Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


jnu nwnku mMgY dwnu ieku dyhu drsu min ipAwru ]2] (960-1)
jan naanak mangai daan ik dayh daras man pi-aar. ||2||
Servant Nanak begs for this one gift: please bless me, Lord, with the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan; my mind is in love with You. ||2||

pauVI ] (960-1)

ijsu qU Awvih iciq iqs no sdw suK ] (960-1)
jis too aavahi chit tis no sadaa sukh.
One who is conscious of You finds everlasting peace.

ijsu qU Awvih iciq iqsu jm nwih duK ] (960-2)
jis too aavahi chit tis jam naahi dukh.
One who is conscious of You does not suffer at the hands of the Messenger of Death.

ijsu qU Awvih iciq iqsu ik kwiVAw ] (960-2)
jis too aavahi chit tis ke kaarhi-aa.
One who is conscious of You is not anxious.

ijs dw krqw imqRü siB kwj svwirAw ] (960-3)
jis daa kartaa mitar sabh kaaj savaari-aa.
One who has the Creator as his Friend - all his affairs are resolved.

ijsu qU Awvih iciq so prvwxu jnu ] (960-3)
jis too aavahi chit so parvaan jan.
One who is conscious of You is renowned and respected.

ijsu qU Awvih iciq bhuqw iqsu Dnu ] (960-3)
jis too aavahi chit bahutaa tis Dhan.
One who is conscious of You becomes very wealthy.

ijsu qU Awvih iciq so vf prvwirAw ] (960-4)
jis too aavahi chit so vad parvaari-aa.
One who is conscious of You has a great family.

ijsu qU Awvih iciq iqin kul auDwirAw ]6] (960-4)
jis too aavahi chit tin kul uDhaari-aa. ||6||
One who is conscious of You saves his ancestors. ||6||

slok mÚ 5 ] (960-5)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

AMdrhu AMnw bwhrhu AMnw kUVI kUVI gwvY ] (960-5)
andrahu annaa baahrahu annaa koorhee koorhee gaavai.
Blind inwardly, and blind outwardly, he sings falsely, falsely.

dyhI DovY ck® bxwey mwieAw no bhu DwvY ] (960-5)
dayhee Dhovai chakar banaa-ay maa-i-aa no baho Dhaavai.
He washes his body, and draws ritual marks on it, and totally runs after wealth.

AMdir mYlu n auqrY haumY iPir iPir AwvY jwvY ] (960-6)
andar mail na utrai ha-umai fir fir aavai jaavai.
But the filth of his egotism is not removed from within, and over and over again, he comes and goes in reincarnation.

nINd ivAwipAw kwim sMqwipAw muKhu hir hir khwvY ] (960-6)
neeNd vi-aapi-aa kaam santaapi-aa mukhahu har har kahaavai.
Engulfed in sleep, and tormented by frustrated sexual desire, he chants the Lord's Name with his mouth.

bYsno nwmu krm hau jugqw quh kuty ikAw Plu pwvY ] (960-7)
baisno naam karam ha-o jugtaa tuh kutay ki-aa fal paavai.
He is called a Vaishnav, but he is bound to deeds of egotism; by threshing only husks, what rewards can be obtained?

hMsw ivic bYTw bgu n bxeI inq bYTw mCI no qwr lwvY ] (960-7)
hansaa vich baithaa bag na ban-ee nit baithaa machhee no taar laavai.
Sitting among the swans, the crane does not become one of them; sitting there, he keeps staring at the fish.

jw hMs sBw vIcwru kir dyKin qw bgw nwil joVu kdy n AwvY ] (960-8)
jaa hans sabhaa veechaar kar daykhan taa bagaa naal jorh kaday na aavai.
And when the gathering of swans looks and sees, they realize that they can never form an alliance with the crane.

hMsw hIrw moqI cugxw bgu ffw Bwlx jwvY ] (960-9)
hansaa heeraa motee chugnaa bag dadaa bhaalan jaavai.
The swans peck at the diamonds and pearls, while the crane chases after frogs.

aufirAw vycwrw bgulw mqu hovY mM\u lKwvY ] (960-9)
udri-aa vaychaaraa bagulaa mat hovai manj lakhaavai.
The poor crane flies away, so that his secret will not be exposed.

ijqu ko lwieAw iqq hI lwgw iksu dosu idcY jw hir eyvY BwvY ] (960-10)
jit ko laa-i-aa tit hee laagaa kis dos dichai jaa har ayvai bhaavai.
Whatever the Lord attaches one to, to that he is attached. Who is to blame, when the Lord wills it so?

siqguru srvru rqnI BrpUry ijsu pRwpiq so pwvY ] (960-10)
satgur sarvar ratnee bharpooray jis paraapat so paavai.
The True Guru is the lake, overflowing with pearls. One who meets the True Guru obtains them.

isK hMs srvir iekTy hoey siqgur kY hukmwvY ] (960-11)
sikh hans sarvar ikthay ho-ay satgur kai hukmaavai.
The Sikh-swans gather at the lake, according to the Will of the True Guru.

rqn pdwrQ mwxk srvir BrpUry Kwie Kric rhy qoit n AwvY ] (960-11)
ratan padaarath maanak sarvar bharpooray khaa-ay kharach rahay tot na aavai.
The lake is filled with the wealth of these jewels and pearls; they are spent and consumed, but they never run out.

srvr hMsu dUir n hoeI krqy eyvY BwvY ] (960-12)
sarvar hans door na ho-ee kartay ayvai bhaavai.
The swan never leaves the lake; such is the Pleasure of the Creator's Will.

jn nwnk ijs dY msqik Bwgu Duir iliKAw so isKu gurU pih AwvY ] (960-12)
jan naanak jis dai mastak bhaag Dhur likhi-aa so sikh guroo peh aavai.
O servant Nanak, one who has such pre-ordained destiny inscribed upon his forehead - that Sikh comes to the Guru.

Awip qirAw kutMb siB qwry sBw isRsit CfwvY ]1] (960-13)
aap tari-aa kutamb sabh taaray sabhaa sarisat chhadaavai. ||1||
He saves himself, and saves all his generations as well; he emancipates the whole world. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (960-14)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

pMifqu AwKwey bhuqI rwhI korV moT ijnyhw ] (960-14)
pandit aakaa-ay bahutee raahee korarh moth jinayhaa.
He is called a Pandit, a religious scholar, and yet he wanders along many pathways. He is as hard as uncooked beans.

AMdir mohu inq Brim ivAwipAw iqstis nwhI dyhw ] (960-14)
andar moh nit bharam vi-aapi-aa tistas naahee dayhaa.
He is filled with attachment, and constantly engrossed in doubt; his body cannot hold still.

kUVI AwvY kUVI jwvY mwieAw kI inq johw ] (960-15)
koorhee aavai koorhee jaavai maa-i-aa kee nit johaa.
False is his coming, and false is his going; he is continually on the lookout for Maya.

scu khY qw Coho AwvY AMqir bhuqw rohw ] (960-15)
sach kahai taa chhoho aavai antar bahutaa rohaa.
If someone speaks the truth, then he is aggravated; he is totally filled with anger.

ivAwipAw durmiq kubuiD kumUVw min lwgw iqsu mohw ] (960-16)
vi-aapi-aa durmat kubuDh kumoorhaa man laagaa tis mohaa.
The evil fool is engrossed in evil-mindedness and false intellectualizations; his mind is attached to emotional attachment.

TgY syqI Tgu ril AwieAw swQu iB ieko jyhw ] (960-16)
thagai saytee thag ral aa-i-aa saath bhe iko jayhaa.
The deceiver abides with the five deceivers; it is a gathering of like minds.

siqguru srwPu ndrI ivcdo kFY qW auGiV AwieAw lohw ] (960-17)
satgur saraaf nadree vichdo kadhai taaN ugharh aa-i-aa lohaa.
And when the Jeweller, the True Guru, appraises him, then he is exposed as mere iron.

bhuqyrI QweI rlwie rlwie idqw auGiVAw pVdw AgY Awie Klohw ] (960-18)
bahutayree thaa-ee ralaa-ay ralaa-ay ditaa ugh-rhi-aa parh-daa agai aa-ay khalohaa.
Mixed and mingled with others, he was passed off as genuine in many places; but now, the veil has been lifted, and he stands naked before all.

siqgur kI jy srxI AwvY iPir mnUrhu kMcnu hohw ] (960-18)
satgur kee jay sarnee aavai fir manoorahu kanchan hohaa.
One who comes to the Sanctuary of the True Guru, shall be transformed from iron into gold.

siqguru inrvYru puqR sqR smwny Aaugx kty kry suDu dyhw ] (960-19)
satgur nirvair putar satar samaanay a-ugan katay karay suDh dayhaa.
The True Guru has no anger or vengeance; He looks upon son and enemy alike. Removing faults and mistakes, He purifies the human body.

nwnk ijsu Duir msqik hovY iliKAw iqsu siqgur nwil snyhw ] (960-19)
naanak jis Dhur mastak hovai likhi-aa tis satgur naal sanayhaa.
O Nanak, one who has such pre-ordained destiny inscribed upon his forehead, is in love with the True Guru.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD