's Teachings. ||7||

slok mÚ 5 ] (961-6)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

kir ikrpw ikrpwl Awpy bKis lY ] (961-6)
kar kirpaa kirpaal aapay bakhas lai.
Please grant Your Grace, O Merciful Lord; please forgive me.

sdw sdw jpI qyrw nwmu siqgur pwie pY ] (961-6)
sadaa sadaa japee tayraa naam satgur paa-ay pai.
Forever and ever, I chant Your Name; I fall at the feet of the True Guru.

mn qn AMqir vsu dUKw nwsu hoie ] (961-7)
man tan antar vas dookhaa naas ho-ay.
Please, dwell within my mind and body, and end my sufferings.

hQ dyie Awip rKu ivAwpY Bau n koie ] (961-7)
hath day-ay aap rakh vi-aapai bha-o na ko-ay.
Please give me Your hand, and save me, that fear may not afflict me.

gux gwvw idnu rYix eyqY kMim lwie ] (961-7)
gun gaavaa din rain aytai kamm laa-ay.
May I sing Your Glorious Praises day and night; please commit me to this task.

sMq jnw kY sMig haumY rogu jwie ] (961-8)
sant janaa kai sang ha-umai rog jaa-ay.
Associating with the humble Saints, the disease of egotism is eradicated.

srb inrMqir Ksmu eyko riv rihAw ] (961-8)
sarab nirantar khasam ayko rav rahi-aa.
The One Lord and Master is all-pervading, permeating everywhere.

gur prswdI scu sco scu lihAw ] (961-9)
gur parsaadee sach sacho sach lahi-aa.
By Guru's Grace, I have truly found the Truest of the True.

dieAw krhu dieAwl ApxI isPiq dyhu ] (961-9)
da-i-aa karahu da-i-aal apnee sifat dayh.
Please bless me with Your Kindness, O Kind Lord, and bless me with Your Praises.

drsnu dyiK inhwl nwnk pRIiq eyh ]1] (961-9)
darsan daykh nihaal naanak pareet ayh. ||1||
Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, I am in ecstasy; this is what Nanak loves. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (961-10)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

eyko jpIAY mnY mwih ieks kI srxwie ] (961-10)
ayko japee-ai manai maahi ikas kee sarnaa-ay.
Meditate on the One Lord within your mind, and enter the Sanctuary of the One Lord alone.

ieksu isau kir iprhVI dUjI nwhI jwie ] (961-10)
ikas si-o kar pirharhee doojee naahee jaa-ay.
Be in love with the One Lord; there is no other at all.

ieko dwqw mMgIAY sBu ikCu plY pwie ] (961-11)
iko daataa mangee-ai sabh kichh palai paa-ay.
Beg from the One Lord, the Great Giver, and you will be blessed with everything.

min qin swis igrwis pRBu ieko ieku iDAwie ] (961-11)
man tan saas giraas parabh iko ik Dhi-aa-ay.
In your mind and body, with each breath and morsel of food, meditate on the One and only Lord God.

AMimRqu nwmu inDwnu scu gurmuiK pwieAw jwie ] (961-12)
amrit naam niDhaan sach gurmukh paa-i-aa jaa-ay.
The Gurmukh obtains the true treasure, the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord.

vfBwgI qy sMq jn ijn min vuTw Awie ] (961-12)
vadbhaagee tay sant jan jin man vuthaa aa-ay.
Very fortunate are those humble Saints, within whose minds the Lord has come to abide.

jil Qil mhIAil riv rihAw dUjw koeI nwih ] (961-13)
jal thal mahee-al rav rahi-aa doojaa ko-ee naahi.
He is pervading and permeating the water, the land and the sky; there is no other at all.

nwmu iDAweI nwmu aucrw nwnk Ksm rjwie ]2] (961-13)
naam Dhi-aa-ee naam uchraa naanak khasam rajaa-ay. ||2||
Meditating on the Naam, and chanting the Naam, Nanak abides in the Will of his Lord and Master. ||2||

pauVI ] (961-14)

ijs no qU rKvwlw mwry iqsu kauxu ] (961-14)
jis no too rakhvaalaa maaray tis ka-un.
One who has You as his Saving Grace - who can kill him?

ijs no qU rKvwlw ijqw iqnY BYxu ] (961-14)
jis no too rakhvaalaa jitaa tinai bhain.
One who has You as his Saving Grace conquers the three worlds.

ijs no qyrw AMgu iqsu muKu aujlw ] (961-15)
jis no tayraa ang tis mukh ujlaa.
One who has You on his side - his face is radiant and bright.

ijs no qyrw AMgu su inrmlI hUM inrmlw ] (961-15)
jis no tayraa ang so nirmalee hooN nirmalaa.
One who has You on his side, is the purest of the Pure.

ijs no qyrI ndir n lyKw puCIAY ] (961-15)
jis no tayree nadar na laykhaa puchhee-ai.
One who is blessed with Your Grace is not called to give his account.

ijs no qyrI KusI iqin nau iniD BuMcIAY ] (961-16)
jis no tayree khusee tin na-o niDh bhunchee-ai.
One with whom You are pleased, obtains the nine treasures.

ijs no qU pRB vil iqsu ikAw muhCMdgI ] (961-16)
jis no too parabh val tis ki-aa muhchhandgee.
One who has You on his side, God - unto whom is he subservient?

ijs no qyrI imhr su qyrI bMidgI ]8] (961-17)
jis no tayree mihar so tayree bandigee. ||8||
One who is blessed with Your Kind Mercy is dedicated to Your worship. ||8||

slok mhlw 5 ] (961-17)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

hohu ik®pwl suAwmI myry sMqW sMig ivhwvy ] (961-17)
hohu kirpaal su-aamee mayray santaaN sang vihaavay.
Be Merciful, O my Lord and Master, that I may pass my life in the Society of the Saints.

quDhu Buly is jim jim mrdy iqn kdy n cukin hwvy ]1] (961-18)
tuDhhu bhulay se jam jam marday tin kaday na chukan haavay. ||1||
Those who forget You are born only to die and be reincarnated again; their sufferings will never end. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (961-18)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

siqguru ismrhu Awpxw Git AvGit Gt Gwt ] (961-18)
satgur simrahu aapnaa ghat avghat ghat ghaat.
Meditate in remembrance within your heart on the True Guru, whether you are on the most difficult path, on the mountain or by the river bank.

hir hir nwmu jpMiqAw koie n bMDY vwt ]2] (961-19)
har har naam japanti-aa ko-ay na banDhai vaat. ||2||
Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, no one shall block your way. ||2||

pauVI ] (961-19)


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD