Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


vrnu ByKu AsrUpu su eyko eyko sbdu ivfwxI ] (946-1)
varan bhaykh asroop so ayko ayko sabad vidaanee.
Color, dress and form were contained in the One Lord; the Shabad was contained in the One, Wondrous Lord.

swc ibnw sUcw ko nwhI nwnk AkQ khwxI ]67] (946-1)
saach binaa soochaa ko naahee naanak akath kahaanee. ||67||
Without the True Name, no one can become pure; O Nanak, this is the Unspoken Speech. ||67||

ikqu ikqu ibiD jgu aupjY purKw ikqu ikqu duiK ibnis jweI ] (946-2)
kit kit biDh jag upjai purkhaa kit kit dukh binas jaa-ee.
"How, in what way, was the world formed, O man? And what disaster will end it?"

haumY ivic jgu aupjY purKw nwim ivsirAY duKu pweI ] (946-3)
ha-umai vich jag upjai purkhaa naam visri-ai dukh paa-ee.
In egotism, the world was formed, O man; forgetting the Naam, it suffers and dies.

gurmuiK hovY su igAwnu qqu bIcwrY haumY sbid jlwey ] (946-3)
gurmukh hovai so gi-aan tat beechaarai ha-umai sabad jalaa-ay.
One who becomes Gurmukh contemplates the essence of spiritual wisdom; through the Shabad, he burns away his egotism.

qnu mnu inrmlu inrml bwxI swcY rhY smwey ] (946-4)
tan man nirmal nirmal banee saachai rahai samaa-ay.
His body and mind become immaculate, through the Immaculate Bani of the Word. He remains absorbed in Truth.

nwmy nwim rhY bYrwgI swcu riKAw auir Dwry ] (946-4)
naamay naam rahai bairaagee saach rakhi-aa ur Dhaaray.
Through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, he remains detached; he enshrines the True Name in his heart.

nwnk ibnu nwvY jogu kdy n hovY dyKhu irdY bIcwry ]68] (946-5)
naanak bin naavai jog kaday na hovai daykhhu ridai beechaaray. ||68||
O Nanak, without the Name, Yoga is never attained; reflect upon this in your heart, and see. ||68||

gurmuiK swcu sbdu bIcwrY koie ] (946-6)
gurmukh saach sabad beechaarai ko-ay.
The Gurmukh is one who reflects upon the True Word of the Shabad.

gurmuiK scu bwxI prgtu hoie ] (946-6)
gurmukh sach banee pargat ho-ay.
The True Bani is revealed to the Gurmukh.

gurmuiK mnu BIjY ivrlw bUJY koie ] (946-6)
gurmukh man bheejai virlaa boojhai ko-ay.
The mind of the Gurmukh is drenched with the Lord's Love, but how rare are those who understand this.

gurmuiK inj Gir vwsw hoie ] (946-7)
gurmukh nij ghar vaasaa ho-ay.
The Gurmukh dwells in the home of the self, deep within.

gurmuiK jogI jugiq pCwxY ] (946-7)
gurmukh jogee jugat pachhaanai.
The Gurmukh realizes the Way of Yoga.

gurmuiK nwnk eyko jwxY ]69] (946-7)
gurmukh naanak ayko jaanai. ||69||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh knows the One Lord alone. ||69||

ibnu siqgur syvy jogu n hoeI ] (946-8)
bin satgur sayvay jog na ho-ee.
Without serving the True Guru, Yoga is not attained;

ibnu siqgur Byty mukiq n koeI ] (946-8)
bin satgur bhaytay mukat na ko-ee.
without meeting the True Guru, no one is liberated.

ibnu siqgur Byty nwmu pwieAw n jwie ] (946-8)
bin satgur bhaytay naam paa-i-aa na jaa-ay.
Without meeting the True Guru, the Naam cannot be found.

ibnu siqgur Byty mhw duKu pwie ] (946-9)
bin satgur bhaytay mahaa dukh paa-ay.
Without meeting the True Guru, one suffers in terrible pain.

ibnu siqgur Byty mhw grib gubwir ] (946-9)
bin satgur bhaytay mahaa garab gubaar.
Without meeting the True Guru, there is only the deep darkness of egotistical pride.

nwnk ibnu gur muAw jnmu hwir ]70] (946-10)
naanak bin gur mu-aa janam haar. ||70||
O Nanak, without the True Guru, one dies, having lost the opportunity of this life. ||70||

gurmuiK mnu jIqw haumY mwir ] (946-10)
gurmukh man jeetaa ha-umai maar.
The Gurmukh conquers his mind by subduing his ego.

gurmuiK swcu riKAw aur Dwir ] (946-10)
gurmukh saach rakhi-aa ur Dhaar.
The Gurmukh enshrines Truth in his heart.

gurmuiK jgu jIqw jmkwlu mwir ibdwir ] (946-11)
gurmukh jag jeetaa jamkaal maar bidaar.
The Gurmukh conquers the world; he knocks down the Messenger of Death, and kills it.

gurmuiK drgh n AwvY hwir ] (946-11)
gurmukh dargeh na aavai haar.
The Gurmukh does not lose in the Court of the Lord.

gurmuiK myil imlwey suo jwxY ] (946-11)
gurmukh mayl milaa-ay so jaanai.
The Gurmukh is united in God's Union; he alone knows.

nwnk gurmuiK sbid pCwxY ]71] (946-12)
naanak gurmukh sabad pachhaanai. ||71||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh realizes the Word of the Shabad. ||71||

sbdY kw inbyVw suix qU AauDU ibnu nwvY jogu n hoeI ] (946-12)
sabdai kaa nibayrhaa sun too a-oDhoo bin naavai jog na ho-ee.
This is the essence of the Shabad - listen, you hermits and Yogis. Without the Name, there is no Yoga.

nwmy rwqy Anidnu mwqy nwmY qy suKu hoeI ] (946-13)
naamay raatay an-din maatay naamai tay sukh ho-ee.
Those who are attuned to the Name, remain intoxicated night and day; through the Name, they find peace.

nwmY hI qy sBu prgtu hovY nwmy soJI pweI ] (946-13)
naamai hee tay sabh pargat hovai naamay sojhee paa-ee.
Through the Name, everything is revealed; through the Name, understanding is obtained.

ibnu nwvY ByK krih bhuqyry scY Awip KuAweI ] (946-14)
bin naavai bhaykh karahi bahutayray sachai aap khu-aa-ee.
Without the Name, people wear all sorts of religious robes; the True Lord Himself has confused them.

siqgur qy nwmu pweIAY AauDU jog jugiq qw hoeI ] (946-14)
satgur tay naam paa-ee-ai a-oDhoo jog jugat taa ho-ee.
The Name is obtained only from the True Guru, O hermit, and then, the Way of Yoga is found.

kir bIcwru min dyKhu nwnk ibnu nwvY mukiq n hoeI ]72] (946-15)
kar beechaar man daykhhu naanak bin naavai mukat na ho-ee. ||72||
Reflect upon this in your mind, and see; O Nanak, without the Name, there is no liberation. ||72||

qyrI giq imiq qUhY jwxih ikAw ko AwiK vKwxY ] (946-16)
tayree gat mit toohai jaaneh ki-aa ko aakh vakhaanai.
You alone know Your state and extent, Lord; What can anyone say about it?

qU Awpy gupqw Awpy prgtu Awpy siB rMg mwxY ] (946-16)
too aapay guptaa aapay pargat aapay sabh rang maanai.
You Yourself are hidden, and You Yourself are revealed. You Yourself enjoy all pleasures.

swiDk isD gurU bhu cyly Kojq iPrih PurmwxY ] (946-17)
saaDhik siDh guroo baho chaylay khojat fireh furmaanai.
The seekers, the Siddhas, the many gurus and disciples wander around searching for You, according to Your Will.

mwgih nwmu pwie ieh iBiKAw qyry drsn kau kurbwxY ] (946-17)
maageh naam paa-ay ih bhikhi-aa tayray darsan ka-o kurbaanai.
They beg for Your Name, and You bless them with this charity. I am a sacrifice to the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan.

AibnwsI pRiB Kylu rcwieAw gurmuiK soJI hoeI ] (946-18)
abhinaasee parabh khayl rachaa-i-aa gurmukh sojhee ho-ee.
The eternal imperishable Lord God has staged this play; the Gurmukh understands it.

nwnk siB jug Awpy vrqY dUjw Avru n koeI ]73]1] (946-19)
naanak sabh jug aapay vartai doojaa avar na ko-ee. ||73||1||
O Nanak, He extends Himself throughout the ages; there is no other than Him. ||73||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD